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Pink Slip

06/11/2013 12:09 AM

Job cuts. Some call it recession, steps to increase profit by 5.1%, and so on. In most cases employees are taken by surprise. Shock, dismay, feeling as a big stone fall on head, poor employees are the ultimate sufferer. An employee suddenly asked to resign under goes mental trauma. Many of them asked them selves, "Why me not him?" looking at spared colleagues. Still large corporates houses do this.

I know one company "Samtal India Ltd" ensured that all pink employees got safe placement. But that is rarest of rare.

One semiconductor manufacturing having plans to shift their unit, asked their most senior Engineering manager to resign. Everyone in the organization know that he is the best of all, put 12 to 14 hours a day of effort, very sincere, he was with this company since inception or simply he was the best. When he question the management, why that is he to resign not some other? The management replied that, he is the best. Hence he can quickly get another job unlike his colleagues who have to long search for job.

In other company when the best is asked to resign, the reason was very simple. He belongs to different cast than management. Hence a 10 year old best employee is asked to resign retaining 1 year old new employee.

One organization suddenly started employing thousands of engineers, grown 12 times big in a span of 6 years. Suddenly this company stopped taking orders and started downsizing the organization. They have already cut 70% jobs and rest job cutting is in progress. The real reason is, the company over grown due to steep increase in fixed assets value than profits. Hence this company do not require any more employees as their acquired assets during these six years, value is much more than the profit that they will realize by manufacturing and Marketing. Why to provide employment when you have already earned so much that your 7 future generations can live happily with doing any thing. But all these organizations are forgetting that these employees only made them big.

One MNC company shutdown shutters because the land value suddenly increased by 800% and here too poor employees are at loss.

So, the best sometimes loose job for funny reasons.

I request everyone to share their "Pink Slip" experience so that, no one feel fired or receive a rude shock, but receive the "Pink Slip" with a smile. Or make organizations fear to issue a "Pink Slip" or making job cut announcements.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/11/2013 12:56 AM

"Why me not him?"


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Re: Pink Slip

06/11/2013 3:03 AM

Money talks! The owner of the company can do as he likes. If the value of company is as such that he sells it it will be his choice to do so. There is not much thinking about employees in this. Its money.

Likewise a 10 Year experienced employee costs more than a 1 year old. If you cut costs you cut it at the high end. Seen this plenty of times. Always seen that the better ones do not wait for being dismissed. They go when they see fit! The lucky ones are the better ones that get some money to leave! Some even get a golden hand shake.

There should be no surprise. Just keep your eyes open.

I always hope its him and not me but then you have to conform to lower wages!

Or you buy a company . . .

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Re: Pink Slip

06/11/2013 4:45 AM

Where does humanity gone? I know at least two companies, closing down only for money. Money makers are able to do so because of this social system only. When laying off they are forgetting human factor. Because it did not happen to them.

Teamasia Lakhi Semiconductor, when took over Greaves semiconductor, retained good employees and laid off less efficient with a "Golden Shake-hand" scheme. One day suddenly Teamasia lowered shutters, with six months salaries, super annunciation, insurance, etc benefits in pending. The sufferers are retained good employees and the most lucky are inefficient removed employees. Even official liquidator did nothing, expect selling land at a huge price.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/11/2013 4:47 AM

For your information that, the 10 year old salary was 2.8% less than 1 year old.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/11/2013 8:20 AM

interesting, are you sure its not something else as to why he was left go.

I know of people that work hard, but are not very productive.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Pink Slip

06/12/2013 7:09 AM

Welcome to the world of Capitalism.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/13/2013 6:55 PM

if you go and hug and maybe take a family of untouchables in to your home, then i shall be sorry for you...

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Re: Pink Slip

06/11/2013 3:19 AM

The legal structure differs in other countries. <...asked to resign...> is not applicable to the UK, as such a thing can be construed as "constructive dismisal", which is a very risky thing for a company to undertake and attacting huge compensation payments and bad publicity in the event of being proven.

When a company down-sizes, the change in structure is put out to consultation among employees beforehand, which is usually a formality. It is then the posts that are to go that receive detailed consideration, followed by an assessment of employees' strengths to ensure the correct weighting of the departures and of those that are to remain. In a redundancy situation, a severance package is usually part of the arrangements.

The tendency of someone coming into a business after education and leaving the same business at retirement age is a thing of the past here. Company re-structurings, though painful at the time, are just a part of working life. Good things can come of them, and usually do.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/11/2013 8:18 AM

It has been that way for a very long time.

That is why in the U.S. we have a government agency that over sees this called Workforce Development to avoid age discrimination by companies. And if an employee files a claim against the company, basically the company is put on a hot seat to defend itself and basically has to prove otherwise.

For an employee to be pink slipped, nothing wrong with asking why.

But keep in mind the reason there is a human resource department, because that is what an employee is......... a resource.

My girlfriends eldest daughter's husband has a graduate degree in structural engineering. 5 years ago his company laid off the more experience engineers while retaining the younger ones. Everyone knew why, but the company would not admit it.

But now he knows he has to look out for number one. Because if it happened once, it'll happen again.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Pink Slip

06/11/2013 9:08 AM

You need to come to grips with reality.

The days of being assured of having a job, "because I've always had a job" are over.

One has to accept the caste system, incompetent bosses, dead end jobs, lack of adequate compensation, no job security, no corporate loyalty, or whatever it is that makes you feel slighted by the boss. They really don't care about you as a person.

Get over it.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/11/2013 1:23 PM

You are in a competitive environment, it's you against everybody else.....Eat life or it eats you....While you are sitting here complaining, somebody else has just taken your job....Now get off your butt and fight, or lay down and prepare to be somebodies next meal....

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Re: Pink Slip

06/11/2013 10:55 PM

I have been given the pink slip a few times now and to be honest not once has it ever been over a justifiable reason.

Every time has been from some management pinhead trying his best to keep anyone who he felt would be better at his job from ever getting a foothold in the company.

My last one was two years ago and it was officially for having 5 unexplained missed days in six months. The odd part was every single person in the company knew exactly when and why I was gone on every one of those days at least a week in advance. My own wedding being one of them, yet my manager tried to play dumb and say he had no idea where I was so that's why I he had to fire me.

Given that I can easily see how it is possible that the good honest and what should be valuable employees can get ran off while the lazy underhanded and dishonest would keep their positions.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/12/2013 2:29 AM

Can this forum suggest how employees prepare them selves to face lay off any time? I had received Pink Slip at least once in my life time. But could predict few months in advance and prepared my self to face it with a smile. On the other hand my colleague almost missed heart attack.

I have some suggestion's to predict a lay off:

  1. Top boss suddenly replaced by more autocratic character.
  2. A very sincere and best boss is fired on a very pretty issue.
  3. You are transfered to some other department from where you spend many years; in the name of 360' rotation.
  4. The company starts cost cutting measures all of a sudden though stock market is showing wellness of the company.
  5. The companies lead accounts auditors/ bankers replaced.
  6. The company starts arranging late night liquor parties frequently.
  7. The company starts acquiring many more fixed assets or start residential multistory buildings or commercial complexes, etc.
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Re: Pink Slip

06/12/2013 2:40 AM

Mr.AB was 16 year old employee with XYZ Ltd. a Rs.12000 Million company. Once he applied for 6 days leave as his uncle died. He came back in three days, surrendering his balance 3 days leave and punched in. Within 5 mts, he got a call that his aunt too expired. So he promptly informed time office, punched out his cards and left. When came back on 4th day, he was stopped at the gate and shown Pink Slip. Horrible is not it?.

He was taken back as a new employee as company has felt his importance after 3 months.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/12/2013 8:35 PM

One of the former places, second to last place I worked, I was at I do stop by on occasion to buy stuff and so far every time I have been there I get asked if I am coming back.

Every time I have said I would think about if my former manager ever left. Turns out between the last two visits he left.

Granted there are two stories to it one he was run of and the other he found another job and left. The one inside guy I trust had more suspicions it was about half and half. More likely he was given a notice of either shape up, leave, or be booted.

The thing was I did rather liked that job and the company perks that went with it. I did do my best to get known there for being the go to guy for the dirty crap work no one else wanted so I did have favor with everyone I knew there except my manager who had a different agenda in mind and my position was a new one he really did not want or see that the company needed. That was largely what I fought from day one.

I think that if my position had been placed under another department that saw the value and need for my position I probably would still be working there today.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/12/2013 10:50 PM

I am just sharing my personal experience its simple keep your mind open learn as much skill as you can other than your stream of specialisation .(Its fun picking up scrap of skills that doubles as life line when you receive pink slip )this is my own experience I am an ex Mysore lamp employee

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Re: Pink Slip

06/12/2013 10:59 PM

I received pink slip from caterpillar Inda for developing new business working closely with an equipment manufacturer and bagged order for two engines for prototype with an assurance from the equipment manufacturer at least 200 engines off take per only fault was I did the engineering for coupling cat engine with the equipment on my own when cat engineering boss had told its impossible

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Re: Pink Slip

06/13/2013 12:24 AM

I transferred one of my well trained engineer to other division on request by big boss. And this guy, could improve things. He could repair PCBs, cards, Power Electronics, etc in house and this division stopped taking out side support. His immediate boss managed to get him pink slip with the help of top management. They are back taking out side help spending huge money, till date.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/11/2013 11:05 PM

I have often wondered why they don't lay off a CEO or some other higher-up. His salary would pay for many production floor employees. In addition there is the reason above--he can find a new easier.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/11/2013 11:08 PM

at least in India I have seen two fairly well run and profit making companies NGEF,and Mysore lamp works were closed down .Mysore lamps was closed down due to very high land value to day you can find commercial buildings and apartments on Mysore lamp land The minister who was in janatha party as minister of industries and commerce who crossed over to congress and continued Closing NGEF .when government and ministers gets greedy less said about private owners

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Re: Pink Slip

06/12/2013 2:30 AM

I mentioned this keeping in view NGEF, Mysore lamps, DCM, etc.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/12/2013 4:25 AM

Uncle Sam gave me a pink slip in 1996 after the Iron Curtain fell in the preceding years. They were cutting the active duty Army from 750,000 to 495,000. They incentivized me to volunteer with an annuity payment for 22 years equal to 2% of my base pay multiplied by the number of years served (11). Not a bad deal really.

I left the Army and went to work for a defense contractor and have been there ever since (17 years). I had a little "trauma" I suppose, but I ended up in a job I really love. I get to do 'real' design, test, integration, trouble-shooting, upgrades and so on. These were things when I was active duty, that I got to 'watch' other people do. I still served in the Reserves off and on over the years.

Sometimes, a layoff is just the thing to get someone off their proverbial rear-end. My wife has been asking my boss to fire me for the last ten years or so because she's sick of being in one place for so long, and I won't quit.

In the past few years, there have been several lay-offs. The first one cleared all the dead wood. I was not surprised by any of the names that eventually circulated around the grape vine. The second lay-off actually hurt, because this time they cut good people, real contributors. Unfortunately, a side effect was the loss of a number of rising stars (young engineers) who were not laid off but resigned on their own due to the uncertainty of the business and the prospect of (presumed) greener pastures elsewhere. The third lay-off finally hit at the upper-level managers and directors as we were suddenly very top heavy.

Right now, we seem to be holding our own in the sequestration environment where customer spending is decidedly lower and longer delays in contract awards. Work is still good, as a fair number of us are putting in some overtime to handle the surges. The good folks (I know) who were laid off due to really no fault of their own, all have managed to secure good jobs elsewhere in a reasonable period of time.

This is not really much of a surprise really, because even in a bad economic period, good people are still very much in demand. It takes a little longer to land that job, they might have to relocate, but they still manage to find good work. Folks unwilling to relocate seem to have the hardest time. Change sucks, but unemployment is worse.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/12/2013 8:05 AM

That's just it, when one door closes, another opens.

There are time that a pink slip is helpful to get one out of an unappreciative rut and force you to open a door.

I did this once where I quit to work for a small company where I grew up. Fortunately my investment was on a very short while.

It work out great for me, working at a company that appreciates me, pays well, good benefits and bonuses. And I take it as it comes. Do my best and roll with the punches. Even with this job.

It actually work out well for wannabe engineer actual did go back to college to get a degree........ he's still an arseh013, but now he's and arseh013 with an engineering degree.

I posted this link a couple a times.......

At Least Have Some Experience

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Pink Slip

06/12/2013 11:09 PM

in real life I have similar experience I am an ex Indian navy submarine engineer al though received several pink slips after leaving Navy I have found another job with in weeks I am 65 years old and still in demand and working I suppose ARMY NAVY and AIRFORCE inoculates survival instinct

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Re: Pink Slip

06/12/2013 7:10 AM

When you join any private company with fat salary and many perks be ready for lay off any time. Many MNC do not bother about your post lay off problems, they are heartless. Their main objective is to make more and more money. So either you should be very careful in selecting the company or be prepared for lay off any time.

I worked for private company for 33 years non stop without any problem because it is good big group with human values.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/12/2013 10:55 AM

Most people want a job with a company for security but that is the most insecure thing you can do for yourself and your family financially.

Anytime we put our financial well-being at the behest of someone or something else we immediately become "insecure". A company does not have my best interests at heart. As it should be. A company does not exist for the sake of the employees, it exists to make money for its owners and shareholders.

The best way to be secure is to start a business of your own. At that time you are then more in control of your own financial destiny. This may be a traditional (building, employees, inventory, infrastructure, etc.) business or a non-traditional (some sort of home-based business without all the accompanying costs) business. That is my preference because the results are then only based upon meritocracy and not someone else's good graces. We work with the LIFE Business as I, for the time being, work for a company in the healthcare field.

One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do. Ford, Henry
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Re: Pink Slip

06/12/2013 11:04 AM

The best way to be secure is to start a business of your own.

???, At Risk is not very secure.

Matter of fact, because of a lack of a safety net if you want to call that. you are (for lack of a better word) running on fear to make it happen.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Pink Slip

06/12/2013 11:23 AM

The reason being in business for yourself is that you are more in control. You make the decisions about what to work with. You utilize your skills to their potential. You make decisions in responding to outside forces you have impact on your business. You hire the people you want and need.

I didn't say it was easy. I just said it is more secure because you make the decisions that drive the business and not someone else. If you have your own business it will take extra effort, money, emotional energy, etc., but you will have more say in what happens to you.

I know a young man (28 years old with wife and 2 boys) who worked for an investment company several years ago and the business he worked for ended up being bought by Lehman Bros. who ended going out of business when so much investment business crashed. They were notified on Tuesday that Friday was their last day. So much for "security". He had been working with a home-based business on the side. He is currently "job optional" at 33 years old. He and his wife now have 4 little boys and he is able to focus on his priorities in life rather than making a living working for someone else who doesn't care about his families financial welfare.

There was a very prominent businessman who made the comment that "the time I felt most insecure was when I was working for someone else." He had gone broke a couple of times but he was always at the "helm". He finally "made it" because he learned from past mistakes, he got proper guidance, etc.

One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do. Ford, Henry
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Re: Pink Slip

06/14/2013 10:57 AM

He belongs to different cast than management. And THERE is your problem.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/15/2013 6:37 AM

I once worked for a company that had a layoff every 2 years. The company leaders insisted it was to preserve the false idea that new employees were more apt to be innovative instead of stagnant at their job. The company no longer exists.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/26/2013 1:22 PM

Management decisions perplex engineers because business people don't think like technical people do. Management generates spreadsheets that take on fantasy lives. Managers often discount engineers' contributions to the company because they feel that management holds the "real" importance. They feel that engineers are cost centers, not revenue generators. So managers make decisions that appear illogical to engineers, even to the detriment of their own companies. Unless you're lucky, you're going to be blind-sided by management every so often.

The only things you can do to minimize the pain is:

1. Despite holding a job on a company's roll, act as if you are a contractor. Think as if you are in business for yourself (offering services). Be ethical in carrying out your duties to your best ability, but feel that you need to prove your value every day. Build a favorable reputation, make good contacts, and collect letters of commendation.

2. Live below your means and pay down your debts as quickly as possible. Then build up your savings. The better your near-term finances the less pressure you'll feel to tolerate business games and bad bosses.

3. Pay attention to what projects generate the best profits for your employer, and try to get yourself assigned to those projects. If you feel that an assignment is a dead end persuade management to put you on better projects or take a lateral transfer.

4. Pay attention to what's hot in your field, and try to become competent in something that appears to have opportunities (and, of course, that you are truly interested in and suited for). This may be your best jump if you lose your current position.

5. Don't be afraid to jump to better opportunities. Look out for your own (and family's) interests - nobody else will. Don't allow management to guilt you into staying - you only owe them the services that they're paying you for; no more and no less.

I've been given a pink slip twice, both times for questionable reasons. One was because the owner always got rid of his highest paid employees when he did his year-end books, to save overhead. He fabricated a lie about me not visiting a certain customer, when even that customer admitted that I had been there. The other was because the owner had turned over the day-to-day executive management to his unqualified children, who got rid of us malcontents who wouldn't kiss up to them. Both companies went bankrupt. With bad management like that, getting laid off was actually a favor. And both times nullified agreements that I'd been forced to sign when newly hired (that gave the company rights to my inventions), allowing me unimpeded access to the markets.

Bad management will happen. Set yourself up for success despite of it by becoming less dependent upon a weekly paycheck and by becoming sought after for your skills. Then getting laid off can actually be a good thing.

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Re: Pink Slip

06/27/2013 8:16 AM


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