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Changing Windows Versions

11/01/2009 7:33 PM

I come from the IBM mainframe generation. Upgrading to a new release of the operating system did not mean recreating the world, it was meant to be as painless as possible to the end user. New versions were generally backwards compatible with previous versions even if the new versions off greatly advanced features and functionality. Application software still ran as intended and was left in place.

Is it possible to install a new version of Windows without having to re-install all of my application software? To reinstall all of my software would take many hours and I would probably loose some data.

Please tell me that I am not asking for too much. My Windows guru sons say that I am.

Semi-retired systems analyst, part time Ham radio operator, full time grandfather.
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/01/2009 8:09 PM

AFAIK, the bastards have got us over a barrel. I'm holding onto XP for as long as I possibly can.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/01/2009 9:59 PM

I, too, am hanging onto XP as long as I can. They know that we are, and will do something in the future to prod us along to buy the new system. I guess it's just as much bother to switch to Apple or Linux. You would think you could just upgrade. Maybe if they get enough grief from us, they will figure out a way.

mike k
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/02/2009 11:35 PM

Not only hanging on to Xp while keping 98 as back up on my home system!.


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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/03/2009 9:36 AM

Mike K and others: No it is not as much bother to switch to Apple. A migration tool is included in the OS and third parties sell migration software [e.g., VMWare Fusion] that is more powerful than Boot Camp that comes with OS X [10.6]. If you want to keep your legacy software you will need an XP install disk. You will be able to run OS X, XP and many flavors of Unix simultaneously on the Mac. And don't be fooled by those Microsoft ads that suggest it is more expensive to buy a Mac than a Windows box. Base on capability and features the Macs are price competitive and at the end of the day you end up with reliable system that just runs and works and the software in the Mac world is far superior to the run of the mill stuff you have to put up with in the Windows world. If you are running servers you recoup your cost of conversion almost instantly because the XServe license if $499 unlimited - that is correct unlimited and of course it is free if you buy the Xserve. btw if you want to run a server at home take a look at the Mac Mini Server configuration = for less than $1K you get a server capable of running a small business. Think about it - we did and we switched. Best thing I did in the past 10 years.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/01/2009 10:06 PM

If you're upgrading from Vista you might have a shot.

If you're using XP, sorry you're SOL.

73 OM.

Charlie don't surf.
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/02/2009 11:20 PM

Hi: I'm a senior. I sit here with two computers side by side on one internet line with a router. One unit is a pentium 4 with Windows Vista. The other unit is a Celeron D


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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/03/2009 10:36 PM

Hello Guest,

You cannot use the copy of Vista from your Pentium 4 machine, on your Celeron D machine. Vista will work (I think) on both Pentium and Celeron but with a single licence you can use only the original machine.

Microsoft has details of the complete configuration and all apps and software, processor and MB type that was installed at the same time as the original OS.

Each time you go on-line Microsoft will check from the signal sent to them each time you go on-line, and if the MB, and or Processor is different, and even if the software used is substantially different, it will not work on-line and receive appropriate updates.

If you have already paid for two or more Licences of a single copy of Microsoft Vista, then you can copy it onto the same number of machines as you have Licences.

You may be able to apply to Microsoft for an extra Licence, but I do not know the cost.

Take care.

Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/03/2009 11:15 PM

Hi, Babybear, keep up the good work. I think I went through this with Microsoft a while back. I moved everything to a new machine and when I went to validate the Windows, I just told them that the old machine died and this was a new machine. I was only using one computer. As far as I remember, there was no problem. They can't hardly expect someone to buy new Windows every time your computer dies. Folks get flooded, fires, all sorts of things. It's still just only one use. The license is for using the product, one computer at a time, right?

mike k
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/04/2009 1:21 AM

Hi mike k,

That is very interesting, thanks for the detail.

I do try to keep up the good work but I have slowed down a lot lately......... Can't take the pressure!.......... He says holding his hand to his head!!!

Perhaps that shows that sometimes Microsoft ''do have a heart!"?

Really depends on what you gave as the detail of why the old machine stopped?

As far as I understand it, if you change the MB or processor combination or if the HDD is not on the same machine as the original, Microsoft are not supposed to allow the licence. But if you moved everything to a new machine, with the only 'new' piece being the actual case, then you should have no problems, as you explained

Can you tell me (I wont tell anyone else! he he)........... When you say you moved 'everything' did you mean the files, or the hardware? Did you move the MB and or processor?

Take care my friend.


You wrote:

Hi, Babybear, keep up the good work. I think I went through this with Microsoft a while back. I moved everything to a new machine and when I went to validate the Windows, I just told them that the old machine died and this was a new machine. I was only using one computer. As far as I remember, there was no problem. They can't hardly expect someone to buy new Windows every time your computer dies. Folks get flooded, fires, all sorts of things. It's still just only one use. The license is for using the product, one computer at a time, right?


Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/05/2009 11:52 AM

My memory is a little fuzzy about the Windows activation. I was playing around with a lot of hand-me-down computers, seeing which ones were worthwhile. Some had Win95 or ME, so I would install WinXP on them from a disk I bought online. In order to run the computer, I think MS wanted to verify. No problem, only one computer at a time would be asking for verification. I didn't do this much, finally settled on one unit, and haven't had any problems. I always save install disks for that reason. If I get a junker, I have a disk to use to check it out.

I think MS must know what I am doing, and allow it because they realize I'm harmless, not a pirate cloning computers. When they see someone trying to fire up a hamster that is real old, he ain't much of a pirate. Hobbyists, like us at CR4, are valuable to industry, they buy stuff, and help others use industrial products.

mike k
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/06/2009 2:24 AM

Hi mike k,

What I wrote is only what I have read. Not actually tried stuff like you have.

I also think Microsoft allowed it because the original software was licenced rather than you obviously trying to fiddle things by using a scammed copy which was not Microsoft?

Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/04/2009 1:48 AM

Hi mike,

I just found this which sounds interesting:

Computer OS copies and Licensing.

May be you can't believe, that an OEM license that comes with a branded computer or notebook manufacturer such as HP, Dell and Lenovo, may actually allow you to have additional license product key, if you're willing to break the law. The extra OEM license loophole is another leak from Microsoft which previously is about a loophole which allows consumers to buy the cheaper upgrade version of Windows Vista license but use the Microsoft instructed hack to fresh install on a computer without verification of old license, and hence effectively using an upgrade product key as genuine full retail Windows Vista license. And now this trick is about legally and genuinely install and use Windows Vista on two machines, the original OEM branded computer and another desktop or laptop computer, regardless of old branded or DIY type.

All computer products factory pre-installed with Windows Vista from big original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) has these unique features: All computer has SLIC (System Licensing Internal Code), and all these Windows Vista is pre-activated with generic OEM license product key for genuine validation. This is the basis for the Windows Vista OEM activation which based on Windows marker on BIOS. Thus, new branded computer is in activated state out of the factory, and can be used immediately without the need for further activation online or by phone.

Although all new computer running Windows Vista from OEMs is pre-activated, however, usually on the casing of the PC there will be a sticker of genuine COA (Certificate of Authenticity) pasted, with a 25-character product key which is what usually known as serial number. But this product key on COA is not related and not the same at all with the generic OEM product key preinstalled on the activated and validated Windows Vista system. So we have the 'buy 1 free 1′ loophole in the Windows Vista product key based activation system, as one OEM machine can be activated by default or with recovery CD with generic OEM product key, while another computer can be activated with COA product key, with both computer is legit and possible to go through genuine Windows validation. However, not all computer can be activated with COA product key, as it will matched against SLIC component in the BIOS. And if the BIOS Windows marker does not exists, activation will fail. So it is only safe to say that the product key from COA can be used to activate another relatively new computer from the same manufacturer, which is most likely to fulfill all required activation conditions.

Not all OEM's computers are applicable for this buy one free one Windows Vista license hack. It's only applicable if your new computer does not need you to enter product key from the COA to activate the system during first use and also after restoration. Most likely products from only so call "Royalty OEM" or big OEMs such as Lenovo, HP and Dell will has this privileges, as the laptop, notebook or desktop computer comes with complete set of recovery CD or restore partition that can re-image the hard disk to exactly the same state when the computer just finished assembled in the factory. If your computer comes with Windows Vista DVD media or recovery CD that requires you to enter product key every restoration, you should not use the product key on other computer.

It's also possible to get these OEM product key on COA sticker completely free too. Simply roams around computer stores, shops, exhibitions, shows, offices, your friends' houses, public libraries, government offices and etc, looks for computers with COA, or search everywhere around the Web for photos of Vista COA, and note down the product serial key. Then use the product key to activate Windows Vista system at your home and be treated by Microsoft as genuine and legal Vista copy. However, doing this is criminal act similar to stealing and you have to do it on your own risk.

It's possible that Microsoft will update the SLP 2.0 activation and validation procedures for OEM activation when the Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) is rolled out, where SP1 may requires all OEM activated system to reenter the product serial number from the COA to upgrade the Windows Vista. But chance is low, as if this scenario really happens, it's going to cause a lot of problems, inconveniences and big mess to customers who bought OEM computers. Beside, there is possible risk of users facing situation where product key been stolen as mentioned above, thus no longer able to use their legitimately owned product key again.

As mentioned in paragraph above, it's possible for somebody to steal your product key too. How Microsoft going to deal with this situation is unknown, it's possible that Microsoft may giveaway a new product key for your usage, making it's real "buy 1 get 2″ trick. But don't hope much. It's better for you to safeguard the product key – by re-activate your computer with COA's product key by changing product key, or if you wish, use it at another computer, but the product key will no longer able to be used on other computer, including the original computer which it comes with.

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Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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In reply to #25

Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/04/2009 11:31 PM

Applied with a trowel


You can run both concurrent in separate partitions in one computer too...

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/27/2016 9:09 PM

When you change the operating system, you may suffer data loss. Sometimes deleted files are still exist on your computer and you can recover them by software. Software to Recover Deleted Files this may help you, friend.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/03/2009 10:50 PM

What processor model is representing the Celeron D? What socket type?

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/01/2009 10:16 PM

"I come from the IBM mainframe generation."

The world belongs to Bill now. His world says that it is OK to sell a partially developed product to a gullible public who will then spend untold hours, and dollars, to get the product to perform as it should have when purchased in the first place.

Who is John Gault?

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/02/2009 10:29 PM


It is GALT, man JOHN GALT!!! I am normally not a stickler on spelling, but this one is unforgivable!

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/01/2009 11:26 PM

Just a guess: I suspect you can move your mainframe OS to better hardware with only minor changes that can be fixed live.

If you're looking for that and painless upgrade installs, keep looking. Windows upgrade installs are fraught with problems. While they are supposed to work, upgrade installs often preserve undesired behavior from the previous Windows and some programs that worked fine will no longer work and need to be reinstalled. The upgrade install will preserve a lot but on a system full of software plenty will need to be fixed.

I consider upgrade installs the wide road to misery so I always reinstall from scratch. You can try. The worst that will happen is that the upgrade will be so screwed up that you'll need to reinstall from scratch anyways.

I'm sticking with XP also. Vista and descendants offer nothing but negatives to me.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/01/2009 11:54 PM

If you were upgrading your mainframe, you would copy the operating system disk to another drive, perform an IOGEN on the new volume so that the device addresses will reflect the configuration with the new computer. Take out the old mainframe, install the new one, plug in the old peripherals, and IPL (initial program load, mainframe speak for Boot) from the copy of the operating system that you have on the new disk drive and start running programs.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/02/2009 11:09 PM

I know it would be difficult to release windows, it has been such a crutch for most of us. You do have choices, one is linux, specifically ubuntu, with the windows emulation software, which I think cost about $60.00, windows programs work under this program.

if you are using microsoft outlook you can switch to evolution, this works. you can switch to firefox to surf the web. you can switch to open office to dump word or works and the you get presentation software and database and draw all of these for FREE

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/03/2009 1:42 PM

"Amen" says the choir.

Rule #1 - never use a Windows upgrade product.

Rule #2 - refer to Rule #1


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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/03/2009 2:13 AM

Upgrading is supposed to have benefits. I have never seen any. I agree that it is best to hang on to the old operating system as long as possible.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/03/2009 3:42 AM

I had a corrupt XP OS just bought another puter on eBay a Dell P4 2.8GHz $165.00!

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/03/2009 3:44 AM

What's the hurry ? If you have Windows XP, especially with SP3 and it works then hang on and let the dust settle.

Every new version of windows has had teething problems which get sorted out in a year or so, even though each one is marketed as the best thing since sliced bread.

No need be a guinea pig, let the flash boys do all that.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/03/2009 4:48 AM

Hello TCO,

Yes this is doable.

Before we can though what Windows O/S was your computer designed to use?

What O/S's do you have now and which one do you want to add?

How many HDD's and the sizes and how much free space available?

Would you entertain the option of adding a HDD?

How much RAM?

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/03/2009 7:06 AM

The problem with most modern software is the availability of too much memory.In years gone by, programs had to be very streamlined and efficient, because memory was a valuable limited asset.Now, memory is not even a consideration when wriring new programs, hence very bulky and sometimes clumsy code full of errors.

I can drive a semi tractor trailer if you give me 100 acres to turn it around. No skills required,just lots of room.I am not saying modern writers of software have no skills, but they have not been fine tuned and disciplined by the need to conserve machine resources.

A real strict manager, when a program was brought to him for approval, would say:"Good, but cut the size in half and make sure it is backward compatible"

That is not going to happen because of market forces.When everyone has exactly what they need, how can you sell any more?

I believe that Cloud Computing will be the end of individual software and upgrades, and I look forward to the day of the demise of the software barons.

Google will lead the way, IMHO.


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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/03/2009 8:42 AM

I beg to differ, If you can't put it in drive, you can't turn anything no matter HOW much space you have (on its own of course).

Problem is, Xp is like the old girlfriend (or ex wife). You know what each shrill is and how to respond. As a Small Business IT consultant I'm always getting the "I want the Newer Bigger toilette so we can more forward investing in Cap-ex now so we can benefit later". Then, I get the call. Well this model auto flushes, can we fix that? I kinda liked the manual flush, the auto-flush gets my buttocks wet.

Point is, are we moving slower or is it moving faster?

Keep xp on a box if you like it (old girlfriend) AND/OR get a new box or some extra drives and try something new (go on a date). You could install VMWARE (or equivalent) and just move your xp from machine to machine as needed (live of course). Hmm I wonder if they have a cloud plugin yet. I bet its under dev.

Windows Azure and Google Chrome will be fairly prominent soon (not for me) and then your upgrade worries will be over. Uggghh, I mean, at least until IP V6 becomes mainstream and Internet 2.0 is opened to the public. Oops, lets not forget 4G for our blackberries and cells, ereaders.

Hmm, more upgrades. ;)

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/03/2009 11:14 AM

Depends on the operating system you currently have and the software you have installed. Not all Apps are compatible. Personally, I would never upgrade to 7 unless I was buying a new system powerful enough to run it in such a way as to be able to utilize all of the enhancements. I have 3 XPs and a MacBook Pro (not counting my Win 95 Thinkpad) and the only one that might run 7 well would be the Mac in virtual mode (as mentioned previously). I ran the upgrade advisor wizard from MS and all of my XPs flunked.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/03/2009 11:27 AM

Stink, stink, stink. Does Microsoft sell computers or something? I thought they only sold software. I guess those guys do lunch. Damn.

mike k
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/07/2009 12:41 PM

I now have Windows 7. Bought a new laptop at Wal-Mart this morning for $298. They were all gone before 8 am. People were mad. I got mine though. Should have bought 2 while I was at it. 2.2G Proc, 3G Ram, 250G HD, 15.6" screen, numeric pad. Everything I need.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/07/2009 5:21 PM

Good luck with it.

Please keep us updated with how you get on - particularly if you try porting apps from XP.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/07/2009 7:53 PM

I was pleased with how easy it was to set up. I had to download 64bit drivers for my Canon Pixma MP620 multi printer but that was no problem. It now prints and scans over the network wirelessly. I was glad it had a VGA port instead of HDMI. I have nothing with HDMI yet. I used my scan converter and watched a movie on my 32" crt set from the internet. Had a little trouble with Windows Live. After adding my gmail account I tried to Sync. Way too many messages and I stopped it. I was stuck with unread messages in my unread messages folder that I couldn't delete. After a little futzing around and a couple reboots they went away though. Can't really say there was anything that unexpected. I will keep you posted. Through for today...

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/08/2009 5:56 AM

Hi Keywalker,

Sounds like you have it pretty much all sorted then?

Can I just suggest if you want to and if you do not have it at all, that you get C Cleaner Reg edit thing, and run it to get rid of any messages and or instructions which may be buried deep in the system. You said the messages went after a while. But unless you know they were in the trash it would be easier to keep thing organised from the start than have to sort things out when two apps start fighting?

Just a suggestion.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/09/2009 4:33 AM

Thanks for the tip. I will be adding CCleaner and Advanced System Care today. I still have a ton of work to do to bring this computer up to where I want it to be to be functional for me and all that I do with pictures, videos, CAD, office and publisher, etc. This morning I am adding Format Factory (free) to convert DVD files to WMV (480 x 270) for posting on Vimeo and similar tasks. I am also planning on adding all of my music files if time permits. I will be doing this by connecting to other computers via wireless networking. Most of my music files are DRM free (I've had them a long time and most were ripped from CDs. But the ones that aren't, I will be transferring rights). We'll see how it goes. At least most of what I use is free or I have installation CDs I can use, not like the Macbook Pro I have. The Macbook Pro is great for making movies, music and presentations with motion backgrounds but everything related to Apple is so expensive. This HP PC is comparable to the Macbook Pro as far as hardware specs go except I miss the lit up keyboard when lighting is low. Not a big problem though. I have a clip on led light I can use if need be.

Thanks again,


p.s. It's always a bit of a pain starting from scratch but I believe this is the best way to go.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/09/2009 5:26 AM

Hi Keywalker,

Can't thank you enough for the very detailed post there!.........

All potential poster's please note! We can do nothing if you say nothing!

Right back to the post and your computer.

You are often given the chance as to whether you want to combine, as a for instance, ccleaner, or any other software like antivirus.

Do not combine with Microsoft OS! I think though cannot say for certain that combining them makes it hard if not impossible to remove them as, you may want to do if they do not work for instance?

Todays better and bigger anti virus has such a profusion of files which it buries deep in the OS which are very often really hard to keep control of. Does this sound familiar:

"This program cannot be removed/closed, as it is being used"? Once that starts happening you are losing your control of your computer. This is just my opinion but that is what I found with the computers I have had.

I agree taking things slowly, and planning what to put onto your computer software wise makes sense and can prevent troubles down the line.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/08/2009 5:49 AM

Hi Keywalker,

I wish you luck with your new computer!

Sounds like a real good deal! At that price they are almost disposable?

Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/10/2009 11:52 AM

Hi mike k,

Forgive me if you were joking, OK............. But........

Microsoft Bought Dell about a year ago. So, it may not be under the Microsoft stamp, but they most certainly do make millions of computers under the Dell or other? - names.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/09/2009 1:21 PM

Today I downloaded Format Factory 2.15 (the latest version) to convert DVD files to WMV files for uploading to Vimeo. FF 2.15 made crappy videos and I couldn't get the resolution right (480x270). It kept putting a black band on either side of the video. Luckily I still had the install program from a previous version (1.7) and I installed it instead and it worked great. My videos are now online.

I am currently transferring files and settings from my old HP lappy to my new hp lappy using Windows Easy Transfer. I used a networked external hard drive to set up the program on the old lappy. The other options were usb or connected external drive. Since my external networked was already in place, I opted for that. I will post again when the transfer is complete and let you know how it went.

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In reply to #36

Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/09/2009 5:52 PM

"The other options were usb or ..."

Does that mean USB to an external storage device, or some kind of peer-to-peer connection? (No pressure - but any ideas appreciated - Ta).

Glad to hear it's all going well so far.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/09/2009 9:00 PM
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/09/2009 9:17 PM

Hi Guest,

Nice one!

Have you thought of joining? We are very gentle on newbies and you will become part of a very vibrant community which help anyone. Join, it will change your life.

Good luck.

Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/10/2009 2:03 AM

Oh, them. I've got a Belkin one lying around somewhere that I used to use a lot before going wireless.

Still handy at work sometimes, for porting stuff to/from customer's machines.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/10/2009 10:35 AM

My bad... what I meant was usb stick (flash drive). Sorry.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/10/2009 10:46 AM

A lot to report since last time. I do not recommend Easy Transfer. I let Windows pick and I got way more stuff than I wanted. Afterwards, my W7 was dog slow. Wmpnetw.exe (not sure about the file name) was hogging resources. CPU at 100%. Most of the 3G Ram used up. I tried to figure out how to get rid of it but finally just inserted the System restore DVD that I created at the beginning and wiped the hard drive and started over. Had a late night last night and I am tired but the laptop is running fast again. I did create a backup on an external hard drive of my files before rolling it all back to the beginning so I am able to pick and choose what I want to restore from that backup. Will not ever do an Easy Transfer again. This morning my internet connection is sporadic. Will be swapping gateway modems so I will not be doing much with the W7 today.



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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/10/2009 11:41 AM

Hi Keywalker,

It is nice to talk to someone who actually had the forethought to make a System Restore DVD.

Good to see you almost have it sorted now.

I checked out that file you listed as taking up all your memory. It appears to be something to do with file sharing. If you do not have it you may not be able to use a games consul if thats your desire?

Here it the details below.

This is from a CNET Windows forum about your very problem. I have not altered anything so any spelling mistakes will be carried over.

1. In Windows Media Player turn off media sharing

in the library tab right click on it > click "media sharing" unclick the media sharing tab and click ok

2. Turn off the "WMPnetwk.exe" service
Under the "RUN" command in the start meni type "services.msc"
Scroll down to "Windows media player network sharing"
Double click and under startup type set to disabled

3. Uninstall Windows Media Player 11...I mean if after 11 versions it still doesn't work right then its probably not gonna is it!


Did you have any problems with CClean or antivirus not wanting to un-install?

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/10/2009 10:22 PM

Yeah, I always like to have a set of CDs or DVDs to fall back on if something goes wrong. You used to get them with the system already ready to go but now days you have to burn your own. Didn't really need the whole set though. Just booting with the first one allowed me to start the restore from the hidden D partition on the W7 lappy HD. At least now I know that that works.

There is a slight problem with the directions for removing "WMPnetwk.exe." None of them seem to apply to WMP 12, which is what I have now. It is a lot harder to get to "Run" with W7 also. Couldn't find "WMPnetwk.exe" in "services.msc" but there it was in the system resource monitor. The menu items were missing as far as the library tab and right clicking on "media sharing." I know, I looked all that stuff up too. It didn't help me. Hence, the roll back to square one. I am a little wiser now and made sure all of the going out to the internet stuff was unchecked when I first used WMP. Right now, the W7 lappy is fine.

Installed Nero 8 essentials today and copied a DVD (personal creation of which I have all rights to) using the internal DVD burner and an external DVD burner. Nero 8 is not as good as "imgburn" but I wanted to see if I could make the copy unattended if need be. With "imgburn" you have to create the ISO on the HD first then burn the DVD (at least 2 steps) which is not a problem when I have a batch to burn but sometimes I want just one quick. It took nearly an hour to copy. I did do a speed check during the process so that slowed it down a bit but when the speed check reported that the burn speed would be 4X instead of 12 because of the source drive being slow I knew that the DVD burner was kind of lame. I will be using "imgburn" and my external drive exclusively for copies with this computer. Not that it doesn't work, it's just too slow.

I got my network printer/scanner/copier working again. I learned first time I can't use the install CD that came with it. It is missing the W7 drivers. So, I just downloaded the drivers and software from Canon and went from there. Canon is pretty good about providing the latest drivers. I went through the same thing with Snow Leopard on the Macbook Pro. Konica Minolta still doesn't have drivers for Snow Leopard and their Bizhub color lazer printers. It prints but no color on the ones in the office I have to get working. If you hear me Konica Minolta, hurry it up K?

I am trying to decide whether to install office 2003, which I have an install CD for, or go ahead and buy the Office 2007 (60 day trail) that came with. Any suggestions? (don't bother suggesting the cloud or open office, K?)

I still have a lot to do to get this W7 lappy fully functional but I feel better about it than I did yesterday. I'm through for today but I will keep you guys posted if you want.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/10/2009 11:45 PM

Hi Keywalker,

I think you have done really well and did not let the slight screw up and having to un-install window again get you down. That is my outlook. There is no sense in getting angree. Who are you/I going to be angree towards, ourselves?

The fact is if you had not thought again at what may be necessary it would not have been as relatively smooth as you make it sound. Well done.

I pasted the stuff below before I finished reading your post but thought I would post it anyway as it could help someone in a similar situation, you know?

Glad to see everything is working fine. But did you crack the RUN thing yet?

How to get to RUN in W7:

  1. Windows 7 Run Command How to Enable Run Command Windows 7 Start Menu15 Jan 2009 ... But you can get back Run command in windows 7. Here is guide to get back Run command in Windows 7 Start menu. ... - Cached - Similar -
  2. Windows 7 Upgrade AdvisorRun Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor for advice on ensuring your PC can run Windows 7. ... Considering Windows 7? Get the info you need to make the right decision. ... - Cached - Similar -
  3. Windows 7 System RequirementsIf you want to run Windows 7 on your PC, here's what it takes: ... Considering Windows 7? Get the info you need to make the right decision. ... - Cached - Similar -
    More results from »
  4. Windows 7 Extends Run As Options | Windows 7 NewsAnyone who still uses XP (Like I do at work alongside Windows 7 (Testing)) can right click on an application while holding shift and will get the extra ... - Cached - Similar -
  5. How to Enable Run Command in Start Menu in Windows 715 Jan 2009 ... So, how does the user put the Run command into Windows 7's start menu? ... Type in phone browser to get the latest updates. ... - Cached - Similar -

Check out these sites for WMP 12.

  1. WMP 12 build 7068 issue - Page 2 - Windows 7 Forums9 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 10 AprClose WMP12, use task manager to kill wmpnetwk.exe (you'll have to view all users to see it) and immediately delete your prefs folder ... - Cached - Similar - removing media Library from wmp12‎ - 7 posts - 11 Sep 2009
    Is the Tag Editor gone in WMP 12 - Page 2‎ - 10 posts - 22 Apr 2009
    More results from »
  2. High CPU usage?9 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 21 JulIs there a way to disable wmpnetwk.exe, or stop it from using so much of my CPU? ... One thread I read stated this was a problem with WMP 11 and switching .... This post has been edited by exile360: Jul 20 2009, 12:03 PM ... - Cached - Similar -
  3. What are wmpnscfg.exe and wmpnetwk.exe and Why Are They Running ...12 Mar 2008 ... I have been dealing with the 100% cpu usage from wmpnetwk.exe. ... Hi Geek, how to disable media sharing option in WMP12? ... - Cached - Similar -
  4. Windows Media Player 12 Crashes1 Jun 2009 ... Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmpnetwk.exe. Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll ... -
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/11/2009 5:38 PM

WoW! That's a lot of info. Say that backwards... WoW. Thanks! It will take me a while to check it all out though. I am going to be very busy the next few days. As far as getting angry goes, it never occurred to me. This is all just a learning experience that may allow me to help someone else some day. Besides, as a former project engineer, I thrive on solving problems and this is not my first time to wipe a hard drive and start from scratch... not by a long shot. I actually did "crack" the run thing. I couldn't tell you right off hand how, but I got there some how so, I know I can do it again if I have to. I am looking forward to learning how to add it to the start menu though. That sounds very useful. As far as system requirements and the like go, this is a brand new lappy with requirements met. That is one reason I opted for a new laptop. My other computers didn't have all requirements met. I could have spent some money on one of my desktops and got it up to snuff but the new laptop seemed the way to go. It almost fell into my lap, so to speek.



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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/12/2009 8:21 AM

Actually the "Run" command is under "Start" > "All Programs" > "Accessories." Not really a big deal after all.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/12/2009 11:57 AM

Hi Keywalker,

You could still make it a one-clicker get at by a short cut on the desktop?

Just a thought.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/11/2009 12:30 AM

Hi Keywalker,

With ref' to Office versions of, I has 2003 and it was starting to get a little worn round the edges. It seems to need so many updates before you can even use it.

I do not know how big your HDD is or how many partitions you have, but it may be worth making a copy of W7 on another partition if you have one and load office 2003 to see how you get on.

Partly due to my inexperience at the time but I paid an arm and a leg for office 2003 but ended up not using some of the apps. I do not know if you want it for Word, Excel or any of the other stuff, but if you do not need or want everything on office 2007- is it? Is that the alternative, or would it be 2010?

It depends on the system as well. Bear in mind I have not checked out W7 that much, but if like XP they have a Pro version and that is what you have you may want/need to get the 'Pro' office version if there is one also? Or, for something less than a hundren smackers (I think) you could get a slimmed down version of Word with just a couple of other office apps. I did not really have much experience with any works or word apps other than Microsoft. As it is not part of the OS or Browser you could perhaps stop it from mixing with the OS? I do not know how that would work, other than to say I have tried just a couple of different apps like Firefox, and some actually prefer it especially when compared to office 2003.

I think I would go for a 'Works' package which includes Word if that is what you want. Have you made up your mind about an email 'brand yet? Do you still have the option to use OE in W7?

I really liked OE to start with, but it ia a pain in the arse to export anything from it. Whether the newer versions are easier to use I know know. But I could never understand why OE was not as easy to export from as Word was. I personally would probably use a web mail deal. And if you wanted an On-board email other than Microsoft, Firefox, which I think I am right in saying is a browser and email in the same package, is pretty good.I have used Safari, and it is faster than Firefox by some seconds. More noticable if you are on a large web page.

Personally The speed thing is sometimes over hyped. And it is often how an app 'feels' and responds which is of more import.

I am just really throwing all I know into the ring and saying, do not get stuck on something like OE, which I like, but is a devil to export or copy from when moving files and folders wholesale. You have used 2003 so that means Word. So why not try an introductory version of either a general Works apps set, or two or three different Browsers and or web mail type of things? I have found it is nice to be able to have a 'spare browser' alongside the Microsoft one. Because it gives better functionality.

Hope that is some help. I guess the other thing is not to 'rush' into something, and do not allow yourself the priveledge of a walk round PC World, only to be 'forced' into getting a 'special offer" of any software! I really do not know what the newer office versions are like, but I would perhaps go for a works packages with Word in it if that is what you want. That will anable you to do stuff on Word, for the next few weeks or months, and you may actually get a real genuine bargain when the 'January' sales open in Dec!

Sorry this is so long............... I say that to every girl every reply post!

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/11/2009 12:08 PM

Hi bb,

What's your think on Maxthon

I use Abiword and Open Office or Works.

You may find this very interesting or it may be helpful to others.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/11/2009 5:28 PM

Hi wire,

I appreciate your queries.

I have not been looking for other software like this.

But as you may have seen on one thread I was recently asked about some software. Sorry but I cannot recall the thread for the moment. I do not thing I can give more than my opinion of course. I think I cannot advice anyone to get or use stuff when I have not used it. There is no reason why others cannot buy a CD or download any software to test.

I would advise anyone go direct to the companies site to get what they want though, and never go to sites sent via email. You just never know the true destination you may be visiting.

Maxthon, like any Browser, is something that I would need to check to see speeds and functionality really. I take nothing at 'face value', and I especially do not take any advertising campaigns details of the software they sell.

I went to the Maxthon site you linked to and it is as if you can hear the ad-men running through their campaign saying:

"Right chaps and ladies, we will say it is different to any other Browser, but we have to throw several spanners in the mix to persuade the people it is different, but, we also need to let anyone thinking of getting it, that it is reliable and easy to use just like the best browsers in the past"

In other words, I am saying a browser is a browser is a browser.........................

I would take there specs with a pinch of salt, any so called new way of doing things, or the fact they say you need no antivirus at one point but, reading between the lines, further down they seem to say "but we can supply or you can use any antivirus if you want"? In other words, that pinch of salt BS again. I am not easily 'sold' on anything, but especially by something that almost says it is a browser but, our browser does not have the foibles of other Browsers............ Again, BS.

The only way to find out the truth on any software is to use it for a month. Actually the first few uses with a large graphic site will prove speed and functionality.


Abiword looks ok but I have not seen it before. I took a quick view but feel actually using the thing will be the way to go.

I think these cheaper and or free word processor types of software have proved just how flippin expensive Microsoft office was and is. But, it is ironic to see that for the most part, most similar software still has the look of word. I do not know if that is a good thing but other than the functions, the look and colour and layout are deceptively very like word. Perhaps even more so than the Browser above, this Abiword all about how easy it is to use and, particular little things if well thought out, can make it a pleasure to use or hell. Down to the user and that users historic use as to whether they will feel comfortable with it.


With ref' to the learning thing, I would prefer to learn locally and face to face really. And or just getting a bloody good book and working my way through it. The book way also allows you to fall back and run through the same pages until you have it off pat. (Though personally I would buy nothing off pat!, Just don't trust him!) LOL.

Did you chose it because it was cheaper and more versatile than the MS Word?

Good luck

Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/11/2009 7:35 PM

Maxthon is a MS product.

Abiword is small quick and convenient.

Open Office does look exceedingly much alike to MS Office; Open Office is a Sun product which is and MS product.

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/11/2009 11:38 PM

Hi wire,

Thanks for the detail. With ref' to Maxthon, I fully understand why some people still run with MS. But, MS do still work with a relatively small set of code Languages. Putting a new name on software does not stop it being infected.

The only way this can be stopped is to prevent computers from being usable.

As it is, there is a whole lot of stuff MS and to some degree most other software makers, can do to 'smooth the edges' of the code writing to help stop any 'hook' to latch onto. And a lot more can and should be done to make areas of the set-up and configuration fully automatic.

A single line of code, could be written which would allow a new owner to a new machine to enter their Phone number and then a single click can and should set the connection up and, configure the whole connection to a phone line or more especially broadband, (which is still a fancy name for another type of phone cable connection). I see no reason why this is not done yet by perhaps the ISP sending the connection details on a 'credit card type thing which makes this connection entirely on its own. The same could be done for 'on-computer email accounts. There is simply no need for the average person to have to do this at all.

I feel sure that would lessen the fear and perhaps the wonder of this 'magic' machine! Then they can get on with finding out how to navigate the screen they need to know. Not have to fiddle around with a connection most will often only do once or twice.

Navigation must be done. I was able to figure out these details but, they without doubt stopped me enjoying the real use like researching using my computer.

ANYONE LISTENING OUT THERE? I doubt it very much. Do that and it would spoil the mystique of a computer, but there would be several percentage points more of computers sold.

Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/12/2009 1:54 AM

A single line of code, could be written which would allow a new owner to a new machine to enter their Phone number and then a single click can and should set the connection up and, configure the whole connection to a phone line or more especially broadband, (which is still a fancy name for another type of phone cable connection). I see no reason why this is not done yet by perhaps the ISP sending the connection details on a 'credit card type thing which makes this connection entirely on its own. The same could be done for 'on-computer email accounts. There is simply no need for the average person to have to do this at all.

O/S released after XP connect without any hoops to jump through, just click on IE and Gunga Din it works!

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/12/2009 11:55 AM

Hi wire,

How you doing?

Appreciate the reply, cheers.

I now have 45 posts to get through as I was only able to get through 20 yesterday.

I find the Initial connection. And the on-board email set up was the most troublesome time for me and is the one where the few people around me, and their friends request help the most.

If there was and is a system which does both these, after say the shop you buy your computer has entered your details mentioned here, on a card or CD which can operate automatically, then surely they are missing the single/'double' most important marketing-ad chance to push that product! Mind you I cannot say I looked that hard so may have missed it anyway but, if that was the biggest selling feature, which I think it should have been, I would have heard something. But as I say I was not looking..........

I worked on a 'friends' computer for about 3 years before I got my own, but still froze for a while thinking, "what next" when I turned it on initially. There is simply no need for these two configurations to be touched by the newbie at all. The shops could have all the various ISPs set-up detail as each has a slightly different nomenclature, and the only details they would have to know would be the persons name and phone number, which the shop should know anyway, and the password and email name.

I note also that there is a certain sequence of connecting to any router which should not be. It is yet another hurdle for the already nervous first set-up user to jump.

Take care my friend

Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/12/2009 4:57 PM

Of course I always offer to do the initial setup for the customer newbie or not, in fact many prefer not to know and only intend to use and require that I do all tech stuff for a fee of course

I should stop giving away the farm eh? And charge on PM's instead

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Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/12/2009 7:52 PM

Hi wire,

You give the kind of service that is to be commended. You should do well while the others who just hand the box and receipt over should fail. These people are always a tiny cog in a huge conglomerate, and do not see service as their obligation. It annoys me when this happens as it is a serious passing of the buck by the conglomerates.

You should for sure stop giving away your child's inheritance, but when is it losing an animal or farm gate, and when is it a proportioned service which all true business' should provide. I think the latter.................. Charging for PMs may be pushing it!

Take care, OK?

Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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In reply to #60

Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/12/2009 9:59 PM

Have you ever been so tired

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In reply to #61

Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/13/2009 9:28 AM

Hi wire,

Love the pics!

I am just wondering how you managed to get into my house to take 'em!

Take care of yourself mister, OK?

Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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In reply to #47

Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/11/2009 6:06 PM

Hi again,

I will try to answer your questions as best as I can:

1. My HDD is 220G on one partition and system restore on remaining partition of 250G HDD. Of course that 250G is not what you actually get but somewhere around 240 after conversion from actual 250 billion bytes to gigabytes using the 1024 to 1G conversion factor.

2. I don't really want to go to the trouble of creating another partition. Sorry. Making another copy of W7 on another partition would require me to purchase another copy or jump through some serious illegal hoops.

3. As far as not using some of the apps in Office 2003, I can identify with that. My reason for wanting Office is so that I will be compatable with those who send me files in Office format. This applies to Office Publisher and Power Point as well as Word and Excel. I already have Works which was included with the new lappy.

4. As far email goes, if I install Office, I will have Outlook Express. Right now I am using Windows Live Mail on the new lappy. I have Thunderbird (Mozilla, same as Firefox [browser]) on other computers and may add it for my wife's mail to keep the apps seperate, and hence the email seperated, later on. As far as importing or exporting, I use a comma seperated text file. Not that hard once you have done it a few times. Also, I have web mail (Yahoo [x2], Google, Hotmail, inbox [x2]) but I like to consolidate everything into one email program. It works for all but one of my Yahoo accounts which is a free account. (I still can't understand why Yahoo is behind the times with not offering pop3 for free)

5. I know... January will be awesome for bargains. Couldn't wait though. My XP lappy was starting to die again and I couldn't see spending the money on it to repair the display again. Nothing lasts forever, right?

As far as the length of the post goes... I think we are a lot alike there...

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In reply to #51

Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/12/2009 5:08 PM

Hi Keywalker,

I pretty much agree with all you say and your reasoning, all makes sense.

You may still not want to do it but, as long as it is used on the computer for which you have paid a licence, a copy of the OS is still possible. I will do some checking if you may possibly want to try it.

wire may be able to give a definitive reply about the copy or not being workable.

Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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In reply to #59

Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/12/2009 10:22 PM

Yeah, I see your point about being on the same machine but I still probably won't go there. A virtual install of XP might happen though. I have the CD for XP and my old XP lappy is slowly fading into oblivion. If I did that, and it is very doable on this machine, I would just install Office 2003 and Publisher on the virtual machine. I would probably only allocate about 1 GB of Ram as this would be plenty and still leave 2 GB for W7. I am slowly transferring files over the network but I ran into a problem today. All of a sudden I don't seem to have rights to look at the computers in my workgroup anymore. I can search for a specific computer name and find the computer. I can even map network drives but When I click on workgroup, each computer I do this on tells me I need to contact the network administrator. Well, guess what? That's me, and I don't have a clue as to what is going on. I swapped the modem back but that didn't help. I ran the network wizard up one side and down the other and still no satisfaction. Any ideas?



p.s. My Macbook Pro used to "see" the Windows boxes but not any more.

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In reply to #62

Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/12/2009 11:59 PM

You'll need only 256MB for the virtual XP.

Use the administrative acct Goto your AD server sign in with the admin acount you are having problems with open the manage computers browse to the computer your having problem with, have a look at the account information if your admin account is not in it add it, if you get access the admin account is fine and you just need to add the admin account to local machine if not use another admin account or create one and see what happens

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In reply to #62

Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/13/2009 9:41 AM

Hi Keywalker,

It is kinda frustrating when you are told to get in touch with admin, ........and it is you!

Been there got the T shirt and vid!.......... Still, wire has advised you on that one, good luck. You can always get back to wire and or me to do things incrementally you know? I wire is da expert on this type of screw up, which to someone who knows is a piece od pi

easy thing to get out of!!! If you are working with at least two machines, just a single file from one of them that has set permissions you may not recall doing, will screw, or I should say can screw you up like that. Look at it like this, it is just the computer/s keeping you safe from what it sees as someone whom is not entitled trying to get you info'.

Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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In reply to #62

Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/13/2009 10:19 AM

Hi Keywalker,

You wrote:

p.s. My Macbook Pro used to "see" the Windows boxes but not any more.

I cannot recall where to go and what to tick or untick to allow you to see windows as you used to, sorry. What wire explained may help you do that?

Do you have a copy of 'window for Mac' on your Apple?

You can get Mac versions of most of the windows stuff, you could perhaps put a virtual version on the Mac, but my point of view is, I would not copy anything from the Mac to any other Windows machine. Leave the windows for Mac usable on the Mac but do not transfer anything. That is one way you could perhaps pass a virus or worse into what I presume is a pretty clean machine as far as virus' go?

Hope you get what I mean here. I lost my train of thought towards the end.

Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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In reply to #66

Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/13/2009 9:36 PM

Thanks guys for all your help. For some reason, the workgroup "WORKGROUP" was giving me problems. It took me quite awhile but I finally got everything communicating again the way I like it. Windows 7 has this thing called homegroup that, according to what it says, only works with other Windows 7 computers. IMHO that is a load of crap. Not everything on the network is gong to be Windows 7 that you want to share with. I messed with the firewall on the gateway modem. I messed with the network settings and firewall on one Windows XP desktop. I messed with everything I could think of (Had not been on CR4 to read posts yet) and nothing seemed to work. I finally changed all of my workgroups on all of my computers to "HOMEGROUP" and that seemed to do it. I was able to access the other computers on my network from the W7 lappy by accessing the modem through the browser and using the modem dashboard. There was an option to access files on whatever computer you were looking at at the time. In the browser, I just typed and it took me to the router info and setup screen. Once I connected to a networked computer with my W7 lappy, I drug it to the favorites folder and renamed the or whatever it was to the name of the computer, such as "HPPAV." Now all of my other computers on the network are accessable at the click of a mouse button. The only thing I am not able to see is the W7 in the finder on the Mac, even though I was able to change the group on the Mac to "HOMEGROUP" as well (I am rather proud of myself on that one. I haven't been able to figure out how to change the workgroup on the Mac until now). It is good it was Friday the 13th today (usually my lucky day) as I also had a problem with a projector shutting off on it's own after a short while. Turns out it was a timer trying to tell me it was time to buy a new bulb. I just reset the timer and it is working fine as well. Such is the life of a retired project engineer turned tech guy for the church.

I am still thinking about setting up a virtual machine on the W7 but as far as the Ram allocation, I know XP will work with 256 MB of Ram as I have one desktop (used to be ME) that 256 MB is the max ammount it will take and I have it maxed out. Windows will work but very limited as to how much you can get done because it is slow. Watching videos over the internet is pretty much out. Office apps would probably be OK but I, personally, would rather not have less than 512 MB for Windows XP, minimum. Of course, I have antivirus and security software running in the background which takes up system resources but I'd rather have these programs in place as I always use protection.



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In reply to #67

Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/14/2009 7:43 AM

Hi Keywalker,

You seem to have sorted your problem with at least three computers not talking to other, as you should and how I would expect you to. You thought about what was necessary, and that was that all the computers have the same name, actually not just the computers but the Routers as well, as far as I can remember?

That last post of your will get a whole lot of people out of trouble!

I am not sure what you mean when you say you cannot see a link to your other computers in your Finder? This is of the top of my head and may cause you more problems then it solves, but have you tried sending a shortcut of the 'C' drive, if that is what you mean, to your Mac?

From purely a personal point of view and nothing to do with what is right or correct, or the proper protocol,.......................... I would want to keep my Mac free from any link, other than perhaps an email one, to the other, (Windows) machines. I know Macs have a different methodology when they do something, IE I have heard they do not have a large chunk of code called a Registry, so this may not apply, but would it not make sense to keep the Mac separate from the other machines to prevent possible virus' spreading?............. 'An island in the sea of storms' so as to speak?

It just goes to show that methodical thinking is pretty much the answer to all computer/modem/web problems?

Get back to me with your opinion and or any 'news' on succeeding to do as you wanted and get WY in your Finder please?

Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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In reply to #67

Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/14/2009 7:55 AM

Hi Keywalker,

Tried to search my help files with no luck on the listing of W7 in your Finder.

It may be that the Finder lists only software actually on the Mac, so if you had a Mac version of W7 it would list it.? Just a thought. Why did you want it listed in Finder? Is it to link to a printer, in which case you could or should be able to get the printer shortcut to view either on the desktop or finder, or printer preferences, or Browser preferences perhaps?

Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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In reply to #69

Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/14/2009 10:12 AM

Hey BB,

So as not to confuse, I actually do not have a problem at this point. As far as being able to "see" the W7 on the Mac, this is a non-issue. The computer I most want to see on the Mac is the desktop XP machine that is sharing 2 external drives on the network. One of the external drives, in particular, is where I dump old directories of finished message series. It is for archiving if you will. I do not connect to it except about once a month or so. The other two XP machines that I can "see" in the finder (which is just Apple's way of saying explorer) are another older XP desktop which I have certain programs on pertaining to the church and my old XP laptop which is going south as far as the display goes (sometimes it works and sometimes I have to beat the crap out of it to keep it on). All of my computers (and I use the word "my" loosely) have different things on them for different purposes and keeping different legacy peripherals alive. I am trying to consolidate down to a desktop and a laptop, period, but this will take me a good long while to accomplish around everything else I have taken on. I really appreciate all the help you guys provide to not only me but others in need of your expertise. Keep up the good work. That said, I am deleting this thread from my subscriptions. See you in the next thread!



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In reply to #70

Re: Changing Windows Versions

11/14/2009 11:37 AM

Hi Keywalker,

Congrats on setting up your computer. Glad you have done almost everything you wants, OK?

You know where we are.................!

Take it easy, bb. >"HEAR & you FORGET<>SEE & you REMEMBER<>DO & you UNDERSTAND"<=$=|O|=$=>"Common Sense is Genius dressed in its Working Clothes"<>[Ralph Waldo Emerson]
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