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How animals get a Electrical shock.?

02/28/2008 9:05 PM

Sometimes , animals like Buffelos , cows etc. get died without touching the live phases, so i dont understands how they get an electrical shock while wondering around the substations?

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Re: How animals get a Electrical shock.?

02/28/2008 9:12 PM

Are you sure that they are dying from electric shock? Maybe they are dying from something else, like old age.

Best I can come up with, considering the information given.


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Re: How animals get a Electrical shock.?

02/28/2008 11:03 PM

If you have ever watched bovines (cows, bulls, steer, buffalo etc.) in the field for a length of time (don't ask how I know this), you will observe that they will quite often scratch themselves by rubbing up against suitably large objects. In nature that would be trees and boulders. If a transformer or steel power tower is in the field with them, they can't tell that from a rock or tree, so they use it just the same. Any slightly lower difference in their ground conducting potential from whatever the grounding system is will make them the conduction path. Result: barbeque!

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Re: How animals get a Electrical shock.?

02/29/2008 1:03 AM

Cows are also very inquisitive and they will explore new things by pressing there nose against it.

Electric outlets particularly seems to interest them. A friend installed an 35A eclectic outlet at the cow entrance to the milking parlor and for a while every second dam cow came up and gave it a sniff. (He actually moved the outlet)

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In reply to #3

Re: How animals get a Electrical shock.?

02/29/2008 2:05 AM

May be the grounding system of substation is not properly designed because of which Step and Touch potential goes above tolerable limit.


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Re: How animals get a Electrical shock.?

02/29/2008 7:39 PM

I have investigated a similar situation where several people reported experiencing electric shock when contacting a fence or guardrail near a substation. After much testing we determined that the shield on one of the underground feeder cables had failed. During heavy loads, the EM field was strong enough to induce a fairly stiff voltage into nearby metal objects. We replaced the cable and the problem was solved.

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