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Interview Questions for an Electrical Engineer

02/15/2010 11:49 PM

possible interview questions for estimation/site electrical engineer.

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02/16/2010 1:15 AM

Maybe you could get Catbert to help with this.

Question 1: "What is your name, please?"

From there, the decision tree might look like this:

"Alice."--"You're hired, 1.5 times the advertised salary range."

"Wally."--"Don't call us; we'll call you."

In vino veritas; in cervisia carmen; in aqua E. coli.
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02/16/2010 3:09 AM
  • Can this person do the job?
  • Will this person do the job?
  • Will this person fit the organisation better than the other candidates?
"Did you get my e-mail?" - "The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place" - George Bernard Shaw, 1856
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02/16/2010 3:43 AM

Keying off your tagline about the joy of receiving a postcard, about a month ago I tried a little experiment. I hand-wrote a short note. Not knowing your address, I simply plugged in "in the bothy, 7 chains down from... " I also put a little apology to the postal service for this cryptic address. I hoped that some enterprising mailsters would take this as a worthy challenge. So far no joy. Maybe they need to get some of those train spotters to pinpoint Dodman's Lane crossing? Lapsang Souchong!

In vino veritas; in cervisia carmen; in aqua E. coli.
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02/20/2010 9:39 AM

Very good reply. I like this. i feel this is enough to any interview.

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Re: Interview Questions for an Electrical Engineer

02/16/2010 11:08 PM

What was your last project?

What went wrong? What would you do differently this time?

Good engineers are open about problems (every project has them) and are looking to prevent them next time.

If there's something you don't understand...Then a wizard did it. As heard on "The Simpsons".
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Re: Interview Questions for an Electrical Engineer

02/17/2010 1:17 AM

If it's for a real electrical engineer ask what does e^(-j∏) equal

Spoken as "what does e to the negative jay pi equal". hint - it's not Zero or One.

If they don't know they may be a mechanical engineer pretending to be electrical, if they can't even understand the question they may be an accountant.

If there's something you don't understand...Then a wizard did it. As heard on "The Simpsons".
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Re: Interview Questions for an Electrical Engineer

02/17/2010 1:53 AM

Three electrical vans I have actually seen:

1. "If you can't find your shorts, call us!"

2. A hand-drawn caricature of Ben Franklin flying a kite.

3. A sine wave on a square grid.

Which would you choose?

In vino veritas; in cervisia carmen; in aqua E. coli.
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Re: Interview Questions for an Electrical Engineer

02/17/2010 8:34 AM

What you bring to help organization

Do you think your background is good fit and why

Tell me something which is your weakness

Tell me about your strength

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Re: Interview Questions for an Electrical Engineer

02/17/2010 11:47 AM

up to my experience the type of questins asked during an interview very much depends on your past experience, past employers and any references you have.

If you are just starting to your in your profession, then there might be a chance that technical questions are being asked. However, the emphasis usually is put on yout personality: If you will be able to handle the demands of your everyday business, if you will fit into the company and, most important, if you will fit into the team.

(I, for example, would never accept a candidate who appears not to match with the existing team, no matter, how good his or her academic skills are! A person not fitting into the team / company will never get a foot onto the ground - unless he or she will take the highest management position ;-))

If you have a reasonable record of past experience with will know / reputed employers, and good references, it is not very likely that any specific technical questions will be asked. Again, the focus will be laid on fitting into the "every day work environment".ยด

The situation might be slightly different if the company has a very urgent need for somone with very specific experience - bluntly speaking: If they need a trouble shooter. Then some deeper examination of the technical skills might be possible. In that case the employer might be willing to take the risk to set the candidate off, as soon as the immediate problems have been resolved or at least mitigated, if the person cannot be properly integrated into the existing team.

For typical interview questions, not focussing on specific trades or subjects I would recommend to read one or two good books on job interview techniques. There are lots of them available on the market.

Good luck


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Re: Interview Questions for an Electrical Engineer

02/17/2010 1:39 PM

It more or less boils down to the work that will be performed. Is it real engineering?

Some of the questions I have asked in the past have included: What is the Laplace transform of 1? The answer of course is 1/s a unit step function. That is to see if they paid attention during class. also, Why do we raise the voltage for power transmission over long distances? The answer (among other things) is to reduce or minimize the I squared R losses. For physics, a three cookie question I like is one emits gamma rays, one emits neutrons, and one emits alpha particles. You have to eat one of the cookies, you can throw one as far away as possible, and place one in your pocket. What do you do with each of the cookies and why? If chemistry is involved ask what happens to the pH of the drink when you open a can of Coca Cola?

For thermodynamics ask if it would be a good idea to set a window air conditioner in the middle of the room. In other words why are the condensing coils outside? There are all kinds of thermodynamics questions that can be asked. Just remember fundamentally the first law states "you can never win." and the second law states "you always lose."

Why does an object weigh less when submerged in water? How much less does it weigh? Just hope you are not interviewing Archimedes and you should be OK

I have a bunch more fun questions to ask. You are not looking for answers to a book problem on circuit analysis, it is the thought process. The idea is to see if the people can transfer "Book" knowledge to the real world.

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Re: Interview Questions for an Electrical Engineer

07/09/2010 9:33 PM

Hi everybody,

I uploaded one file. But It can not display. I used internet explorer 8.0.

How can I repair? Or some problems happened to IE8?


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Re: Interview Questions for an Electrical Engineer

03/20/2011 9:03 PM

Dear friends

I like Interview Questions for an Electrical Engineer very much.

Very useful for me.

If you have some time, pls visit my blog at: Typical interview questions


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Re: Interview Questions for an Electrical Engineer

09/25/2012 9:47 PM


This topic help me a lot in developing my project. I will contribute more when I finished it.

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Re: Interview Questions for an Electrical Engineer

10/08/2012 9:04 AM

If you want to get more materials that related to this topic, you can visit:

Coca-Cola interview questions

Best regards.

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