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Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid Vaccine is More Than 90% Effective

11/09/2020 7:44 AM
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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/09/2020 8:12 AM

"Although it is a bright spot in the battle against the pandemic and a triumph for Pfizer and BioNTech, a German company, key information about the vaccine is not yet available. There is no information yet on whether the vaccine prevents severe cases, the type that can cause hospitalization and death.

Nor is there any information yet on whether it prevents people from carrying the virus that causes Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2, without symptoms.

Because the vaccine has been studied for only a matter of months, it is impossible to say how long it will protect against infection with the virus. The vaccine does cause side effects, including aches and fevers, according to previously published data. Gruber said that he believed the side effect profile was comparable to standard adult vaccines, but probably worse than Pfizer’s pneumonia vaccine, Prevnar, or a flu shot.

The results have not been peer-reviewed by outside scientists or published in a medical journal, and even Pfizer and BioNTech have been given no other details about how the vaccine performed by the independent monitors overseeing the study.

Initial supplies of the vaccine, if authorized, will be limited. Pfizer says up to 50 million doses could be available globally. by the end of the year, with 1.3 billion available in 2021. There are also expected to be distribution challenges. The vaccine must be stored at super-coldtemperatures, which could make it extremely difficult to deliver to many places. Pfizer has said it is confident those issues can be managed.

Although the estimate of the efficacy of the vaccine could change as the study is completed, it is close to a best-case scenario. That also bodes well for other vaccines in the late stages of testing, including those developed by Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson.

“If that headline really number really holds up, that is huge. That is much better than I was expecting and it will make a huge difference,” said Ashish Jha, the dean of the School of Public Health at Brown University. He cautioned, however, that it is always difficult to evaluate science via press release and that researchers will need to see the full results. He noted that side effects are something to watch, because even if there are no serious long-term complications, people feeling sick for a day or two could lead some to be hesitant to take a vaccine."...

OK so it makes you sick for a day or two, probably much the same as getting the virus to begin with for most of us, but the idea is to stop the spread without shutting down the'll probably be another year before we get the vaccine anyway....on the upside this may lead to a cure for all corona virus types, so there's that...all in all, very good news indeed....

How long before the Biden administration tries to take credit?

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/09/2020 10:34 AM

Reports are coming in that there has been a break-in by people looking for the vaccine, and all they made off with is Viagra.

Police have said they're looking for hardened criminals.

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/09/2020 6:51 PM

Viagra should have been made by Upjohn, not Phizzer.

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/11/2020 4:20 AM

It’s reported that the police were chasing the one of assailants with the goods, and in an attempt to get rid of the evidence, that assailant tried hastily swallowing the evidence and it got stuck in his throat, and is reported that he now has a stiff neck for going on (3) three days.

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/10/2020 12:45 AM

How cold is " super cold " ?

Does super cold have a temperature/ pressure relationship ?

What method of transportation would be used and how would it be secured ?

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/10/2020 1:29 AM

from the data I have read storage is at -80oC

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/10/2020 1:52 AM,other%20pharmaceuticals%2C%20according%20to%20experts.

"The race to distribute Covid-19 vaccines to hundreds of millions of Americans could come down to one question: Do we have enough freezers?

Some of the shots now in late stages of testing must be stored at temperatures potentially as cold as minus 80 degrees Celsius, or minus 112 Fahrenheit, similar to conditions for transporting ice cream and steaks to supermarkets and eventually to people’s doorsteps."...

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/10/2020 2:34 AM

There ya go--get Omaha Steaks into the distribution loop, and all will be well.

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/11/2020 1:06 PM

Most hospitals should have cryogenic storage for just this sort of thing.

Start by immunizing all the first responders and medical personnel.

Next phase goes to the senior care facilities and high-risk populations as determined by the patient's doctor.

Then the rest of us through whatever facilities are set up with the appropriate storage equipment.

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/11/2020 2:17 PM

That would be a prudent and wise procedure... Lol... speaking of virus’s and what you posted, this reminds me,...

back in the 90’s I worked in heavy industry (shipyard). Late in the afternoon, IT came into my office,... said there’s a computer virus in the yard and he has the fix and I was the last one and to be done.

I was talking to him about the computer virus, and and the number of computers he had to do. He mentioned he knew of one department that had it... to be on the safe side, he did all of the yards computers and my was the last one.

as a smart ass, (which people perceive me as) I mentioned, “just as long as the disc your using to get rid of the virus, dosen’t have the virus on it because now the yard company wide has it... “

I knew I was on to something because he turned as white as a sheet and his eyes got real big. He ran a scan on the disc he was using for the fix, and yes, it had the virus on it... ��

makes me speculate that the department that initially got infected was IT’s...

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/11/2020 6:16 PM

So instead of respirators, now it's ultra low temp freezers....

Have I got a deal for you...

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/11/2020 10:22 PM

Frankly, dairy farmers have been using cold storage technology for years for artificial insemination .. more than that, actually they’ve been using it for generations...

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/10/2020 12:49 PM

Since you brought it up SE, Team Trump has already tried to take credit but that was quickly shut down by Pfizer, which chose to not take government money, at least for the development phase.

Either they don't know who is involved in what parts of Operation Warp Speed or they are floating another lie.

But, it is good news that there are some positive results, and so fast relative to past vaccine efforts. Hopefully this level of transparency will help people develop some trust in the vaccine when it finally does become widely available.

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/10/2020 1:28 PM

The money that was available was only a part of the program.. Operation Warp Speed allowed companies to run different stages of clinical trials and testing all at the same time which sped up the process to months rather than years...

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/11/2020 2:46 PM

Forget using truth and logic with these fools. You are swimming upstream against a tidal wave of ignorance!

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/11/2020 3:10 PM

Well to be fair, JRiversW does seem to be the one that is uninformed here....

How will the goal be accomplished?

By investing in and coordinating countermeasure development, OWS will allow countermeasures such as a vaccine to be delivered to patients more rapidly while adhering to standards for safety and efficacy.

Who's working on Operation Warp Speed?

OWS is a partnership among components of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), and the Department of Defense (DoD). OWS engages with private firms and other federal agencies, including the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. It will coordinate existing HHS-wide efforts, including the NIH's Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV) partnership, NIH's Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) initiative, and work by BARDA.

What's the plan and what's happened so far?


To accelerate development while maintaining standards for safety and efficacy, OWS has been selecting the most promising countermeasure candidates and providing coordinated government support.

Protocols for the demonstration of safety and efficacy are being aligned, which will allow the trials to proceed more quickly, and the protocols for the trials will be overseen by the federal government, as opposed to traditional public-private partnerships, in which pharmaceutical companies decide on their own protocols. Rather than eliminating steps from traditional development timelines, steps will proceed simultaneously, such as starting manufacturing of the vaccine at industrial scale well before the demonstration of vaccine efficacy and safety as happens normally. This increases the financial risk, but not the product risk.

Select actions to support OWS vaccine and therapeutic development so far include:


March 30: HHS announced $456 million in funds for Johnson & Johnson's (Janssen) candidate vaccine. Phase 1 clinical trials began in Belgium on July 24th and in the U.S on July 27th. Janssen's large-scale Phase 3 clinical trial began on September 22, 2020, making them the fourth OWS candidate to enter Phase 3 clinical trials in the United States. Up to 60,000 volunteers will be enrolled in the trial at up to nearly 215 clinical research sites in the United States and internationally.


April 16: HHS made up to $483 million in support available for Moderna's candidate vaccine, which began Phase 1 trials on March 16 and received a fast-track designation from FDA. This agreement was expanded on July 26 to include an additional $472 million to support late-stage clinical development, including the expanded Phase 3 study of the company's mRNA vaccine, which began on July 27th.


May 21: HHS announced up to $1.2 billion in support for AstraZeneca's candidate vaccine, developed in conjunction with the University of Oxford. The agreement is to make available at least 300 million doses of the vaccine for the United States, with the first doses delivered as early as October 2020, if the product successfully receives FDA EUA or licensure. AstraZeneca's large-scale Phase 3 clinical trial began on August 31, 2020.


July 7: HHS announced $450 million in funds to support the large-scale manufacturing of Regeneron's COVID-19 investigational anti-viral antibody treatment, REGN-COV2. This agreement is the first of a number of OWS awards to support potential therapeutics all the way through to manufacturing. As part of the manufacturing demonstration project, doses of the medicine will be packaged and ready to ship immediately if clinical trials are successful and FDA grants EUA or licensure.

July 7: HHS announced $1.6 billion in funds to support the large-scale manufacturing of Novavax's vaccine candidate. By funding Novavax's manufacturing effort, the federal government will own the 100 million doses expected to result from the demonstration project.

July 22: HHS announced up to $1.95 billion in funds to Pfizer for the large-scale manufacturing and nationwide distribution of 100 million doses of their vaccine candidate. The federal government will own the 100 million doses of vaccine initially produced as a result of this agreement, and Pfizer will deliver the doses in the United States if the product successfully receives FDA EUA or licensure, as outlined in FDA guidance, after completing demonstration of safety and efficacy in a large Phase 3 clinical trial, which began July 27th.

July 31: HHS announced approximately $2 billion in funds to support the advanced development, including clinical trials and large scale manufacturing, of Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK) investigational adjuvanted vaccine. By funding the manufacturing effort, the federal government will own the approximately 100 million doses expected to result from the demonstration project. The adjuvanted vaccine doses could be used in clinical trials or, if the FDA authorizes use, as outlined in agency guidance, the doses would be distributed as part of a COVID-19 vaccination campaign.


August 5: HHS announced approximately $1 billion in funds to support the large-scale manufacturing and delivery of Johnson & Johnson's (Janssen) investigational vaccine candidate. Under the terms of the agreement, the U.S. Government will own the resulting 100 million doses of vaccine, and will have the option to acquire more. The company's investigational vaccine relies on Janssen's recombinant adenovirus technology, AdVac, a technology used to develop and manufacture Janssen's Ebola vaccine with BARDA support; that vaccine received European Commission approval and was used in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Rwanda during the 2018-2020 Ebola outbreak that began in the DRC.

August 11: HHS announced up to $1.5 billion in funds to support the large-scale manufacturing and delivery of Moderna's investigational vaccine candidate. Under the terms of the agreement, the U.S. Government will own the resulting 100 million doses of vaccine, and will have the option to acquire more. The vaccine, called mRNA-1273, has been co-developed by Moderna and scientists from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. NIAID has continued to support the vaccine's development including nonclinical studies and clinical trials. Additionally, BARDA has supported phase 2/3 clinical trials, vaccine manufacturing scale up and other development activities for this vaccine. The Phase 3 clinical trial, which began July 27, is the first government-funded Phase 3 clinical trial for a COVID-19 vaccine in the United States.

August 23: As part of the agency's efforts to combat COVID-19, the FDA issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for investigational convalescent plasma. Based on available scientific evidence, the FDA determined convalescent plasma may be effective in lessening the severity or shortening the length of COVID-19 illness in hospitalized patients, and that the known and potential benefits of the product outweigh the known and potential risks. The EUA authorizes the distribution of convalescent plasma in the U.S. as well as its administration by health care providers, as appropriate, to treat suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19. Learn more about EUAs.


October 9: HHS announced an agreement with AstraZeneca for late-stage development and large-scale manufacturing of the company's COVID-19 investigational product AZD7442, a cocktail of two monoclonal antibodies, that may help treat or prevent COVID-19. The goal of AstraZeneca's partnership with the U.S. Government is to develop a monoclonal antibody cocktail that can help prevent infection. An effective monoclonal antibody that can prevent COVID-19, particularly one that is long-lasting and delivered by intramuscular injection, may be of particular use in certain groups. This includes people who have compromised immune function, those who are over 80 years old, and people undergoing medical treatments that preclude them from receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

October 28: HHS announced a $375 million agreement with Eli Lilly and Company to purchase the first doses of the company's COVID-19 investigational antibody therapeutic bamlanivimab, also known as LY-CoV555. Bamlanivimab currently is being evaluated in Phase 3 clinical trials funded by Eli Lilly, in addition to clinical trials as part of the ACTIV public-private partnership. The FDA is reviewing bamlanivimab as a possible treatment for COVID-19 in outpatients. Monoclonal antibodies, which mimic the human immune system, bind to certain proteins of a virus, reducing the ability of the virus to infect human cells.

As announced on May 15, the vaccine development plan is as follows, subject to change as work proceeds:

  • Fourteen promising candidates have been chosen from the 100+ vaccine candidates currently in development—some of them already in clinical trials with U.S. government support.
  • The 14 vaccine candidates are being narrowed down to about seven candidates, representing the most promising candidates from a range of technology options (nucleic acid, viral vector, protein subunit), which will go through further testing in early-stage clinical trials.
  • Large-scale randomized trials for the demonstration of safety and efficacy will proceed for the most promising candidates.


The federal government is making investments in the necessary manufacturing capacity at its own risk, giving firms confidence that they can invest aggressively in development and allowing faster distribution of an eventual vaccine. Manufacturing capacity for selected candidates will be advanced while they are still in development, rather than scaled up after approval or authorization. Manufacturing capacity developed will be used for whatever vaccine is eventually successful, if possible given the nature of the successful product, regardless of which firms have developed the capacity.

Select actions to support OWS manufacturing efforts so far include:


The May 21, April 16, and March 30 HHS agreements with AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson respectively include investments in manufacturing capabilities.


June 1: HHS announced a task order with Emergent BioSolutions to advance domestic manufacturing capabilities and capacity for a potential COVID-19 vaccine as well as therapeutics, worth approximately $628 million, using Emergent's BARDA-supported Center for Innovation in Advanced Department and Manufacturing.


July 27: HHS announced a task order with Texas A&M University and FUJIFILM to advance domestic manufacturing capabilities and capacity for a potential COVID-19 vaccine, worth approximately $265 million, using another BARDA-supported CIADM.


August 4: Grand River Aseptic Manufacturing Inc., (GRAM) Grand Rapids, Michigan, was awarded a $160 million firm-fixed-price contract for domestic aseptic fill and finish manufacturing capacity for critical vaccines and therapeutics in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


October 13: HHS announced a $31 million agreement with Cytiva to expand the company's manufacturing capacity for products that are essential in producing COVID-19 vaccines, such as liquid and dry powder cell culture media, cell culture buffers, mixer bags, and XDR bioreactors. Cytiva is a major manufacturer of pharmaceutical consumables and hardware products and the primary supplier to many of the companies currently working with the U.S. government to develop COVID-19 vaccines. This capacity expansion will help Cytiva respond to the demand for COVID-19 vaccine consumables and hardware products without impacting on current manufacturing output.


OWS and our private partners are developing a plan for delivering a safe and effective product to Americans as quickly and reliably as possible. Experts from HHS are leading vaccine development, while experts from DoD are partnering with the CDC and other parts of HHS to coordinate supply, production, and distribution of vaccines.

Select actions to support OWS distribution efforts include:


May 12: DoD and HHS announced a $138 million contract with ApiJect for more than 100 million prefilled syringes for distribution across the United States by year-end 2020, as well as the development of manufacturing capacity for the ultimate production goal of over 500 million prefilled syringes in 2021.


June 9: HHS and DoD announced a joint effort to increase domestic manufacturing capacity for vials that may be needed for vaccines and treatments

June 11: HHS announced $204 million in funds to Corning to expand the domestic manufacturing capacity to produce approximately 164 million Valor Glass vials per year if needed. Valor Glass provides chemical durability to minimize particulate contamination. The specialized glass allows for rapid filling and capping methods that can increase manufacturing throughput by as much as 50 percent compared with conventional filling lines, which in turn can reduce the overall manufacturing time for vaccines and therapies.

June 11: HHS announced $143 million to SiO2 Materials Science to ramp up capacity to produce the company's glass-coated plastic container, which can be used for drugs and vaccines. The new lines provide the capacity to produce an additional 120 million vials per year if needed.


August 14: HHS and DoD announced that McKesson Corporation will be a central distributor of future COVID-19 vaccines and related supplies needed to administer the pandemic vaccinations. The CDC is executing an existing contract option with McKesson to support vaccine distribution. The company also distributed the H1N1 vaccine during the H1N1 pandemic in 2009-2010. The current contract with McKesson, awarded as part of a competitive bidding process in 2016, includes an option for the distribution of vaccines in the event of a pandemic. Detailed planning is underway to ensure rapid distribution as soon as the FDA authorizes one or more vaccines. Once these decisions are made, McKesson will work under CDC's guidance to ship COVID-19 vaccines to administration sites.


September 16: HHS and DoD released two documents outlining the Trump Administration's detailed strategy to deliver safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine doses to the American people as quickly and reliably as possible. The documents, developed by HHS in coordination with DoD and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), provide a strategic distribution overview - PDF along with an interim playbook - PDF for state, tribal, territorial, and local public health programs and their partners on how to plan and operationalize a vaccination response to COVID-19 within their respective jurisdictions.

Who's leading Operation Warp Speed?

HHS Secretary Alex Azar and Defense Secretary Mark Esper oversee OWS, with Dr. Moncef Slaoui designated as chief advisor and General Gustave F. Perna confirmed as the chief operating officer. To allow these OWS leaders to focus on operational work, in the near future the program will be announcing separate points of contact, with deep expertise and involvement in the program, for communication with Congress and the public.

What are you doing to make these products affordable for Americans?

The Administration is committed to providing free or low-cost COVID-19 countermeasures to the American people as fast as possible. Any vaccine or therapeutic doses purchased with US taxpayer dollars will be given to the American people at no cost.

How is Operation Warp Speed being funded?

Congress has directed almost $10 billion to this effort through supplemental funding, including the CARES Act. Congress has also appropriated other flexible funding. The almost $10 billion specifically directed includes more than $6.5 billion designated for countermeasure development through BARDA and $3 billion for NIH research.

Download a printable version - PDF.

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/11/2020 3:20 PM

If you're trying to convince the far left like him you're wasting your time. They've got their heads so far up where the sun doesn't shine that they are inside out.

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/11/2020 4:56 PM

What will happen to this now that Esper is gone?

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/11/2020 5:44 PM
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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

01/28/2025 8:01 AM

Now that a competent administration is back in office, it’s people like you with all you crying and pout.

It’s is actually you that is the fool and ignorant. You should have went silent 9 years ago.

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/11/2020 3:25 PM

⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑

If you don’t want to become a fool, then don’t take advice from someone who has displayed mental issues on mostly political topics. He can talk a good game as though he knows what he’s talking about, and tries to crucify anyone that disagrees with him, and his bs’ing turns out to be wrong. Because lyn goes on the premise if you tell a lie long enough,... people will believe it.

Here’s a mild example... the more intense issues are in 2017... do yourself a favor, and just humor the li’l fella. Otherwise he’ll abuse and mislabel you a liar or racist or something to that effect.

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective

11/09/2020 8:26 AM


"Did you get my e-mail?" - "The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place" - George Bernard Shaw, 1856
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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid Vaccine is More Than 90% Effective

11/09/2020 9:18 PM

Governor Cuomo gives credit to President Trump for the vaccine, but doesn't want it. OK lets not send any to New York.


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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid Vaccine is More Than 90% Effective

11/09/2020 9:46 PM

Well he wiped out most of the vulnerable people by sending covid19 patients into all the nursing homes, so we surely want to listen to what he has to say now....sounds like he wants to give the vaccine to the least vulnerable now, NY has become Bizarro World...

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid Vaccine is More Than 90% Effective

11/10/2020 4:30 PM

I think SE said it, but it deserves a repeat. The newspaper article I saw said it probably would not be available until January, and even then would be rationed. The article didn't say when normal folks could get it--my guess would be next spring or summer. Hurry up and wait!

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Re: Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid Vaccine is More Than 90% Effective

11/11/2020 3:35 AM

The 'vaccine' is antibodies, normally your T-cells and B-cells on the wet surface of your sinuses, throat, and lungs as part of our Mucosal Immune System would produce short term antibodies and alert the immune response to create long term antibodies that attach to the viral antigenic surfaces so that macrophages and lymphocytes would be able to detect them and oxidize them using Thiocyanate (SCN) and Iodine to kill them.

It takes 4 days and $168 to order antibodies replicated using Crisper.

Standard vaccines would be made from the antigen producing part of dead viruses, that takes 2 weeks and $4K, we do it every year to produce a new flu vaccine based on the previous year's most common flu strain.

People are dying from a failed immune response to Covid19 and the resulting pneumonia because they are both Iodine and Thiocyanate deficient.

Since Thiocyanate is also the internal antioxidant that protects WBCs and Lymphocytes in the spleen from also accidently oxidizing themselves too, they cannot recover.

The problem with the blood in Covid has the same source, the Pitting Function in the Spleen fails to remove the viruses trapped in the nucleus deficient red blood cells when the Thiocyanate deficient lymphocytes self-destruct:

These are the 4 oxidizng reactions the immune system uses:

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