I did a job interview today and it sounds like I am hired if I want the job but the hours they are asking are way way over what I find acceptable. 70 - 80+ a week.
Anyway that got me to thinking about how to go about negotiating a limit on my work hours up front. I made it clear in the interview that I have a house project I am doing this summer and that I want 45 - 50 hours tops for a work week.
So far I have not had many jobs where I had reason to want to negotiate a hour limit clause into a sign on contact but in this one if do so I am assuming that if they agree to it I have fair right to say when or if I will work beyond agreed hours.
The reason being I have been burned too many times on what was agreed to in a job interview but not put in writing getting pulled out from under me or being conveniently forget once I started work. I figure that if I have things in writing before starting I should have fair negotiating power afterwards.
Any thoughts on this from you more experienced guys?
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