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Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon

09/19/2024 9:04 AM

Here is something interesting, an electromagnetic "smoke ring" generator. Like the LASER when newly invented, it's an invention looking for an application.

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Re: Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon

09/19/2024 10:20 AM

This is very interesting. Does it produce angular dispersion side lobes? I suspect side lobes either cancel each other or are never formed by the horn. This is because side lobes would probably collapse the toroid. Therefore the electromagnetic vortex formed will have less dispersion than the traditional waveguide horns. Tighter radio transmission beams for point-to-point communication and finer resolution radars will be possible.

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Re: Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon

09/20/2024 8:31 AM

Maxwell's equations may still hold more secrets.

Magnetic skyrmions may explain ball lightning...

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Re: Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon

09/20/2024 11:33 AM

Somebody once proposed (not me but I cannot remember who) that ball lightning was much more common than people thought. The long rumbles of thunder followed by a dramatic thunderclap were the sound of ball lightning rolling through a cloud that then discharged into a bolt. Being surrounded by obscuring clouds helped to prevent discharge and thus seeing a ball was rare.

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Re: Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon

09/20/2024 1:08 PM

You have to take the speed of sound into account. You would think that if the rumbles of thunder were due to the difference in range to the lightning bolt along its path or to reflections, the thunderclap would precede the rumble. (I never thought about that until now.)

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Re: Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon

09/20/2024 7:05 PM

Yes, the normal sequence of sound is crack followed by rumble. When the sequence is backwards that is when ball lightning happened inside a cloud.

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Re: Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon

09/21/2024 9:11 AM

I have personally seen ball lightning. During a storm with heavy thunderstorm and lightning struck a transformer beside the street while I was traveling,and a bright spark the size of a basket ball fell on the ground from the pole and rolled along the gutter and went down a drainage grate and vanished.

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Re: Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon

09/20/2024 4:11 PM

I'll see that and raise you ....

...."MARAUDER (Magnetically Accelerated Ring to Achieve Ultra-high Directed Energy and Radiation) was a United States Air Force Research Laboratory project concerning the development of a coaxial plasma railgun. The first computer simulations occurred in 1990, and its first published experiment appeared on August 1, 1993.[1][2]

...The first MARAUDER experiment was motivated by RACE, or the Ring Accelerator Experiment, which took place in 1991 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.[2][3] The ultimate goal of the MARAUDER program was to accelerate highly dense toroids containing plasma to high speeds. Such a system could be used for “hypervelocity projectiles,” x-ray production, and electrical power amplification. The stated goals of the program included studying the “formation, compression, and acceleration of magnetized plasma rings.”[2]

Specifically, the objective of the program was the acceleration of a toroid of 0.5 to 2 milligrams (0.0077 to 0.0309 gr) plasma to a kinetic energy level on the order of megajoules using a 5-10 MJ coaxial gun design.[2].... "....

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Re: Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon

09/21/2024 9:02 AM

I have an application for that:

You pull up to a gas station,and the car next to you is not occupied,but it has a 10,000 watt amplifier playing a very low "Thump-Thump" sound track.It rattles the car windows and windows a half mile away, and makes heart defibrillators misfire,and that is vary painful if you have one.A small portable device like this could be aimed at the offending noise and completely silence it.

Some places have a noise ordinance that will allow police to confiscate the device if it can be heard 50 feet from your vehicle, and will be returned after paying a fine.The offender pawns enough stuff to pay the fine,and is careful not to do it again.

"Your rights end where my nose* begins" (unknown origin) but very appropriate.

* Substitute word of choice.

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Re: Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon

09/21/2024 10:14 AM

As a noise canceling device, interesting... (more precisely, pressure wave canceling device)

I Realize that your post is a tongue in cheek... and that it would need to be modulated to cancel it, I like to add to that... what if...

Would this be able to cancel sonic booms made by supersonic jets?

Also your comment of 'playing a very low "Thump-Thump" sound track.It rattles the car windows and windows a half mile away, and makes heart defibrillators misfire'

Lower frequency tones do carry further than higher frequency tones...

Also it interesting you mentioned 'makes heart defibrillators misfire'

in my youth, walking next to speakers at a concert, I can literay feel it through my chest... what kind of medical application can this be applied to. I know high frequency ultra sonics are used to smash kidney stones...

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Re: Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon

09/21/2024 3:28 PM

Actually,I was talking about an EMP destroying the electronics in the amplifier.

About the ultrasound destroying kidney stones,my uncle had it done and he said he had rather have the conventional surgery than to have that done again.He hurt for weeks after, and said it felt like a gang of bikers kicked him in the kidneys.

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Re: Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon

09/24/2024 12:28 AM

I had that procedure done to get rid of kidney stones, and I never had any pain at all...I thought after passing a few in the years before, that it was really a leap into the was very expensive, something like $!7k, but insurance covered it so no pain in the wallet either...I guess it depends on what type of machine is being used...I had never seen a machine like this was in a trailer self contained, and I laid face down on a rubber fabric sheet bed and the doctor was a few feet away sitting at a desk with a binocular microscope thingy, and impressive electronic equipment everywhere...I guess there are several different designs and methods...My advice is to wear a respirator when working with paints and varnishes, and urethane...

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Re: Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon

09/23/2024 5:55 PM

"Schematics of spatial topological structures of magnetic vortex rings and skyrmions in a supertoroidal light pulse. The gray dots and rings mark the distribution of singularities (saddle points and vortex rings) in magnetic field, large pink arrows mark selective magnetic vector directions, and the smaller colored arrows show the skyrmionic structures in magnetic field. Credit: Yijie Shen (2021)"

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