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Earth Spinning Faster

08/11/2022 11:03 PM

I'd like to see someone explain this:

The addition of meteorites should make it slow down from the extra mass unless they strike at an angle which adds kinetic energy to the rotation. But launched satellites would reduce the earth's mass.

A possibility would be lessening magnetism from the sun so the earth's core has less magnetic coupling opposition.

Or maybe the earth is losing atmosphere?

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/11/2022 11:19 PM

Launching rockets to the east?

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/12/2022 12:14 AM

Oddly enough the Earth does vary it's spin speed, it's just a fraction of a second one way or the other...I think it's just a natural variation in the mass center...

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/12/2022 6:30 AM

I would think that massive dams,moving mass closer to the poles would increase the center of mass..water flows downhill so capturing it at a higher altitude would shift the total mass toward the poles.This would also change the effect of the gravitational influence of the moon,which could amplify the effect of small changes on earth,such as tides,etc.

Perhaps they should consider looking at the moon's rotation rate also, and it's orbital distance,they do interact.What affects one,affects the other.

The moon is slowly slipping away from the Earth,reducing drag on the Earth,but this should be a small long term effect.Has it changed also?They should consider many variables.

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/12/2022 8:28 AM

Here are some ideas:

According to Judah Levine, a professor at the University of Colorado-Boulder and longtime time expert at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST):

"One hypothesis that’s been floated so far has to do with the “Chandler wobble.” Discovered in the 1800s, the phenomenon explains how the not-quite-perfectly-round Earth wobbles ever so slightly, like a spinning top as it slows down."

“One of the possibilities is the exchange of momentum between the Earth and the atmosphere,” he says. “The sum of those two is a constant, which means, for example, if the atmosphere slows down, then the Earth speeds up. Or conversely, if the atmosphere speeds up, then the Earth slows down.”

"The same thing can happen deep inside our world: It’s possible for the deep core and the mantle — the large layer that exists between the core and the surface — to move at slightly different speeds. There could be an exchange of angular momentum between the Earth’s deep core and the mantle, he speculates."

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/12/2022 8:57 AM

Maybe Chine needs to build more dams… the 3 gorges dam slowed the earths rotation by 0.06 microseconds….

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/12/2022 3:45 PM

That's an insignificant change compared to 1.59mS. More likely it was caused by all the Chinese soldiers farting while facing West.

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/12/2022 3:51 PM

Lol… That’s a lot of green house gas,… but that’s another thread.

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/22/2022 6:56 PM

Since you brought it up,has anyone calculated the total amount of methane produced by 8 billion humans and the effect on global warming?

Should everyone be required to take Beano?

How much heat do all the warm blooded animals contribute?

Not to mention the thermals and methane generated in Washington DC.

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/12/2022 1:32 PM

The earth's rotation is slowing down due to the lunar and solar tides (red line). Angular momentum is being transferred to the moon raising it to a higher orbit. To a much lesser amount, angular momentum is also being transferred to the earth/Sun system, moving the earth to a minusculely higher orbit. This slow down is being compensated by adding leap seconds (red tick marks). The result is the gray line (daily values) and the green line (yearly average).

It looks like the "Moving 365-day average of deviation" (in green) has a downward trend, a 20 yr harmonic component, and a weaker 10 yr component. It's been doing that for the last 50 years.

It seems that the downward trend may be due to over-compensation in leap seconds for the tidal slowing of the earth's rotation.

The daily data (gray) doesn't look any different over time, it is just riding on top of the yearly average.

The theory behind these variations can be found here.

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/12/2022 1:55 PM

Does the spin speed of the Earth have any effect on weight, I mean am I losing weight or is the Earth just spinning faster?

..."The strength of the centrifugal force depends on where you are. It is greatest at the equator and zero at the Earth's poles. We can calculate how fast the Earth would need to spin to balance the force of gravity (this is known as the 'escape velocity'). It works out at about 28,437km/h (17,670mph)."..

...and we're at 1000mph

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/13/2022 2:16 AM

I assume there are numerous reasons for the spinning to change from time to time like the position of the planets but I would like to mention one more. It would be the ballerina effect with the ice at the poles getting less and the glaziers melting which could affect the center of gravity or the moment of inertia of the earth.

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/13/2022 5:33 PM

If the glaciers melt, the water would flow toward the equator. This would increase the Moment of Inertia of the earth. The moment of inertia x spin rate = angular momentum, a constant. Thus, with an increase of moment of inertia, the spin rate would decrease.

It's the ballerina effect, except she is holding her arms out slowing her spin.

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/13/2022 7:47 AM

Maybe it is the effect of wind turbines removing energy from the atmosphere thus making the atmosphere slow down in relation to the earths rotation.

Or all the hot air of the climate change alarmists is thinning the atmosphere and making it rise higher letting the earth experience less drag. Could be just the Y2K alarmists finding a new mantra to follow, the Y2.022K phenomenon.

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/13/2022 8:27 AM

The OP is about the Earth spinning Faster,not slower.

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/13/2022 11:58 AM

I don't know about the Earth spinning faster, but when I was a child, a year took forever, now 75 years later, a year goes by in a flash.

The older I am, the better I used to be
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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/13/2022 1:47 PM

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/13/2022 5:55 PM

As Forrest Gump <might have> said:

"Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes."

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/14/2022 6:07 AM

My grandpa said that about corn cobs..only had a inside toilet or plumbing..

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/14/2022 4:58 AM

I'm surprised SE hasn't picked up on this; surely it's obvious: the earth is cooling and shrinking.

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/14/2022 3:04 PM

A definite possibility. The inner heat is transferred to the surface due to the volcanos erupting, not to mention the power generation from inner thermal sources.

But the core expands as it cools off:


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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/14/2022 7:44 PM

"But the core expands as it cools off:"

If the core were cooling, liquid iron in the outer core would be solidifying on the inner solid core (solid iron is denser than liquid iron). This would move mass inward, closer to the axis of rotation, decreasing the moment of inertia and increasing the rotation rate.

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/14/2022 8:56 PM

You logic is flawed.

"Then there's latent heat, Marone says. This type arises from the core's expanding as the Earth cools from the inside out. Just as freezing water turns to ice, that liquid metal is turning solid—and adding volume in the process. "The inner core is becoming larger by about a centimeter every thousand years," Marone says. The heat released by this expansion is seeping into the mantle."

If the core becomes larger, then the mass is moving outward.

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/15/2022 6:31 AM

"Just as freezing water turns to ice, that liquid metal is turning solid—and adding volume in the process. "The inner core is becoming larger by about a centimetre every thousand years,"

That's just it: freezing metal is nothing like freezing water (ice is less dense than water; solid metal is more dense than liquid).

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/15/2022 9:24 AM

If the solid core is increasing in volume, that additional volume, which was filled with liquid iron, is now filled with solid iron, which is denser. More mass has moved closer to the axis, decreasing the moment of inertia.

"The density of the inner core is believed to vary smoothly from about 13.0 kg/L (= g/cm3 = t/m3) at the center to about 12.8 kg/L at the surface. As it happens with other material properties, the density drops suddenly at that surface: The liquid just above the inner core is believed to be significantly less dense, at about 12.1 kg/L.[5] For comparison, the average density in the upper 100 km of the Earth is about 3.4 kg/L."

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/15/2022 10:35 AM

"If the solid core is increasing in volume, that additional volume, which was filled with liquid iron, is now filled with solid iron, which is denser."

Nonsense. When the volume increases, the density decreases. From your own link:

"According to calculations by Alfé and others, as the iron crystallizes onto the inner core, the liquid just above it becomes enriched in oxygen, and therefore less dense than the rest of the outer core..."

How all this calculates out for the earth's rotation is unknown. It's all a mystery. Here's another example:

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/14/2022 5:58 PM

The more dire the warning, the higher the taxes go....↑

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/14/2022 9:03 PM

This isn't the reaction I expected. Surely you don't want to be called Shirley.

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/15/2022 4:23 AM

Oh I'm full of surprises....shirley you know this...

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/15/2022 10:37 AM

Clever answer. Shirley I do.

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/22/2022 6:48 PM

Surely you jest!

One reason could be as the Earth heats up,more water is evaporated from the oceans,and falls as rain in higher latitudes,changing the weight distribution and the diameter of the earth.The faster spin rate could also change ocean levels,which would offset the changes and re balance it,but many years are required for this to happen.

Perhaps this is seen in the cyclical changes in rotation speeds.

The change is very small,but it is important to some measurements.

As long as I don't have to change my alarm clock,it does not matter much to me.

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Re: Earth Spinning Faster

08/22/2022 12:01 PM

"Planetarium Manager at Sci-Port Discovery Center, Greg Andrews, says the Earth’s rotational speed fluctuates constantly for multiple reasons: the moon and Earth’s gravitational pull on each other, the moon’s affect on the tides on Earth, and changes in the weather and climate on Earth."

Another possibility is that aliens are siphoning off water from the oceans! What do you think of that?

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