Dear All,
I have installed recently a 100KVA Generator 3-Phase on our power system as main back-up. My only concern is that, on our normal commercial supply, the voltage between Ground(earth) to Neutral is ranging from 1-2 volts only. with or without the load.. As I measure in from the new generator, I can see that I have a very large voltage difference, my Ground(earth, the same earth as I used for commercial) to Neutral(Gen) is about 40volts. and the also, the Ground to Lines are not consistent. (228,231, 239).
What do I need to do or install to make "0" or (at least what is the acceptable value, 3v?) between N, to earth of my Gen..
Has it something to do with the status of my Generator neutral? because it is not earthed like a commercial power?
My location is at Cotonou, Benin West Africa.
Please let me know if need to provide more info to help me out on this matter.
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