Re: Have you ever carried out ARTIFICIAL PHASE-EARTH FAULT at 420 kV ?
06/19/2014 7:49 AM
Please explain what a <...artificial...fault...> is?
"Did you get my e-mail?" - "The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place" - George Bernard Shaw, 1856
Re: Have you ever carried out ARTIFICIAL PHASE-EARTH FAULT at 420 kV ?
06/19/2014 9:12 AM
You committed an act of sabotage. You photographed this act of sabotage. You post these photographs on a forum that includes the engineers that risk their lives maintaining what you sabotaged with absolutely no explanation.
Please explain why the police should not be hauling your ass away.
"Don't disturb my circles." translation of Archimedes last words
Re: Have you ever carried out ARTIFICIAL PHASE-EARTH FAULT at 420 kV ?
06/19/2014 10:27 AM
Because he works for the utility and was doing a preplanned test to capture the reaction of the system to the fault. It's done on an as needed basis but usually in a remote location so as to not cause undue alarm amongst the general public. Your reaction proves why.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Ben Franklin.
Re: Have you ever carried out ARTIFICIAL PHASE-EARTH FAULT at 420 kV ?
06/19/2014 11:11 AM
An authorized test of protection systems is fine with me. I would not have reacted the way I did if he had stated that this was an authorized test in the first place. [Actually the OP has yet to state this.]
"Don't disturb my circles." translation of Archimedes last words
Re: Have you ever carried out ARTIFICIAL PHASE-EARTH FAULT at 420 kV ?
06/20/2014 12:48 PM
In looking at those pictures (very impressive by the way), it looks as though there are people within a few feet of where the arc returns to earth. Maybe its just an illusion.
I would be looking for a clean pair of undershorts if I was anywhere within a hundred yards of that.
Re: Have you ever carried out ARTIFICIAL PHASE-EARTH FAULT at 420 kV ?
06/20/2014 2:34 PM
Yes you are right. We taught it will be like first fault,but didnt. And we felt heat of arc on our face. It was very scary but at the same time spectacular.
Either exist as you are or be as you look. Rumi
Re: Have you ever carried out ARTIFICIAL PHASE-EARTH FAULT at 420 kV ?
06/19/2014 10:53 AM
In that case it is not a fault, so the descriptor <...artificial...fault...> is incorrect. Hence the need for the question - the meaning was unclear.
"Did you get my e-mail?" - "The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place" - George Bernard Shaw, 1856
Re: Have you ever carried out ARTIFICIAL PHASE-EARTH FAULT at 420 kV ?
06/19/2014 3:11 PM
In power engineering a fault is a fault regardless of what initiates it.
It's just an abnormal operation or condition, even something that
should have happened but didn't, is considered a fault.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Ben Franklin.
Re: Have you ever carried out ARTIFICIAL PHASE-EARTH FAULT at 420 kV ?
01/23/2025 7:34 AM
How abstruse.
"Did you get my e-mail?" - "The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place" - George Bernard Shaw, 1856
Re: Have you ever carried out ARTIFICIAL PHASE-EARTH FAULT at 420 kV ?
06/19/2014 9:11 AM
Generally speaking a coil of thin wire is grounded at one end and the other launched over a transmission line. The resulting ground fault is quite spectacular, thanks for the pictures. Hopefully there was full instrumentation to record the transients.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Ben Franklin.
Re: Have you ever carried out ARTIFICIAL PHASE-EARTH FAULT at 420 kV ?
01/23/2025 7:38 AM
Ground-breaking stuff, evidently.
"Did you get my e-mail?" - "The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place" - George Bernard Shaw, 1856
Re: Have you ever carried out ARTIFICIAL PHASE-EARTH FAULT at 420 kV ?
06/20/2014 2:31 AM
Dear Sir,
Why Didn't the distance protection tripped in the case of the second fault. Both were carried out on the same line at different locations. Hence the Distance protection of two different faults zones should have acted. Please explain. What was your finding???
Re: Have you ever carried out ARTIFICIAL PHASE-EARTH FAULT at 420 kV ?
06/20/2014 5:26 AM
Dear Sir,
As stated above that the Fault location for Case 2 was out of Zone of the latest protection relay, Could you please clarify isn't it a usual practice to provide or cover the entire Length of Transmission line through Zonal protection. Is it envisaged to leave some of the zones or lengths of Transmission line not being covered under Distance protection as the same may be taken care by some other relays like the Directional Earth Fault or Over current as happened in Case 2. Please clarify. What was the length of Transmission line and Distance from the Power station and receiving end Substation.
Re: Have You Ever Carried Out Artificial Phase-Earth Fault at 420 kV ?
06/24/2014 6:52 AM
Yes. This is an important, infrequent part of maintaining a power grid. It should only be performed by authorized workers.
I wonder what the X-ray dose you absorbed from doing this test? Did you bring any dosimetry with you? It would also be informative to know what Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) you wore?
"Don't disturb my circles." translation of Archimedes last words
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