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Lots of High Paying Oil and Gas Engineering Jobs

03/08/2013 8:52 AM

The fracking boom needs lots of oil and gas related engineers. This is going not just in the USA, but is increasingly a worldwide need. Penn State and other universities and colleges are starting new schools to meet the need. The pay scales are excellent.

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Re: Lots of high paying oil and gas engineering jobs.

03/08/2013 9:36 AM

My Girlfriends youngest will be getting her BsC in Geology this spring, where she'll go and get her MsC. If she had Environmental it would open things for her.

but her interest on a job, just is not there yet......... I was just happy when she actual settled on a major.

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Re: Lots of high paying oil and gas engineering jobs.

03/08/2013 11:35 AM

If I was young again, I would really consider getting involved in the natural gas field. A lot of outdoor work if that is what you want.

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Re: Lots of high paying oil and gas engineering jobs.

03/08/2013 11:45 AM

Well My Girlfriend Son just return from Iraq and out of the army last Spring, he was a Mechanic there.

He started work in Midland area in Texas, and was he's quite busy with 70+ hours a week, he said it became a real Pain to a point, he wanted to change careers........

Interesting when I was his age working 70+ a week, as well as when I was in my 40's, at 70+ hour weeks, changing careers would have never been brought up more/less thought about........ but then again things were different.....

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Lots of high paying oil and gas engineering jobs.

03/08/2013 12:04 PM

I used my GI bill and went to school full tiime while working full time selling furniture. It was a soft job, and I could never afford to get out of the field. Eventually my company was closing up and I got an MA in counseling. Couldn't find a good paying job so became an RN for a second career. The only education that ever got me a job was the community college RN after the MA. I was a medic in the army, and the counseling tied in with becoming a psych RN. I had trained briefly in psych wards in the army. Community colleges are offering some very practical educations that are marketable. Some of them pay better than four year degrees. I always enjoyed learning, and the GI Bill made it possible. I think our educationsl efforts should be aimed at needed skills as first priority.

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Re: Lots of high paying oil and gas engineering jobs.

03/08/2013 12:23 PM

My best friend in High School always want to be a Helicopter pilot way back in grade school we'd talk about it, later on in high school he added when he gets out of the army, he was going to fly for flight for life.......

When hewas in the army, he wasn't good enough for the Medical Corp or Attack helicopters, but when he got out of the army, he still wasn't up to par with his experience to qualify for Flight for Life, so he flew supplies for the off shore rigs, made very good money, and when his hours was satifactory, he been in Colunbus OH, Flight for life ever since...... I doubt if his flying any more,..... twenty years ago he questioned how much long he'll be at it, because his vision was failing........ but he added he never bent and air frame yet........guess thats a good thing...

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Anonymous Poster #1

Re: Lots of High Paying Oil and Gas Engineering Jobs.

03/08/2013 12:09 PM

Great, this is just the sort of thing to entice idiots into the field of engineering. They plug up the universities with their dead weight, then they plug up industry that takes a bit to figure out they are useless.

I wish there were entrance exams for mechanical aptitude and problem solving as these skills can not be taught. Though some may argue this.

And then there are universities that are degree mills that are whores for tuition, and pass anyone that tries.

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Re: Lots of High Paying Oil and Gas Engineering Jobs.

03/08/2013 12:12 PM

You are certainly a cowardly soul, who has nothing positive to contribute to this discussion.

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Re: Lots of High Paying Oil and Gas Engineering Jobs.

03/08/2013 12:25 PM

Some things you say are truth some questionable.

I don't mind a challenge, but I'm not going to challenge a ghost. .......... unless provoked!

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Re: Lots of High Paying Oil and Gas Engineering Jobs.

03/08/2013 2:33 PM

I have to agree with Anon#1, Kids today are differentvery few have Mechanicanical Aptitude and their problem solving skills are centered more around computers and social skills. So when it come to which peg goes in which hole, spatial relations, many kids today are lost.

As for schools, I have taught, and they are the refuges for the incompetent 90% of the time, and its about keeping their job and getting more time off.

Just IMHO.

Note; along with engineers we will need alot more machinists, with the lowering of America's pay scale those jobs are comming back.

The person who wrote the above is not resposible for spelling, grammar or puncuation, ......
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Re: Lots of High Paying Oil and Gas Engineering Jobs.

03/08/2013 2:50 PM

The for profit college, no doubt, they make a joke about getting a BsC degree.

you other comment of:

Note; along with engineers we will need alot more machinists, with the lowering of America's pay scale those jobs are comming back

WHen I rolled off the farm, and my first job out of college, I could not believe the pay check $$$...... in my standards today they were low and laughable, but back then I was living high, even with my student loan debt.

I love a nice paycheck, but I have to agree, there had to be a market adjustment.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Lots of High Paying Oil and Gas Engineering Jobs.

03/08/2013 5:50 PM

I did say gas related engineers, but there are a lot of jobs for ordinary people without the mathematical ability or IQ of engineers. They are making very good money as roughnecks, truck drivers, pipeline workers and all sorts of related jobs. There are also lots of business related jobs. When I got out of the army I helped supervise sending out over a million Phillips 66 credit cards from the headquarters on Wilshire Blvd. in L.A. One day a service station owner came in bitching because one of his customers got turned down. He ended up getting him the credit card. The scope of the oil and gas business is amazing, and it is booming due to fracking. A little specialized education or experience can help set one apart from the average applicant.

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Re: Lots of High Paying Oil and Gas Engineering Jobs

03/10/2013 8:52 PM

Additional information on jobs:

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