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Is a Worm Hole Created Between Entangled Particles?

07/07/2024 9:20 PM

Is a worm hole created between entangled particles?

IMHO that seems to be the case with the observed effects.

Is our universe a bunch of particles entangled with another universe?How could we tell?Could changes there affect changes here,or vice versa

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Re: Is a worm hole created between entangled particlles?

07/08/2024 4:19 AM

Sounds more like a Science question than an Engineering one.

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Re: Is a Worm Hole Created Between Entangled Particles?

07/08/2024 7:28 AM

A1) -

A2) -

A3) If it were possible then, by definition, the two entities would be in the same <...universe...>.

A4) The <...we...> couldn't, which follows on from A3.

A5) -

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Re: Is a Worm Hole Created Between Entangled Particles?

07/08/2024 1:06 PM

...."Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon that occurs when particles are connected in such a way that their quantum state cannot be described independently of each other, even when they are separated by great distances. This connection is a fundamental property of quantum mechanics and is thought to occur throughout nature, including in living species, metals, and other materials."...

..."In quantum physics, a quantum state is a mathematical representation of a sub-microscopic system, such as a subatomic particle or group of particles, that describes its physical properties. Quantum states can be used to predict how a system will evolve over time, and they can capture all possible measurement outcomes."...

..."A sub-microscopic system (a sub-atomic particle or set of sub-atomic particles moving under a force field or exerting a force on each other) is described by a “quantum state” (or just “state”) which is a list of physical properties of the system that can be measured simultaneously."...

...."Physical properties are measurable characteristics of a physical system that are independent of its chemical composition. Changes in a system's physical properties can be used to describe its changes between states."...

..."In 2019, Gharibyan and his collaborators translated traversable wormholes into quantum language,

publishing a step-by-step recipe for a peculiar quantum experiment that showcases the essence of holography.

With the 3D glasses on, you see a wormhole. An object enters one black hole, traverses a sort of space-time bridge, and exits the other black hole.

Take the glasses off, however, and you see the dual quantum system. Two black holes become two gigantic clouds of particles.

The space-time bridge becomes a quantum mechanical link known as entanglement.

And the act of traveling through the wormhole becomes an event that appears quite surprising from the quantum perspective:

A particle carrying a qubit, a unit of quantum information, enters one cloud and becomes scrambled beyond all recognition. The qubit unscrambles and exits the entangled cloud as another particle — a development as unexpected as watching a butterfly being torn apart by a hurricane in Houston, only to see an identical butterfly pop out of a typhoon in Tokyo.

“Naïvely you’d never guess,” Gharibyan said, “that you could scramble and unscramble very chaotically, and the information comes out.”

But viewed through a holographic lens, the proceedings make perfect sense. The entangled clouds of particles are not a literal wormhole in our universe. But they are dual to a wormhole, meaning that they have a matching behavior for anything a traversable wormhole can do — including transporting a qubit.

This is what the team announced in the November Nature paper. They simulated the behavior of two clouds of entangled particles in a quantum computer and performed a teleportation that captured the essential aspects of traversing a wormhole from the holographic perspective.

But that wasn’t the only way to interpret their experiment."...

Read on:

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Re: Is a Worm Hole Created Between Entangled Particles?

07/09/2024 12:04 AM
All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life
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Re: Is a Worm Hole Created Between Entangled Particles?

07/09/2024 7:39 AM

I find the worm holes develop through the interaction of worms in my worm farm with vegetable matter.

Hare today, goon tomorrow!
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Re: Is a Worm Hole Created Between Entangled Particles?

07/09/2024 11:11 AM

Would that be normal <...vegetable matter...> or dark <...vegetable matter...>?

Curious minds want to know.

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Re: Is a Worm Hole Created Between Entangled Particles?

07/09/2024 9:33 PM
All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life
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Re: Is a Worm Hole Created Between Entangled Particles?

07/10/2024 5:16 AM

Starts out light like lettuce and then goes dark like night time so 2 states of matter or 3 if you regard I don't mind and you don't matter!

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Re: Is a Worm Hole Created Between Entangled Particles?

07/19/2024 5:49 PM

My understanding is that it is a mathematical simulation programmed on a quantum computer of a gravitational wormhole.

One of the assumptions is that there is such a thing as negative energy, which you can put into the simulation but doesn't exist in the real world.

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Re: Is a Worm Hole Created Between Entangled Particles?

10/10/2024 11:58 PM

Guess I should offer an opinionation about theories. An "elegant" theory is one that doesn't need a bunch of ifs, ands, and buts in order to work. If we really understood what was happening, we wouldn't need a bunch of exceptions!

Maybe connected, but maybe not: How does all this fit together with Hawking Radiation? I don't understand either, so that is just a question!!

Maybe this is the place to ask what is worse than finding a worm occupying the wormhole in an apple? (totally off-topic,)

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Re: Is a Worm Hole Created Between Entangled Particles?

10/11/2024 6:15 AM

My opinion,finding a perfect apple with no blemishes is worse because it is inedible by anything,except humans."Don't eat what the dog wont eat" is an old saying,but I think it applies.When people crossed the desert and found a water hole with no insects around it,they knew it was not fit to drink.

I prefer to have an old fashioned ugly worm bitten apple than a beautiful perfect one.

It is hard to find old heirloom tree stock that has not been modernized for beauty.

This applies to vegetables also.An ugly tomato that tasted like real tomato was banned from putting a "Grown in Florida" label on it.people loved it and the developer sued and won.

It is nearly impossible to find a tomato that tastes like a tomato,but the newer generations do not know the difference because they do not have a reference point.

Tastes evolve over time,and we could probable not eat some of the foods that our ancestors ate,for instance imagine chocolate with no milk,no sugar,made from boiled beans. It was considered a delicacy in it's time and was the rage of the rich in Europe.

It took many years to develop milk chocolate.

I am still stuck on the cusp of change,and have to adapt or starve.

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Re: Is a Worm Hole Created Between Entangled Particles?

10/11/2024 8:57 PM

"..a toy model without gravity" ??

So we are not really close to making that conclusion. But you never know, would it be surprising in the end, if they eventually prove that the physical universe is made of wormholes? Woven of wormholes... I could see us firming up that theory as single celled organisms....

For now I just want all the left handed gloves back which are missing, and I will be glad to return all the lids of tupperware containers I don't own and don't know what to do with.

Imagine if every kitchen had a wormhole where you could drop the recycling and unfitting lids or unpaired gloves and such. But can you sit on the couch in that universe?

incus opella
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