Nature always seeks a balance of forces.
Water flows downhill,etc.
A balloon can be inflated in at least two ways:Pressure from within,or a vacuum applied outside,pulling air in.
If our universe is expanding,how can we tell if it is caused by internal pressure or outside vacuum?
Some say there is nothing beyond what we call spacetime,that it is created where ever it goes.That is true for the current definition of spacetime,but there may be something I will call simply The Space or The Void outside of our(currently) known universe, that is completely empty, no matter of any type,no energy,not even a ZPEF. A total void into which spacetime is expanding.
If this is true,spacetime could be expanding because there is no outside resistance to the expansion.
Nature seeking balance,trying to balance inside forces with outside forces,which in
this case would be zero,or at least a lower energy level than our spacetime.
Comments welcome.
Re: Nature Seeks a Balance