Not long ago, I was silly as a cut snake, smoking up a storm and using a bit of elbow grease while trying not to drag the chain and foot slog through the internet.
I became a screw loose when I discovered my favourite site had shot through.
I was as happy as a pig in sh*t when I stumbled upon CR4. Now I am flat out like a lizard drinking helping all those yobbos who lost their brain cells over a brew and can't figure out their left hand from their right.
Now here, I discovered some stooges are as useless as an ashtray on a motorbike. Some cary on like a pork chop. Others are all over the place like a mad woman's sh*t, trying to help out the dodos with half a brain. The remainder have not yet lost their marbles, help out the battler and knock the bludger looking for an easy answer and shoot the shonky salesman from China.
I have tried not to smell like a septic tank, but this arvo have decided to have a spill and share a lingo with that drongo from beyond the blackstump. It's not my bowl of rice either to defend a brown-eyed mullett in the ocean...but had to make the cranky dag to one of my deadset fairdinkum replies to a stranded fellow ozzy come a gutser.
Please don't open your lunch and rip snort me again...I am not as useless as tits on a bull.