I have spent several hours doing G**le searches and reading various documents and have come to the conclusion that I know nothing! I don't even know the correct questions to ask! So, perhaps, a statement of the problem and associated requirements might allow someone to send me off in the correct direction.
I need to buy/build/whatever a current sensor with some strange requirements. The application is a "yes/no" indicator on a battery pack used to power the glow plug of a model airplane engine. I don't need to know how much current is being drawn, only that the glow plug is operating and not burned out.
1. Small. The size of my thumb from the first knuckle on.
2. Voltage available: 2.4 - a couple of 1.2V NiMh in series.
3. Current flow will be zero when the glow plug is either not attached, or burned out. A typical current draw when operating normally will be otoo 2-5 amps
4. Indication must be visual in bright sunlight.
5. Direct or indirect sensing? Intuition says I don't want the current powering the glow plug passing through the sensor as you would if you used, say, an inline ammeter.
Can anybody give me some insight?
Bill Lee
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