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Microsoft's Intentions?

02/03/2016 8:01 PM

Some years ago I bought the office Home and student 2010 word, excel. power point and one note soft ware with a new computer. Recently I was enticed to switch to the new windows 10. I did not like what I got. I have little time to learn a new system, especially one that that does not seem to suit my needs. I have been writing a book and the format changed. I have been playing free cell for the last 13 years. I started with game one and am now on game 24585. Only one game has eluded a solution. With the windows 10 I found that I could not choose which game was presented. I sought advice at the time in this forum and was directed to a site that showed how to revert back to my original Windows programs. Several people in town were also unhappy and reverted back as soon as I told them it was possible. I thank all those who responded at the time. My question now is, what is Microsoft intending to do. Will they simply dump the windows 7 (or was it upgraded to windows 8) and force everyone to go with their new windows 10 or will they continue to service the widows 7, and if so, for how long. I have been using Microsoft since windows first came out here in Australia.

Windows 10 seemed to me to be software dedicated to games and social media, not a software package that was designed for serious users of word processors. I would welcome comments, advice and solid facts to help me decide weather to spend time (which the doctors say is limited in my case) to learn to use the new software, or to persevere with the present software I am use to. Thanks.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 8:11 PM

You can stick with windows 7, just need to turn off updates, but maintain a good virus protection from third party supplier, like Norton....and backup your files on a separate hard drive, in a timely manner...

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 9:28 PM

Thank you, that is what I was hoping to hear but as A. Hero says I might look at scrivener as well.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/05/2016 3:13 PM

I have been told that we should stay away from both Norton and McAfee since they are "resource hogs." I'm currently using AVG, but have heard good about Kaspersky.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 8:12 PM

If I may ask, which game has defied solution? (I fail with about 15-20%, but I don't plan very far ahead, and I don't usually repeat a stuck game.)

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 9:34 PM

The only game that I have yet to solve is 11982. I have tried everything I can think of and plan to see if I can prove that it can or cannot be done if my math is up to the task. If anyone can get it out please advise me of your method. Thanks.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 11:29 PM

Just to be sure we're on the same game, does your back row read AH, AS, 4H, AC,...? (My version allows game numbers up to 100,000; my older version went only to 32,768; so the game selections might not match.) In any event, the one I see looks pretty nasty.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/04/2016 6:17 AM

AH, 3D, KD,JC, 6C, JD, KC. is the first column and the bottom row is KC, 8D, 2S, 3S, 2H, QD, 4C, 5H. The top row is the same as yours too. I have a choice of up to 1,000,000 games.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/04/2016 6:36 AM
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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/04/2016 8:03 AM

Has anyone ever asked for, and gotten, a rational explanation of what criteria are used to determine when a response is marked OT by the Admins?

This response seems to be directly on topic and yet it has been given an OT.

It seems to me that since you originated the thread, and the topic is the game, this entire string of threads should not be marked OT. (String of threads?? ;>)

I have un-marked this response as OT.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/04/2016 10:28 AM

I suspect that Prof Peanut marked it off topic himself

If admin were that on top of things: don't you think they'd screen all those muscle building food ads a bit quicker?

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/05/2016 5:12 PM

I did a quick eyeball of the OT raters in this thread, and in all but a couple of cases the person who submitted the content self-rated it as OT. Didn't see an Admin in the bunch. At least one garnered enough OT votes from readers to be labeled thusly. This isn't unusual, for the poster to self-rate as OT. Please note that I'm self-rating this one as OT so it won't show up in the daily digest.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 8:31 PM

MS Intentions? Well, I wouldn't let them date my daughter!

With Win10, MS is migrating from purchased-use OS to Norton-like subscription-use OS. They just haven't TOLD you about it (yet)'s FREE to get you suckered "in".

But, wait, that's not ALL -- everything you type or save gets routed through their "CLOUD" (ala' NSA eavesdropping), leaving YOUR information & data subject to their 'ransom.'

Basically, Win10 = ransom-ware!

...and the Devil said: "...yes, but it's a DRY heat..!"
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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 9:40 PM

Thanks, your point comes across sharp and clear, I think that it is time to ditch MS though I will still use it till I can get a better set up. Then I will stay off the net for the games. It sounds like a plan.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 8:32 PM

First, Microsoft has no regard you you, me or any other single seat user.

W8 and W10 are junk and are, indeed, like learning a new language when the old language worked well. I have W8.1 and HATE it!

Microsoft is moving toward a $ubscription $ervice for all their operating systems and software. That's where the money is.

Look at Windows 365. You rent it, you can't own it. If you don't pay Microsoft's random demands you just get dumped.

Stick with W7 as long as you can. It sounds like you've got enough stress already.

To elaborate on Cuda's previous post, all keystrokes are stored by MS and they have the right to give them to anyone.

That's all your passwords, bank account information, what you type and say if you use voice, in short, everything that occurs while your PC is powered up. They can change the Terms of Service AT ANY TIME without notification.

Updates are automatic.

In other words, you will pay to be their slave.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 9:46 PM

Thanks Lyn, it makes you wonder what they have planed for the long term use of the information. With that kind of capacity they could virtually destroy anyone, the military and the government and never mind us little momma and papa users. That is frightening.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 10:14 PM

SOME, but not all, of these spy features can be disabled when if you actually download W10. It is not a simple process to perform.

And since the ToS can be altered, at will, the Gates Gang can change the rules any time they please.

W10 is evil!

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/04/2016 11:00 PM

That's not right Lyn.

Microsoft holds your wallet and your purchasing power in high regard. As soon as they are confident of what purchasing price the market will bear they will let you know.

They also hold your security and privacy very dear. Again you will find out how dear once they work out the price.

It is all part of the pursuit of happiness through profit.

It is their constitutional right and they will maximise it by putting the profits far out of reach of any country that thinks that they should pay some Tax somewhere.


Make it so.
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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 8:45 PM

Apple sells computers every day. Microsoft wants you to pay and keep paying. they're the 800 lbs gorilla in operating systems used by the public and they're using it to push people around. I'll never activate any of their products ever again

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/06/2016 3:06 PM

As soon as w8 came out, I dumped Microsoft in favor of Linux. I'm happily running Ubuntu which will run Windows apps through "Wine" if I need them, but I don't.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 9:08 PM

You wrote, "I have been writing a book and the format changed."

Using Microsoft Office for authoring a book is, in my opinion, a poor tool for the job.

Yes, it can be done, but you are only playing with less than a full deck.

Have a look at Scrivener. It makes MS Office look like a text editor in comparison and you will never have issues with format changes.

I started in Office, but imported everything into Scrivener and never looked back.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 9:31 PM

The "Scrivener" sounds interesting. A retired radiation health physicist and I once authored a book using MS-Word plus a few bit-map illustrations. It didn't sell much. As far as I know to date, the only typo in it is an incorrectly oriented "smart quote" mark. "Mechanically" I would call that successful, even if my share of royalties was only a few beers.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 9:54 PM

Thank you, I have had a quick look at your link to Scrivener and it looks promising. I will certainly chase it up though like everything else it depends on the bottom line of the invoice.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 10:39 PM

There is a free trial.

Also, you can read a little about it from an unbiased writer's perspective that doesn't have a vested interest in the software.

What I like is that it provides a means to gather all my research together so it is always at my fingertips.

It also provides an excellent mechanism for story outlining using the notes pane. Each scene, act, or chapter has its own notes pane that you can put in a synopsis of what it is about. You can then publish just the notes for all those scenes, acts, or chapters and that is your book's outline.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/04/2016 10:53 PM

Wow, thanks for that link, AH. Scrivener looks like a true old fashioned desktop publishing system, not a hacked up word processor like MS Word. And $40US is a bargain.

Gonna get the trial and see for myself.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/05/2016 12:49 PM

Your welcome. I just bought Scapple as a companion mind-mapping program.

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Re: Microsoft's intentions?

02/03/2016 9:50 PM

" . . . and they won't use Vaseline."

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/04/2016 9:02 AM

Here is a good link that answers when M$ will end support for W7 (2020). I would stick with W7 if I were you.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/04/2016 9:33 AM

Thanks for the link. I am trying to upgrade my XP computers to Windows 7. I'm not having much luck finding a copy of Windows 7 that I trust buying.

How do I tell if it's legitimate before I purchase?

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/04/2016 10:30 AM

Damn good question. Your best bet is to get it direct from M$. It will be more expensive, but at least you won't have to worry about whether it is fake.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/04/2016 10:56 AM

I'm not sure if MS will even sell it anymore.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/04/2016 10:34 PM

I still use XP. I will not migrate. At work we have W7 and it sucks for stuff I need to do. I do bitmap schematics and w7 paint is radically different and buggy. I would not advise you to migrate but you may have overriding reasons

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 7:22 AM

I have W7 at work and XP at home. I prefer XP, but I don't think W7 would keep me from doing anything at home and there are a few things driving me to abandon XP.

I intend to keep at least one XP device though. I use Mathcad and the version I have at home will not run under W7.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/04/2016 11:02 PM

Win 7 is still apparently available on Newegg. Don't worry about that it's an OEM version. That just means it's sold to be installed on a new build, sold to a customer and the seller supports it, not MS. Well, MS ain't gonna support it anyway.

This is not an endorsement of I just happen to buy many computer related products from them.

But, if I were you, I'd start investing in a Linux system.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 7:20 AM

Thanks for pointing me to Newegg. I'll have a look this weekend.

I have started investigating Linux. So far I haven't had much time to put toward that yet.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 10:06 AM

Hello Hooker. Any suggestions where to start for a complete novice in Linux.

I have 30 years of experience using proprietary software. Never have been any good with programming. Started in 1980 with a Superbrain on CP/M 64K memory and twin 365k double-sided floppies - then to Amstrad and then MS - via XP up to W7 today. Recently to upgrade MSOffice to 2013.

My own view of MS is they will create a subscription only service that forces you to join by removing support for the older systems, not by offering something superior that you take on because it represents obvious good value money at the outset, but with 'improvements' introduced in free upgrades that exploit 'unfriendly' aspects of the old system that make it difficult to use. Cynical I know.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 11:13 AM

Linux is a super broad topic but here's where I would start. Ubuntu is probably the widest distributed and supported distro with many newbie, intermediate and expert tutorials and forums to ask questions and learn from. Google Ubuntu and browse. Go slow and don't get overwhelmed. It doesn't take an super in-depth expert to set up a functional Ubuntu system but it does require a knowledge of the choices you're going to have to make.

You may want to try setting up a dual boot Win7/Ubuntu system to start if you have plenty of disk space. Google "dual boot win7 linux" for the procedure.

Alternatively, find a 12 year old to set you up if you can pry them from their Xbox.

I know exactly where you're coming from about regarding proprietary systems. Before dos and unix becoming affordable I was an applebasic user on my Apple ][. Then several proprietary CAD and other systems. Also, I can but try to avoid programming.

Good luck, Horace.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 11:22 AM

After some 18 months with Ubuntu, with updates being twice week sometimes, hardware problems that turned out to be Ubuntu, fixes that took months, I could not recommend it to anyone myself....

But it takes a long time to find out that the documentation is appalling, also for most of the software that I need to use, Windows is easier to handle.....and has more reasonably priced software to my mind....

Though I am going to eventually try another Linux version before I go back to win 7......see here:-

Linux Mint

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 11:32 AM

To each his own.

For those who are super security conscious or technically challenged (or just plain lazy), go with Apple.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/06/2016 8:03 AM

Hooker...a follow up comment re "It doesn't take an super in-depth expert to set up a functional Ubuntu system but it does require a knowledge of the choices you're going to have to make."

I have said in an earlier post that I will stay with W7 for the time being.

However, having thought about it, I might try out Linux on a spare computer I have. I appreciate there are problems ahead - re Andy's conflicting negative view of Ubuntu (but not to worry - I have a barge-pole at my disposal) - and the unknown 'choices' you mention. I have no idea what they might be.

An additional reason to stick with W7 is the cost and nuisance of upgrading all my proprietary application programmes to W10.

And this poses the question, do I have to buy programmes dedicated to Linux if I change to Linux? Or is Linux designed to run Windows programmes - eg my MS Offices files.

If it is a 'long' story then please don't spend time replying - just point me to some useful reading matter on the subject please - there is so much out there that I am floundering with data overload - so a hint at where to start would be useful.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/06/2016 5:07 PM


Playing with Linux on a separate computer is a wise idea. A plain vanilla installation of Ubuntu is pretty brainless and no more complex than Windows but without all the reboots. From your questions many books have been written so I'm opting for brevity.

Two things to be aware of up front: 1) Ubuntu/linux is a kernel based OS, ie; a customized core system can be built with the desired services embedded in it. The kernel can be small enough (limited services) to load an entire OS on a thumb drive, and 2) the kernel is much, much more secure than a Windows style registry OS that inherently degrades over short periods of time. Linux variants have been known to run continuously for years without restarting and are much less vulnerable to hackers, viruses, etc. They make particularly good home server systems.

I recommend you start HERE. It's a little dated as the current Ubuntu is 15.10, not 12.xx, but this tut adequate for a plain vanilla build. It'll build a system and load a gui/windows sytem with out fuss, and add common programs like browsers and email clients. You can then experiment and begin to learn the multitude of choices you will have for future builds or additional applications installs.

Regarding Windows programs. Ubuntu/linux, on its own, only runs programs compiled for unix/linux. However, there are Windows emulators that can be installed which allows Windows programs to run in a Windows like environment. The most popular emulator is WINE. It's not perfect but it improves every year. 5 years ago I would've said don't even bother trying. This is an area where you will want to spend a lot of time testing your favorite Win 7 programs while checking the vendors to see if they'll provide linux versions. Personally, the only reason I have to keep Windows around anymore is for some of the games (mostly online) that I enjoy. Many of them run well in Wine so my dependency on Windows is lowering. It helps that I'm retired and have no use for the engineering software I used to depend on.

As far as negative responses to Ubuntu, there isn't an OS out there that I've used that hasn't caused me some trouble and I've used most of them. Unix is my favorite for its dependability and stability. Linux is an open source version of unix.

Lastly, lurk or actively haunt the many linux forums out there. The community is awesome and I can guarantee that any problems/concerns you have will have already been exposed and most likely resolved.

Best, Hooker

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/07/2016 12:31 PM

Thanks Hooker - that's enough to keep me out of mischief for a while.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/07/2016 8:33 AM

One compatibility problem may be reading "office" documents (word, excel etc.).

Libre office will import all MS office documents, with some minor formatting changes. And, you can get versions for both windows and Linux. It's free.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/07/2016 1:23 PM

Thanks Randall - I am bit concerned about your comment on MS Office files --- and how about Adobe? does that run under Linux. I guess it must. I can't imagine Linux has evolved so far all these years without paying attention to such basic requirements.

However, nearly all my important work over many years is buried in Word and the occasional Excel file, but with one critical Access file that I must keep, and all my emails from early use of Outlook - but changing to Live Mail when running W7 - where to date all emails and attachments are saved to internal hard drive and to external HD back-up.

I still need access to all MS files - and the Internet come to that!

Is it a simple case where I can load Linux instead of Win7 and use Libre to read and edit MS Office files, or even create them, and then send them to people who only have MS Office.

Sorry to bother you (and Hooker who has helped) with basic questions but having used computers for 36 years (with varying degrees of success --- and failure!) I fear I could undo all this work - just to 'play' with Linux.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/08/2016 7:01 AM

"Is it a simple case where I can load Linux instead of Win7 and use Libre to read and edit MS Office files, or even create them, and then send them to people who only have MS Office."

Yes, and, yes.

You can also edit Adobe (.pdf) files with Libre office, but, often formatting goes badly awry.

Access may be more tricky to find a compatible program and ensure that you haven't lost some critical information.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/04/2016 9:33 AM
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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 5:18 AM

I also have a legal, full up 2010. I like it, but I am not using it at this time due to having Ubuntu, which I am slowly I may go back to 7, which I really liked.

I would hope that you could install your 2010 copy on any reasonably modern MS OS. Are you saying that it won't install on W10?

Thanks for you answer, either way.....

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 8:35 AM

Like just about everything else these days, we have a classic planned obsolescence here. Biggest difference is that with software, the time planned for is a lot shorter than other "hard goods". I am sure that windows 7 support will stop, if it already hasn't and progressively newer versions will also no longer be supported. I have heard a lot of complaints about 10 and the odd time I have had to use it I found it not as user friendly as older versions. I'm sure there are a lot of others out there who would agree.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 10:43 AM

I believe win 10 is a more realistic approach to modern day computing...things change so rapidly that updates are needed every day....worldwide access to the internet means that every manner of threat and virus and sort of attack is something you face everyday, new software types stream on to the internet without pause and new methods of gaining access to your computer are invented continuously....we must be able to adapt quickly to protect ourselves and to capitalize on new technology to keep pace....having automatic backup to the cloud is a valuable service for a lot of people that would otherwise lose this information to some viral attack on an unsuspecting web surfing browser....happens everyday.....I have win 10 on 2 machines and find it faster than 7 and with more features, a lot of which are automated and are delightfully surprising....

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 11:02 AM

SolarEagle - Without prying into you private affairs what sort of cost are you incurring with Win 10 ??????

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 4:50 PM

No costs...I don't use the cloud backup, I have a portable hard drive for that...I haven't checked competing cloud storage services for cost analysis, and don't need to share information across different platforms.....other than pictures from my iphone to the computer, which it does...You get 5 gigs for free...

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 6:54 PM

Thanks SolarEagle. I only got into this post out of interest to hear about scams and con tricks that are a short step from what MS could do to lure us quit honestly and legitimately into a modern programme that makes us 150% dependent of support, then withdraw all free versions and replace it with a fee based running contract that you have to take out in order to access your previous private files.

Like diagnostic programmes that you can download free to 'find' viruses to speed up in you computer - that you must then pay to have removed - which if you do not pay - leaves it's own viruses behind in your computer to slow you down even more when you uninstall it......sound familiar...

...but MS would not do that would they...!

The only thing wrong with W7 for me is the repeated failure to install downloaded updates. But my computer seems to run OK anyway. So I am not bothered. The answer if I want to get a clean bang up-to-date W7 appears to require me to re-install Windows 7. So why not W10 instead.

From what has been said, I might as well wait until my computer crashes.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 11:26 AM

Ummm, no insult intended, but...

Wait until the day you're pushing to get a job off your menu and the provider you're depending on becomes inaccesable for 3 or 4 days. Try explaining that to your customer, especially if they are the Feds.

This scenario has all ready come to the fore; with Adobe and Microsoft and a variety of others. Fortunately, at the time, I was not depending on their cloud services and have no intention of partaking and putting my endeavors in the hands of some Chinese, Russian or Iranian hacker.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 4:54 PM

You can be hacked, cloud or no cloud...

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 5:34 PM

True, but the rewards are vastly different. Why would they target me for unknown and limited benefit when they can target a cloud service with potentially thousands of benefits?

The likelihood of a hacker targeting me to limit my ability to use a word processor or graphics program on my own systems is virtually nil. There have, however, been verified instances where Adobe and Microsoft cloud services have been hacked, denying use to thousands of customers for extended periods.

And I have been involved as an IT type where internet access at a company was compromised but it did not stop business, engineering and manufacturing systems from functioning. Inconvenient, but not fatally so.

Ergo, I'll keep my apps local, thank you. Business and personal.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 3:10 PM

time (which the doctors say is limited in my case)

How limited is your time? I don't need the answer, but you do. I suspect W7 will be supported until you no longer need it.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/05/2016 7:19 PM

Time is relative, in this case relative to the side effects of the medicine I am on and to the progression of the disease. In short it is unpredictable but I estimate anywhere from right now to about 10 years, but who knows. Scrivener and Linux look promising and I am investigating these. Till I make up my mind I will continue with windows 7 with regular back ups and an extra copy of my files independent of the computer and net.

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/08/2016 10:18 PM

Bend over and smile. Microsoft ransomware is coming, and you can't stop it!!!!

Microsoft Monday: Real Cost Of 'Free' Windows 10, SwiftKey $250M Acquisition, Office 365 Adds Yammer

According to Kelly, these changes puts Windows 7 and Windows 8 users in the following situation:

- Invalidating their support if they upgrade their current computers or buy new computers

- Seeing continual Windows 10 upgrade prompts which reinstall themselves if disabled

- Facing automatically starting installation attempts every time they reboot their computer

- Permanently giving up 6GB of their hard drive space to hold the Windows 10 installation files (typically it redownloads if removed)

- Accepting the same user tracking and data logging behavior as Windows 10

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Re: Microsoft's Intentions?

02/10/2016 6:59 PM

Well, it looks as though this was a question that needed to be asked and had lots of spin offs into other areas. Thank you everyone that responded. I think I have a much clearer idea of where I will be going though not yet certain where I will settle. There were quite a few side issues I would like to explore as well and maybe one day I will do that. There were also several particularly relevant answers. Any way, thank you all.

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