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UHMW Bearing Inserts

09/19/2023 8:48 PM

Has anyone heard of using UHMW for bearings in combustion engines?

This is a very tough material and has low friction, close to Teflon.

It can outwear many metals,such as Stainless steel,Tungsten,and has been used in many industrial applications such as conveyors and high load,dry bearing surfaces.

They are used as chain tensioners on dirt bikes,and last longer than a ball or roller bearing in a very abrasive environment.Also used as timing chain tensioners on some cars,so they can take the heat and the oil.

I realize that main and rod bearings do not actually touch the crankshaft,and are held apart by oil pressure.When oil pressure fails,the insert is ruined and engine failure is eminent.

Using UHMW,the engine could tolerate a dry run condition if necessary,such as start up when cold.

Any thoughts on this?

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Re: UHMW bearing inserts

09/19/2023 9:23 PM

..."UHMW can start seeing reduced properties at 150°F [65°C] and has a continuous operating limit of 180°F [82°C].Dec 27, 2021"

...well there's that....

..."UHMWPE will deform continually as long as the stress is present, an effect known as creep."...

....and that....It also degrades over time becoming hard and brittle...

You might find something better here for your application...

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Re: UHMW bearing inserts

09/19/2023 9:44 PM

What SE said. The polymer would be extruded out of the race

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Re: UHMW bearing inserts

09/19/2023 11:09 PM

I've seen mechanics spin the distributor to pump oil into the engine on a start-up or fresh build before starting, I don't see why there can't be an electric drive that does this automatically on start up, much like the fuel pump runs to raise fuel pressure on start up...then you could have a sensor that keeps the engine from starting if minimum oil pressure isn't achieved...

I guess a lot of modern engines have what's called an oil accumulator that is supposed to do just that, hopefully that works as well...

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Re: UHMW bearing inserts

09/20/2023 8:05 AM

When the Chevy Vega came out,it would not start till the oil pressure reached a certain minimum.It would just keep cranking till the oil light went out.

Good idea,I don't know if other cars use that method or not.

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Re: UHMW bearing inserts

09/20/2023 3:54 AM

There is at least one steam-powered road rolling engine

like this ⇑ that has <...UHMW...> bearings on its main drive axle, being a substitute for those that would otherwise be made in brass. To give extended temperature range, the material is impregnated with glassfibre.

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Re: UHMW Bearing Inserts

09/20/2023 8:16 AM

After viewing SE links, PAI (polyamideimide) seems to be a better choice for engines,and is in use in some engines now.

Thanks SE!

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Re: UHMW Bearing Inserts

09/22/2023 7:18 AM

Here is a link to a Scotch Yoke Engine that using a sliding bearing.

The type of material used for this bearing is not published,but I would presume it is a custom type of PAI with reduced friction,as this has already been used in combustion engines(Thanks again SE for the links to the plastics .)

This is a very exciting(to me) video using the Scotch Yoke on a combustion engine.

Very thorough description.

Here is a link to a Scotch Yoke Engine that using a sliding bearing.

The type of material used for this is not published,but I would presume it is a custom type of PAI,which can be modified of for custom purposes.

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Re: UHMW Bearing Inserts

09/22/2023 11:37 AM

The problem with UHMW bearing/bushings other the what was mentioned, any components that wear, the wore aspect will be embedded into the UHMW, this will build up and become more abrasive, creating more wear.

There is a place for UHMW bushings, but you have to be aware of its properties.

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Re: UHMW Bearing Inserts

09/22/2023 12:27 PM

engine failure is eminent. I think you want "imminent" not "eminent."

But to your question. I would wonder about the pounding that the bearing has to take, mainly the connecting rods as well as the mains. Will UHMW withstand that? (That is a real question, because I don't know.) (I'll also have to put "UHMW" in DuckDuckGo to see what it stands for.)

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Re: UHMW Bearing Inserts

09/22/2023 1:21 PM
"A man never stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child." "Never argue with a stupid person.They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" "Homo homini lupus"
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