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Why Are You Happy?

05/23/2013 2:29 PM

Newton said for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.

I asked you what your problems were and we got plenty responses, to be fair I must now ask you what makes you feel content, what urges you to count your blessings?

I feel that I have lived during the most interesting time of this world ever. I was born in 1944 and lived to see transport by ox wagon taken over by automobile, get radio, later TV, see jet airplanes, jumbo jets, a man on the moon, computers (remember I started off with the slipstick- sliderule), GPS, and with some remorse now the cell phones and satelite dish.

It had been a wonderful life, as hard as it was sometimes but never a dull moment.


Johan van Niekerk
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Re: Why are you happy?

05/23/2013 2:56 PM

"I must now ask you what makes you feel content, what urges you to count your blessings?"


How much of blessing to be able to say that?

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Re: Why Are You Happy?

05/23/2013 3:21 PM

I'm just happy to still be alive....Being able to access so much information on-line via internet, is something never thought is a leap forward in education that outshines everything that has come before, and the change can be seen daily....

All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life
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Re: Why Are You Happy?

05/24/2013 1:14 AM

I am happy because I am content, and ask for little more.

I have adequate money, keep a careful eye on it thru bear and bull markets, and am not worried when I spend it, or how the market is.

My health is changing, but not so quickly that I can't adapt. I can still exercise.

I am experiencing life, the only chance I have at it that I know of, or can expect.

I accept my limitations. That's how I was created.

I have a good circle of friends and a happy family, even when they can be trying.

I am still curious and learning. That's why I like this forum. It extends me.

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Re: Why Are You Happy?

05/24/2013 1:42 AM

When 13 I decided to eschew ambition and do only what I liked doing. Am 74 now and have done exactly that. No regrets. No great conventional success. However, complete contentment.

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Re: Why Are You Happy?

05/24/2013 8:17 AM

Hi Johan,

Well, sir, you're opened that proverbial "can of worms" .

Okay, full disclosure ...

I have been unemployed now for 7 months ... the first time in more than 30 years. Despite well over a hundred resumes, I've had not even one interview. These have been trying times when I have questioned my self-worth and my capabilities. There have been huge struggles with money. Still, these times have been and are some of the best of my life.

I am a man of faith, and while that is a forbidden subject for many, I cannot help but realize that it alone is the foundation of my happiness. I realized long ago that I don't get what I deserve, and while that seems to some as a curse, for me I count it as God's mercy and my blessing. I realized also that the only difference between a "bad day" and a "good day" is me, because every day has it's troubles, but how I live through them is mostly my own choice.

It seems that discontentment in the world often comes from a sense of entitlement, which when unfulfilled, makes one feel somehow cheated. It masks the fact that the only thing of real value is one's character.

Another post offered a very good list of what makes them happy. I agree with their list. When one counts the true blessings in life, one cannot help but find contentment in the simplest of things, and embrace each moment.

We all have much for which to be thankful, and that should make us happy.

Kind regards ...

"Just when I had all the answers, they changed all the questions"
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Re: Why Are You Happy?

05/24/2013 11:47 AM

GA DCaD. I appreciate your perspective in the middle of trying times career-wise and the associated financial strains. Being able to trust that God is in control gives us confindence to face the challenges that arise on a seemingly daily basis.

If one depends upon "good" circumstances to be "happy" or joyful they will constantly be miserable because their having positive emotions is at the whim or others. That is truly a vulnerable place to be.

President Lincoln said, "most men are as happy as they make up their mind to be."

It is our choice and then response to the environment around us that determines our quality of life. There are different factors that can impact ones state; those are satisfaction in an occupation, healthy marriage relationship, having a sense of purpose or mission, ones faith life.

Here's a timely quote that was at the bottom of the CR4 page.

"Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving." -- W.T. Purkiser

One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do. Ford, Henry
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Re: Why Are You Happy?

05/25/2013 8:08 AM

Happiness is relative term. Money can never get you near happiness. I have met many poor villagers living in primitive way but they smile like being most happy persons in the world. Materialistic world can never bring you happiness. It will rather bring you miseries of the world. Happiness is the state of mind, you can remain happy in all eventualities or miserable. I can recommend book " In Search of Happiness" I have read long back.

As I am concerned, I live retired life with fixed routine of morning walk in the garden, Yoga exercises, reading morning newspaper. In afternoon nice Siesta after lunch, evening with friends in the park, all of them have retired from different professions. I had saved during my working life and here we get interest rates so that I can meet my expenses. I am always happy and thank God for his blessings.

"Engineers should not look for jobs but should create jobs for others" by Dr.Radhakrishnan Ex President of India during my college graduation day
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Re: Why Are You Happy?

05/25/2013 9:00 AM

Hello Suresh,

I can attest to what you say. I lived in mainland China for several years, and there enjoyed some of the greatest friendships in my life. Most were local people living very simple lives, some without, as we say, "two nickels to rub together". Yet, they enjoyed life for what it was, and placed high value on relationships rather than possessions.

Kind regards ...

"Just when I had all the answers, they changed all the questions"
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Re: Why Are You Happy?

05/24/2013 8:55 AM

Every day after Friday, November 13, 1970 is a happy day for me.

That's the day I returned home from 18 months in Viet Nam.


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Re: Why Are You Happy?

05/24/2013 8:58 AM

when you've cheated death you really don't require time for reflection, you just develop an appreciation for mere life itself. It isn't about how many toys you have.its about just continuing to have the opportunity to experience life as you wish sounds corny but it's true in my case

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Re: Why Are You Happy?

05/24/2013 9:00 AM

I choose to be happy.

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Re: Why Are You Happy?

05/24/2013 1:16 PM

Because I made an executive decision, to decide, to be unaffected by yahoos.

No, it does not means to be unawares.

No, it does not mean not reacting, when warranted.

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Re: Why Are You Happy?

05/24/2013 2:19 PM

Medication and recent phone calls have made me happier this week.

Maybe it's just Karma found bigger nuts to kick around this week?

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Re: Why Are You Happy?

05/24/2013 5:26 PM

With the world collapsing around me, it must be autosuggestion, or worse. S.M.

Life is complex. It has a real part and an imaginary part.
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