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Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/25/2014 4:38 PM

Hello to all that reads this post and thank you for your time. I had a talk with a friend of mine yesterday and we were talking about jobs that have stress. Well we both agreed that a guy that defuses a bomb was stressful and I told him that when I was a auto technician that it was stressful if you were passionate about your job and you cared about what you did that you had more stress going home from work as you would recap your days work to make sure that you didn't forget something or leave something loose as it could lead to a crash or worse a death of someone. And he had told me that I was screwed up in the head. He had said that when he did brakes and other work on his cars he never worried about anything. He also had said that when he worked for Sears as a auto technician that he didn't ever think about the cars once they were done and out the door. But I had told him that there is a difference when you do work on your own cars or customer's cars.I tried to tell him about the liability and that if something went wrong and someone died that I would feel liable. He again said that I was messed up in the head and that no one ever thinks like that and he has never heard of such nonsense. So I would appreciate it if I could get some feedback on this. Am I ( Mark ) wrong or is he ( Tom ). Now I was an auto technician for 30 years before an injury put a halt to that and I did know many auto technicians that said the same thing as I ( Mark). Please Advise if you would. Thank you so much for your time in reading this and answering it if you do. Please remember that I is Mark and He is Tom. Thanks again and sorry if I sound like I an rambling on.

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/25/2014 4:51 PM

Go on pal, ramble on ! I agree with you and I think the same way, eventhough mine is another technical field, I always rewind the full movie in my head, double check almost everithing and still I'm worried, But it's worth, my reputation and self steem are very healthy.

You (Mark) - right

He (Tom) - Wrong

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/25/2014 5:37 PM

A clear example that stress is all in the head of the person.

Any job can be considered stressful if that job causes stress regardless of how others may see it. People who are passionate about any job can experience stress where as others doing an identical job may not.

Of course it certainly helps when you don't think of or care about the consequences of your work and what may happen if something you do results in loss of life/property, your own job (and livelihood, home, wife, dog, etc).

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/25/2014 7:56 PM

I don't think stress and a professional approach are one in the same....they certainly can be, but I think confidence in ones own ability, makes the difference....A job well done is planned before hand, and uncompromising in principle during, and carefully reviewed afterward....preferably that would be done on-site carry it home and review after is not something I would do, because that would mean I have doubts, and if I had doubts, I would not leave them unresolved on the job other words, the review of the work is part of the job, to be done on site during working hours....Your good health is important to your performance, mental and physical....You only have a short time to recover and get ready for the next can't do that effectively if you are dragging past unresolved issues with you....So peak performance demands full attention, clear thinking, and high energy....I always do performance checks on critical jobs at regular intervals....this tells me what's working and what doesn't, and keeps me ahead of the curve...this helps to build confidence and professionalism....

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/25/2014 9:31 PM


All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life
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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/26/2014 3:29 AM

There we go, we have three different personalities already.

Isn't the world a wonderfull place?

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/25/2014 9:07 PM

Which one are you, again?

I can teach people all sorts of things, but I can't teach them to care. It sounds like you care and your friend Tom doesn't.

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/25/2014 11:43 PM

Mark, you are right and your friend Tom needs to develop a more responsible attitude towards his job. I have had this discussion with several auto technicians and it is surprising how many disagree with me.

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/26/2014 3:31 AM

I suppose you get what you pay for.

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/26/2014 1:36 AM

Mark, you are guilty of actually giving a sh#t.

Good on you!!

I spend alot of time reviewing my work and the technical calls I make, alot of it on the job as it's happening especially when people are risking their necks complying with your instructions, but during design and planning I find myself rehearsing everything that can go wrong and making sure I have things some mates who also know their stuff for their opinion and what not.

When a job is in progress I will mull it over alot in my mind till it's done and dusted.

I don't stress things after they're done though, unless third parties had a part I had no control over.

I've never hurt or killed anyone or had a warranty call back.

Now, when it comes to getting paid for your work that's another stress invoking matter.......

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/26/2014 5:47 AM

Stress is creation of your own mind, so if you perform any task with peaceful mind then there is no stress.

"Engineers should not look for jobs but should create jobs for others" by Dr.Radhakrishnan Ex President of India during my college graduation day
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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/26/2014 7:12 AM

There is good stress and there is bad stress. Psychologically speaking, some stress insures better performance; however, overwhelming stress results in poor performance. I am a firm believer in planning ahead and safety is always foremost in the list of concerns. Worrying or obsessing after the fact is not productive and is a good indication that either you are not given sufficient time to plan or some other factor in the creative process is frustrating you; i.e.: lack of access to appropriate materials/tools, inexperience without support, uncooperative team members, or personal issues. Even the best make mistakes and you cannot control unforeseen outcomes. The important thing to remember is that if you've done your personal best with a clear conscience, you should look at mistakes as learning opportunities instead of self-chastising. You can only control you. Enjoy your ride home from work by officially assigning this time to your personal life instead of your job. No one's gravestone ever read "Gee, I wish I'd spent more time at the office."

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/26/2014 8:15 AM

Sounds like your friend, Tom, would have a bright future with our current crop of politicians in Washington.

Very few of them have caring attitudes, either.


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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/26/2014 9:35 AM

It seems you have a common attitude yourself, Mr. Hooker. It's clear that you have never interacted with your local, state, federal politicians. Very low pay for caring deeply enough about the country to sacrifice thier time, and most likely, career. Implying they don't care is absurd. Some just don't believe what you do, I'm guessing, but I would argue that from the most liberal to the most conservative, they are working to make a difference because they care deeply, and I respect all of them for that, even the ones that support what I believe to be looney policy.

This disdain is a sign of weakness and protectionism, of nationalism and fear of change. You can hole up in your bunker, or come out and play.

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Re: Question About Stressful Jobs

02/26/2014 9:51 AM

Wow, seems I inadvertently pushed a hot button. Sorry about that.

For the record, I've spent a considerable chunk of my 66 years out and playing.

Call it my opinion but I stand by my statement that very few of Washington politicians have caring attitudes. It's purely based on personal real life experience.

What in the world is wrong with nationalism and protectionism? Or are you one that espouses a one world order form of gov't that I vehemently and unapologetically abhor?

And, please, see if you can respond without resorting to character assassination. That's another unsavory, uncaring tactic being applied by way too many politicians.


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Re: Question About Stressful Jobs

02/26/2014 10:38 AM

Your character is unknown to me, but I didn't mean to assail you, I am sorry for that. You are worthy of debate, and I'm trying to engage you. You publish on CR4, and you write that most politicians are uncaring. We are constantly bombarded with this nonsence. It is a hot button. I don't even think the Tea Party is uncaring. I disagree with some planks and tactics, but they care deeply, just as Hillary Clinton and George Bush do.

The world is no longer comprised primarily of people who are unwilling and unable to communicate, market and sell to each other. Refusing to accept that is base protectionism. It will pass, but it is painful to watch, as we are missing so much. Conflict and protectionism are bosom buddies. That's what is wrong with protectionism.

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Re: Question About Stressful Jobs

02/26/2014 11:47 AM

I do appreciate the more thoughtful response.

Just to clarify (as I probably should have done in my original post), my shot at politicians was aimed at the hardcore Washington politicians.

It appears, from my experience, that no matter how well intentioned and caring a newly elected politician is, the "machine" soon gets a hold of him/her and forces them to toe the party line or be relegated to virtual non-involvement. And this pretty much applies to both parties in their quest for power. That is the source of the apparent "lack of care" for the citizenry.

And I do agree with you about world political and market cooperation. I am just totally against the apparent movement to negate, even disparage, the idea that our societal goals must be devalued or sacrificed to improve the world.

My grandparents came here for a reason and passed along their expectations to my parents and eventually to me. I honor those expectations and that does not include sacrificing pride in country and culture to satisfy someone else's idea of one-worldliness.

Sorry for the soapbox!


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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/28/2014 2:10 PM

Politicians do care deeply . . . . about themselves.

President Obama does have low pay, $450,000 a pittance for a man in such a high leadership position. However, in such a position he can command a $10 million dollar book deal. Not a bad gig if you can manage to get it.

Political office is the ultimate ego trip, no matter what side of the aisle you sit. Precious few (if any) really do it for the public service. Most delude themselves into thinking they are doing it only for their fellow man. They are doing it to exercise control over others in accordance with their value system.

We the voters, choose the candidates who most closely align themselves with our own value systems. This is nothing new. We choose those things that are in our best interests. (Keep in mind, our best interests are not only financial) It is human nature and we would be fools to believe it is anything else.

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/26/2014 10:10 AM

I am the specified Tom

Occupational Stress... may simply be a under qualified person in an occupation. An intelligent good qualified professional should have knowledge and be confident in their performance. I believe my Doctor is confident in prescribing medicine and care and not second guessing his/her performance on the way home and that night. Wow....maybe my patient will die from doc's error. If someone is seriously suffering extreme stress, second guessing, endangering my life, and thinking such on the way home and at night i will avoid that person's services. This may be and example of promoted to the point of incompetence. Gee...... it is really nice that Mark really cares and concerned about someone's death..... but in all professions i would rather take my heath or car or etc. to and intelligent qualified professional with confidence who doesn't worry about my death. For those who agree with Mark ..... Well you can take your car to a compassionate someone who questions his personal ability to perform but cares and worries about your continued health and safety after he services your car. Gee get practical!

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/26/2014 10:33 AM

It is in my opinion that this Tom guy is full of himself and has no thought like our government. They just do and who cares what happens later just like the political parties. It seems that they both just shoot from the hip and hope its right.

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/26/2014 10:28 AM

You are both right.

Tom is right from the standpoint that you do your job to the best of your ability and know that because you are competant you are doing your job correctly and the person's vehicle that is being worked on is roadworthy.

If one worries about every little thing that might happen, he/she will live in a state of constant anxiety. That is not a healthy way to live and is detrimental to ones performance and long-term health. You can only control certain things and it is best not to be concerned with things outside of your own control, i.e. Circle of Concern, Circle of Influence.

You are correct from the standpoint of wanting to do a great job for yourself and others. That level of concern helps you maintain a high level of proficiency. If you carry that too far though, it will eat you up and you will not enjoy life very much.

"Worry is interest paid on trouble before it falls due."

"Worry is an old man with bended head, carrying a load of feathers which he thinks are lead." Corrie Ten Boom

"Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning." Churchill, Winston

One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do. Ford, Henry
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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/26/2014 10:43 AM

There needs to be a distinction here between caring and worrying......

...and then there's worry and anxiety...

It all depends where the buck stops or the degree of responsibility you have to bear.

Don't know how politicians came into this.

Most folk in political/social circles depend on failure to ensure continued work....

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/26/2014 11:27 AM

"Don't know how politicians came into this."

<--- My fault. Sorry, I really know better.

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/26/2014 11:30 AM

see your post 14

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/26/2014 1:14 PM

Stress is defined as what happens when the mind overcomes the body's natural desire to choke the living daylights out of some ba$£ard who desperately deserves it.

The solution to stress is quite simple: lower expectations.

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/26/2014 9:27 PM

I am rather an odd person to enter in this debate. I am 65 years, live in a third world country. Spent a life time in government job that was comfortable, paid reasonably well and very little stress. But that always made me guilty, when I looked around, people toiling hard to make a living. After retiring from government job, I joined another profession in a private organization. The job is not of my liking, I do not have necessary skills nor attitude and want to quit (money would not be a big problem, even if I quit). But looking at the plight of people around me, I continue, often compromising my self respect, physical and mental discomforts and humiliations at office. I do not think that I will be kept for long. It is just that I am trying to prove to myself that I am not a quitter and I must have my share of troubles, which most people are undergoing.

Please comment, what should I do. I know that there is something wrong somewhere with in me. Am I trying to become a martyr or genuinely trying to face the real world.

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/27/2014 12:07 AM


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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/27/2014 9:18 AM

Thanks for sharing your views, which I appreciate.

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/27/2014 8:35 AM

There is a statement that I heard one time that said, "It's never too late to start becoming who you might have been."

You're only 65 years old, and God willing, you will have many, many more years to live doing the things that stir your heart and passion. Find out what those things are and pursue them. Life is too short to be living a "settle for" life.

A good book I just finished in that regard is by Bob Buford titled, "Half-Time". Often we get to the middle part of our lives and start questioning the value of what we are doing. Many times, like you said, we are just doing what is available rather than doing what we were meant to do.

Another statement I heard one time is, "Are you living a life of obligation or a life of priority?"

"Our greatest fear in life isn't that we won't succeed, but that we will succeed at something that doesn't matter." D.L. Moody

One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do. Ford, Henry
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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/27/2014 8:51 AM

When I was in my 30's my Dad was retired and in his late 60's. It was impossible to get him out of his easy chair and away from his crossword puzzles and books.

I'm now 65 and understand him.


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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/27/2014 9:17 AM

Thanks for sharing your views, which I appreciate.

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/27/2014 9:30 AM

"Most of the things we regret in life aren't things we've done, but things we haven't done."

Most of those things not done were in actuality the priority things of life and not the mundane, non-impactful things we spend much of our time on.

The reason why people experience so much stress, which has disastrous impact in our lives physiologically, is because they are doing things that may not match their skills, abilities, purpose/mission, interests, etc. They then live a settle-for life which has little capacity for joy and happiness.

One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do. Ford, Henry
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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/27/2014 9:15 AM

Wow, what a heartfelt response, thank you for that. I believe from the tone of your letter, I would respect you and solicit your friendship if we met. My best friend is very much like you, a career bureaucrat, and I hired him for two years upon his retirement, only to find that I could not represent to his peers that he was putting forth the required effort. We are still great friends, thankfully, because he is such a fine person. Your position in life is one that I have been dealing with several times over the last ten years. We know the demands of private industry require you to possess skill and experience, two very difficult attributes to find, which you most likely have, but stress creates the drive to perform at a very high level. I'm sure many disagree. Many of the engineers on this board, even those who own and manage their own companies, are recipients of government contracts, which must not create the mindset I need. I have found that when I hire people in your position, urgency to perform is sometimes missing from the profile. I tell people when I hire them that you must perform in the top 10% of your profession, or you won't belong to the team, made up of like minded performers. Sure, sometimes we make mistakes, we lose contract proposals, we do not make our margins, or even lose money some time. But we are prospering, and we have a high quality of life and family. It appears that some believe that this attitude destroys quality in life. Do you need stress created by the demands of creativity and time? I do.

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/28/2014 11:56 PM

The demands of creativity I love. The non creative demands on my time not so much.

I hate spending time or even thinking about what I call tech-chores. PC/SW/network maintenance and then there's smartphone faffing...not even my smartphone....(property of she who must be obeyed). Non creative mundane stuff. Accounting is boring ie a life waster.

I'm trying to get on with a personal creative project which is stressing me a bit because my masons keep taking days off. Building apartments, roof open and the rainy season is looming....Created my own sea change. Still need to engage in some paying work (engineering for others) to pay for my project though, but once it's done I guess I'll be busy with managing the place.....and accounting.

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

03/01/2014 10:27 PM

I feel your pain, and hopefully, you get the joy you deserve from time to time.

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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/28/2014 11:42 AM

If you don't need the money, volunteer work can be rewarding....there is always somebody who needs help, even just a little assist, can make a big difference in somebody's life...I find woodworking and various craft type projects can capture your attention and challenge your abilities, and make great gifts to those who admire them....

All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life
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Re: Question About Stressfull Jobs

02/28/2014 9:07 PM

I appreciate and thank for your valuable suggestion.

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