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Innovation 101

Posted November 09, 2010 7:23 AM

Some recent studies indicate innovators in engineering are born and not made. From your experience, do you think this is mostly true, or can a diligent engineer acquire a sense of innovation based on education, mentoring, and experience? What are the main roadblocks you've experienced when trying to innovate?

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Re: Innovation 101

11/09/2010 8:52 AM

Innovators are self groomed and are not born. The essential qualities for successful innovatiors are

*Clinking on the problem on hand 24 hours,365 days till reaching a solution.

*Total optimism that way and means for solution are ahead.

*A self evaluation attitude and not that all mine are great and undisputed.

*Bold thinkers seek self brooded solutions and never seek from others.

* A constant learning attitude

* Acceptance to reality criticisms.

*A constant attitude for quality improvement a feeling that the current state can be improved further.

*Sound in keen observations even to the minutest details

*The habit of retrospection and writing and sketching ideas, as soon it flashes[ a pencil/ pencil/ paper always in reach.

*No procrastinations and go for immediate experimentations.

*Good deal of common sense, scientific attitude, reasoning power.

*Total concentration, free from diversions preferably solitude.

* Should be from from possible family or social encumbrances

*Constant self patting, self motivation, tireless attitude and no escapism on frustrations and collapsations in mind and tasks.

*Open mindedness to adapt new values

*Good idea formations, multidisciplinary knowledge and perseverance to learn new topics.

* Consultations of experts on areas where one has no acquaintance. There no such personalities called knowing everything and master of all arts.Know your limits.

*A clear cut purpose and cause on the work undertaken.

*Maintenance of judicial secrecy limits.

*No sense of confinement to book values are attitude of that is what everyone does.

* Composure, self confidence, bear with humiliations or failures

* A positive sense of madness to the cause, out of box thinking and surely originality, the very character differentiating most of the inventors from normal people[ different man image but not eccentric]

*Relishing upon great moments of success and celebrations.

Nature is so graceful and naked. Human possession is ridiculous.
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Re: Innovation 101

11/09/2010 10:16 AM

Continuation of post 1,

* Problem solving skills and creativity

*Good deal of memory skills

*Dedication, un wavered commitment, a sense of total responsibility and concern for the cause

*Smart correlating ability with phenomenon internal and external sources, cute fixing ups

* Reasonable intelligence

*Imaginative faculty of the mind

*Seeking always multitude of options and avenues

* A sense of journey to perfection, self correcting attitude and improving .

Nature is so graceful and naked. Human possession is ridiculous.
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Re: Innovation 101

11/09/2010 10:44 PM
The Twain Has Met

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Re: Innovation 101

11/09/2010 11:50 PM

I had my best ideas and engineering solutions to problems which have resulted in innovations of various products while in a state of drowsiness before I woke up early in the morning...

So I agree with Ky.



"There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new order of things." - Niccolo' Machiavelli

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Re: Innovation 101

11/10/2010 11:34 AM

Early morning, in bed, is also my best time for digging into technical material, which I keep right next to me as I sleep. When I hit a point to ponder, I can lay back and drowse awhile and that seems to help with acquiring understanding.

After charging up in this way I get online and expand my understanding using Google and Wikipedia and freepatentsonline.com. These online tools make it possible to explore new fields and learn technical material in a hurry, and to print out documents. Only after compiling a project book about 4 cm thick, all of which I have read carefully, do I get into the process of drafting and drawing. A thorough self-done patent search is a good way to get the relevant background and learn the terms of art. Absolute silence and freedom from interruptions (no cell phones, no people around, no music or noise) is necessary for any productive thinking, at least for me.

Although I do believe, from personal experience, in inspiration, that is only a small part of the process. Persistent attention to a clearly-stated technical problem in an important field will almost certainly result in progress through inspiration. But it's a long march from inspiration to "reduction to practice" and every step must be supported by facts.

The most important step is finding a good problem to work on and then clearly stating what the problem is, exactly, with reference to the state of the art. It helps to be a newcomer to the field because you don't have so many blind spots and can import fresh ideas from other fields, like a cross-pollinating bee. So check out problem forums like CR4 and Innocentive.

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Re: Innovation 101

11/10/2010 1:23 PM

well said.. a breath of fresh air! ga

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In reply to #4

Re: Innovation 101

11/10/2010 4:48 PM

Hi Vince, good to see you.

With me those moments have no time or rhythm. I do remember that the near dream state has born fruit but it also happens under the shower and while one does a solid. It could happen anywhere and be related to one out of dozens of inventions in the pipe line.

I definitely find the business sphere very irritating and a waste of time. You'll have to be able to be the bean counter but he will never be able to be the inventor, engineer. What I mean is the amount of time being wasted instead of actually doing something after weeks of negotiating with potential users and hundreds of other technicalities.

My short wanted to show s.udhayamarthandan that I enjoyed the time I spent reading. I copied one of Chris's PDF's and that will consume more time. Not that I ever regret studying but the hands on work, which has to be done, overrides my social actions most of the time.

I was born an inventor and can remember back in my earliest child hood inventing things. The more I try doing other peoples jobs the less happy I am and the less I can produce. Not in material things but in thoughts about solving major problems, not only creating gimmicks or just innovating, changing existing inventions.

I still don't have the time to respond but will contribute later and let off some steam or better thoughts about some social aspects of being an inventor or even a tinkerer. It can be very demanding on all involved.

Gotta go, Ky.

The Twain Has Met
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Re: Innovation 101

11/12/2010 6:43 PM

Good to be here

It has been busy and only now do I find the time to comment in more detail. I have read all posts and am very happy about the high standard (lack of bitching) brought forward by the participants.

There has been a lot written about this subject and just reading the biographies of the people on which shoulders we stand is enough information for a well spent life time. We must never forget that we are part of system which is, or better could be, ruled by principles of


and other theories of how to do or proceed with things, ideas, concepts etc. There is a formula for every thing. All those decision making processes rely on more than one participant or side of the story. It always takes a group of like minded people (what ever their aims or wishful out comes are) to get an invention off the ground.

The inventor has to carry the burden the longest and in the end, if all goes well, he is reimbursed and can concentrate on what is next on the drawing board. This would be the best case scenario. Reality is a different matter and can exceed expectations in both directions. Sometimes depending on who is holding the scales.

In an earlier post I mentioned the social aspects of being an inventor and I would like to dwell on that. As short as I can so that you don't leave this thread and look for more entertaining aspects of engineering. Maybe I'll find reflection or be put into my deserved spot, stay were I am, so to say.

What I find most satisfying and something that keeps me going is the interaction with other inventors or at least people who can understand an invention. One does not have to be a ballet dancer to like ballet but it helps to know that things don't happen by accident. There is something about my inventor friends that glues us together and mentioning resources of whatever kind is a let down. Trust maybe?

It is mostly inspiration, encouragement, discouragement, exchange of talents, skills and knowledge etc. All in free flow and not obstacled and governed by greed or other material gain concepts. Just the love of ballet (.............fill this space)

Living remotely has magnified my inventor mentality and seldom do I meet "real" people to converse with. When I do get to meet the shakers and movers I feel a bit out of place unless it is the technical side that is discussed. I was never a friend of the club mentality (ah, Princeton) and don't even know why. The herd thing maybe?

For me most decision making is governed not only by the tripple bottom line but by actions, deeds, dependencies, politics, insider knowledge (you have to meet this guy, he is always interested in sponsoring new ideas), and on and on it goes. To cut a long story short: If you don't know the rules of finance and how to get it, you can't play by them. They create these rules in very thin air and I'm afraid I can't cope with that.

The time wasted trying to keep up with the thought processes, strategies and logic of the financiers could be spent doing what one does best. Someone said earlier that the inventor carries most of the weight and it is true. You all know about it or have experienced this in the earlier stages of your carriers.


Here is the human aspect: I go out and have a few beers down the pub. Very casual affair here were I am. Or make it a big hotel, some seminar or holiday. One gets to know each other for the first time sort of thing.

"What do you do for a crust?" (Making a living, for the others) comes up

Depending on the surroundings and occasion I am left with a few choices to answer. The last thing I would say is:

"I am an inventor".

I wonder how you guys think about that? Would you state to another person, which you have just met, that you are practicing such a "thing" or would you rather say you are an oil rig guy or a chef from..... or a cab driver. Is it just me or has the public eye a wrong perception of what an inventor does and how and why. TV shows ('advertising for the patent attorneys' I call them) are about as far as their understanding of the problematic involved goes.

I am proud to be an inventor, don't get me wrong, it is just that it can be such a lonely place if one has no face to face meetings with the friends or peers which I have made here in CR4. I am certain that the collaboration we are doing (I suppose there are many), practicing now, would bring better, faster and possibly completely different out comes to different challenges. I wish that financing such a lifestyle will be possible for me one day.

Just like if we were musicians (........fill this space), all very skilled on our instrument. Arrangements are made, product created, sold, next gig. It is the inventors that create the song. What happens after that is and should not be any of our concern. There are not many bands that can live that kind of lifestyle but in depends in what industry you work in and how good you are at doing what you are.

As a freelance and jack of many trades I have found that I can cope with what is thrown at me. Very hard some times but its what has to be done and needs doing soon. If it is not perfect then it has to be made perfect. Be it a part of a mechanical system or a business plan.

Or just putting a seed in the ground and making sure you can harvest and keep the pests away and water and feed and all at the right time. Inventions have an aspect of farming to them or is that too abstract? Coming up with a new plant will require the knowledge of were it is placed best. From preparing the field to harvesting is a long stretch and if you don't have a harvester on time you are effed.

I'll leave it on this positive and optimistic note. You just keep at it, Ky.

The Twain Has Met
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Anonymous Poster
In reply to #35

Re: Innovation 101

12/02/2010 1:24 PM

Hi Ky,

You tell us that "six sigma" solve most problems and initiate inventions. I just copy your sentences:

"There is a formula for every thing. All those decision making processes rely on more than one participant or side of the story. It always takes a group of like minded people (what ever their aims or wishful out comes are) to get an invention off the ground."

I don't know if there is a formula, expressed by "six sigma". Many inventions, innovations are the results of errors, mainly inwanted errors. A group creates diversion about a single subject. They need to understand the idea coming from one single individual and accept it. Most of the time, innovations come from a single idea cooked by a single individual. To get off the ground, it's possible that someone need help, other people to get off the new or innovation. Also, everyone is minded! People are not crazy or without a brain but not necessarily inventors or innovators.

Reimbursed is equal "compensation" or "pay off"? You forget that when all goes well, the innovator concentrate to get out of his innovation the maximum as compensation, mainly financial, and takes time to switch in other directions.

So Ky, I see around me many engineers not very happy with their working and other situations. Happyness doesn't run the factories or the streets, isn't it? Just between us, and I am not negative at all!

Yes, many inventions are accidents! Don't forget jealousy and other negative between people, and more often between people of same profession. Never forget "competition"!


It is mostly inspiration, encouragement, discouragement, exchange of talents, skills and knowledge etc. All in free flow and not obstacled and governed by greed or other material gain concepts. Just the love of ballet (.............fill this space)"

Sorry Ky, I cannot fill it! You already mentioned the goods and the bads. I don't want to put between brackets what is not convenient for innovation.

When you are isolated from others, you cannot dwell from others what you need to finish your invention. You are building a team when you are isolated?

Whay's your "tripple bottom line"? Oh, you don't have one?

Again, someone else talk about needs of money to exploit innovations. Many said, money is not necessary for innovation! I agree, money is not necessary for invention but need lots of it for innovation. On the last, I agree with you.

Sorry!? When you have an idea, you make it and see it if is possible to sell, and, and only after that you start to think how and what to do next. Sell, build, and produce, and in that order!

TV advertising makes money but many inventors don't! I am not talking about you, you are not an inventor. Oh, you are!? Nobody gets you wrong, believe me!

Money is not a problem, visit your local bank and they will tell you how you can get something from them.

Sorry again, inventors don't sing often, they have no money the most of the time. Remember the most successful object that every human being hold practically every day, "a stylo-a-bille" or biro by Bic or ball-point pen invented by the Biro brothers. Or better, Marculla made "billions" without inventing or innovating nother but financing others innovation.

At place of going to the local bank, find someone who wants to put some money into your today's invention and turn it to innovation. Follow Edison's theory. He got when he needed, I talking about money!

Seed is not an invention, every convenient store can give for $1 or more, and many people harvested before you will do.

I am ready to help you on this invention you have! Let me know how can I help you to finalize and harvest what you want. It was nice to talk to you, Gil.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #2

Re: Innovation 101

11/11/2010 1:22 PM

Hi S,

There are less explanation to innovate than you continue to elaborate. No critics but most innovator doesn't have those characteristics you mention. They are sometimes were simple people without ideas what to do with the innovation they have on hands. There is no market for it. There is no money to develop it. And, sometimes, there is no ability to develop the products or service to reach the customers. Capacity to innovate is not simple, it's very complex.

Need to recognize that someone has a need or a problem. The fulfillment of the need or the solution will be the innovation. Need complete understanding of the subject, thinking about it, designing it, testing the first examples, and finally producing it. Many times, human capacity is limited and innovation straggles or never arrives to the final stage.

Just think about the Biro brothers who travelled from country to other, talk with rich and poor people, and sold the first BIC by selling their innovation for peanuts. This is one case but we have many other.

This the "good deal of memory skill" you mention. Also, forget dedication when you have no money to realize your dreams, the innovation.

Again, imagine the Biro brothers. How much money they needed to mass-produce the BIC, including the building, equipment, and people to do what an organization does. So, you see the picture! Why we don't have so much innovation. Also, when you, being an innivator, work for a high ego driven boss who never allos you to think, just be obedient.

Please, let me know if you want to invest and how much in my innovative idea who can create between 10 to 15 million US dollar of business within 5 years. This is not a joke as you think. Most of innovations are this way, Gil.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #2

Re: Innovation 101

11/11/2010 6:29 PM

Hi S,

Put together your one and two is though. I have difficulties to imagine a human being possessing all those fantastic qualities or characteristics. A few of them works in one time and another few function another time. You describe a superman who never born yet and I have the difficulties to see it in the near future.

We know that a small percetage of our brain can be used, so we are very limited. And, real innovators do not run on the streets every day. How many do we have the last year? Don't forget, we are 7 billion on this Earth.

Respect to your good answer but think over it, Gil.


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Re: Innovation 101

11/12/2010 10:39 AM

S, I seriously doubt the "essential qualities" were deduced by observing a real inventor's working.

Everything is proceeding as I had foreseen.
Anonymous Poster
In reply to #28

Re: Innovation 101

12/02/2010 1:27 PM

Hi Sidious,

Finally I am not alone being blind or cannot read English enough powerfully to catch what's what. Thanks for your delicate words and I will be their to support you comments and suggestions, friendly, Gil.


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Re: Innovation 101

11/10/2010 11:44 AM

Procedures definitely help to improve things. But Great Genius returns to essential man, who will break rules and procedures to suit his need when he feels to. Or simply he will have true eureka moments at most unexpected moments when he is not at all following any of these rules. A Genius is precisely that man, who crosses all current limitations of thought and intellectual abilities.

Everything is proceeding as I had foreseen.
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Re: Innovation 101

11/12/2010 12:05 PM

Inventors can be born geniuses- an added facility. But great inventions can be brought in by practice and perseverance, which is a reality in most cases. Most of the developments are done by people with serious quest and it is a continuous process and never stops with primary inventor.

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Re: Innovation 101

11/12/2010 3:03 PM

You've said the key word: perseverance. Having an idea is just the start. You have to keep developing that idea until it is "reduced to practice." That is much more than a tweet or a sketch on a napkin.

Money is just one of the obstacles. Others are the hostility of industry to any innovation that might prove better than what they presently sell, the hostility of society in general to anything or anyone unconventional, and the spite of envious little people who go out of their way to snipe at people who are trying to help provide solutions.

"Education is lighting a fire, not filling a bottle." -- Plutarch
Anonymous Poster
In reply to #32

Re: Innovation 101

11/15/2010 5:15 PM

Hi Wil,

Honestly, practice and perseverance do very little to innovation. Disobedience or revolte against stagnation can produce new things and could be innovative. In only case perseverance plays well when by accident something innovative is created. Any other situation, hard work and the rest means little or nothing. Step out of the regular road and you see another world for new ideas, Gil.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #32

Re: Innovation 101

12/03/2010 12:01 PM

Hi Wil,

I reread your comment and have to answer again.

The industry and people who buy things are not against innovative propositions. The innovator need to understand what is sellable and innovate accordingly. Again, I just repeat: sell, design, and produce, and only in that order. This is the way someone can innovate. Look what did Edison. He understood the needs of a binder between brick and cement was the solution. If you want to see in the dark, we need light and he invented the "light bulb" and that was to solutionto a problem. The first bulb was already sold before was made! Every product he invented became commercial success. Why? Because he made what was possible to sell at that time. It's the same today!

I understand your negative view about industries. They know (supposed to know) everything in their domain but they not know lots. Example, Shell, Esso, and other oil companies did invented the "lead-free" gazoline? For sure not! A small company did! BIC never invented the ball-point pen, they just sell it to everyone, Biro brothers did the invention. BIC made and makes money and still the BIro brothers are the inventor but poor. Mike Marculla never invented any Apple computer, he just saw two young boys to work on something valueable after his opinion. He invested and get billions for his $95,000.

The word of business works that way and the inventor need to adjust her or himself to the business realities. There is no hostility against no one, there are opinions, judgements, and finally money talks. The sellable succeed and the unsellable fails!

Wil, the solution is wanted by people who expend money to get it or is the solution by the inventor? It must be a solution to a buyer. The inventor's opinion is a dream, the buyer's opinion is the realistic, Gil.


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Re: Innovation 101

12/03/2010 1:17 PM

Thanks, Gil, for your valuable advice. Edison's concrete piano proves your point.

"Education is lighting a fire, not filling a bottle." -- Plutarch
Anonymous Poster
In reply to #31

Re: Innovation 101

11/12/2010 4:24 PM

Hi S,

So, after your sayings, inventors can be geniuses? Not necessarily! Some people in the early ages of humanity, who created the first "wooden spear" to kill animals and eat, was not genius but was an inventor or was an inventor and a genius at the same time, who knows. This same individual did not worked by practicing with perseverance, and never developed any continuous processes, just worked to arrive to feed himself and his family.

I agree with you that to invent, we have to get an idea and work hard to obtain the final thing, the invention. Invention, innovation, and creation of new things are sometimes spontaneous realizations without high level of education, experience, and other additives you mentioned earlier. I think, circumstance, opportunity, and desire are more adequate to define what pushes people to innovate. Education and experience help but they are not the cause of the innovation.

Please, let me know if I am off or right on, Gil.


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Re: Innovation 101

11/13/2010 11:09 AM


At last hmmm...... words of acceptance from Gil. To me invention means strongly the SURVIVAL against competing technologiess. It is a matter of Do or Die affair war fronting. the key being weakness analysis of other technologies in the line. The factors reliable are- Sustainability, lowest possible product or plant costs, operational and capital costs, long term workability, universal applicability, less spares, least raw materials, renew ability, no material consumptions, flexibility to locations,simplicity and so on. Today's inventions/ innovations are borne by complex constrains few of the examples like- a car which can never get scratches, collision safety, shrink ability etc. It is more challenging and offer real feed to the intellectual capacity of inventors.

Nature is so graceful and naked. Human possession is ridiculous.
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Anonymous Poster
In reply to #38

Re: Innovation 101

11/15/2010 12:56 PM

Hi S,

It is excellent to get "good answer". No critics to your knowledge about innovation because you define the reliable factors "completely and absolutely". After my opinion, no one innovation fills all those characteristics. Every innovation can be improved, so the previous is not the best solution, "universal applicability" for example because is restricted to handicapped people. Also, I cannot imagine a car being "collision safety". Most of cars are involved into some accidents, scratched, bumped or completely destroyed. We already talked in the 50s or before about cars will go in water as a boat, and get out from the water to continue on the road. There is no one of this dreamed car today on the road. How come, 50 or 60 years later? This car doesn't have sufficient "flexibility to locations" or has "complex constrains" to build it, to sell it, and use it? I consider innovation something, which can be made, can be sold, and be used for a certain period by people like us.

I agree on least raw materials because I already used least than most manufacturers, and I already mentioned a few times that no one followed this idea. More is better and complicated is better than simplicity. Open the hood of a car made in the 50s and see the space around the engine, compare to an actual one. What you mean about "no material consumptions"? How we make something without using something as materials, not necessarily raw?

Also, you mention needs of money, which wasn't accepted in my previous comments. However, you accept the facts that money is a principal factor in "product or plant costs, operational and capital costs", and other costs invoved into exploitation of an innovation or invention. This is good!

S, I really am not against your comments, just want to understand the way you think, what you mean with your words, and put together for my personal improvement and learning because still I want to become better, Gil.

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Anonymous Poster
In reply to #38

Re: Innovation 101

11/16/2010 9:17 AM

Hi S,

If you have the hard time to accept words from me, don't answer or forget and pass to another blogger. Because you answer, I have to comment on it in positive or negative ways because this is the principle of communication. Your particular and strong explanation: "survival against competing technologies" doesn't create any innovation, just improvement. You tell us that something was already invented, the competing technology or the objects made by the technology. Sorry for the "good answer" but there is no innovation when you compete with someone else. This is improvement of the existing technology, which was or is your personal or business problem. Technologies create things but by themselves are very rarely innovative. The production by technologies can be or are inventions. Also, every technology has some weakness up to the moment when someone improve it, and improve it again... You see what I want to say?

Sorry S, I am not teaching to no one what is what but beautiful language and exclusive words impress and influence people minds but don't create any invention, they stay words.

The remaining was already seen and talked. Wish you a good day, Gil.

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In reply to #51

Re: Innovation 101

11/16/2010 11:54 AM


Your comments and criticisms are most welcome. Somehow my professional development path depended on speciality areas where one can make a difference and it has become a hard installed faculty in. The inputs presented in this thread is based on the tough innovation journey I am undergoing in environment related areas. Keep in touch. cheers.

Nature is so graceful and naked. Human possession is ridiculous.
Anonymous Poster
In reply to #56

Re: Innovation 101

11/17/2010 11:05 AM

Hi S,

There cannot be any input for innovation about the environment or environment related areas. The environment grows without our influences. Today, we just destroy the environment everywhere. The only innovation you can create to protect the environment is "suggest, say, and stop" the destruction of the environment we have around us.

S, don't forget yourself. I heard that in India and also in China, obesity through ingestion of fast-food become a problem. The fast-food industry introduces statin that will accelerate health problems in these countries. I was 10 years ago in China and people were slim and shorty compared to my 6 feet 5 inches. Today, after 5 or more years, many Chineses became fat, if not obese, by following me to Canada.

I make only waterbourne sealers and stains. This is my contribution to better environment and better health for users of my products.

Wish you the best in your endeavour concerning the environment, Gil.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #38

Re: Innovation 101

11/22/2010 6:12 PM

Hi S,

I am sympathizing with you. I feel that you are in a very competitive area of business and your competition is or are incumbents with large pockets and you don't have the money what we talked earlier to become the leader. It's hard in a competitive business.

My suggestion that in competitive areas there is no innovation, just improvements and there are small advantages compared to others similar products or services. I understand that competitive businesses, multinationals or giant companies and their business is based on price and very low profits. Competitive businesses are in war and war creates victims. The best example is the automobile business and its recent victims. Smart and intelligent corporations survive and making profits but many others, who doesn't listen to customers who pay the bills, disappear.

In the other side, "niche businesses" are small size organizations with high priced innovative products and services, and making high profits. It's a matter of choice where we want to do business, and the choice is ours!

I don't want to talk about technologies, I express my opinion simply about business. When you want to start a small business, go to "niche" only, grow to a certain size, you have to simplify your actions to: Sell your supposed "idea" that solve a problem in some industry or to companies, design the solution, and produce for profits. Work only in that order. This is the trick! And, in the future, constantly listen to your customers are and are not saying about your solution, what and why they buy it! Also, in today's competitive business, when and where the market moves, follow the movement, and never force your will, products and services onto the market, which are your customers.

S, wish you good learning and let me know if you need more simple and free help and informations how to succeed in business to reach your dreams, Gil.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #12

Re: Innovation 101

12/02/2010 1:32 PM

Hello Sidious,

Excellent! I add "one more score" to your good answer. Why? Because all elucubrations get already 2. Continue I stay behind you, Gil.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #1

Re: Innovation 101

11/11/2010 1:03 PM

Hi S,

I have a shortest way to tell what makes someone an innovator and what are the roadblocks to become one.

There are two main difficulties for the realization of any innovation. First, money because most innovators don't have the money to get a marketing survey, build and sell the designed innovation. Second, there is no customer to sell the innovation.

We have to accept the fact that a business formula, and this is the innovation, the product or service, is "sell, design, and build" - only in that order. Understanding people means knowing what motivates them to act certain way or buy certain things. This process can direct to innovation of something or a service which are non-existent at this time. Innovation is for the future but as close as possible!

However, after my humble opinion, any "normal individual" can become an innovator by being born smart, through education, or get experience and recognition of a need which does not exist yet but has a market.

Everywhere, in all three cases, we have the innovator and the innovator needs money to achieve the innovation from A to Z.

Please, don't hesitate to suggest another roadblocks! I want to learn, Gil.

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In reply to #17

Re: Innovation 101

11/12/2010 4:08 AM


What I could understand from your comments is a desperation on lack of monitary support from the riches for innovators, a valid point worth an inventor is supposed to fix up in mind.

* The first inventor was not professionally educated.

* The first rich man was one time poorest.

* It takes some time for the rest of the world really understand the inventions , their pros and cons- a reality many inventors forget.

* Given the worst barrigades- some days will open good for every one in life journey, an acceptance of great inventions, their greatness and benefits will make people adapt and appreciate its value, a happeneing for all new inventions/ inventors.

* You could be a potential winner, if you play this waiting game plan, the world is of course highly competitive, clashing technologies, new insights- the great leap and stamina, yes the inbuilt capacity of a seasoned inventor.

* So keep going, get the world to your way. Cheers

Nature is so graceful and naked. Human possession is ridiculous.
Anonymous Poster
In reply to #22

Re: Innovation 101

11/12/2010 10:20 AM

Hi S,

There is no desparation from my side. I just open my eyes and catch the reality. Just to tell you: James Watts became rich because he revolutionazed the world with his ideas? Who supplied the financial support to realize what he created? Who became rich, really rich with airplanes? Who created and exploited the airplanes as a business? Not the Wright brothers!

After you, who was the first inventor? You have the way to tell, confirm, and affirm things that cannot be supported by a single example. You never told example following your affirmations. What's the reason for that? I, all the time, give an real and existing example or story that can be verified for real!

You tell us that the poorest person became rich with what or doing what?

Today, any innovation is spraid around the world within hours. A few hundred years ago it was difficult to transfer any message from Spain to China that someone initiated "ZERO" by arab mathematician. Or, hundred fifty years ago from England, send a copy of Stephenson's locomotive to USA and hire chinesee to build what was made. Oh! In each cases, money was the most important. Without money their is no business, isn't it?

What do you mean with the following well put together words? "* Given the worst barrigades- some days will open good for every one in life journey, an acceptance of great inventions, their greatness and benefits will make people adapt and appreciate its value, a happeneing for all new inventions/ inventors." Today, we have very few real innovations. We just improve what was already made. Computer was already described in words a few hundred years ago. It's realization came when people understood what can do in the present life and how we can make money with it. I don't charming rich people with money, I just tell that money is an important factor to success for any innovation. Watts innovation turned into Stephenson's locomotive decades later with only money.

Again, nice words without much meanings but you get recognition as a good talker. What you mean with: "* You could be a potential winner, if you play this waiting game plan, the world is of course highly competitive, clashing technologies, new insights- the great leap and stamina, yes the inbuilt capacity of a seasoned inventor."

If is me the potential winner, I am already the winner because I do what I want and love to do without great leap in anything, just do what I decided to do for my customer for their satisfaction.

S, I never want the "world" to my way as you allege. It's imposible. People don't want to change and I don't want to change them. I make what they want or need, as simply as possible. I don't want people to my feet as you think. I simply solve their problems, supply simply and immediately what they want to buy from me. My goal is do business, that's all and it!

Yes, as simple as possible. However, to please as you talk and be sophisticated and talk complicated, I don't do. I do only simply. It's more efficient, Gil.

NB: Try to do the same and you will see changes!

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In reply to #25

Re: Innovation 101

11/12/2010 11:58 AM

Gil - a tough customer to deal in CR4. The gist is "there are lots of hurdles on the path of inventions to commercial reality. It is the total responsibility of the inventor in all respects to take it to success. *Great inventions are being adapted by mankind with lots of improvisations and the benefits can reach all involved in the execution. So to say an invention benefits mass, stating its value. DO YOU MEAN TO SAY ALL THE CENTS AND MILLIONS OF THE EARNINGS OF THE INVENTION SHOULD REACH ONLY THE INVENTOR? Not possible at all. It is a matter of collective earning by one and all in the game. Your investors, customers, fabricators, workmen, salesmen and lot more. As an inventor you may strike a deal of your share, that is all. * Back to square one- Optimism can fetch something in life, Greediness and pessimism- nothing more than inactivity. It is all up to one to choose on either great accomplishments or immediate money to count for whole of life time.

Nature is so graceful and naked. Human possession is ridiculous.
Reply Good Answer (Score 2)
Anonymous Poster
In reply to #30

Re: Innovation 101

11/12/2010 4:57 PM

It's me again S,

I hope we don't create any war between us!? In my last comments I asked you to simplify and you will see the world differently.

Imagine the situation when the first "wooden spear" was created and the individual killed his first animal, and went home and show to people around him. Imagine the exitement, the trill this man has. The "wooden spear" was looked by some people as magical object but was not send to the next group of people to exploit it. It took years, hundreds of years to get a few lm further. The innovation, its creation, adoption, and benefits are different in different times.

I never said that the Biro brothers should get all money and profits from their invention. They get practically nothing and many others get very rich with Biro's invention. It's usually the way it goes innovation and money.

Optimism supply nothing to innovation. You said already earlier that being born inventor is one and being teached to become, the other possibility. Biro brothers and many other innovators and inventors were optimistics but never get compensated for their creations.

What it means for "a good answer": Greediness and pessimism- nothing more than inactivity. Could you explain because at my age my understanding is limited. I already saw greedy people being very active and hard working individuals, and other joyful pessimists making money. Greediness and pessimism is a brain business, and inactivity is lack of physical, isn't it?

Tell me if I am off topic or made a good answer, Gil.


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In reply to #34

Re: Innovation 101

11/13/2010 11:31 AM

Being Greedy means- lavish demands of inventors for big shares in the execution process, they never compromise for a deal, the reality being it never get to reality sounding always great to the inventor himself. In the later part of these days[ being an environmentalist] a subtle gesture appears to me about how possessive we humans are- for example the mango tree never objects the plucker saying they are mine, The coconut tree simply lets the coconuts to be plucked by others, likewise all plants in nature. The soils, earth, water, natural resources all for that matter. The whole of nature is naked giving its benefits to others only- a great inspiration for mankind about how to imitate nature's greatness.

* As regard to pessimism when I offered the fabrication jobs and promotion of a new process desalination, the gentleman said-" no I won't", Why Sir?- " Because others will copy it". He remains to be a small business man without any adaptation or risk to new things.

* This pessimism gap on accomplishing to unsolved issues is the real feed and challenge for potential inventors so as to make the difference and avoid competing with averages.

Nature is so graceful and naked. Human possession is ridiculous.
Anonymous Poster
In reply to #39

Re: Innovation 101

12/02/2010 1:46 PM

Hi S,

Please, could you clarify and tell us what you want to mean with the followings:

"This pessimism gap on accomplishing to unsolved issues is the real feed and challenge for potential inventors so as to make the difference and avoid competing with averages."

When we understand what you want to tell us, you get a "good answer" with a "score of "1,2 or 3".

You understand, everyone want to understand too your sayings and apply immediately for success without investors who take everything from everyone. This is your small challenge. Please, answer me, I want to know what you want to tell, Gil.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #39

Re: Innovation 101

12/08/2010 10:53 AM

Hi S,

I just reread your comment and discover that I drink water coming from the nature. I walk on Earth that is again the nature. I eat vegetables and other plants coming from the nature, and I stop.

Also, don't forget that human beings cultivate many things and take care about the nature without extreme benefits to only others or someone. We also plant trees and veggies all around, globally, and I stop again.

For your new desalinization process, did you see other people with more open mind? If not, please, do it immediately! Success is all the time in from of our nose!

"* This pessimism gap on accomplishing to unsolved issues is the real feed and challenge for potential inventors so as to make the difference and avoid competing with averages."

This is well said. Fantastic description of the "pessimism gap". All inventors compete with new things against existing or not existing products. To compete against existing competitors we have to have focus and courage to succeed. However, nothing is guaranteed, isn't it S.

I don't ask for explanations about the eventual difference betwen simple pessimism and pessimism gap. We and you need good reflection about what we or you tell to others because the population is critical, Gil.


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In reply to #107

Re: Innovation 101

12/08/2010 11:39 AM

Thank you Gil for the positive comment.My English is spontaneous-I just think and type. I remember my colleagues criticizing me for framing complex sentences.Should be true. Helpless?

Coming to the Desalination story, I went on to make the proto model myself, spending my three years worth saving money, just to learn that no body seriously needs [at least for the time being in India]desalination plants in ETP. After burning my fingers on the extravagant proto models, Now I am cautious about low cost fabrications and has got expertized in low cost simulation test model design and fabrication and happy to see the basis of the inventions works, that too with lowest cash in expense.

That much is possible for private researchers, stating the fact that, mind and creativity are much worth than funds. The journey goes.

Nature is so graceful and naked. Human possession is ridiculous.
Anonymous Poster
In reply to #30

Re: Innovation 101

11/16/2010 9:34 AM

Hi S,

Now you say the reverse what you said earlier. You told me and I copy: "What I could understand from your comments is a desperation on lack of monitary support from the riches for innovators, a valid point worth an inventor is supposed to fix up in mind". Definitely, I am not looking for any money from any rich person for any of my innovations. I do things by my-self because I can afford it financially. I don't believe on partnership either, bad experience from the past.

I never said, so don't tell with your words that the innovator or inventor must get all the benefits. First, it's impossible. The innovation goes from one hand to another and everyone benefits from it. So, the money is already distributed some ways. I said and this is what was said that most innovators need money, and many of them don't have to exploit their inventions. Steve Jobs and Wozniack will be nowhere without Mark Marculla's money (around $95,000 for 1/3 of the business, which became some 3,4,5 or 6 billion of dollar within years). Tell me if I am wrong!? Yes, after my opinion, money is an important part of the exploitation of any innovation.

Now the money problem is fixed we can talk about "Innovation 101" and how to do it or what to do to get one, Gil.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #30

Re: Innovation 101

11/23/2010 6:37 PM

Hi S,

I don't know if everyone misunderstanding the difference between invention and innovation. Innovations are made for profit and inventions are not. I already told the example of Semmelweiss who eliminated puerperal fever causing death by simply washing hands with chlorinated lime solution. He was an "inventor" and never get money to richness. Edison, at the opposite side, being an innovator, he made money. Understand the difference and you get another "good answer".

Name me or us one of the many yours "great inventions" "adopted by mankind" and forget the "lots of improvisations and benefits". These scientific words get good answers? After me, people have difficulties to understand or just catch what you want to tell us. Simplify, simplify!

a tough customer to deal in CR4. The gist is "there are lots of hurdles on the path of inventions to commercial reality.

Again, I gave an example without talking about irrealities or dreams. I maintain that innovations are created to make money and put in the hands of more and more people. Innovations are commercial affairs. Inventions are creations of new or improvement of old things, objects or events.

Did you bought Pino's book? It's worth to read, Gil.

Reply Score 2 for Off Topic
Anonymous Poster
In reply to #30

Re: Innovation 101

12/08/2010 10:32 AM

Hi S,

Just think about what you tell us with "good answer" note. You don't accept or just pass on by it. You are the first who object about others view, observations, and opinion about inventions and innovations. I understand, you want to be the winner. It's human.

You have the right but many other human beings have the right too and we don't ask for "good answer", just we have an opinion and not necessarily the truth. It's nothing wrong to have an opinion, good or unsatisfactory, isn't it?

Look forward to or for better conversations, Gil.


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In reply to #1

Re: Innovation 101

11/24/2010 1:43 AM

Invention tips in nut shell good begining post.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #1

Re: Innovation 101

11/24/2010 12:13 PM

Hi S,

It's a very interesting subject. You can see the number of replies to this blog. Myself, I reread most of the comments and I would like to add another words about it.
I will not asking for "good answer", and don't be shocked for "off topic" note but we have to clarify what is what, isn't it S?

I'm lucky to be speaking, reading, and writing (some criticizes my English being without so and so or other name but being happy because she/he understood what I want to mean) three different languages. I went to see dictionaries and get information about inventor-invention and innovator-innovation. I discover that invention is the creation of something new, different, newness, novelty by an inventor through special human faculties, special gifts, imagination and/or talent. Innovation is introduction of the new, different, newness and/or novelty to the public by the innovator. Innovator can be an inventor too?!

My, good or bad conclusion is that, as I already said, an innovation is a commercial event, involved with money to do it and to create profits, money again. Innovation is business. However, most of inventions never turned into profitable and money was not necessarily involved, and the public did not know it, accepted it, or did something with it.

Example, Semmelweiss used chlorinated lime solution to wash his hands before giving birth to a child. Life saving invention was not accepted in his time or worsth, people were against it, and he never made a cent from it.

In the other side, Edison was an innovator and making money with its innovations.

In later your comments said that you have some monetary problems, to make your invention or exploiting your innovation. This confirm my opinion about involvement of money in every innovation. Now, we are, you and me, on the same wavelength.

Some correctives: "Total optimism that way and means for solution are ahead" is not realistic. First, we need a problem to create a solution, only after a problem comes the solution, never ahead, isn't it?

Most of inventions are improvements of existing objects, theories or processes... "bold thinkers seek self brooded solutions and never seek from others", the opposite of your affirmation.

I hope and wish that you have complete "acceptance to reality criticisms". That way I learned to see what is invention-innovation and you can take profit of that too.

S, wish you good reading and talk to you again, Gil.

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In reply to #81

Re: Innovation 101

11/24/2010 3:47 PM


Gil, you are all over the place and it has nothing to do with picking on your language skills.

Hope all goes well, Ky.

The Twain Has Met
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Anonymous Poster
In reply to #82

Re: Innovation 101

12/02/2010 2:00 PM

Hi Ky,

Cheese! Everyone, including here, was told my English is not very good and need to return to school. I answered that never was in school to learn "two languages", French and English. I am not all over, I simplify to maintain my words about differences between invention and innovation what's mixed up by many.

It goes well for me, and my brain is still working to make new things to supply solutions to my customers, Gil.

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In reply to #91

Re: Innovation 101

12/02/2010 5:37 PM

The day you join CR4 and have a name, country or bio I'll communicate with you in detail.

You need an interpreter or someone that can put your thoughts in understandable sentences.

No more, its the law, Ky.

The Twain Has Met
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Anonymous Poster
In reply to #82

Re: Innovation 101

12/03/2010 12:17 PM

Hi Ky,

What you mean about "Gil, you are all over the place"? It is an empty sentence with good score only. I answered to sentences said or written by other person in a logical order.

Thanks, everything goes well for me and hope at your place is fine too, Gil.

NB: I have critical view and words about sentence expressed and written by someone and never attack the person, just what's said. SO, Ky, I don't jump from here to there! It's a big difference and many could learn it!

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In reply to #94

Re: Innovation 101

12/03/2010 6:04 PM

The day you join CR4 and have a name, country or bio I'll communicate with you in detail.

You need an interpreter or someone that can put your thoughts in understandable sentences.

No more, its the law, Ky.

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In reply to #81

Re: Innovation 101

11/25/2010 7:53 AM

Innovation is the execution of invention into reality, yes I had learned while participating in an Indo- U.S innovation support inventors' workshop recently.

My line of inputs were based on general assumption that the forum deals how to make new things work, which could be inclusive of the first step of invention.

No doubt the innovation step is further nerve racking, like proving the invention before challengers and finding out means of commercialization, Intellectual Property Rights Protection, Finding finance, promotion etc. True spirits of innovators calls for a Die Hard attitude to take up the thrilling journey.

Experience and Optimism, Estimation on strategic deals is the second smart actions- Luckily today's is world is fast& the has means to contact the world just through the Web world. Self advertising, finding right connections, framing the deal, terms of business/ benefit sharing and so on.

The mother of the baby has to bear the pains, but efforts will never fail.

Nature is so graceful and naked. Human possession is ridiculous.
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In reply to #83

Re: Innovation 101 and more

11/25/2010 4:12 PM

Hi s.udhayamarthandan

I wish we could get together one day and have a nice chat. You never know, it could be soon. Your hands on experience in these affairs would make it an interesting meeting and possibly have an outcome that is realistic and productive.

The inventors scene needs more people like you and not speculators (Guest Gil). Being an inventor is not a hobby but a profession that does not get away with speculation. It is very demanding to keep all the disciplines needed in place and up to date.

If one plants a big field with seed and does not now were to get the harvesting machines, people at the right time one should not start sowing in the first place. Just like having a baby (by accident) and not knowing how to feed it and be able to get it through school and on and on.

You are right, one has to be prepared for a bit of pain but history shows that it has always been that way, so no surprise there. Only the toughest survive and with them their ideas or visions. Collaboration, cooperation and a bit of good luck will go a long way. The rest is in the stars.

Good to have you around and I'm looking forward to further conversations. Any little bit helps.

Say hello to all, Ky.

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In reply to #84

Re: Innovation 101 and more

11/25/2010 4:48 PM

ga Ky

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In reply to #85

Re: Innovation 101 and more

11/25/2010 5:14 PM

Thanks russ

I hope you didn't mind the low point thingo in the other thread. I am just surprised that this guy is in the position he is. I mean his position in the company as well as the position he finds his infrastructure in.

Is it really that bad out there?

The Twain Has Met
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In reply to #84

Re: Innovation 101 and more

12/03/2010 12:23 PM

Hi Ky, Again, you attack an individual not what saying.

I defy you in any subject to prove that I am valueable, at least in business. Oh, I agree with you my language is not complicated and can be understood by many but I like to be simple. This is the way I operated, do things, and will do all the time because is honest and clear. Stay in NON-SPECULATIVE mood and act HONESTLY and OPENLY, and open to talk to anyone, Gil.

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In reply to #95

Re: Innovation 101 and more

12/03/2010 6:06 PM

The day you join CR4 and have a name, country or bio I'll communicate with you in detail.

You need an interpreter or someone that can put your thoughts in understandable sentences.

No more, its the law, Ky.

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In reply to #95

Re: Innovation 101 and more

12/03/2010 6:07 PM

The day you join CR4 and have a name, country or bio I'll communicate with you in detail.

You need an interpreter or someone that can put your thoughts in understandable sentences.

No more, its the law, Ky.

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In reply to #95

Re: Innovation 101 and more

12/03/2010 6:16 PM

Hi Ky, Again, you attack an individual not what saying.

If I would attack any one they would know. This is or was not an attack, it is defending what I see as good manners. You just can't babble on and expect me to just sit here, watching you spoil an other wise high quality thread.

Does repeating help or are you as thick as a brick. Your lights seem to be on but nobody is home so I''ll stop knocking.

The Twain Has Met
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Anonymous Poster
In reply to #104

Re: Innovation 101 and more

12/06/2010 10:37 AM

Hi Ky,

You tell us that the "good manners" are to tell that what is said is FINE, isn't it? You never disagree with anyone? Oh, you don't allow others to disagree with you!

Thanks for the info, you will never get a note from me, Gil.

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In reply to #105

Re: Innovation 101 and more

12/08/2010 3:49 PM
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In reply to #109

Re: Innovation 101 and more

12/10/2010 7:04 PM
There is no sin except stupidity. (Oscar Wilde, Irish dramatist, novelist, & poet (1854 - 1900))
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In reply to #111

Re: Innovation 101 and more

12/10/2010 7:16 PM

I could think of other things than messing with them

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In reply to #112

Re: Innovation 101 and more

12/10/2010 7:18 PM

but you aren't allowed... and besides, they are all reserved... FOR ME!

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In reply to #113

Re: Innovation 101 and more

12/10/2010 8:14 PM

Can they sing? Or is that not allowed either?

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Re: Innovation 101

11/10/2010 12:50 AM

Every human being has several needs and desires. Need is the mother of invention. Need is a personal ,unfulfilled vacancy that determines and organizes all psychological and behavioral activities in the direction of fulfilling the vacancy How deep is your need in your sub conscious mind makes the difference. Need to accomplish or achieve something in life ,like to be creative ,to develop new ideas ,to meet challenges. Archimedes interesting fluid mechanics theory has come out due to his sub conscious mind and his commitment to his higher authorities. Engineers use basic scientific facts to design and build to improve the quality of life. I feel every human being is an innovator from his point of view.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #5

Re: Innovation 101

11/12/2010 10:34 AM

Hi Wamy,

That is true, we fill need or solve problems.

For example, thousands of years ago in the plain somewhere in South of Africa a human individual watching an animal and thinking about how he can eat that animal with his family? He tried things to kill this animal or other. Finally, the same individual or another, after trying on small victims, found the solution, a "wooden spear" and killed easily the big animal to eat. This invention took time and effort to make and use.

All inventions are the products of human brainwork. In today's society we think, design, sell, get finance, and produce the innovation. Probably in that order.

It was a pleasure to read a simple message about a subject. Thanks, Gil.


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Re: Innovation 101

11/10/2010 2:06 AM

Two key terms

1-Think differently


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Re: Innovation 101

11/10/2010 2:09 AM

Genrich Altshuller is rolling over in his grave.

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In reply to #7

Re: Innovation 101

11/10/2010 2:51 AM


this small sentence of yours just caused me several days of reading and research, first time i read of TRIZ and I LIKE IT,

Thank you Chris

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In reply to #8

Re: Innovation 101

11/10/2010 3:05 AM

don't blame me... blame aurizon! that is where I learned of it. (same result) I'm a beginner.

here is a good start. the 40 principles of innovation. (see, not born... learnable)



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Re: Innovation 101

11/10/2010 4:10 AM

In todays world innovators are made; not born. At age 7 I used to play with wires, small bulbs, batteries. I found three things that are related to each other and named them A,B & C and used to do calculations. When grew up I came to know that they are Amps, Volts & Ohms. I made my first calling bell at age 8 and during the week when I came to know that copper enamel coated winding wires are available, I made my first DC motor; At age 13 I explained my cousin who is 6 years elder than me a new concept in 1971; he enquired a lot and told me that it is already invented and it is called "Video". I was very creative but never became innovator; because I had to stop studies at class 12. I do read lot of books and surf www in pursuit of knowledge. At age 53 I am a successful maintenance manager. I could change the design of equipment at supplier end so that my breakdowns are less than 0.05%. I have 35 yrs experience in maintenance in various companies: SPM manufacturing/ Electrical contactor/ Civil contractor/ FMCG Manufacturing/ Semiconductor components (resistors. transistors, ICs, etc), Glass Furnace, Wafer Feb and now battery manufacturing. Now-a-days even artists, musicians, film actors, political leaders, book writers, etc are also not born gifted...they are made so.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #10

Re: Innovation 101

11/12/2010 11:05 AM

Hi Sub,

Today like all the time all innovators are born. Without being alife there is no innovation because behand every innovation you have a human being. So, every human being born one day, isn't it?

One thing is done!

I am sure that the first "wooden spear" was not made by one single individual. Many people invented at the same time without any connection at different places on Earth because the need for food was the most important thing in everyone's life.

When I was born, no one could tell that I was smart or mentally disabled. Time told the truth. Time to time, people told me that I was a moron, and another times that I was smart. There are more innovators among's poor people because they have to thing often and hard to get everything. Rich people as Cavendish, he became an innovator because he liked to thing and understand what's happening and why around him.

Sub, between you and me, someone told you that you are moron, sorry for it without confirmation, and many other times that you are the smartest on Earth. Some people don't like what and how you do things, and other have admiration for every moves. Don't forget that jalousie is a large motor between humans, pushing one way or pushing in other direction.

Continue and do something for yourself at place of working for others, Gil.


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In reply to #29

Re: Innovation 101

11/14/2010 12:33 AM

Thanks for reply. Some more to share with you. When I was in my teens I was referred to a Physiologist as I was not playing with other kids but busy with science experiments. I lost my father and looked after by my elder brothers and mother. The Doctor told me that mine is rare type and great innovators belong this type; but I never dreamed to become great. I just enjoy my job. Maintenance of manufacturing equipment. Though I read lot of technical literature I do not have any degree in any engineering trade. this society looks only for educational qualification that I could not earn.

I went around my country and also few trips abroad. I have seen many great things (innovative). I shall share one experience with you. Once I have noticed that one rock cutter preparing chisels. He took one crowbar about 5 feet long and cut it in to many 6 inch long pieces in just 5 mts. He just made two marks on opposite ends and just by hitting on a rock he broken it in to small pieces. many of us who witnessed this tried to copy this technique but failed. The rock cutter was so poorly educated that he even could not explain us this technique. For me he is as well great!

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In reply to #40

Re: Innovation 101

11/14/2010 11:07 AM

Years ago, when I had my small company in the United States, I occasionally had need to hire an engineer or two. Quite frankly, give me an "engineer" with many years of hands-on, diverse experience without credentials before sending me a fresh graduate from engineering school! Real world experience is the only "education" that really counts in the end, and the only way an "inventor" is going to find the right "problems" to solve- I don't care how good your mousetrap is, no one is going to buy it if they don't have an issue with mice.

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In reply to #41

Re: Innovation 101

11/15/2010 11:12 PM

I thank every one on this forum for useful comments on Innovation. I am happy to know about TRIZ and DV40. I have just started reading. Thanks once again!

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #40

Re: Innovation 101

11/15/2010 5:32 PM

Hi Sub,

Yes, papers worth more than knowledge but this is the way things go! So, you tell as I did earlier that innovators (I don't like the word "Genious") and like anyone on this planet and they become innovators sometimes by accident, sometimes by developing themselves to inventor's level, and sometime they don't realize that they innovated something. When you cook at home and you mix food that no one suggest to put together and you do it, innovative meal is created. However, no one know and taste what you invented.

When you follow others you cannot innovate. When you want to be different and you are from others, you have big chance to innovate. Let me know if I am on the right track or not, Gil?


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Re: Innovation 101

11/10/2010 4:24 PM

Geniuses may always be described as innovators but not the other way around. Lets not mix the two.

Two basic requirements for an innovation to occur are :

1) someone recognize a need

2) someone has the knowledge to recognize a potential solution

Now, there can be a whole range in the "quality" of the actual need and the "quality" of the potential solution, hence an even greater range of innovation "quality".

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Anonymous Poster
In reply to #14

Re: Innovation 101

11/11/2010 6:19 PM

Hi Aviator,

Don't be upset but I need to add third and fourth items to your two excellent suggestions.

Third need is MONEY. Without it there is no innovation.

Fourth, someone who needs and buys for some reason or solve a problem. The innovation becomes successful when we have lots of buyers.

Again, already mentioned money because to do things, we need and sometimes we need lots of it, Gil.


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In reply to #20

Re: Innovation 101

11/12/2010 9:53 AM

Hum. I had to counter the off topic that someone got you, even though I would not add your third suggestion (nor your fourth) as a prerequisite :

Money may have a lot to do with a commercial "selling" success but a successful innovation does not need to be measured by its sale revenues : Innovation can also serve internal needs and cost reduction is also one of the many possible attribute of an innovation. Selling "quality" is just an other. Also, for the right combination of qualities, if money is needed and if the innovation hold the promise of great revenues, it is quite probable that money will be available.

As to the number of buyers, well again, as long as the innovation provides an advantage to a single person, it can be deemed to have had some success.

It is also possible to spend a lot of money on innovations selfcongratulating yourself that you indeed invented something that will make you very rich. Just check the number of unexploited patents.

An example comes to mind : Somenone invented a great paste that you could apply to the end of your finger or to a tool to hold a nut in hard to reach areas. The inventor was quite insulted to learn that I would not be willing to pay for his soon to be "certified product" when a tab of grease would do (not to mention tab of Plasticine).

Cheers !

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Anonymous Poster
In reply to #23

Re: Innovation 101

11/15/2010 1:17 PM

Hi Aviator,

Thanks for the perspicacious answer. My side, when I talk about innovations, I mention James Watts the first, because the impact of his invention revolutionized the whole world. It took more than 10 years but after, everyone on Earth are profited of it. I agree on that every person can invent something for personal or family use but I don't consider it as an invention or innovation.

Imagine just the innovation after innovation concerning a quill and inks. They were manipulated and changed up to yesterday with variations in sizes and colours, however, at every stage, all humanity used.

All the best, Gil.

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In reply to #43

Re: Innovation 101

11/15/2010 8:57 PM


I have always been a bit wary of individuals that think of innovation or invention only in commercial terms. Innovation is finding a new way to solve a problem. If a sufficient number of people are dealing with the same problem you are addressing, then maybe you can commercialize it. But this is not what innovation is all about- and the fact that a lot of companies don't understand this is why so few of them are capable of true innovation, and why most large corporations have a life expectancy of something on the order of 100 years (or less).

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #49

Re: Innovation 101

11/16/2010 9:44 AM

Hi Warner,

Innovation is made for the whole world for everyone, and that way it becomes commercial. If someone create something really genious, an exclusive innovation and keep it for itself, is not an innovation because we cannot talk about it, we cannot use it, and we cannot improve it.

Also, during my working life, around 54 years, I all the time did things differently as was done by others in the industry, and solved problems. However, I don't necessarily made any invention, just made the same or similar as others did by different ways.

It was entertaining to read your comments and learn something, Gil.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #54

Re: Innovation 101

12/09/2010 1:14 PM

HI Warner,

Addition to my previous note. Semmelweiss reduced newborns deaths from 37% to under 1% without making any money. Today, companies making gelly water containing some chemicals (don't want to tell everyone the secret) to disinfect hands. These companies making money on an invention, not theirs, that made more than 150 years back, isn't it? Yes, exploitation of invention becomes innovation as did Edison and others.

Exploitation of an invention is innovation, Gil.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #49

Re: Innovation 101

11/22/2010 6:29 PM

Hi Warner,

A second thought about involvement of money in innovations.

Two examples, Sommelwiess invented that cleaning hands before delivering a newborn, infant, is seving life. He has difficulties to accept by others and never made money with that invention but saved lives. In the other side of the ocean, the Wright brothers innovated and many people and companies made and still make money with it. This is the difference between invention stay personal or local, and innovation worldwide accepted. See it at Innovation/Wikipedia.

It was interesting to read others opinion, Gil.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #23

Re: Innovation 101

11/15/2010 5:46 PM

Hi Aviator,

I just reread your comment and want to add something concerning about money.

Imagine that James Watts don't have the Royal Academy's approval to help to develop his machine. At that time money was not invested like today. Need to convince people with money and give them large part of the eventual future profits.

Imagine if it was scrapped. No Stephenson's locomotive. No industrial revolution. No mass-production. Probably we still have slavery for agriculture.

It took around 10 years but was finished with the help of money. It was accepted by financial people and they were the only allowing the realisation. So, my conclusion, despite many opposition to that suggestion, everything is closely related to money or without money there is practically no innovation.

What you think about that, Gil?

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In reply to #46

Re: Innovation 101

11/15/2010 6:05 PM

The industrial revolution (in England) was based on textile production, most of which ran on hydro power, not steam.

Steam engines were first used in England to pump water from the coal mines.. and later on ships.

I agree that the steam engine was a critical technology, however deleting it would have slowed the rate of change, not killed it. It would have more severely limited the shipping than the textile production. It was coal mining however that permitted the growth of cities, and therefore factory workers.

How many critical technologies are we missing right now, that will enable the future?



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Anonymous Poster
In reply to #47

Re: Innovation 101

11/17/2010 11:31 AM

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the reply and that way we can learn more about what happened. Also, I want to add that coal added more efficiency to the steam engine. Also, water falls and hydro power was limited to the quantity of water was available and cannot change its place. However, steam engine with coal become perfectly mobile, driven to Stephenson's locomotive and Brunel's boats...

After my opinion, Watts innovation was the initiator of many technological progress we experince today. It's the same innovation as the wheel, use of metals, etc...

Have a nice and snowy day, Gil.


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In reply to #46

Re: Innovation 101

11/16/2010 9:21 AM

Hi Gil,

Sorry to say but, with all due respect, I believe that you are trying to defend an extremely narrow perspective. Furthermore, with such a narrow perspective on this innovation theme, it would seem all the more difficult for you to innovate, not to mention making a commercial success out of an innovation.

In your comments, money or lack thereof, sounds like an excuse. A close parent excuse to the various conspiration theories.

I suggest you look up a conference that is graphically illustrated on youtube. Just search "RSA" and among the list, select the one video that deals with motivation. I believe you may find some enlightment is this. I certainly did !

Cheers always for life can be short !

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Anonymous Poster
In reply to #52

Re: Innovation 101

11/17/2010 12:00 PM

Hi Aviator,

Thanks for the enlightening reply but there is no defence of any "narrow perspective" about innovation. After my opinion, and I can be wrong, the wheel was an important innovation, isn't it? It became extremely commercialized, there are on airplanes, automobiles, bicycles, motos, and many other things we push, pull, conduct, ... So, inventions and innovations are related to commercialization, isn't it? It's one human invention. Lok around you and you will discover many of them and all join the same route, commercialization.

I don't have any excuse about money touching innovations. Also, you know the theories of innovation, name me one single invention and/or innovation that was created without involvement of some quantity of money. To make the first example of the innovation, we have to put some money on the table. Without money there is no production. The first piece involve production.

Sorry, I need to tell you I don't have any difficulties to make what I do, innovative or copy. I have to tell you, only your perception is "narrow" about innovation. Someone else will allocate good or off topic note. I already mentioned many innovations and no one was invented by me. So, I respect knowledge and others' brains. I concider, despite of certain needs for some enlightment about the subject, reasonably smart but not genious, and can work with other people without having my parents behind my shoulders.

Wish you good reflection time and take with sips a double espresso to get energy for the next comments, Gil.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #52

Re: Innovation 101

11/18/2010 12:05 PM

Hi Aviator,

Just to answer your good reply that innovation are all the time related to financial involvements.

This conclusion doesn't come from my simple knowledge but people who have the gots to put on papers, and screens to the whole world. I understand you cannot sit down or don't want to sit down and talk with someone who has different ideas, opinions about things than you. My mind is extremely open. I write many times, sometimes I am not correct or oppose to someone but the correct ways and politely without attacking and using durty words like do many.

My "narrow persprective" ask: How many innovation was not realized without involvement of money, and most of the time with lots of it?

Oh, inventions many times are without involvement of money. Again, I just repeat others, concidered valueable and knowledgeable people's sentences.

I don't want to elaborate about "close parent excuse" and other theories because I don't catch them and I am sure others don't catch it correctly too. Just to tell you, I was 18 years old and was alone without my parents in other side of the communist curtain and succeeded well during the remaining 54 years. Also, for your information, I filter well what is said about my curiosity and take what is good for me, the rest is just words, Gil.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #52

Re: Innovation 101

12/22/2010 11:37 AM

Hi Aviator,

After a few days of rest, I try to respond to a "good answer", which became a note from a psychologist and human analyzer. It's fine for me. However, just to tell for your explanation about my problem that I don't have problem at all. I can innovate or just improve some products that can be put on the market and make some money. Financial problems? I don't have any. I am not a rich person but I survived many hardship and still smile and have good humour, can talk friendly with anyone and never criticize what they do. Oh, I have suggestions for many things but it's just my opinion and not necessarily the truth. My opinions or anybody's are many times good and other times are not realistic.

I invent certain things but never or rarely exploit as an innovation because there is no one customer for it or I don't have the financial capability to exploit as an innovation and make money with it. I jump to the next with my permission.

If you are able to read what was said by others about financial problems to exploit one single invention into innovation, I just repeat to you, everyone in this blog and all around the world, people have difficulties to exploit what they invent. Steve Job and Wozniack, I can include Lindbergh, and I can fill pages and pages who never did nothing without the help of money, and they will never known as someone. So, people told me in this blog that they don't need money but 5 or more comments later they recognized that they have difficult time to realize their dream, "invention" because they don't have the necessary money for it. I'm not laughing but in today's world, global and fully commercial, innivations and money are involved together, only together everywhere.

Now, first, don't talk about anyone's close parents because is not your business. Second, you don't know them, isn't it? Also, there is no a single or various conspiracy involved between me and my parents or anyone. Also, at my age, I try to accomplish everything with my authorisation, could I?

And finally, who are you to get the authority to tell people what and how to do things. Suggest but don't be a teacher as you are but being not one. Enlightments I can find with people can accept another individuals without a critical pair of eyes and words that cannot create and nourish freindship.

I allow me to wish you and all yours the best holidays, Gil.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #23

Re: Innovation 101

12/03/2010 12:35 PM

Hi Aviator,

You just explained what I promote. Someone invented something that cannot be an innovative product. It's not innovative because the ordinary grease is the product.

What's wrong with the "soon certified product"? It's not an innovation, just an invention, and can be patented, Gil.

NB: We have many old patents reborn 25, 50 or more years later with success on the marketplace and became innovative from abandonned inventions.


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In reply to #14

Re: Innovation 101

11/12/2010 10:03 AM

GA Aviator

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In reply to #14

Re: Innovation 101

11/17/2010 12:24 PM

Hi Aviator,

There are some geniouses with innovations: Darwin, Watts, Cavendish, Brunel, Faraday, Maxwell. Now tell me that they are not have genious ideas and don't innovated. Oh, they are all English, sorry about it. I can name Giordano Bruno, Copernicus, Biro brothers or Sommelweiss. I stop.

After my opinion, they are genious people and fantastic innovators and inventors. Each have the same characteristics. How about that!?

Quality, good or bad, high or cheap, is inherent to the product, Gil.


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In reply to #65

Re: Innovation 101

11/17/2010 12:58 PM

Let's not forget the Chinese, who until about 500 years ago were the world leaders in innovation. But then the Ming emperor decided to burn the treasure fleet and execute the inventors, and a long Dark Age followed. Simon Winchester's new biography of Joseph Needham -- who discovered Chinese primacy in many technologies long thought to be European inventions -- is recommended reading. http://www.amazon.com/Man-Who-Loved-China-Fantastic/dp/0060884592

"Education is lighting a fire, not filling a bottle." -- Plutarch

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In reply to #66

Re: Innovation 101

11/17/2010 11:42 PM

As mrswamy rightly said, necessity is mother of invention till some time ago. Now most inventions mother is "Marketing Management & new business ideas". For example every 6 months a new model car/ two wheeler is introduced. Top oral-care brands do something and change the brush geometry and say that it is the ultimate toothbrush. I have worked on such tooth brush machines...most useless inventions. still in India many people use salted coal powder or Azadirachta indica (Neem) stick for brushing their teeth. I can tell hundreds of such bullish ideas to make people buy what they do not require at all!

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #71

Re: Innovation 101

12/22/2010 3:17 PM

Hi Sub,

I know you can tell many "bullish ideas". First, many people forget to drink pure water, the healthy liquid, and drink wine, gin, and other spirituous but preferably too much. Eat "French Fries" and became obese, and get cardiac problems, smoke cigarettes, and could die at the end of the story. People like to follow others. Health, happines, and enjoyment of life are secondary. What is said on the TV, written on the newspapers are ideas to accept and spend some money to get it.

All these are improvements and not inventions turned into innovations, like Gillette does for the shaving blades. The idea is: One, two, ... ,five blades. Nothing more. Brush is the same with different handle, point!

Innovations as gadgets drive some businesses for some times. However, it can become a habit and this kind of businesses, doing gadgets, are exploiting ignorance and turn people in irrealistic world and situations. Evolution of Tylanol is the best example: Cures everything.

I don't want to wait a few years to double my investments. I don't invest. I do things to earn my money. By working I already give money to the government, and other people. Why I have to make rich someone I don't know? Also, many people get the surprise of their life to see their money flushed in the toilet, losing savings and life economy. It's sad but real.

Invent something small that you don't need to much money to turn into innovation, and make some profits to get a better life for yourself, and follow up with the next invention but bigger. This is easier than big things with lots of involvements and people around, and less profits for yourself.

When I am alone, I sit down to think what I can do new and different? What other people need or what could be replacing something already existing but the new will be better?! Don't forget, make handy a piece of paper and a pen to write down everything! Just accumulate all papers and sometime, calmly select, and start to work on the best you have on hand. Again, plan to see something new, do it to test and get opinion about it, study how can be better and do it, and act to exploit your invention as an innovation.

Everyone born and can be an inventor but need to turn into innovation what is new and different!

All the best for the Holidays, Gil.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #66

Re: Innovation 101

11/18/2010 12:11 PM

Hi Wikmot,

I remember the movie about Buttger who reinvented the porcelain in a castle close to Prague. Yes, Chinese science was extremely developed before the Renaissance but shot down completely after.

Thanks for the suggestion, Gil.


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Re: Innovation 101

11/11/2010 9:58 AM

I believe that innovation comes from attitude. The key traits for me are:

Willing to take risks and taking them.

Try, try and try some more until you get it down.

Like and enjoy change. Do things differently just because.

Be willing to triumph or fail no matter what.

Stick to the idea until proven different. If things don´t work out study and understand why.

I believe this can be learned, but you have to have the will. I for one believe that I was born with it. I want to be different. Read alot. Read things like Atlas shrugged and the fountainhead (specially) and the goal. Read things that challenge your thoughts, not things that make you stay in the status quo.

Anything can be made... With time, money and brains.
Anonymous Poster
In reply to #16

Re: Innovation 101

12/03/2010 12:47 PM

Hi Numbers,

Invention and innovation is an new and different idea! It's brainwork! The following steps are one route or different directions, depending of the idea and it's finality, Gil.

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Re: Innovation 101

11/11/2010 4:25 PM

I personally think that innovators are made, because you can make yourself whatever you want to be. i know that from firsthand expirience.

I didnt do it!

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In reply to #19

Re: Innovation 101

11/12/2010 10:35 AM

Innovators are -

Born with the ability

Brought up in an environment that allows development of that ability.

Plus a shyt load of luck thrown in.

An old boss used to point out to people - 'Working hard isn't it - you have to work hard and smart'.

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Anonymous Poster
In reply to #27

Re: Innovation 101

12/03/2010 12:53 PM

Hi Russ,

I already said, everyone got born one day, and inventors too!

Inventors do things by themselves. They are independent and cannot directed by others.

Luck is a major mfactor in many things and many issues.

Working but never work hard because hard work is slavery and slavery cannot allow inventoin. Work smart is the best and the mother of all solutions.

Yes, solutions are inventions, Gil.

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In reply to #19

Re: Innovation 101

01/05/2011 5:04 PM

Do it, just do it. (regrowing of limbs) The more the others say it is not possible the more you have to treat the naysayers as fuel.

Good luck, Ky.

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