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Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/13/2025 11:57 AM

In Los Angeles most of the homeowners were de-insured and will not be able to return home and rebuild on prime real estate - they are forced to sell.

I've tried to find what this means exactly and it's partly answered in the fact that further insurance is denied but my question is what are the full consequences of this action?

Does it mean that no one will ever be able to rebuild on the sites affected by the fires?

It says they are forced to sell but if further insurance will be denied then the land is surely worthless because of it being un-insurable and therefore they won't be able to sell the land?

Or are the insurance companies denying payment on existing insurance?

The word were in the bold sentence above makes it sound like the home owners were denied insurance even before the fire struck. Is that a correct interpretation of the bold sentence?

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Re: Anyone know what the full implication of the sentence in bold means?

01/13/2025 12:07 PM

Not necessarily worthless. CA has problems with permitting, there are a lot of that.

Even though CA politicians said they will stream line that, but when the crisis is over, even though there will still be people homeless. The streamlining and permitting process will return to as it is before.

The issues are, is can't you insure it. Only if there's money to be made by the insurance companies, but mismanaging the resources will still remain, so unlikely. I had heard that Farmers Insurance is the largest insurance company in the area, and they canceled quite a bit of insurances. They have actuaries analyzing the financial costs of risk and uncertainty and they are good at it.

Now I may be cynical about that, but I don't believe so. Just have to wait and see.

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Re: Anyone know what the full implication of the sentence in bold means?

01/13/2025 12:43 PM

It’s a mess. Many policies were canceled and owners were aware. Months before fire.

I don’t know how existing mortgage insurance was handled. Who wants to loan on un-insurable property?

Before the fire, the only problem was fire. And as seen, with a little prevention, structures can be save from huge walls of fire. And blizzards of coals. Of course many deny this. And believe nothing could have stopped it. CYA.

But now, all utilities are lost. So if you build a fireproof house, you can probably get it insured. But now there are no utilities. And probably can’t drill a well or install septic…...out there.

So structures can’t be built, not due to lack of insurance, but lack of utilities.

The county will determine when and even if, that happens.

WATCH what happens when it rains!!! Another disaster. MUD flow.

Overall I seriously doubt things will change out there.

Look at the surplus they had when Newsom took office.

Not meant to be political…...just a passing comment from what I’ve heard and read…...about California.

I am no expert.

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Re: Anyone know what the full implication of the sentence in bold means?

01/13/2025 12:59 PM

I suspect this cryptic sentence applies to homeowners without home insurance who will not be reimbursed for the loss of their homes. Those owners lost all of the home's value but now own only the land. The land is not worthless, but many private insurance companies are not writing home insurance in California for many reasons, wildfires being just one. The state does provide an insurer of last resort. Many without sufficient insurance relief will be unable to pay out of their pockets to rebuild a home on their burnt property. To recoup the land value they will have to sell that land.

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Re: Anyone know what the full implication of the sentence in bold means?

01/13/2025 1:23 PM

If history repeats itself on what will be done,… When the fires are put out, and the shock subsided, the speeches and promises that were made and the actually actions and outcomes will be the same as East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/13/2025 5:21 PM

I have nothing to contribute other than the homeowners are most certainly not forced to sell anything. This portion of the quote seems overly dramatic, fatalist, perhaps self serving.

I believe this to be a topic that will very soon become central to some pretty intense preoccupation.

I’ve thrown 5 stars on the thread.

treesforlife, will you tell us: Is this a quote from some government entity, or an insurance specialist, or some news agency? Would you please cite the source?

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/14/2025 8:24 AM

I apologize for this but the problem with re-finding the article is that I read so much news and there's no exact record in my history that I can point to it coming from.

I can't find the exact source now but looking at my history I think it most likely came from Quora but the problem there is that the Quora pages in my history never re-open on the exact same article.

I'm sorry that I can't find the exact source and Google doesn't highlight any article when I paste the exact quote there

I did find this discussion on Quora but I can't find my exact quote there and I should have bookmarked the article that my quote came from, so I apologize for that.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/13/2025 6:20 PM

A lot of these people are in for a series of hoop jumping to regain their losses seems to me...

..."Last week, President Biden declared a major disaster in the area, opening up federal funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The White House says the funding is being used to provide people with services such as grants for temporary housing and low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses.

In an interview with NPR's Weekend Edition, Deanne Criswell, administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, spoke with host Ayesha Rascoe about how this assistance is being used to help LA County residents affected by the wildfires....

...FEMA has a program called individual assistance, and it's designed to jump start the individual or family's recovery process. If they haven't registered already, they should register for assistance, and they can go to

And what they need to do too is contact their insurance company, because while our programs jump start the recovery process, we're not going to rebuild their home for them. So the insurance company is the biggest piece that may help with that. If they still have needs, we're going to work with our other partners, like the Small Business Administration or our philanthropic and our nonprofit partners, to help each of these families as they're trying to figure out what they're going to have to do next....

....Over 24,000 have applied already, but we know that that number is going to continue to rise.

You talked about people trying to go to their insurance companies, but we know that a lot of people may not have insurance policies that cover fires. Is there anything that FEMA can do about that?

There's nothing that we can do as far as requiring the insurance company to stay in. What we want to be able to do is work with these communities as they rebuild and rebuild them in a way that makes them more resilient to future disasters so the insurance industry wants to stay there, but I just want to emphasize that we need people to still go to their insurance company and get something that shows that they're either underinsured or uninsured. If they are, it opens up their ability to access the other programs, and so it's a really important step to still reach out to them."....

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/16/2025 11:01 AM

FEMA is under a microscope because it was revealed that the FEMA was politically weaponized during hurricanes made landfall in Florida. Sure the defense was it was a isolated incident, but prior to that when pointed out, it was called misinformation.

With the wild fires, I saw on the news that a couple (middle income) that had a beach front home, They called it a bungalow. They lost everything, including their daughters ashes.

They didn't have insurance because they could no longer afford it. FEMA's response was immediate and they said they would be eligible for full funding, not sure what that meant. but were relieved. Which is great.

When asked if they'll rebuild, it sounded like they would like to, the location is beautiful, but if they can't afford the insurance, they're thinking of moving out.

I'm sure land developers will be pouncing on it.

What appears to be inept government politicians, that may have an adverse effect on demand... except for the elites.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/13/2025 8:07 PM

In Los Angeles most of the homeowners were de-insured and will not be able to return home and rebuild on prime real estate - they are forced to sell.

The word "were" in the bold sentence above makes it sound like the home owners were denied insurance even before the fire struck. Is that a correct interpretation of the bold sentence?

"Several property insurers in California cut coverage or stopped offering new homeowners policies in the past few years, as companies tried to limit losses amid the risk of paying enormous claims due to wildfires.

That left Golden State homeowners scrambling to find insurance at a time when they faced the likely prospect of losing everything should a particularly bad blaze, such as the ones currently burning through Southern California at the moment, come along."

It sounds to me that the insurance companies knew the state was a tinderbox. It's too bad that some of their high taxes weren't spent on reducing the fire risk.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/14/2025 7:08 AM

The <...Full Implication...> is that a lot of people, those to whom the sentence applies, are going to be heartbroken/crestfallen/devastated/homeless/pennyless.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/14/2025 8:08 AM

Not necessarily to some segments of California’s society.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/16/2025 5:43 AM

It will all end in tears, which will be insufficient to put out the fires.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/16/2025 9:19 AM

True, unfortunately it’s not realized yet until it’s too late.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/14/2025 8:08 AM

It is a California Gold Rush 2.0.

There are many things going on at the same time. Due to California refusing to do prescribed burns and other forest management, the state has become a huge tinder box ready to burn. Money has been taken away from Fire Departments and wasted on woke programs. All of government, including the emergency preparedness departments, have abandoned hiring and operating based upon qualifications to do the job and are now seeing that DEI programs won't stop wildfires. On top of all that, California "protected" the people by making it illegal for the insurance companies to raise their rates to a level that would allow them to insure high risk homes. The result, the insurance companies were forced to leave. (Government knew this would happen.)

Some of the homes that burned were homes that the families have owned since back when prices were much more reasonable. Without insurance, there is no way that a "somewhat normal income" family can rebuild there. Thus, they will be forced to move.

I wish I kept the link to a YouTube video I watched where someone detailed the various environmental impact studies and other things a homeowner would have to go through before they could apply for a building permit. If I recall correctly, there were close to a dozen of them totaling around $20,000 and typically consuming over a year and this was all BEFORE they could pay the fees and file the building permit to start the process of being approved. This applied to everyone. Thus, when you see the helicopter shots of 10 or so burned houses deep by 20 or so burned houses long you are looking at millions of dollars and years of waiting BEFORE they can pay their building permit fee and attempt to get their new house approved. It doesn't matter that everyone in the subdivision will have the exact same impact and, by the way, they were already there before the fire. And, according to the news cast, the property taxes on the charred land will go way up as soon as they file the building permit paperwork. No ground breaking required. File for permit, taxes go up.

What I really hate to see is the way California Governor Gavin Newsom is now smiling from ear to ear when he is interviewed about the fire. He takes a moment to say the fires are tragic and someone else is to blame. Then he starts to glow with excitement like a 3 year old under a Christmas tree as he talks about his new "Marshall Plan" and "Reimagining Los Angeles 2.0". At times he admits that he is already having meetings with people about these plans. During his interviews, when he gets a big smile and his arms and hands start moving like he is doing the macarena dance, he is thinking about how they are planning the biggest land grab in modern history.

People could rebuild their houses using concrete block or solid pours, using appropriate amounts of steel rebar and other earthquake resistant features, install metal or tile roofs and non combustible windows and soffits, and resume normal life in a beautiful state. The forests, at least within a couple of hundred yards of houses, could be maintained and insurance companies would return. The money that was allocated for reservoirs could actually be used for reservoirs and, if not emptied during fire season (like this year) they could supply water for every day life and fire fighting.

Most of the areas where movie stars live will probably be rebuilt with single family homes. But there will be large chunks of land that will be seized obtained so someone's company can get rich building high density housing. Other areas will have big hotels and other high-end developments. Just listen to Gavin, "Reimagining Los Angeles 2.0" and organizing a "Marshall Plan" are under way right now, even while the fires are still burning and people are still dying. (Some suggest that these plans were even underway before the fires started.) Land grab in progress. California Gold Rush 2.0 is here.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/14/2025 12:26 PM

..."According to recent reports, burned-out lots in Los Angeles are currently selling at significantly discounted prices, often 30-50% below the pre-fire market value depending on the location, extent of damage, and rebuilding feasibility, with some lots even selling for as low as 50% of their original value due to the high cost of rebuilding and uncertainty in the market following recent wildfires."...

It's a jungle out there.....Every man for himself...

...."Thousands of families were displaced on Tuesday when fires torched homes throughout Pacific Palisades and Altadena, kicking off a regionwide house hunt as victims scoured a tight market looking for homes to rent — or even buy.

People are desperate, local agents said. Their homes are in ashes, and they’re looking for stability — somewhere for their family to go that’s not a shelter, a friend’s house or a hotel room. Some landlords are now sharply raising rent, even beyond what temporary price gouging protections allow. And some would-be renters are offering a year’s rent upfront in cash and engaging in bidding wars.

“Dozens and dozens of people are going after the same properties,” said David Berg, a Compass real estate agent with Smith & Berg Property Group. “Since Tuesday afternoon, our phones have rung hundreds of times.”

On Friday, Berg and F. Ron Smith listed a newly built home in Brentwood, just a short hop from the Palisades. An hour after hitting the market, the listing had 10,000 views on Redfin.

“We’re trying to place numerous families into properties, but it’s becoming extremely difficult,” Berg said."...

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/14/2025 2:33 PM

Gov. Gavin Newsom vows ‘Marshall Plan’ and suspends environmental laws to help rebuild LA after wildfires

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/14/2025 2:57 PM

Vows and actually executing are two different things.

I do not take a politicians at their vows or promises, I take it at only of the fulfillment.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/14/2025 3:13 PM

Yes the politicians don't have a good track record...It makes you wonder how they keep getting elected....

If they get enough angry residents, maybe some politicians will be replaced...It looks like they have a good start here...maybe this will be a wake-up call....

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/14/2025 3:50 PM

Wonder how they keep getting re-elected… ? Heck you only have to look as far as some of the CR4 members posts.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/22/2025 10:28 PM

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/16/2025 8:40 PM

If all these onerous environmental rules can be waived after a fire, why do they exist at all?

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/16/2025 10:16 PM

Power and control to retain power.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/22/2025 1:37 PM


I feel that more accurate information may temper your post's contents a little. You said: "Due to California refusing to do prescribed burns and other forest management, the state has become a huge tinder box ready to burn." This was a US Forest Service policy mandated at the Federal level for decades. It ignored the wisdom of the First Peoples/Indians. Even when plans for prescribed burns were presented they were often cancelled because of fears of law suits if the burn escaped its perimeter. The brush growth in Southern California is adapted to the typical climate, with heavy growth of Manzanita, Greasewood, Poison Oak, and many other plants. After a burn, the heat will have germinated the dormant seeds of a beautiful plant called Fireweed, because it is one of the first to sprout and bloom, then drop its seeds onto the ground, where they will be dormant until the next fire.

I believe the full story will be much more informative than just labeling it with loaded words or terms. I have learned much from reading the history of the rebuilding of San Francisco in 1906-1909, Galveston a few years earlier, and many others. The risks to the homes in SoCal were well described in 2017, but the recommended steps to mitigate or avoid the damage were not followed.

Hopefully, if areas are rebuilt, this will be done with more wisdom and respect for an unforgiving environment and its future unpredictability.


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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/15/2025 10:13 AM

Most perhaps, but not all...

The $125 million Roy mansion from Succession, once the priciest home in Pacific Palisades, reduced to ashes in devastating wildfires.

..."Do you remember the hit HBO show Succession revolving around the lives of the fictional Roy siblings? If there was anything worth paying attention to in addition to the drama that ensued, it was the $125 million mega mansion that was as much a part of the cast as the lead actors themselves. Unfortunately, this most expensive home in the Pacific Palisades has been destroyed in the devastating Los Angeles wildfires. What was once a breathtaking 18-bedroom mansion offering sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean, has been reduced to a charred skeleton.

It no longer even resembles its former self that once flaunted exquisite details like a ‘Nobu-designed chef’s kitchen’ and a grand 20-seater theater. The mega mansion, owned by Luminar Technologies boss Austin Russell, 29, was on the market to rent for $450,000 per month when the blaze broke out."...

I wonder can they incorporate this disaster into the sequel...?

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/15/2025 12:27 PM

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/15/2025 1:55 PM

I can't speak for California, But where I grew up in northeast Wisconsin. One of the points of the cost of your premiums from the insurance company In a rural area because we lived on a farm was how many miles away was the towns fire department.

For us it was about 5 miles, we received a a better rate. This was a volunteer fire department and we had to use them also, and within 5 minutes a call, actually it was under, the fire department pumper trucks would be turning into our yard.

With what sounds like mismanagement and the blame game fiasco in California, the actuaries for developing the risk/benefits in California, there won't be any premiums because they're be pulling out.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/22/2025 7:12 PM

Fresh water ocean dumping wait what...?

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/22/2025 9:59 PM

The Big Fix....

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/24/2025 2:36 AM

If they're so concerned about the salt water encroaching into the waterway then why don't they just block it off...I mean I don't see any reason to have any fresh water entering the ocean at all, why not divert all the water all the time into reservoirs and build a wall blocking off the ocean......

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/24/2025 7:52 AM

It will over come, the land did it before with all the tsunami’s that hit the west coast throughout history, depositing salt water.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/27/2025 5:39 AM

Hello all,

Our water supply authority has one water source within the tidal zone. They have a weir in the waterway with a fish ladder on the side.

The crest of the weir is a little higher (only inches/cm) than the local king tide level.

Your suggestion is feasible and there is evidence of it here. I feel sure that there would be other places also.

I believe there are also tide barrages in the Thames River to stop/slow the salt incursion on those high tides. Those are capable of handling the river boating traffic.

Just an Engineer from the land down under.
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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/27/2025 8:50 AM

Californias water supply is corrupt.

the Resnick’s had a lot of control over it. For quite some time, it was the fox guarding the henhouse,

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

02/01/2025 3:51 PM

You say the supply "is corrupt". Easy to assert this, but the claim is questionable.

A century ago the city of Los Angeles bought all the water rights in the fertile Owens valley on the east side of the Sierra Nevada mountains, then dammed the river and built a large aqueduct to take ALL the water to LA. This led to an armed rebellion of the farmers and families who had lost their livelihoods, including blowing up the aqueduct, etc. My parents had relatives who were among those who lost. It was devastating, but was it corrupt? Legally OK but probably morally bad.

A substantial portion of the water used in Southern California comes from the Colorado River. Before this diversion, as well as diversion to other cities and farms in AZ and CA the fiver flowed freely to the Gulf of Mexico and had steamboat traffic on it. Now, despite international compacts to the contrary, the river seldom flows to the Gulf of California, with its bed often empty. Is this corrupt? Probably yes, but it still is being done. A major break in that aqueduct recreated the Salton Sea, which had been a dry salt bed.

A major source of water to LA area is the California Aqueduct, taking water from the Feather River and Sacramento River, over 400 miles and across the mountains south of the San Joaquin Valley. It was done legally, but is it corrupt? Probably not, but environmental harms have occurred and it remains expensive to operate and maintain.

60-70 years ago, farmers in Orange County had water tables dropping so their local wells went dry or salty. They banded together and formed water districts with deeper wells, but these districts later sold their water to cities for more money. That was legal, but caused many farms to go bankrupt--with the land later being subdivided into larger cities. (This included my mother's farm 2 miles south of Disneyland.) Was this corrupt--questionable, but legal. The district leaders acted within their authority, even though this was counter to the original purpose of forming the district.

I invite better support for your blanket allegation of corruption involving the water supply for the entire state. --JMM

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

02/01/2025 4:26 PM

I can understand your confusion with my wording of supply as a noun.

i should have added an adjective of ‘The management of the supply is corrupt.’

Where the Resnicks has a ' large stake in the Kern Water Bank — a 32-square-mile underground reservoir 150 miles from Los Angeles — that has garnered negative attention in recent weeks.

its said that the Resnicks do not have control over the Kern water supply, but they do own a 57% stake in the Kern water bank

The Kern Water Bank can hold nearly 500 billion gallons of water. The Resnicks own 57% of the rights to that water. That massive amount of water is fueling anger online, with some on social media erroneously claiming the couple owns 60% of the water in the state and accusing them of being one of the reasons firefighters lacked the water necessary to fight the fires. Those claims are not true. ‘

Here some information


  • The Kern Water Bank is a public-private partnership that stores water for agricultural and municipal use.
  • The Resnicks own the rights to use the water through their subsidiary, Westside Mutual Water Co.
  • The water rights are allocated based on agreements between public and private stakeholders.
  • The water is distributed through member agencies, not directly to the public.
  • The Kern Water Bank is governed by a board of directors.
  • The Resnicks are the owners of Pom Wonderful and Halos oranges.

Why is the Resnicks' ownership of the Kern Water Bank controversial?

  • The Resnicks' ownership of the Kern Water Bank has been controversial since the 1990s.
  • The state put over $70 million into creating the water bank as a drought hedge.
  • The bank was used as a bargaining chip in the Monterey Agreements, which revamped how the State Water Project operated.

The thing about corruption if you ever experience corruption personally, is that it not black and white, instead is a web of white black and gray areas. That difficult to explain and a forum like this.
you keep following the strands in the web, and it’s turns into a white where there’s nothing wrong, you follow another stand, making connections and it turns gray, and you think your onto something… bit then it stops, but you follow one strand of the web, that’s buried deep and then it turns black. Where it’s nothing but corruption with powerful names tied to it… when that happens,… you need to decide to go ahead and accept the retribution or walk away.

I don’t mind going a nudge in the direction, because if you’re foolish enough to go forward, you’d be very surprised who your neighbors are.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

02/03/2025 2:55 PM


Thanks for a partial clarification. However, you said: "i should have added an adjective of ‘The management of the supply is corrupt.'"

Your post refers to only the Kern Water Bank, a major member of all the water banking authorities in Kern County, a portion of the southern San Juaquin valley. This is a fairly small portion of the entire water distribution and use network in the state.

I wonder why you have been so widely critical. California faces serious problems with its water supply (mostly Northern) and use (mostly Southern). Ultimately, continuing the present course(s) of action is a questionable approach, while attempting to change course(s) is extremely problematic and would take many decades of time to achieve.


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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

02/03/2025 4:56 PM

Jmueller, yes I did, like in the post, corruption like the water supply, is difficult to put the pieces together, it is tied in a complex web to trace and I did say this forum isn’te platform to string through it. But I don’t mind giving a nudge in the right direction.

The reason, having experience corruption first hand, the choice yours. As critic as it is, I don’t mind leaving it at that, I have a life to enjoy, I suggest you enjoy yours or don’t complain that I didn’t warn you.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/16/2025 6:33 AM

Insurance deja-vu from here is Aus.

Insurance for flooding was moved to a risk based model, so that those of us that live on hilltops were not subsidising developments on the floodplains to rebuild, sometimes as often as each 5 years.

Recent flooding has revealed many communities with very low insurance uptake, but they did have a choice of higher (risk based premiums) or carry the risk themselves.

Similar strategies are in place for seaside communities subject to coastal erosion.

Cumulatively, what they save by not paying the premium would be enough to buy elsewhere.

From the rebuild perspective, we are approaching 2 years with people in temporary accommodation and still maybe 50% not resolved.

Some towns have been determined "too risky" and are being converted to sporting fields and community space with houses relocated where possible.

We also had huge fires here three years ago. What we learnt there was that as houses were destroyed, the water services melted off and essentially became unrestricted flow, pulling service water from the mains in one of the most intense droughts we have experienced.

One thing that was well communicated. There will never be one truck for every house.

Just an Engineer from the land down under.
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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/16/2025 8:49 PM

You bring up a very good point with the utilities. I can see a point where residential housing codes are going to require some sort of heat activated safety valve or thermal fuse that shuts off the water to prevent the loss of so much water when the plumbing is compromised. That way, the fire department may have a better chance at getting the water they need. Especially with all this PEX that seems to be in use these days. Likewise, with natural gas to help prevent gas flares when the house is consumed in fire.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/25/2025 5:52 AM

Trump arrives in California to sort things out....

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/25/2025 6:54 AM

Now they should get every waste container in the state and place them in front of peoples homes so they can clean the place up...then take the containers and dump them to block the river egress to the sea...

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/25/2025 11:48 AM

I did see your look at your link, but I did watch the round table.

He’s he let CA know that he already initializing his Emergency Act, and said California also had an emergency act and said they should do that also,

and Los Angeles Mayor Bass responded she already did???, ,

yesterday I heard Trump fired at least 17 inspector generals from various agency’s, and FEMA is being looked at being retooled or eliminated.

that is a perfect example of how hate can decimate that was happening the past 8 years.

Where the haters are silent… for now.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/25/2025 3:53 PM

They wanted everybody to get permits/inspections from the city/county for hazardous waste inspections, before they can clean up their property, saying that would take about 18 mos....can you believe these government officials, they're all trying to further fleece and frustrate these people after burning their homes down...Trump says F those permits let them start clean up today, F the environmental impact permits, they were already there, F the building permits they are rebuilding something that already existed...

Who elected all these a-holes...oh ...they did it to themselves...well now I don't feel so bad...We reap what we sow...

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/25/2025 4:45 PM

Who elected those anoles you ask,… it was the haters, we have a few of them here as members. You either agree with them, or they’d call you a Nazi and pout how they get flamed for being basically passive aggressive.

They’d burn down their own village to stay in power.

When I heard the mayor of LA say she already was initiating the state emergency act after POTUS said thats what she should do, was false. Those fires have been raging for weeks now. With no such emergency act was initiated. If there was, it did nothing.

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/25/2025 6:25 PM

She was lying, every time Trump said you should do something, she claimed she already did it, she's been exposed for her incompetence and is in full panic mode...funny that she automatically lies when caught, is typical....Now she'll probably wait for Trump to leave and then start blaming everything that's going wrong on him....this must be the go to strategy in the liberal survival handbook...not so sure it's going to fly this time...

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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/25/2025 6:32 PM

California has the most modern professional urban planning model in the world. With all the research and data to back them up. No one can scientifically oppose them.

Brought to you by the universities of California. PhD’s run everything. All the bureaucrats have university degrees. Multi-degrees.

And no one has ever done any work. Except research, which we all know a few years of research is worth a lifetime of experience.

The clean up will be delayed and all but the most wealthy will sell cheap, and the developer parasites will move in. And reward the appropriate swamp people. With donations and positions.

Then we can all do it again. Backed up with new added research. Taxpayer research of course.

Light is only half of what you think it is.
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Re: Anyone Know What the Full Implication of the Sentence in Bold Means?

01/25/2025 7:16 PM

As much as I enjoyed the silence of whining, pouting, crying passive/aggressive liberals… the quality of CR4 increased even without their engineering input.

Anyways, your comments sound similar…

I design and specific equipment for food processing plants, I do FAT’s (Factory Acceptance Test) on the equipment at the manufacturer.
and then an SAT (site Acceptance Test) at the plant. Make sure it performs.

the difference, the FAT is set up in sometimes in laboratory condition with the best situation, and the SAT’s is set up in real life… there can be a 20% reduction on performances

FAT 100%

SAT 80%

Even though, I always felt to get out of a poor life situation, get a education.

but at college I was told a saying, ‘ If you can’t do, you teach.’

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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