I have a window of opportunity to take on a project of building a custom ultrasonic parts cleaner for large metal parts (Hydraulic manifolds, and similar parts). I have looked around for ready built ones, but it seems that the technology is simple enough that I should be able to make one which is more specifically suited to my needs. I'll need to have a tank approx. 2ft X 2ft X 1ft or thereabout. My dilemma is the ultrasonic transducer, or similar device to "excite" the water. I have found many transducers primarily used for small parts washers that appear to simply be a piezoelectric device, but are unable to provide enough power to agitate a tank of my size.
The units in my size range start at about $4,000, and seem to run at 1000W or greater, where the transducers I have been finding are in the 20-100W range.
Would I be able to use multiple 50W transducers running in phase on the same frequency to excite the water enough to clean the parts? My thought is that due to geometry, they would end up cancelling each other out, and thus proving ineffective.
This is by far NOT my field of expertise, but I know enough about electricity to be dangerous, and fluid mechanics is right up my alley. I think this is a project I could theoretically accomplish, but apparently don't know how to provide enough power ultrasonically to the fluid of appropriate volume.
Anyone have any thoughts to share?
I'll be trolling the web for answers while I check back to my favorite place on the web... CR4. If anyone has an answer, it's gotta be one of you guys.
Thank you in advance.
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