Moral, Policy, Business or Simply Acceptance
This is a simple question of perhaps morals, policy, business or
life. I have no defined answer, but I have my own way of dealing with
this. I want to know from all the engineers out there who have been in
the same situation, what their thoughts and feelings are on this
When doing business with either a local to your own country, or an
overseas country, who's policy would you follow when it comes to
completing business.
No 1. You are with a client, whom you are about to complete a
multi-million dollar business deal with. You have discussed resources,
investment, equipment, general business items and are quite comfortable
with the business partner. (No deal has been sign yet, this is still at
inquiry level and you have discussed a way forward to complete business.
You are sure the agreement will be signed up and all is above board).
The client asks you to lunch or dinner, as a common courtesy.
Do you turn this down after creating a 'trust' building relationship or do you accept the offer?
No 2. You are in a foreign country and you are fully aware
that western cultural ideas are not quite accepted. However, you are
taking your western ways with you and following western policies in a
foreign country.
The foreign client invites you to lunch, your refusal can be taken as
an insult and be taken by the foreign client that you do not trust the
business or the client.
But, your western culture policy (or company policy), dictates that you should refuse the offer.
The reason for your refusal is that it is deemed as a 'bribe' under the western policies of the company.
Is it better to refuse and insult the new client or accept and fit
into the culture of that country and conclude business in a civilised
manner as accepted by that countries culture? Again this is
multi-million dollar business being jeopardised over a few dollars
No3. You are working in a big continent. One of your
colleagues gets arrested and thrown in jail. You know this is a set up
and also know the culture of that country is to 'hi-jack' people in
order to earn money. The company is informed of this serious issue and
they do nothing to have their employee released from jail. You decide to
use some of the company's petty cash to pay the police or judge off.
Your colleague is released within minutes of handing over the payment.
Not only have you secured the release of your work colleague, you
have probably saved his life and saved much more money for the company
in lost work time, expensive legal fees, assistance from an embassy and
saved the colleagues family much anguish.
You inform the company of your actions, and immediately leave the country and return home, only to be fired for paying a bribe.
Now what is the right thing to do in each scenario? What would you
personally do? What is right or wrong in each scenario? (keep in mind
these are not made up, but real scenarios). Should a western company
impose its policies and rules on others when the western company is
seeking the business and expanding into a new market.
I look forward to your inputs and comments as to what is a bribe and what is not. A lunch with a new client! Is this a bribe?
Before business deals are signed it could be a 'bribe', after signing it is a thank you. Bribe or No Bribe?
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