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Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 10:00 AM

Are there any credible sources of information anymore? Were there ever?

I've been yelled at for citing Fox news. I've also received bogus emails that contain right wing lies regarding the president.

To try to get some semblance of the truth, I'll use Snopes to check email stories. is another. They lean to the left, but tend to be accurate, as far as I can tell. To try to unravel what's going on in the US, I'll look to the BBC and other UK sites.

Where does the unbiased truth live?

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 10:08 AM

I read about 2-3 hours a day on various news sites. I have found that a little left and right mixed together will give me a pretty good flavor of the real story.

The BBC is good, along with Drudge and plain old Yahoo news. There are also some loud mouth Israeli sites that tell it like it is.

Credible ?? Wanna buy a horse ?

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 12:25 PM

In Britain the BBC is known to have a definite left-wing bias, which is unforgivable. It's also known for corruption within, massive salaries and travel expenses for the boys and girls in charge, whilst all the time charging a very heavy fee (~ $233/year) per household, to watch any TV, BBC or not. True socialists. It is not the benign, neutral organization that you may think it is. How this affects overseas reporting, I couldn't say, but beware of their "honest Joe" appearance - it can be deceptive.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 1:07 PM

That is correct, and that is why I mix them in.

BBC = left, Drudge = right, Yahoo = some of both.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 10:11 AM

The unbiased truth lies scattered around the media landscape like aircraft wreckage.

You need to scour multiple sources of data, then try to analyze the data (like a CIA analyst) and put together a story, which can only be a probability, at best.

Many times it is necessary to use a biased source, determine where the bias lies, and work around it.

However, there was once a time in history where the news was actually very unbiased and the media took their job very seriously. I postulate that since history repeats itself that running old reruns of the news might actually be your only and best chance at getting the real truth.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 10:36 AM

It sure would be nice to be fed the facts alone and be allowed to make up my own mind.

I've been accused of being a Fox person, but quite frankly, I can't stand it. Sure there are some facts, but the endless spin and opinion pieces make me dizzy.

The mainstream nightly news is a complete joke. Half the time I feel like I'm watching Discovery Health. They'll dedicate half the program to obesity and the risk of heart disease.......................or some heartwarming story about a dog that found it's way home. What's up with that?

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 10:14 AM

I agree.

I would like to add one thing. And it's those breaking news reports. Never react to them. More times then not.... (99.9%) the news that is being reported as breaking news, is unsubstantiated, and its usually inaccurate.

However, there was once a time in history where the news was actually very unbiased and the media took their job very seriously.

That was when news is news, where now news is entertainment. I was always a news junkie. Back in the 70's I stopped watching local news, because that was just one news station trying to scoop the other. Nothing wrong with that except the only news in the area was local gossip.

I saw this creep into the national news front. but what really blew credibility out of the water, was the reporting on the first gulf war, with the smart bomb video footage and the ratings that it accrued.

Used to be 'bad news is good news'. It should be, 'substantiated bad news is good news'.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 10:12 AM

"Where does the unbiased truth live?"

It is dead.

It has been murdered by avarice and the never ending quest to have the highest ratings to sell more adverts.

Chet and David, Walter, Morley, Dan and the real newsmen of the past have been replaced by Top 10: Hot Newscasters - AskMen

I go to BBC for news. They have nothing to loose by telling the truth about us.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 10:15 AM

The BBC is far, far from unbiased. More like a long distance call.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 10:22 AM

Depends on one's point of view, doesn't it.

I prefer NPR anyway.

Let's face it. We all gravitate to the "news" that reflects our views, however biased we are.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 10:34 AM

I agree. However, if you are after unbiased truth you can't point to a single biased source and claim eureka. Nor can you expect multiple sources biased in the same direction to provide a balanced view, which was the original question.

The biggest problem I find is that the "News" is no longer the "News" anywhere you look, but nothing more than "Opinion Pieces" with a few select "Facts" thrown in for "Credibility".

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 12:02 PM

There's the rub.

This isn't our fathers world any more. The days of a reporter gathering information from varied, reliable sources on both sides of an issue are mostly gone. There's no money to be made reporting just the facts.

Until a year ago, I subscribed to two newspapers (local). I quit them because I could read to same stuff on the web.

I've given up on the hope that one person can make a difference and just hope the flock doesn't run off a cliff.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 5:08 PM

Well, the reason I started the thread wasn't to get a political argument brewing.

Phoenix911 and I, got into a side conversation on another thread about bias in the news, and started hearkening back to the good old days of Cronkite and the others.

Phoenix mentioned WWII, and it dawned on me that the coverage of WWII was extremely biased. The old newsreels were intentionally designed to keep the American people excited about the war effort. If I recall, from the ones I've seen, I don't think I ever saw any dead American bodies, or ever heard of the US and our allies getting the crap beat out of us in a battle.................and yet it happened. I've heard WWII stories from some of the guys that were over there, (I could listen to them for hours), and the reality was nothing like what was being fed to the US public.

Anyway, I think the realization of how much power they wielded, came to the US media during the Vietnam war. They embedded reporters with the troops, and the stark ugly reality was spashed across our screens every night. I think those images on the news had a whole lot to do with souring the public attitude and helped to get us out of there.................and I'm glad for it. In the case of the Vietnam war coverage, I still believe the media was biased.............they were biased against the war, and the cold, hard truth happened to fit the agenda.

I also started the thread just out of interest, to see what others here watch or listen to. And, I would genuinely like to find a place, I'm guessing on the web, that is truly without bias. Just be able to log on and find out what was happening in the US and around the world in the previous 24 hours. I guess my primary interests would be political and economic news. Not political commentary, just what happened that day.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 10:22 AM

Good Morning, Vietnam kind of shows comically where it veered off. From a propaganda numbers game.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 10:28 AM

I should add, that I also use some paid intelligence subscriptions (for my job) as a vehicle to understand world events.

These can be a bit costly, but you get real information that never makes it to the news.

The reason is that news organizations focus on events that are likely to generate the largest revenues in ads, or that may be agenda driven for that organization. Many of the analysis found in these paid subscription typically represent longer term events or potential geopolitical events that could span years or decades. Most people just want to know what happened today and who had wardrobe malfunctions.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/20/2012 4:04 PM

AH. Would it be possible for the folks at CR4 to subscribe to these intelligence subscriptions and run them as a feature here?

I'm not kidding. Having the ability to see unfiltered, unbiased world news right here, would be awesome.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/20/2012 8:52 PM

The problem with paid subscriptions is that reproducing it and posting it at CR4 would likely spell trouble for the person posting it and even more trouble for the site hosting it.

It is unlikely that a paid subscription source would authorize reproduction of their work. That would defeat the purpose of it being a paid subscription.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 6:59 AM

Yeah, as cool as that would be, I knew it wouldn't happen, as I was writing.

On the other hand, and I'm sure I'm still dreaming, if CR4, (or somebody), had these subscriptions, without doing a copy and paste job, they could simply report the events themselves, without going into lots of detail. CR4 could just expand on the daily news section to include interesting and unreported things that are outside the engineering realm. The people in admin that are charged with filling up space on the front page every day would probably be happy to be able to expand the subject matter.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 7:14 AM

Remember what happened to Julian Assange? Or what is happening to him as we speak? News is what you pay for, if you can't you might end up in the wrong circles. Left or right? We are living (surviving) in the twenty first century, we aint seen nothing yet Mate. What is dished out is what we deserve. I spider in its web can teach me more than ...............

Forget about it Mark, some are just more samer than others.



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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 8:24 AM

Good point!

He's one of my heroes. I read a pretty lengthy interview with him a few weeks, he's in deep doo doo.

I wonder why everybody's so upset with him? The governments of the world are only interested in the betterment of humanity right? Yeah, sure.

I'm able to bounce around and get, what I think, is a pretty good idea of what's going on. It takes a little effort, but it's possible to get around the agenda driven bias.

It's the stuff we don't hear about at all, that worries me.

To watch the network news in the US, you'd think that the US economy is humming along nicely, and the whole world is in a state of relative peace....................nothing to worry about at all.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 11:11 AM

The fact of the matter is, that whether we lean to the left or right, there are a lot of extremely important things going on that simply aren't reported at all............or if they are, it requires a lot of digging.

At the risk of sounding like I have an agenda, I get a lot of my information from what are considered right wing hate sites. I think that Glenn Beck is completely insane, but the blaze tends to report the facts. Beck turning the political atmosphere into a holy war is just crazy, but if I ignore the spin, I haven't found any outright lies.

There are others. Drudge, breitbart.

From the left, I'll check the huffington post.

I really don't care if a particular source has an agenda, as long as what they are reporting as facts, are indeed facts. I can skip over the agenda.

It's actually a good thing that there is a right and left. They work hard to dig up dirt on each other, and somewhere in the mess, we can get an idea of what's really going on.

We're total toast if we ever wake up to discover that everyone in Washington is getting along and on the same team.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 6:32 PM

That is the problem. Many times it is not just facts, but how they presented that is the problem.

Case in point is a national TV network that reported the George Zimmerman shooting. They played a 911 audio tape of the event, but spliced out a critical section of the audio. When broadcasted it present Zimmerman as saying something clearly racist.

When the whole tape was broadcasted by another network without the splice the remark was not racist at all, but a direct answer to a question posed by the 911 operator. The 911 operator's question as purposely cut from the audio so that it appeared as if Zimmerman meant something that he did not say.

While all of the information broadcasted was true, it was the willful absence of other critical data that was not broadcasted that totally distorted the context of the whole story.

It's not enough to simply report truth. It must be complete and in the correct order to provide the unbiased story in its totality.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/20/2012 8:58 AM

For them to have done what they did should be illegal. In fact, once the smoke clears, I wouldn't be surprised if Zimmerman didn't have a strong case for defamation of character. Remember Richard Jewell? The poor guy's dead, and I still feel bad for him. He never did anything wrong and the media essentially executed him on the news.

It's quite apparent that we can't escape bias unless we completely tune out. In cases like Jewell and Zimmerman, I personally believe that their behavior is criminal, (the media). Rodney King is another. We've got a media that is happy to foment racial hatred, I'm assuming, because once the riots start, they will have breaking news.

Thanks in part to our media, people are being beaten around the country for walking down the street. Retribution for Trayvon.

I can't figure out exactly what the agenda is, but they are playing, (what I think), is a very dangerous game. The majority of the populace has been conditioned to believe everything that comes out of the TV. It's a much more powerful medium than most people realize..................and it's being abused.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/20/2012 9:08 AM

Which version of the above mentioned scenario sold more adds?

I think that most of us (in the USA, at least) have selected our news sources because they tell us what we want to hear. Their views align with ours. They dish the dirt on people we already hate, so we go there.

I think Rush is a flaming idiot, but he makes a whale of a lot more money that I do, so, who's the real idiot here?

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/20/2012 9:44 AM

He is annoying. I listen to him for the same reason that I listen to Jon Stewart.

I have a certain degree of respect for both of them. At least they don't put on a serious face and proclaim that they are sources of valid news.

Agenda driven entertainment is long as they are honest about what it is they are doing.

I know a lot of people that haven't ever heard what Rush has to say. The sound of his voice alone is worse than fingernails on a chalkboard. I used to be one of them.

Bill Maher used to be funny. Then he woke up one morning and decided that he was a respected statesman of the he's just mean and ugly.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 10:26 AM


Two opposite cultured journals each can take one single exact fact and report on it.

And you have two very different comentarys or reports that is 180 degrees of each other.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 11:35 AM

I also am still reading Rolling Stone magazine. The political pieces are truly amazing.

Whether it's the right or the left, the ability of people to take facts and completely shape our perception of them astounds me.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 1:13 PM

Maybe it's time to just watch the naked news. At least there, the anchors don't hide anything while keeping us abreast of the news.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 12:47 PM

you have a link....maybe

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 5:13 PM

Like Lyn, my greatest source is NPR. Lesser sources are PBS, local news on TV, and newspapers when I get my hands on them (I don't subscribe to any, and I don't get out much!) I make a point to avoid CNN, MSNBC, FOX, etc. k-g

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 5:20 PM

Thanks kimberly. I listen to NPR also, however, while it doesn't appear to be biased, there are a lot of things that I feel should be reported, that are simply skipped altogether.

Another thing about the WWII coverage....................all film and photos were shot by military personel, and the news was released by the government. I don't think any of us would be comfortable with that situation today.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 5:26 PM

"WWII coverage"

What "WWII coverage"?

Talk about bias!

Where did, "WWII coverage" come from?

What else don't you like about NPR? Don't hold back!

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 5:36 PM

One the funniest, and probably most honest sources of my news, when I get around to watching Jon Stewart. The guy is a riot. I don't care who he's making fun of.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 5:47 PM

The next Al Franken?

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/19/2012 5:54 PM

Stewart's probably too smart to get involved in politics.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 12:45 PM

Yes your correct.

The point was, the news was suspended for a higher cause. To win the war.

Can you imagine, and thats all what we can do is imaging what turn of events if they would have reported everything.

I can see the headlines. "FDR, How can a Cripple run a Free Nation?".

Or, the "Japs fighting for survival, Should the U.S. Stay out of the Pacific Rim?"

that was the point.

I have to say, that the news should temper politics, thats the way it was..

Problem is now, its currently all noise.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/20/2012 10:14 AM

Back to the original guys feel free to post links to your sources of information. I'll check them out regardless of what they are. This isn't about passing judgement on anyone.

I understand that the BBC is biased. I do include them as one of my sources though, because they have a different take on what happens in the US. The same facts are run through a different prism.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/20/2012 10:29 AM

Here's where my TV is almost always tuned:

Cartoon Network | Free Games and Online Video from Ben 10, Star ...

Or, Disney Channel (Who doesn't love Donald, Goofy and Mickey?)

I find the most unbiased reporting and opinions are here.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/20/2012 11:09 AM

I thought the Disney channel was safe.......................wrong.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but the vast majority of the content and language is inappropriate for my 5 year old daughter. Despite the perception that I'm sure a lot of people have of me................I don't cuss around my kid, and I don't get my beer/whiskey buzz going until after she's asleep.

As far as she knows, I'm just a doting dad. I keep my alter ego safely hidden on the pages of CR4 and FB.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/20/2012 11:30 AM


Having raised three different sets of children over 40 years, I assure you that lots of 5 YO's can already turn the air blue.

Present group of boys is 6,7 and 13. My biological son is 41/daughter 36. We all still live within 20 miles of each other.

Unless you move into the hills and home school them, the only thing you can do is hope that you are a good role model and they stay out of jail. (We know each others past history here)

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/20/2012 11:47 AM

We can only do the best we can.

Back to the that the weather is nice, the TV pretty much stays off. I've got bluegrass playing on the front porch and Emily is building a fort in the yard. The garden is another primary focus...............she did most of the planting this year.

The degree of propaganda that is laced into the kid's TV is astounding. You really don't notice it until you actually sit down and pay attention.

You've seen my FB rants..............I don't care if it's the right or left, shaping my kid's thought processes and world view is not the job of the government, teachers, television, or anyone else.

It's not mine either. To the extent that it's possible, I present her with the facts and allow her to formulate her own opinion.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 4:23 PM

I built this fort for my 4 y/o grandson. He won't even watch tv anymore !

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 4:53 PM

Oh man.....................that's sweet!!!!!

I'm jealous of the kid, and I'm 50.

Nice job! When I was a kid, I don't think TV was an option. It wouldn't have mattered. The only thing us kids wanted to do was get out in the woods and away from our parents. Getting us out of the house wasn't a was finding us and getting us in for dinner.

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In reply to #45

Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 5:01 PM

That is exactly how I grew up. We lived on a farm in rural Virginia. My 4 brothers and I (all about 1 year apart) didn't watch 1 hour of TV in a week.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 5:27 PM

Very nice.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 6:25 PM

Thanks. It's about 100 yards from the house under some trees. He doesn't even know I can spy on him !!

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 12:54 PM

I was thinking more of South Park.

Or better still, I was thinking of the earlier Non Political Correct Saturday Night Live (SNL) Skits such as Point/Counterpoint

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 4:02 PM

News is politized.

I admit I am a conservative, and proud of it. My values were in line with Ronald Reagan

I would watch Rush Limbaugh back in the 80's-90's as well as Hannity and Colmes back in the day, now I would listen to Hannity on my way home from work, sometimes I have to turn it off.

A little more than two weeks ago, Hannity had one of the Occupy Wall street guys on talk show, and later had him on his talk radio show, which I listen on my way home from work.

'Occupy Wall Street' organizer slings insults during heated debate

Is this what this country coming to, entitlements to all.

In Wisconsin, we voted in a new Governor Scott Walker in 2010, He was facing over a 3 billion dollar deficit. He came out in the open that he was going to limit collective bargaining to the public sector unions (Teachers, Government employees) but not include Firefighters and Police.

What did this collective bargaining to the public sector unions consist of?

The public sector require to pay approx. 5% of their health insurance (and excellent health insurance at that)and put more into their retirement, I can't recall, less than 10%.

As well being able to put out for bids on their own health insurance. (IMO, the current was very close to racketteering)

Unions especially the Teachers Unions (WEAC) and the liberal media came down hard on Walker. A lot of money came into this state from both sides to fight this (For and Against)

The Milwaukee Journal which is very liberal, last Sunday finally backed Walker and came out that the recall is unwarranted.

They only did this because the gloom and doom that they predicted that was going to happen, didn't. What happened was the opposite.

  • The budget was balanced for a short time, but it did get away a little, but it is manageable,
  • Unemployment numbers, and bad as it was, is looking up.
  • The layoffs of teachers, never really happened, except for the municipals, that quickly signed union contracts before Walker Reforms (2011 WISCONSINACT 10) took effect. They are the ones having budget shortfalls and fiscal difficulty.

I found that when you read or hear an news report, no matter where it came from. Give it at least a few days, before the actual truth actually begins to show itself.

I know I got political here, I didn't post this off topic because the media is so politized.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 4:47 PM

Even with the political stuff, I prefer just the facts.

From where I'm sitting, it looks like the things Walker is doing, make sense. Regardless of the debate, there just isn't the money to take care of our public employees like kings and queens anymore.

The feds are tightening the purse strings, and the states are realizing that gobs of money aren't going to be coming from Washington. While things are going to be somewhat difficult, I'm happy to see some states getting more self reliant and less dependent on Washington.

I consider myself a conservative too, but it's primarily in the fiscal sense. I don't understand how anyone could "not" be a fiscal conservative in this atmosphere. In the social sense I'm more libertarian don't tell me what to do, and I won't tell you what to do. Live and let live. When people gain control of Washington from either side, I don't want them actively attempting to dictate how people live their lives.

I like talking about this stuff. But even now, on the silent electric car article, people are saying things like "stupid t** h**". Problem is, when comments like that, or "t***s"..............whatever, get used, any meaningful conversation tends to get thrown out the window.

I'm not as interested in "beating" liberals, as I am in convincing them, in a rational way, that liberal policies don't work.

When I get off on rants, people assume it's right wing stuff................nope, it's coming from the Constitutional libertarian in me.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 5:56 PM

Listening to the justification spin fron the liberals, the national DNC closed the war chest for the local liberals on walkers recall, which made them more upset.

As for just the facts. That is the problem, when you hear something the best is not to react, just wait and be patience until the news becomes 'tempered'. :/

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 7:39 PM

Well, I don't really understand the political war that's going on. Actually I do, but broke is least that's how it works in my house. If money is low or out, we have to make changes to the way we live. Oops, there's that common sense thing again.

I don't blame the government workers for being angry. I'd love to be able to retire at 50 and collect a paycheck for the rest of my life. It was wrong to ever promise them that that's the way it would be, in the first place.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/22/2012 7:08 AM

"Well, I don't really understand the political war that's going on."

That's fine, because we're not here to discuss it. The news stuff is okay-ish but please keep the political debates to the private messaging system or another form of communication.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/22/2012 8:02 AM

I was really hoping that someone knew of a place on the internet to get just the straight facts in a news like events, economic news, etc. Sounds like it's not available without a subscription.

As far as the political stuff on here, I'm pretty sure you're not going to prevent it from creeping into the threads, since there is a political component to so many of the subjects that get discussed here. I personally enjoy exploring that angle. Besides, you have to admit, for the most part, the members here have moved beyond the, "I'm right and you're wrong", petty arguments.

Political discussion encompasses a lot more than the silly left vs right. Rules, regulations, and policy decisions that come out of Washington have a direct impact on how we live our lives and conduct our businesses. To completely try to keep it out of our conversations doesn't make much sense to me. I agree that arguments should be relegated to PM, but rational discussion should be allowed.

It's difficult to discuss manufacturing, engineering, or many of the other topics on here, while attempting to ignore the giant elephant in the room.....................................which is the fact that the US and much of Europe are rapidly slipping into an economic rat hole.

It may be my imagination, but it seems that quite a few of the blogs appear to directly invite political discourse.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/22/2012 8:17 AM

These are valid points. But, that doesn't mean CR4 will become the place for political debates.

I'm fine with questions about seeking resources. Yes, politics sometimes come into play with certain subjects like NASA. The moderation team keeps an eye on conversations to keep them from being party-bashing, finger-pointing, screaming matches.

That's about all I have to say on the subject. Continue on.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/22/2012 4:06 PM

Can I point my finger at the fact that the EPA has aligned itself with the sierra club and become a radicalized group of environmentalists that are able to set policy and enact laws?

Can I point my finger at the fact the that the current administration injected itself into Boeing's decision to open an assembly plant in South Carolina..................with threats?

Am I to assume that GolobalSpec's clients care nothing about the political atmosphere?

Well, I have no interest in doing battle with other members here. I keep up with things political, and am interested in hearing the justification that comes from someone that has a different opinion than me. While I understand that admin doesn't care for politics, politics has an impact on everyone that has anything to do with creating and selling a product.......................engineers comprise a large portion of that list. We're all grownups here, and the screaming matches have become few and far between.

I'm sure you'll be well as making the decision to cast 5 OT votes at once, whenever you feel like it.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/22/2012 1:14 PM

Good luck with that. Because the main street news media is nothing more that political tools, and not an unbiased third party.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/21/2012 7:40 PM

Good to see that that's finally considered a bad word around here.

We're making progress.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/22/2012 4:08 PM


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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/22/2012 5:44 PM

You're right. Why delve into this stuff when we can read a front page of capitalized, unclear internet queries, followed by links on how to search the internet?

Excellent point!!! Totally political neutral and non threatening.

I'm not going to unsubscribe, since I started the thread. See you on the front page!

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/22/2012 7:18 PM

There are a lot of valid reasons here that reaffirm my decision to stop watching the news decades ago. That doesn't mean I don't see TV or hear radio that is considered news, I just don't have it on my daily schedule, the way we did when I was growing up -- back when Walter Cronkite, et. al. were anchoring the "news." I don't watch any nightly news broadcasts, not even local. They can be worse than the national ones. Sometimes I watch local news when I'm interested in the weather forecast at the moment. Usually, though, I get my weather forecast from the Internet.

Because people do talk about really important news stories I haven't been kept in the dark long about serious news events.

Then there is the subject summarized as: "It's the stuff we don't hear about at all, that worries me. ," precipitated by AH's mention of paying for information that isn't widely known. Does "truth" now have a price? Allied to that discussion is the homogeneity of broadcasts -- even to the catch-phrases and buzz-words used reporting an event. It's all too scripted. This is an artifact of too few sources owned by too few owners. We're much closer to Orwell's "Newspeak" than we imagine. (For ex.: See George Carlin's routines about "euphemisms.")

The question raised in the OP implies that we want information that 1) is relevant to more than just our curiosity -- really impacts our lives and 2) Lends itself to being acted on. Using those 2 criteria (and others could add more, no doubt) how much news is worth knowing? If I can't or don't care to act on what I've learned it serves little purpose beyond being able to use it in conversation.

I do indulge in "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report" on a fairly regular basis because both point up the ridiculousness of so much that is called "news" and the way it is reported. And I do LOL at them, which releases the endorphins needed to cope with what they are making fun of. Watching does also expose me to most of the subjects being talked about across the media stage. But, again, how many of those subjects are worthwhile? Or can be acted upon? If I'm not going to, or can't, act on events reported (ever) then the information will lie (possible double meaning) in my brain as a reminder of wasted time.

As imperfect (and maybe unwise) as it is, my "method" to try to know what is true is to only use news reporting for putting an item on my list to "research." That can include any or all of the following: articles on the Internet, books I might find in the library (librarIES, since any library can usually get what you want via Inter-Library loan) and/or books I find in bookstores. I am fortunate to have a good used bookstore that regularly sells current books as well as older ones for clearance prices -- usually $3, $2, and $1. Books published as recently as 2011. Some events, though, aren't so topical that they require researching.

I also tend to trust written sources more than verbal ones. And they can be just as inaccurate and misleading. But if the verbal source is then sourced to some document or book, it is, hopefully, detailed enough that it can be held up to comparison with other sources.

Speaking of sources, I understand the purpose and intent to keep sources "anonymous." But if we really value truth in a society, no one should fear reprisals for telling it. Too often, whistle-blower is a bad word. Too much like "snitch." If we are part of a group where we feel "everybody" does it, we are more likely to see it that way... sort of like casting stones.

Sorry for the length. Fortunately for everyone I need to head home. Much more could be said... but does it need to be? Nah. Most of us know the problems. It's the solutions that can be difficult.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/22/2012 8:47 PM

Long, but good post as usual. I like the truth. I'd rather be on the receiving end of the ugly truth, than "feel good" BS.

Maybe I should just relax and try to drink more beer, but visions of armed moderators that frown on political discourse, roaming the streets to keep us from arguing and disagreeing, are looking like they may be closer to reality than we think.

Freedom was fun.

I'm not judging the CR4 team...........................I'm talking real life.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/22/2012 10:50 PM

It boils down to this: news is deemed to be entertainment for the consumer and it is considered to be revenue by the agency that presents it.

The only caveat to that is many agencies also have their own agenda as to the politics behind it. So, it is not always about the money, but ideology, too.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/23/2012 6:19 AM

I watched this last night for the first time ever. She's good at what she does, I'll say that. A totally different spin than what I'm used to listening to..................very believable too.

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In reply to #62

Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/23/2012 11:43 AM

Thanks, kramarat.

Variety is the spice of life, as they say. Glimmers of truth can be found in even the most biased of viewpoints. That is to say, most viewpoints begin from some ideal. It's the "everything I say is correct" drumbeat that wears one out. That, and the vilifying of anyone with a different view. Tolerance is key to compromise. And recognizing the common ideals helps, too. (Aren't there enough members here to fill Congress? )

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/23/2012 12:10 PM

(Aren't there enough members here to fill Congress?

Ha, More than enough hot air..... but atleast on this site you can challenge.

Having to mediate with problem projects, processes and people.

I have found and from my experiences now always felt, that there are two views to every story, and the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

It's getting to the meat of any issue, can at times be a challenge. I had touched off on a similar post on another thread about a week ago.

News is no different.

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In reply to #65

Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/23/2012 2:12 PM

I don't disagree. Responsibility is the bottom line. Blame is just another word for assigning responsibility. It has more of an edge to use the word blame, that's all.

And that lack, in the various financial boondoggles and failures, is what galls most Americans regardless of political persuasion.

As far as the "meat" of an issue, that is almost impossible. I would submit it has been for decades, if not longer. For most of my adult life I have wished someone would enact a rule that, proposed legislation has to be "single issue" legislation. No riders or earmarks (using the more modern reference). Put all such spending in one or 2 "super" earmark bills every session. Let every member of Congress who wants money for their district pony it up in a bill everyone knows is just earmarks. Hidden riders sometimes keep a representative from voting on legislation they would otherwise support, because of these hidden (or almost) riders and earmarks. Likewise, representatives get "convinced" to support legislation in return for something in another bill that doesn't even have anything to do with said legislation. This is how a lot of waste gets passed into law in the first place. Then votes could more easily be tagged to the debate on the main legislative issue. And voting records wouldn't be so skewed. I want to know how representatives feel about the issue and legislation at hand, on its own terms. If earmarks were overtly lumped together, I think many of them would fall by the wayside. At least a lot of needless spending would be more transparent, than if hidden in legislation it has nothing to do with.

Even then, how many of us follow every bill and know all of it's language and ramifications? Who benefits? Why? Are the benefits for the public at large, or for a relatively few? This is where TV could really be a service to the public. Imagine if CNN had a daily show which followed all legislation, at least by mention, and then tracked the more important pieces in detail. And don't give it silly names, like, "The Situation Room." This is the entertainment aspect that has been mentioned in this thread that we could do without. Also, don't bury it in afternoon time slots. Put it in prime time where most working people can watch it if they want. Or maybe even 2 nights a week. A small sacrifice for Piers Morgan's time slot. It has the potential to have the same effect (intended, anyway) as any "occupy" movement.

And the public shouldn't have to demand something like this. CNN and other news organizations should do this because it is a good idea. Sure, there are sites on the web where one can investigate legislation in detail, but the average working person isn't going to do that for lack of time and the boredom of reading through it all. Like it or not, if you want something talked about (and even discussed ) the next day, put it on CNN, in primetime, not in some blog on the Internet. And do your best to pick people who can analyze and discuss the legislation without buzz-words and catch-phrases. Just straight analysis. Maybe it would encourage people to start researching more on their own. (One of my pet peeves is the abuse of statistics. Statistical lies are insidious.)

Why has no news organization offered this? It doesn't have to be as laborious and time-consuming as C-SPAN. (Although, the nation was riveted by the Watergate hearings. It can be dramatic. I think the testimony of Harry Markopolos in the Madoff hearings was pretty interesting to watch.) Since it probably isn't going to be attempted, we viewers have to read between the lines in ways the media might think is baseless or unfair. What is their agenda? Is it to serve the public in the best ways possible? Does the profit motive always lead to the best outcome?

The political process should grow and adapt to the technology of the times. (Except for voting. I think electronic voting is too susceptible to manipulation. Likewise for "Internet voting.") I would also like to see a rule that every member of Congress would have to appear on national TV for questioning and cross-examination by the public at large on a regular basis (??). They do represent their district, but they vote on Federal legislation. They are, de facto, national representatives. Just some ideas.

Obviously, this kind of venting could go on. I'll stop.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/23/2012 2:43 PM

Even then, how many of us follow every bill and know all of it's language and ramifications? Who benefits? Why? Are the benefits for the public at large, or for a relatively few?

which reminds me.

I hate double speak, long winded responses, attorneyize contracts, laws and regulations and political correctness.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/23/2012 5:41 PM

Sorry for the long-winded response.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/23/2012 3:07 PM

Blame is just another word for assigning responsibility.

That is the problem, as I mention earlier. Our culture is changing to make it unprofessional to use Harsh Words, or words with an edge. Its to the point, its a challenge and I expect a response.

The kind of responses that seems to be unacceptable now-a-days.

short version:

  • Had a process blender that was not performing.
  • The design of it was under powered
  • Mechanically it was under designed/engineered (shafts too light, drive chains too light, kinematics failed, ect.....) no engineering done what so ever.

I addressed the issues to the engineer who was in charge and had actually engineered/designed it.

p911: The Blender does not perform what can be done about it?

engineer: thats a matter of opinion

p911: Really, whats your opinion?

After dead silence, his response was,

Engineer: your mean. (or close to that effect)

I was taken aback from that

p911: I'm not here to be your friend, I was hired here to get to the bottom of this. Now what can we do to turn this project around.

needless to say, he didn't have an answer, and frankly the blender did not have a foundation to actually correct it. The engineer soon put in his resignation, interesting to say, I was called into where this same engineer had worked and then bolted on other equipment that did not perform. (this engineer should have been competant, he did have a B.sC in M.E. from Michigan Tech.). Thats why I challenge everything to get to the bottom.

I believe the problem we have now and can also be address to the news media is that "being unaccoutable" is okay. And that I have a problem with.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/23/2012 3:33 PM

It doesn't have to be as intensive and boring as C-span. We've got too few people in charge of way too much money...................they have become addicted to spending it like a bunch of crack addicts. I don't think they know how to stop.

My suggestion, (that I've made before), is to use the internet like they use it to vote on American Idol or Dancing with Stars. Not to vote per se, but to allow citizen input on the things they are spending money on. The various earmarks could be as simple as a list, with dollar amounts and a yes or no check box. The people could either log on with their computers or phones and let them know how they feel.

We're getting pretty long here on an off topic discussion for CR4. See my latest thread. Looks like a better place to have these talks.

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In reply to #69

Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/23/2012 3:37 PM

My suggestion, (that I've made before), is to use the internet like they use it to vote on American Idol or Dancing with Stars.

Initially, thats interesting, takes a load off of representive, but you have to realize the larger metropolitan cities and such would have a huge advantage over rural.

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/23/2012 4:10 PM

Not if everybody in the rural areas got on and said, " Hell no, we don't want a bridge to nowhere. Why do you want to do that???!!!!"

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Re: Where Do You Get Your News?

05/23/2012 12:07 PM

Quite! Entertainment and revenue have destroyed American TV. We got rid of it 5 years ago. If I see a TV program in a shop, airport etc., I cast an eye over the poor wretches glued to the screen and cringe. It's not a feeling of superiority, but pity, that they cannot see it for what it is and how they are being manipulated by the dastardly media. All that marvelous color LCD & digital technology wasted on utter drivel.

The concept of a world news program being interrupted frequently by adverts for "Chuck's New Mini Bite-Sized Burgerettes" puts the whole thing in perspective. How can you take this seriously?

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