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Terror in the Lab

Posted June 11, 2008 8:27 AM

Animal-rights activists of an extreme nature are taking a toll on biomedical research. The leaders of some groups endorse violent tactics to shut down animal research. Arson, property destruction, burglary and threat are 'acceptable crimes' when used for the animal cause. Who ultimately pays for these actions? Violence and intimidation practiced by a growing number of anti-science terrorism groups in the U.S. and UK dissuade some from pursuing or continuing productive biomedical research careers. Those with cancer, AIDS, and other diseases who could have benefited from research findings also lose. How can this disconnect be overcome?

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Re: Terror in the Lab

06/11/2008 11:50 PM

Ahh, those pesky Luddites!

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Re: Terror in the Lab

06/12/2008 12:48 AM

Honestly, I cannot condone means that the same as the ends they fight. Nonetheless, I can sincerely take both sides of the debate, NOT the violence.

However, the relationships I have had with animals are as noble or more so than with human beings. We are blind, deaf and well... they SEEM dumb to us, that is 'mute', but we have lost the ability to interpret from body language, smell and common sense, that they have retained.

When somebody said, "the meek will inherit the Earth," I have to think a lot of them will NOT be human. But there are many of us who believe that science is often more brutish and senseless than the reputation of the word or its 'semantic field' implies.

Much can be done in science, even using animals, that can be less cruel. Hopefully, computer modeling and recent advances with trillions of operations per second development at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the atomic computing advances, will allow us create models and do theoretical modeling that obviate the need for a lot of the research we do on living beings today.

They DO think and feel. It's a conundrum we just don't want to face and deny. One day we WILL treat them with the respect they deserve, if that means we are all vegetarian. No, I'm not one. I'm as flawed as everyone else. But we should recognize what is right, even if we cannot do the right thing every time.

The practical answer is a degree between the extremes. Recognize what the animal-rights activists say as valid. Use computer modeling and discussion and expansive data gathering and statistical analysis (<a very real alternative), until the testing that is used is the last step. Then, other animals as well as human beings can probably benefit from the results.

The questions the activists raise must be taken seriously and studies regulated. Much more data exists in records that are often ignored, or undiscovered, because they have not been looked for. Science and labs should set up research gathering techniques that are noninvasive and observational much more often than they do. The standard of practice is simply not as 'noninvasive and observational' as it could be, and these are practices less expensive financially as well as being compassionate. Compassion is a slighted virtue today, in nearly every context.

I sincerely believe in the values of both sides. Research and science are inquiries that elevate us as well as help us survive and prosper. If there are animals being used, there are usually also human beings in controlled studies as well. Similar rules should apply to animal testing, where ever possible, as are used in double blind testing.

Communication, modeling, data gathering and analysis, and recognition of the value of living beings where ever possible ARE better answers than they seem, if methodically applied.

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Re: Terror in the Lab

06/12/2008 8:31 PM

I agree that perhaps animals (domesticated pets) may have feelings, but what constituets an animal? Are men and insects both animals? If so, why isnt abortion illegal? Should use of fly swatters and mosquito zappers be illegal?

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Re: Terror in the Lab

06/12/2008 1:04 AM

Gee, information terrorist removed the article at the end of the link.

The problem is the ignorant can't tell the difference between helping the human race and hurting it. That goes for some of the projects that shouldn't be done.

The problem is garbage in garbage out. My opinion: governments are scared to teach how to think for yourself, systematic improvement, root cause problem solving, emotional discipline, etc. Then the population wouldn't need so much government. So expect emotional reactions to issues that ignorant groups don't know how to affect otherwise.


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Re: Terror in the Lab

06/12/2008 1:39 AM

Make love not meat, dude!!!

Ah, 28 Days?

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Re: Terror in the Lab

06/12/2008 3:13 PM

You have to also ask yourself, are the cosmetic companies, drug companies et al doing any worse than young ladies who abort their pregnancies, some more than once? At least the companies who experiment on animals are providing beneficial scientific knowledge to humanity. What's the moral complications for killing your own fetus?

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Re: Terror in the Lab

06/13/2008 12:33 PM

Just what does that have to do with animals? When you also have the ability to give birth, you have the right to comment on how it is done.

Are you a baby factory, or just loud?

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Re: Terror in the Lab

06/13/2008 11:35 PM

Uh, guys... To both of you, this is definitely not the place for such a discussion. OK?

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Re: Terror in the Lab

07/02/2008 4:54 PM

are the cosmetic companies, drug companies et al doing any worse than young ladies who abort their pregnancies,


At least the companies who experiment on animals are providing beneficial scientific knowledge to humanity.

Do you realize how these are actually tied together. Too bad there is such opposition against stem cell research

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Re: Terror in the Lab

06/12/2008 9:15 PM

PETA back in the 70's had a demonstration in Washinton DC (I believe) against cruelty to animals by veal raising practices, by having a small cute little calve tied up for people to see and pet. ahhhhh isn't that cute.

what those idiots did was, it was a sweltering 90+ degrees F. their poor little calve died on the streets from dehydration because they supplied no shade or water.

ironic isn't it.

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Re: Terror in the Lab

06/13/2008 4:47 PM

Exclusive: PETA Killed More than 90% of the Animals in its Care in 2007

I wonder how ethical some of these groups are? If they want to remove animals that have been bred for research from environments that they can prove that their treatment is cruel and unethical. Then they should be force to provide suitable care not euthanize them.

I dealing with some one here where I work whom is a animal lover. I find that they with provide care over their resources even to the detriment of their own personal care or needs. With a mind set like that you will always find a few wackos that are going to find fault and do violence. So if they want to act like an animal put them in cage like one.

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Re: Terror in the Lab

06/13/2008 11:33 PM

"Here, birdie, birdie, birdie!!!"

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Re: Terror in the Lab

06/14/2008 8:24 AM
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty, pristine body but rather to come sliding in sideways, all used up and exclaiming, "Wow, what a ride!"

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Re: Terror in the Lab

06/15/2008 2:53 AM
"Perplexity is the beginning of dementia" - Professor Coriolus
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Re: Terror in the Lab

06/14/2008 12:38 PM

Interesting, If these are true and not just opposing rhetoric.

On the & things you did not know about PETA, the seventh;

7) PETA has repeatedly attacked research foundations like the March of Dimes, the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and the American Cancer Society, because they support animal-based research that might uncover cures for birth defects and life-threatening diseases. PETA president Ingrid Newkirk has said that "even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we would be against it."

Did Ms. Newkirk ever had an appendectomy, medication such as antibiotics, salves, ointments or injections to protect against deseases against polio or tetanus.

They may be against, but when it comes to benefiting them they would not hesitated to use it...........hypocrits.

I love meat, I love animals and I love life. I believe in the food chain, and I like to think we are near the top.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Terror in the Lab

06/24/2008 11:13 AM

This is very interesting information.

I'm with you here.

And for the people making comments in previous posts: Yes, I have wanted to get radical (like a PETA person). After I calm down though, I usually see a solution I didn't expect, or had overlooked in my emotion.

When you stay objective and keep looking for a better answer, there usually is one, and even when there's not yet, being aware of what would be better, makes one better at finding that answer in future.

It is still worth trying every time to be more compassionate, to try to leave out the animal testing by using computer modeling right up until a point where it cannot be avoided. This is using a greater respect for the value of life.

And to the people speaking so passionately above, 'two wrongs don't make a right.' Working to solve a lesser wrong can often lead society to change the greater wrong. 'Education' is lobbying with the hope of a better outcome than is currently available. 'Hoping for the best' seems like wasted effort when one is tired, but the only option oftentimes that has any hope. And it DOES work eventually. Gandhi is the first good example.

But also, we live in an imperfect world. The ideal would be to implant accidentally conceived children into parents wanting children or adopt them out. I never made any reference to that issue. It IS related. There are different ways to go on this. THAT is a reality. People who are already alive and have limited resources and energy and education make mistakes. All the more reason to educate THEM; so that THEY don't make mistakes in the future. Most people DO want to do the 'right thing.' No kidding.

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