I am reaching out, as my thermal mechanics are very light when it comes to Albedo characteristics.
I'm designing an infrared oven for a food processing company. So the material normally has a 2B finish which is a Matte type finish. and mechanics of the oven, I have a sound understanding. the efficiencies of Albedo on the other hand not so much.
I have a few questions...
Having a polish stainless with a 32Ra finish instead on the panels, would this increase the Albedo characteristics of the oven where it would reflect the heat back into the product, instead of passing through the panel/shield.
The panel/shield is just a sheet of stainless normally 14 ga with a 2B finish, no insulation.
My second question, as a comparison, would be what is the value of the heat reflected between these (2) finishes of Ra32 and 2B.
I'd appreciate a discussion on this.
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