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Anonymous Poster #1

My Interview Experience

12/06/2011 1:38 PM

Dear experts,

I am a diploma engineer working as a mechanical maintenance engineer at a well reputed private steel company in india for the past 4 years.

I was shorlisted in "Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited"(Govt. of india undertaken) written test for the position of "Superviser trainee".

After getting shortlisted my curiosity towards BHEL job was raised by many times.The offered salary was a bit lesser than what i am getting now.

There were 4 members in Interview panel. It started with self-introduction.

When i told them about my experience,The interviewer stopped me and asked " _____ is a reputed company. Why do you like to join us?"

I replied him that," job stability, work-life balance, some better field for career growth" as the reasons.

He replied me " You are misguided.You will get promotions and increments at very lesser speed comparatively.What is your problem?"

I replied" The company is safety conscious but not health conscious. We have facilities like water spraying and dry fog spraying to suppress dust in the environment and not using. But only using them at the time of external audit. Also Man power has not been raised as per plant expansions. These are caused by the approach of Vice president of my dept."

He denied and adviced me it is a very simple problem and you can convince your VP.

Interviewer: "As you are experienced,It is difficult to teach you and fit for job"

Me: It is an advantage. No special attention is needed. I will start profiting you.

Interviewer: "You may leave the company easily, if deployed at project sites at village areas"

Me: " I need a stable job. Erection and commisioning is interesting. So i will not leave"

However as it was a open competion and upper age limit was 27. Also age relaxations for caste wise/defence people etc. So 80 percentage of candidate were over qualified either by education or experience or both".

I raised this point also and told if you were really concerned, you must have advertised such that, only diploma fresher would attend the written exam.

Like whatever answers i have given him, were not agreed till the end of interview. He asked me to go. I told him, "Please ask something other than this"

Then he asked about BHEL manufacturing site locations, products. I answered them. He told" Are you satisfied?". I told him that," No sir, ask some technical questions". He told that, " No. It is over. You can go." I thanked and came out.

He never gave any oppurtunity to explain my achievements in current role. Whenever i tried to tell, he stopped and told " That is why i advice you not to leave."

I got a bit nervous at later part of interview.

I think they played some mind game with me as they must select 1 out of 3 shortlisted candidates. Experts, Please help me to know whether my attitude in interview was right or wrong. It would be a very useful lesson for me. The result would be announced around january second week.

Thank you,

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Re: My Interview Experience

12/06/2011 5:38 PM

Perhaps they already have a candidate in mind, and interviewing the other candidates was merely a formality; so it might not have mattered what you said.

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Re: My Interview Experience

12/06/2011 5:56 PM

I replied" The company is safety conscious but not health conscious. We have facilities like water spraying and dry fog spraying to suppress dust in the environment and not using. But only using them at the time of external audit. Also Man power has not been raised as per plant expansions. These are caused by the approach of Vice president of my dept."

Well no matter the interview you shouldn't mention this sort of thing in detail to another company as it is inappropriate and could get you in a lot of trouble. Broad statements may be ok, but even then you need to be careful (even if they are true).

He denied and adviced me it is a very simple problem and you can convince your VP.

Obviously this is not sound advice, I think he was trying to change the subject (which is understandable given its content).

As for the interview it sounds like they had made up their own minds at the start, so I doubt there was anything you could have done differently (I also had an interview like this once).

Some companies require multiple people to apply for a position, even if they know who they want to hire, being it was a Government department I would tend to think this was the case here. Still, good experience for you.

jack of all trades
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Anonymous Poster #1
In reply to #2

Re: My Interview Experience

12/06/2011 10:29 PM

Thank you,

They have to select 278 candidates out of 833 appraximately. Their interview process is very genuine. So there is no question that,they have (all) the required candidates in mind.

Forget to mention.The interviewer was laughing through-out the intewrview. I stayed cool through-out, but a bit nervous later.

There was one person in the panel who do not ask any questions, but only observe our expressions. I would like to know, what type of impression my character made.


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In reply to #3

Re: My Interview Experience

12/07/2011 6:28 AM

"I would like to know, what type of impression my character made" I would say impression you had made was not impressive. You must have been already aware of BHEL as organisation. It is PSU but it to some extend works as private organisation and has also performed well in many sectors. It is not an purely Govt. organisation. You will get secured job, many things to learn, but slow promotion. Also salary wise it is not bad paymaster but not as good as private company. If you are hard working person and prepared to take risk then you should continue in private sector. More over there are good job opportunities in India for Engineers.

About your interview I would like say that you should remain silent and answer the questions asked to you in short. You should not ask questions about organisation for that you should do your own home work. Of course you can describe in short your past achievements. In short you should act as Matured and experienced Engineer.

"Engineers should not look for jobs but should create jobs for others" by Dr.Radhakrishnan Ex President of India during my college graduation day
Anonymous Poster #1
In reply to #11

Re: My Interview Experience

12/08/2011 9:23 PM

Thank you Sir,

I was quite aware about BHEL before interview. I am of course a hard working person. But also give more importance to work-life balance.


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Re: My Interview Experience

12/06/2011 10:39 PM

In a reputable company they do not care about your self interest rather what you can do and improve. From the begining of the interview you could have talked about your current achievements which could have led the interviewer to change the line of questions but you missed that. Yes, in large and reputable companies you need to convince them of your expertise and achievements evidently.

Anonymous Poster #1
In reply to #4

Re: My Interview Experience

12/06/2011 11:25 PM

At the beginning of interview itself, i tried to show the awards and performance ratings. But he didn't see and told "That is why you must not leave"

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Re: My Interview Experience

12/06/2011 11:00 PM

I think you conducted yourself well. Afterwards, one always thinks of better things they might have said. Remember such things for the next time, and keep going forward.

The interview team sounded pretty flaky to me, making me doubt whether you would really want to work there. Best of luck in finding a better deal.

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Re: My Interview Experience

12/06/2011 11:39 PM

Asking question is easier than answering it especially during job interview as the term interview itself create psychological pressure. Be honest and do not exaggerate. Do not lose your temper at any stage. A selection committee especially in Government enterprises comprises of many experts form different specialties including physiologists. As long as you are honest and confident in answering you will score well.

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Re: My Interview Experience

12/06/2011 11:40 PM seemed very pushy from the attribute no employer wants. He obviously thought you already had a better job and didn't want you to leave it. He knows what the advertised position involved and probably didn't want to subject to to a 'lesser' job.

One older guy I know told me that one should always organize/apply for jobs to land an interview at least 3 times a year (even if you are not interested in changing jobs). His thinking is;

  1. You get interview experience up to scratch
  2. You get a feel for what current jobs are out there
  3. You get a feel for what current employers are looking for
  4. You see what going pay rates are out there

I somehow think he is right. That way you don't get emotionally attached to a position/job that you are going for before you even get the job. I think this is where you are ATM.

Anonymous Poster #1
In reply to #8

Re: My Interview Experience

12/06/2011 11:55 PM

Excellent advice. I stayed away from inteerviews in the last 4 years. This is a mistake.

But there is no logic to consider i am over qualified. They have lot of technically challenging positions like design/ manufacturing / Automation/ erection and commisioning/Servicing/ R&D etc.


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Re: My Interview Experience

12/07/2011 12:13 AM

I don't think you were "pushy" as someone replied to you, in fact you were, if your account is accurate (I'm sure it is) you sounded very good.

But I did not see YOU interview them!

Many people forget that the interview is a "Two Way Street"..... I interview them, and ask them questions.. LOTS of questions.

The panel or in many cases a single person is NEVER prepared for that.

As for technical questions, and you asking the interviewer to ask you, you many have has a NON technical interviewer, who CANNOT ask tech questions, hence none were asked, however you could have asked your own tech questions. Asking questions shows a degree of knowledge if they are to right type of questions.

After all that, I must agree that I think your interview was a formality and someone had been selected before you were interviewed. It happens.... the only thing to say in this case is ..."NEXT!!"

The square root of nothing is what you make it!
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Anonymous Poster #1
In reply to #10

Re: My Interview Experience

12/07/2011 12:13 PM

Thank you Sir,

I don't bother about the results. For me feedback given from you experts is more important so that i can manage the future interviews which emphasizes on behaviour.Also can improve my attitude.

The panel was having one technical person. He asked questions to others but only one or two very basic questions.

I believe that, the interview process is genuine.


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Re: My Interview Experience

12/07/2011 6:32 AM

They were playing a mind game with you.

You were short listed after all. So your ability and record were already known.

They threw out a lure and you bit.

They found out what motivated you, how you dealt with conflict, how you react when your buttons are pushed, your reaction to denial, what your ambitions were, your sense of self worth, your (lack of) ability to maintain confidentiality, and probably a pile of other things that may be culturally specific that they thought really mattered.

They probably did you a favour.

Difficulty is not an obstacle it is merely an attribute.
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In reply to #12

Re: My Interview Experience

12/14/2011 7:47 AM

I also had a similar experience.

In such occasions if the interviewer is not accepting anything, what to do?

Continuously try to convince the interviewer or Keep quiet? Please advise.


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Re: My Interview Experience

12/07/2011 9:52 AM

Interview is never to judge technical skill of a person. Technical skill is judged before you show up for interview using your resume for lower position like yours and telephone conversation for manager and above.

When you come for interview most of the time interview assumes they have brought technically qualified guys and like to see his approach how you will fit in the current organization culture and in your current company how you convinced your supervisor to do correct stuff.

If you are not able to move your Manager or VP to take care of operator and production workers health issue what confidence I have you will be able to convince new group you want to be player in meeting there needs.

In India you will get fast track permotion in private sector over public sector that is my experience before I came to USA and then migrated here for good. I think this is still good. You get permotion in public sector based on your number of years on job your cast and how much supervisor likes you and how much pull you have from government MP and ministers. In private your work and your relation with your supervisor. You caste and push does not play game in your permotion your ability do.

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Anonymous Poster #1
In reply to #13

Re: My Interview Experience

12/07/2011 12:37 PM

Thank you Sir,

If you are not able to move your Manager or VP to take care of operator and production workers health issue what confidence I have you will be able to convince new group you want to be player in meeting there needs.

I am in junior management. VP is in top management. I he don't know something then i can explain him. I he does something intentionally, then how i can.

I will share one incident with you.

One of the Senior managers met VP and told him, "One person is not able to manage a shift as the plant is expanded. So please raise man power in ______ area. VP replied him, if you cannot manage, please resign."

Actually the claim of senior manager was acceptable,as the other departments raised man power as per expansions.


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In reply to #15

Re: My Interview Experience

12/07/2011 9:46 PM

So, how did the senior manager manage?

He was forced to try to develop an alternative. Did he succeed either fully or partially?

Difficulty is not an obstacle it is merely an attribute.
Anonymous Poster #1
In reply to #16

Re: My Interview Experience

12/07/2011 10:23 PM

The shift engineers frequently requested senior manager to raise the man power as they were not able to handle wide area after expansions. As senior manager felt the same, he requested VP and his idea was rejected. The senior manager shared this incident with the shift engineers to convince them. This is how it is leaked.

There were 4 BPOs reporting to a shift engineer. The senior manager raised it to 6. But still it remains a problem as the shift operation engineer has to attend 50 to 200 phone calls in 8 hrs from various depts and inter-dept along with his other activities.The other depts. would not call directly to BPOs as they are contractual man power.


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In reply to #17

Re: My Interview Experience

12/07/2011 11:51 PM

So it worked out good for the VP and somebody had to do more work. That's only 25 calls per hour max.

Was there a quantifiable reduction in quality or pro-rated output for the expanded facility?

Difficulty is not an obstacle it is merely an attribute.
Anonymous Poster #1
In reply to #18

Re: My Interview Experience

12/08/2011 5:12 AM

The 200 calls are not distributed, May get 100 calls in a single hour. There is a rule in our plant that, at heavy vehicle movement area one should not speak in mobile. Due to extreme work pressure he has to speak continuously while working, which may lead to accident.(Already one happened in other area of our plant)

Last six months there was only one incident of reduced protection due to this problem.


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In reply to #19

Re: My Interview Experience

12/08/2011 7:42 AM

If safety is the issue then easy to convince the VP.

Construe a ruse to get VP into a hazardous situation and give him a first hand "near miss".


Difficulty is not an obstacle it is merely an attribute.
Anonymous Poster #1
In reply to #20

Re: My Interview Experience

12/08/2011 10:33 AM

Sorry a correction.

Last six months there was only one incident of reduced protection restricted production due to this problem.

Convincing is in the hands of operation team. Thank you,

Anonymous Poster #1

Re: My Interview Experience

05/09/2012 2:57 AM

I got 88 out of 100 in interview. Got posting at "Heavy Electrical equipment plant" which is manufacturing steam turbines, turbogenerators, heat exchangers and condensers.

Thank you very much for all your comments.

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