Some years ago I bought the office Home and student 2010 word, excel. power point and one note soft ware with a new computer. Recently I was enticed to switch to the new windows 10. I did not like what I got. I have little time to learn a new system, especially one that that does not seem to suit my needs. I have been writing a book and the format changed. I have been playing free cell for the last 13 years. I started with game one and am now on game 24585. Only one game has eluded a solution. With the windows 10 I found that I could not choose which game was presented. I sought advice at the time in this forum and was directed to a site that showed how to revert back to my original Windows programs. Several people in town were also unhappy and reverted back as soon as I told them it was possible. I thank all those who responded at the time. My question now is, what is Microsoft intending to do. Will they simply dump the windows 7 (or was it upgraded to windows 8) and force everyone to go with their new windows 10 or will they continue to service the widows 7, and if so, for how long. I have been using Microsoft since windows first came out here in Australia.
Windows 10 seemed to me to be software dedicated to games and social media, not a software package that was designed for serious users of word processors. I would welcome comments, advice and solid facts to help me decide weather to spend time (which the doctors say is limited in my case) to learn to use the new software, or to persevere with the present software I am use to. Thanks.
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