I have been trying out grounding my body for health effects. I am using a grounding mat sold and recommended by Clinton Ober and co authors of Earthing. The theoretical basis for this is that we evolved in contact with the earth and its flow of negative ions. Now we are living out of contact with this source of negative ions, and inundated with a lot of electrical waves that emanate from our homes, offices, power lines etc. I am using this grounding mat at my computer, where, I spend about eight hours per day during the winter at least. My wife suffers from fibromyalgia. The theory behind "earthing" is that it can reduce inflammation, and enable the body to heal itself more effectively. The grounding mats are connected to the ground of a normal three prong electrical outlet. No electricity is involved aside from the ground. A receptacle tester is included with the mat, as is his book. I am a retired psychiatric RN, and am aware of the medical use of many electrical treatment devices. Has anyone encountered this theory, or anything similar? Would ordinary grounding devices used to protect electronics provide the same grounding? We also live next to high power lines. I suffer from normal aches and pains, plus dry eyes and inflammation of the eyelids. I have also had rare incidents of atrial fibrilation that have been diagnosed by a cardiac electrophysiologist. So far I notice some improvement, and seem more alert and somewhat calmer. I realize that this could be the power of suggestion- the placebo effect. I think that anyone interested in electrophysiology should read this book.
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