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Biomedical Engineering

The Biomedical Engineering blog is the place for conversation and discussion about topics related to engineering principles of the medical field. Here, you'll find everything from discussions about emerging medical technologies to advances in medical research. The blog's owner, Chelsey H, is a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) with a degree in Biomedical Engineering.

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Eye Surgery: The Vitrectomy (Part 1)

Posted August 24, 2010 5:00 AM by LakeGrl

The vitrectomy is a surgical procedure to fix a macular hole in the human eye. The macula, a small spot near the center of the back of the eye (the retina), allows you to see colors and objects or faces in detail. It can develop a tear or hole for the following reasons:

  • Separation or shrinking of the vitreous fluid in the eye
  • Eye disease due to diabetes
  • Myopia or nearsightedness
  • A macular fold or pucker
  • A detached retina
  • Best's disease
  • An eye injury

I became acquainted with vitrectomies when my sister learned she had a macular hole in her eye, and had to undergo this procedure twice. I was fascinated not only by the procedure itself, but also with her recovery.


The vitrectomy is done under local anesthesia. The patient is usually awake (with a mild sedative) and can hear what's happening, but can't see anything. In my sister's case, the nurse held her hand during the procedure, which helped to keep her calm.

The surgeon uses a microscope and special lenses designed to provide a clear image of the back of the eye. Several 3 or 4 millimeter incisions are made on the sclera, the eye's outer layer (i.e., the white of the eye). The retinal surgeon inserts microsurgical instruments through the incisions. These instruments include a fiber optic light, an infusion line, instruments for cutting, and instruments to remove the vitreous fluid.

Next, the surgeon removes the vitreous gel to stop it from pulling on the retina. The hole is then repaired and the surgeon inserts a mixture of air and gas into the space once occupied by the vitreous fluid. This bubble of air and gas puts pressure on the edges of the macular hole, allowing it to heal.

Here's a link to a vitrectomy video that I think is fascinating; however, please be advised that it's graphic.


During postsurgical recovery, the bubble needs to remain in place - like a bandage. The patient must lie face down or keep their head down so that the bubble remains in the proper position. This is no simple task, as the recovery period can last as long as one to three weeks! It is especially hard to keep your head down while talking as it is a natural tendency to raise your head to speak.

Although a facedown position can be difficult to maintain, it is absolutely necessary for the patient to achieve the best-possible vision. Over time, the gas/air bubble gradually dissipates. Natural eye fluids take its place while the macular hole is healing.

In order to remain in the facedown position, a patient needs special chairs, mirrors, and cushions for both daily functioning and sleep. I have a few pictured here:


Unfortunately, even two vitrectomies did not work for my sister. The hole in her eye continues to open back up. To prevent permanent loss of sight, she will be having a different procedure done next. I will discuss this in another part of my series on eye surgery.

If any of you have experienced a vitrectomy or know someone who has, I would be interested in hearing the results. Please leave a comment, or send me a private message here on CR4.



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Re: Eye Surgery: The Vitrectomy (Part 1)

08/24/2010 10:43 AM

Ouch, looks painful.

Once years ago I got poked in the eye and had to take some eye drops. It took me about 3 tries every time to get one drop in. I don't know how people with contacts do it.

The pictures are interesting but looks like they're right out of a horror movie. Funny how I love gore movies but still get squeamish about medical things such as this.

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Re: Eye Surgery: The Vitrectomy (Part 1)

08/24/2010 1:01 PM

I know many people are squeamish about the eye as the eyes are so sensitive. I understand that when you have this kind of surgery, you really don't feel a thing. Just a scratchiness for a few days afterward. I used to wear contacts for years so my eyes are still desensitized. I love to watch anything related to surgery, as long as it is someone else and not me.


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Re: Eye Surgery: The Vitrectomy (Part 1)

08/24/2010 1:56 PM

I had my cataracts done. They are done under local anesthetic, the first was no trouble but I had an allergic cough during the second one some months later. I had to warn him whenever I needed to cough.

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Re: Eye Surgery: The Vitrectomy (Part 1)

08/24/2010 4:16 PM

This information is very helpful, as I have also had unseccessful vitrectomy surgery. Thanks for your blog!

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Re: Eye Surgery: The Vitrectomy (Part 1)

08/25/2010 5:58 AM

I had a torn Retina a few years ago. The worse part of the surgery was the recovery. Weeks of keeping your head in that downward position & not really being able to do much of anything really sucks.

My surgeries (5 total) were not successful either. I can see out of my eye but is so distorted that its easier to just wear the eye patch all the time.

Hope whatever procedure your sister goes thru next works. Good Luck.


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Re: Eye Surgery: The Vitrectomy (Part 1)

06/30/2011 5:25 PM

I am recovering from a vitrectomy for a macular pucker. There are two things that I am doing that seems to help the nausea and headaches. For all the eye drops, hold a tissue to the tear duct after putting the drops in each time. This kept the nausea down and use artificial tears for the headache. Once I started using the artifiicial tears. The headaches disappeared. I use them several times an hour and it helps that scratchy feeling. I have noticed that the distortion is gone and that my vision has improved. It is a very difficult time and helps one to realize how much you need your eyes for everythingl

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Re: Eye Surgery: The Vitrectomy (Part 1)

09/13/2011 1:31 PM

Sorry to hear you had to have this surgery, but very glad to hear that your vision is improving.

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