dear viewers
As a part of leakage test
I would like to know about compressed air pressure drop
calculation from air leak. In our compressed air system in a leakage test it
found that there is a leak of 4.375 m3/minute. Then how can I find pressure
drop from this leak. We have no instrumentations for pressure in
compressed air line ,please help me is any relation or equation of
pressure drop calculations from leak
It's very urgent waiting for replay.
Compressor details are
Compressor capacity (m3/minute) = 35
(1236.01 CFM)or 2100 m3/hour
Cut in pressure, kg/cm2 = 6.8
Cut out pressure, kg/cm2 = 7.5
Load kW drawn = 188 kW
Unload kW drawn= 54 kW
Average 'Load' time =1.5 min
Average 'Unload' time = 10.5 min
Pipe diameter -
100 NB (4inch, 101.60mm)
Length of the pipe - 320m
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