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Namibia (Job Offer)

02/01/2013 12:54 AM

Dear friends.

I have been offered a job in namibia and I am in India.

I wants to know more about caltexcorp and its operation in windhoek(Namibia)

If anybody can give any feed back regarding this company my decision of joining will ease.I do not wants to be victim of immigration fraud.

thanks in advance


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pravin dhameliya B.E.civil 1994 pass out.
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Re: Namibia.

02/01/2013 3:30 AM


  • The purpose of the interview was to give each candidate an opportunity to learn about the company and its operations, and to meet the prospective management team at the prospective workplace.
  • The contract offer will contain elements of assurance and confidence for the prospective employee. That the company has made one is an indication of its confidence in the candidate.
  • The Namibian government will have published its conditions for immigrant workers and their visa requirements, if any. A Google search will reveal them.
  • Make sure that there is a return air ticket included in the package, so that if it doesn't work out, one can get home.

So if it feels good, go for it.

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Re: Namibia.

02/05/2013 9:08 AM

As Mr PW Slack says, first do a simple search on Internet and be very cautious. This intrigues me though. I know Namibia and I know Caltex (in South Africa). First thing struck me is - I know of no significant Caltex Operations in Namibia or Windhoek (which is the capital city). Apart from petrol (gasoline) Distribution centres, I just cannot recall any oil refining or petroleum manufacture operations in Namibia. Possibly some oil drilling may take place, but this would be offshore and not in the Capital. And drilling would be done through companies like SOEKOR.

It also seems seriously odd that such a post would be advertised as far afield as India. Even if it was mining, they would rather be importing technical people from South Africa (it is cheaper, the mining is similar, the culture is similar, they have strong ties with SA). I have in fact been up there. Semi Desert.

To my knowledge there are indeed major mining operations & Processing facilities: Diamonds (de Beers), Uranium (Rossing), Copper, etc.]. On the other hand there is the following details for : Caltex Oil Namibia (Pty) Ltd.

Dr Frans Indongo Street, PO Box 3388, Windhoek

Tel : +264 6122 7440

You may want to call to see whether this is all real. But off hand, I must say this sound strange - that such a company would want to import someone from the east.

At best (if genuine) this sounds like a gasoline/ petrol distribution operation and not manufacturing or oil refining. At worst, you may find this out for us in your research venture. Please do let us know what you find through your follow ups. Do be highly cautious in dealing with any agency that demands money. If its is genuine, do let us know. I remain intrigued.

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Re: Namibia (Job Offer)

02/11/2013 12:54 AM

If someone is asking you to deposit money into his credit card account or by other means then just don't do it. There are lots of cheaters around these days.

Prof. (Dr.) Shyam, Managing Director for Sensors Technology Private Limited. Gwalior, MP474001, India.
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