Has anyone heard of using UHMW for bearings in combustion engines?
This is a very tough material and has low friction, close to Teflon.
It can outwear many metals,such as Stainless steel,Tungsten,and has been used in many industrial applications such as conveyors and high load,dry bearing surfaces.
They are used as chain tensioners on dirt bikes,and last longer than a ball or roller bearing in a very abrasive environment.Also used as timing chain tensioners on some cars,so they can take the heat and the oil.
I realize that main and rod bearings do not actually touch the crankshaft,and are held apart by oil pressure.When oil pressure fails,the insert is ruined and engine failure is eminent.
Using UHMW,the engine could tolerate a dry run condition if necessary,such as start up when cold.
Any thoughts on this?
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