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End in Sight for the Situation?

05/18/2020 7:51 AM

It's clear that the end in sight is as vague as it is welcome.

I hear proposed opening dates for normal life to return interspersed with rollbacks and comments that the school year is up in the air?

Where does your locale stand?

We're unsure, and the mayor is talking about a "New World Order" seriously.

...I'm thinking about the jobs in retail and restaurant I used to have.. I'd be 100% hosed by now!

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/18/2020 8:11 AM

An unwanted end has always been in sight.

Too many have already paid this steep price. If we can continue to be rational about this, then we can minimize those lost. Hopefully we can remain rational about this.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/18/2020 9:11 AM

well said.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/18/2020 9:11 AM

Exactly. It's the route and the distance that is open to question, and what is not is that one will be taxed on the journey.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/18/2020 12:24 PM

So much for being rational.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/18/2020 12:40 PM
All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life
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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/18/2020 3:27 PM

So what? Are you really saying that because the US fails to properly distribute the wealth in this country that we should ignore any reasoned efforts to control this pandemic?

I'm again reminded of that great quote of Tom Lehrer: "People who fail to communicate should at the very least shut up."

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/20/2020 3:10 PM

"People who fail to communicate should at the very least shut up."

Sorta like: "Lead, follow, or get out of the way!

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/21/2020 3:05 AM

Problem is, people who preach that quote are usually the ones that don’t follow that quote.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/18/2020 5:23 PM

Last month Corona virus had killed more Americans than the Vietnam war

Corona virus has killed more americans than terroresm, and I would argue has or will cause more financial damage.

Statistics alone can be used as a tool to prove anything and alone do not show the true realistic and ethical picture.

If anything you should not discount the Corona virus on pure number of deaths alone as unlike poverty or wars it is not selective and will target the rich as well as the poor, the learned as well as the ones who are a drain on society all the while straining the medical system potentially putting more people at risk.

You cannot ignore it because it does not care about politics, race, wealth or borders.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/20/2020 10:48 PM

Corona virus has killed more businesses than people.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/18/2020 2:49 PM

Rational can also include making sure we don't have an out-of-control syndrome and then adjusting back to normal life when you see it's not all that it might have been cracked up to be.

My English teachers were after me for run-on sentences as you can imagine.

I call it conversational English cuz it would make sense if we were just talking to each other and the infections were heard? the teachers weren't buying it.

Shorthand for dummies?

The use of cell phones to monitor contact and alert anyone with strong exposure.. could be implemented here without further intrusion and most business could resume with social distancing as needed.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/18/2020 5:21 PM

This was a reply to a now removed posting.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/18/2020 4:20 PM

We currently stand extremely well (new daily cases now at or near zero), but our situation (being an isolatable land mass) and government response (quick and effective) is completely different to that of the US.

Opening the US back up at your stage of the pandemic is (in my opinion as an outsider looking in) going to be disasterous from a death and financially toll. Unfortunately continuing a lockdown in your situation is not much better (financially that is).

Seriously, good luck and try and be as safe as you can because as far as I can see it has only just started in the US.

I really hope to be proven wrong, it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/18/2020 7:06 PM

People that are out of work need to get back to their jobs so they can pay their bills. That having been said, we should all assume that everyone we meet is infected and behave accordingly. It's up to businesses to maximize the safety of both employees and customers as much as possible, and I think most of them will do that.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/18/2020 9:15 PM

One important metric that can provide some indication of how far along we are with a virus that has no vaccine, but is survivable by a large percent of those contract it is; what percentage of the population has contracted it.

Under 10% of sizeable general populations gave been exposed.

We have a long way to go. If we jump the gun and pretend it is all better now, the virus communicate the fallacy of such hubris using a language spoken by piling up dead bodies.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/18/2020 9:20 PM

The NWO is mostly retired.

It's also sports entertainment.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/18/2020 9:40 PM

All joking aside, humanity will get through this but things will be different for awhile. People are resilient. Unfortunately we've already lost many. There will also be many fiscal failures along the way. Denying what has happened by immediately trying to return to the old normal will doom even more in both health and finance.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/19/2020 1:14 PM

ADMIN Note: This post has been edited to remove political commentary.

In our locale, Oregon, the governor has been challenged in court and it's going through the appeals process. The state constitution has time limits on governor's emergency orders and the governor hasn't bothered to observe the constitutional time limits or the requirements for extending those time limits. The state supreme court has taken a position which is likely unconstitutional with regards to the state constitution and left the governor's emergency order in place pending review which has no identified completion date.

It's a lot of legal hocus pocus that could be resolved almost immediately if the governor would call the state legislature to approve extension of her emergency order.

Based on recent press conferences it is apparent that the Oregon leadership in this crisis is oblivious to the basis for the models used, the mechanics of disease transmission and reasonable steps to characterize the disease enough to formulate workable plans to manage the transmission.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/19/2020 1:23 PM

There is a paradox here. Most legislative chambers cannot accommodate social distancing while containing a quorum of legislators.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/19/2020 5:11 PM

They seem to have that problem even if they all attend. Present, but not accounted for.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/19/2020 5:02 PM


In the USA we have a crazy balance of powers and authorities between the states, federal government, and localities. At the state and local level the response has been "all over the map", but has been fairly strict in closing venues and enforcing social distancing. At the federal level the big problem has been in trust--people to the leaders and leaders to the scientists and experts. This has created problems in availability of critical or necessary products and testing.

At the individual level we initially had dismissal of the problem, followed shortly after with fear, and now followed by angry refusal to conform. We have many more deaths per year from traffic accidents, influenza "flu", cancer, smoking, and other conditions. However the fear of the unknown has been a strong driver of our responses.

The apparently fairly low rate of mortality compared to morbidity (death to sickness) with SARS-Covid-19 is reassuring (compared to some much more deadly epidemics). However we are still fairly early on the learning curve regarding the various ways that the infection manifests itself in the human body (or in animals also), such as the often-seen respiratory problems, plus the blood clotting problems, plus the adolescent inflammations, plus others we have not really recognized yet--all due to the ways in which the virus affects various tissues and proteins in the body. The wide variations in mortality rates from one geographic location to another is due to differences in the demographics, susceptibility of different groups, and amount of data being collected; all make understanding more problematic! Also, providing data as number totals instead of rates or percentages makes comparisons much more difficult.

For myself, I must socially distance because cancer has severely compromised my immune system. Yet interacting with people is important and healthy, and sometimes necessary. So a balance has to be found--not easy. Working now?--not, and not likely for months.


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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/21/2020 3:09 AM

It’s not a crazy balance of powers,... just people looking at getting and sustaining the recently acquired powers.

this whole situation is still being played out, To see what was the best played.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/20/2020 8:13 AM

Paul Lutus published a treatise on his website, Coronavirus Math, (see here) with a graphing function that allows the reader to adjust the parameters of the model.

His introductory comments include, ‘Albert Einstein once said, "As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality".’ And, ‘This article explains policy in-depth, and more, it allows the reader to use an interactive mathematical tool to experiment with different assumptions and pose "what-if" questions.’

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/20/2020 10:57 PM

Madiganistan is toast. I can't wait to retire and move north and become a cheesehead.

Crook County has over 70% of the cases, but the Governor is treating the state as a unit and is too slow letting rural counties work to re-open.

Eventually, one needs to realize that it is far less important to be the smartest person in the room than it is to sit next to that person and make friends.
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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/21/2020 3:12 AM

I always thought Cook county has always controlled the state.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/21/2020 12:21 AM

I have been working. I like to work. I don't really want to get paid for not. Maybe I should have my head shrunk.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/21/2020 2:29 AM

In South Africa we started from Financial Junk Status at the outbreak. There is no financial aid that will be enough to save our country from total economic ruin. With the lock down even the sale of liquor and cigarettes was declared against the law. I am privileged because I do not use any of those but I see the effect it has on those that are accustomed to using it. There is just no way to see light at the end of the tunnel if the end seems to be months away.

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Re: End in Sight for the Situation?

05/21/2020 6:53 AM

The financial situation in every country to handle this is unaffordable. Money is being spent at a tremendous rate, money that never existed.

And getting out of this no one knows. I suspect, and it’s already happening is a lot of finger pointing.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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