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Transposing Live Wires and Earth Wires

12/23/2008 11:55 PM

Hi all, I would appreciate any advice on the following:

I have 3 items as follows - 1 x portable generator rated 5KVA, 230V (AC), 1 x extension cable and 1 x portable spotlight.

The spotlight's plug is engaged into the extension socket, and the extension plug is then engaged into the generator AC outlet. Assuming the live and earth wires inside the extension socket are transposed,

i) will the spotlight light up when the generator is turned on?

ii) will the spotlight casing be energised?

iii) will the above answers be the same if the live and neutral wires inside the extension socket are transposed (instead of the live and earth)?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Transposing Live Wires and Earth Wires

12/24/2008 9:47 AM

It all depends on how or if the portable generator is earthed.

Either way correct the fault immediately.

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Re: Transposing Live Wires and Earth Wires

12/25/2008 8:28 AM

Transposing live and neutral will be o.k. but not ideal. Transposing live and earth will kill you when you touch the generator. It is a good idea to fit a combination r.c.d. / g.p.o. to the generator to save your life if for any reason the frame becomes energised. This has happened when the generator sat on the extension cord and rubbed through to the conductors and killed the tradesman who touched the frame. if the frame of the spotlight is metal it is required by law to be earthed, sooo if the earth conductor is energised the spotlight will kill the holder. Always ensure the earth is correctly connected and that the connections are free from corrosion ( high resistance ).

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Re: Transposing Live Wires and Earth Wires

12/25/2008 10:00 PM

This highlights a pet peeve for me. I have never understood why a portable or vehicle mounted generator is permitted to serve as the grounding electrode for systems supplied by the generator.

Without a bonding jumper between the neutral and the generator frame there is no return path to open the O.C. device under ground fault conditions. Hence the frame can be energized and potentially lethal.

The code only states that the frame is not required to be grounded. The only reason I can figure out they wrote it this way is if you do bond the neutral to the frame it is a separately derived system. If someone were to wire this unit into a premise wiring system then the grounded conductor would be grounded at two points instead of only at the service. This could lead to circulating currents as well as related metal enclosures and conduit acting as current carrying conductors.

It seems to me that the above situation could be dealt with by putting a tag on the unit specifying that the bonding jumper must be lifted before hooking up to premise wiring. That way the example of the tradesman injured when the generator frame cut through the extension cord would not have happened.

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Re: Transposing Live Wires and Earth Wires

12/26/2008 8:24 AM

Hi All,

This is a theme that has been tackled in a previous thread.

I don't agree with DKing1. Bonding one side of the output to the generator frame will not cause an external ground fault to trip the over-current device.

Look at the situation where the extension lead gets a nick or an abrasion in the "Live" insulation and that breach of the insulation is in a puddle on a building site. This is a very typical situation. If the generator frame and "neutral" are bonded then that leak to the "live" wire will actually make the frame live. It will not make the oc device to trip unless the generator frame has a low resistance path to earth.

The output of the generator set should be treated as the output of an isolation transformer. You can touch either live conductors without getting a shock (better not to touch it however). Once there is some earth leakage anywhere in the system then effectively there exists a live and a neutral. Now there exists a shock risk. The safest mode is for the output have an ELCB (GFI) so that it actually needs two faults to allow an unsafe condition.

I find it strange that ELCBs are not mandatory on portable generator sets.

Kind Regards


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Re: Transposing Live Wires and Earth Wires

09/17/2024 6:33 AM

Ai) No.

Aii) Yes, if it is not "double insulated" (manufacturer's label will have a square within a square). Energising one that is not will result in a dangerous situation.

Aiii) No. The equipment will operate safely regardless.

Qs) Why, if <...the live and earth wires inside the extension socket are transposed...>, is a piece of equipment with a known safety-critical fault being energised, why does no-one appear to care, why did it not get picked up at its periodical safety inspection ("PATesting"), as a requirement of the workplace, and why would anyone of a sane disposition want to work there?

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