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help me fix my lawnmower!

03/14/2009 8:24 AM

So I need to mow the lawn tomorrow. Trouble is last weekend the rip cord on the mower got caught on a branch and ended up underneath the mower - it cut the rubber handle off and the rip cord zipped inside its casing.

No big deal - I took off the rip cord casing, made up a dowel handle, threaded the cord through and screwed it all back together.

I was about to put it back onto the mower when I noticed a stray wire whatsamijig hanging out the side of the casing (that I didn't see when dismantling). I can't work out why it's there or what it's supposed to do. Worse, I can't work out how it's supposed to be positioned within the casing. +=

I need to know where the end of the wire (it's a squared hook about 1cm across) is meant to hook over. It's not at all obvious and I can't see anything with signs of wear from the wire rubbing on it.

Here's the casing with the wire thingy hanging out. The wire is looped around a slot just above the teeth of the central plastic cog - the shaft spins independently of the wire.

and here it is when you pull the cord a bit (the top cog moves up a bit).

Here's another picture of wire (bit blurry sorry):

This little base plate has a bit sticking up that looks made to catch a hook (and has rub marks on it):

...but I'm pretty sure its function is to keep the rope in its track - and the rub marks are from the rope - here it is in position:

So anyone got an old Rover mower, or better still know an old Rover Mower design engineer who might tell me how to hook that thing up so I can put it back together?



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Re: help me fix my lawnmower!

03/14/2009 8:37 AM

just a guess but could it be a guide for the rip cord?

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Re: help me fix my lawnmower!

03/14/2009 1:18 PM

Who manufactured the engine Rower did not. The part you show us is part of the engine and they may have changed who engine they used over the years. Parts diagrams are available to get better idea where its attached. It appears to be part of the mechanism that forces the gear back off the flywheel after the engine starts or the pull cords released.

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Re: help me fix my lawnmower!

03/14/2009 6:51 PM

Thanks Ozzb - right on both counts. The engine (can just make it out) is a four stroke "Briggs & Stratton 200 series".

I'm still not sure exactly how it does it, but following your tip I looked for a likely clip-on place from where it could pull down. Found one underneath that little base plate I photographed above.

So with a bit of manipulation it fitted under that plate and got bolted in tight.

All working! Thanks - off to mow the lawn...


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Re: help me fix my lawnmower!

03/15/2009 4:59 AM

Where oh where would that spring clip seat?? May it nest similar to a set wire mouse trap? If so it may dampen movement of the cog precipitating recoil of the cord or not.

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Re: help me fix my lawnmower!

03/15/2009 6:05 AM

That's the weird thing - the wire seems so high tensile - like it's meant to be in tension and act as a spring. However now that I have found the most logical seat for it, it seems to do nothing but follow the cog up and down - no tension whatever. Rip cord works as usual, so I assume it's in the right place.

You can see the wire hook seated in a little groove (runs parallel with the cord) and just make out the rest of the wire thing trailing towards the cog - the little base plate on the table next to it covers it all neatly and holds the wire in that groove

I can't see what would change if the wire were not there, however it is so intricately designed for its purpose that I just have faith that the designers at Briggs and Stratton knew what they were doing.

The lawnmower must be over a decade old and looks like it has had really rough treatment (I bought it very cheaply second hand when we moved here, thinking it would last me the season). But it just goes and goes, so they knew how to make them.

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Re: help me fix my lawnmower!

03/15/2009 2:37 PM

A conundrum!

If death came with a warning there would be a whole lot less of it.
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Re: help me fix my lawnmower!

03/15/2009 8:32 AM

Is it part of the starting pawl mechanism?? does your rope pull now engage properly or have you lost something else when dismantling?

Dont get on to the roundabout if you dont know how to get off
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Re: help me fix my lawnmower!

03/15/2009 11:19 AM

I can't help you with your problem, but you sent some great pictures. How do you send pics to CR4?

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