I'm a little concerned about leaving my 13ft
1981 Smokercraft aluminum canoe outside in below freezing weather. This
canoe has many rivets and my concern is water making its way between
the rivet heads and the body of the canoe, freezing and expanding
causing leaks. Where we live it rains a lot during the day and freezes
a lot at night. Will this be a problem? I took advice I received on
this forum and 're-set' the 18 previously leaking rivets using a hammer above and
a small anvil below. This method worked great but now I'm worried that
the freezing weather will cause more leaks. Am I being overly paranoid?
I have to leave the canoe outside for the winter. I tried using a tarp
but the air here is so damp that the canoe gets wet anyway. Thanks, Ron
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