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Coriolis Flow Meter Power Supply

08/01/2010 5:51 AM

Could any one tell me if the coriolis mass flow meters are loop powered (24 VDC) or they required external power (i.e. 220 VAC)?

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Re: Coriolis flow meters power supply

08/01/2010 11:43 AM


The Coriolis meters in the plant where I work are 110 ac powered,I suggest you google a coriolis meter manufacture for more info.

Thank you

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Re: Corilois flow meters power supply

08/01/2010 2:07 PM

In a coriolis meter, the electrical power required to vibrate a tube in order to detect phase shift due to the mass inside is significant.

Loop powered devices derive their power from the mA loop current below the minimum fail safe value, typically around 3.8mA, but call it 4mA. 4ma @ a nominal 24Vdc is 96mW of power available to run the transmitter's electronics. That's not a lot of power with which to oscillate tubes.

The Siemens manual on my desk shows power requirements at 6VA for an FC model, 60x the ~0.1W available from loop power.

Note that there are 24V dc powered models, but these are not loop powered devices, they are '4 (or more) wire' devices.

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Re: Coriolis Flow Meter Power Supply

08/02/2010 12:21 AM

Emerson has loop powered coriolisis mass flow meters for one Input, but if you are looking for more than one input (like density & flow, etc..) then you need to select for separate power supply (24 vdc or 220 VAC)

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Re: Coriolis Flow Meter Power Supply

08/02/2010 8:08 AM

The MicroMotion (Emerson) and Endress & Hauser coriolis flow meters I have installed on the process skids built here all require a seperate power supply. I see someone has noted that a loop current is sufficient on the Emerson meters for just the flow. I can't confirm this, as our customers always want both the 4-20ma and the frequency output. Can't remember which model, but some I believe some are universal power input (20-50VDC and 90-250VAC) and some are specific. (24VDC or 220VAC, etc.) Better check your model for that info.

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Re: Coriolis Flow Meter Power Supply

08/02/2010 10:22 AM

Interesting how Emerson does it. Emerson's 2 wire loop powered Coreolis is fairly new, according to their web site, and the date on the spec sheet is Nov 2009.

The transmitter does need more power than the conventional loop powered devices that use the loop current below the 4mA minimum needed for an output signal.

This Coreolis meter uses up to 12ma (0.29VA) of loop current for running its electronics so it's output, its unconditioned output is 12-20ma to a receiver device. A special interface module, which is also an I/S barrier, provides a conventional 4-20mA analog signal to a receiver.

It's amazing that they can get performance with that small amount of power.

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Re: Coriolis Flow Meter Power Supply

08/06/2010 10:50 AM

They are normally external powered with 110VAC/220VAC depending upon your requirement.

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Re: Coriolis Flow Meter Power Supply

02/20/2024 6:57 AM

Yes. The equipment manufacturer can. Telephone? Selection literature? Website? (invitation declined in advance)

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