Hello everyone,
What job do you think best suits me based on this:
I am down for the struggle if it completes my goal at the end, but try to find the easiest solution to reach it.
I prefer to work alone than with partners
I am independent
100% goal driven and ignore anything that is going to slow it
If I don't think it's right for ME, I don't do it UNLESS I am obliged, but always keep searching for a solution to end that
I make something out of nothing (DIY)
I'm only direct if I'm asked to be, otherwise I keep my true thoughts for myself.
I listen to angry rap when I'm pissed and use it as a motivation to complete a hard task.
example of songs I listen to: KRS-Underground/ Abou Layla Lzir-Nik ekhet roumieh/ Edd Abbas- Armeed
Finally, I was going to go for engineering for job security/money/not boring, but I found that unless you inherit big money/you are lucky/go to Harvard, the lamborghini life is not possible.
Therefore, I choose to do what I love, but cannot figure it out.
examples of jobs I am thinking of: bouncer, bodyguard, soldier.
Unfortunately, I am not ready to take steroids/be a big fat dude to be a bouncer, I find bodyguard a little boring, and being a soldier is a very high risk for my life.
Thank you in advance.
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