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What If You Could Conduct Your Research in 25% Less Time?

Posted May 26, 2019 12:00 AM by Joe Kroog
Pathfinder Tags: data engineering information trends

Drowning in a sea of information. That’s become an eerily common theme across today’s engineering departments. The current trend is 40% increase in information available to engineers on a year-over-year basis is creating massive information overload. Engineering leaders know the best teams and companies must be able to quickly sort through and harness the authoritative knowledge and ignore or even suppress unvetted information.

At a time where engineering leaders are trying to achieve their revenue plan, increase team productivity while facilitating knowledge transfer, stay ahead of competition, meet regulations and control costs; information overload compounds the problem. Directly impacting each of these factors is information overload. 30-50% of an engineers’ time is spent searching for information. On average, engineers consult more than 13 different sources of information inside and outside the company to solve of a problem.

Engineering teams utilizing Engineering Workbench from IHS Markit have reduced research time to 5 – 10% of their time. In a single source and single search engine, engineers are discovering real answers to complex problems across vast sources of information and knowledge both inside and outside the organization – far beyond 13 sources; potential up to more than 400 different sources. Over 150 million authoritative documents in a single source – standards, engineering handbooks, patents, journal articles, plus internal documents.

One medical device company conducted a study of two user groups – the first conducting engineering operations the way they always have, the second replicating those same tasks but with using Engineering Workbench. The result, a 25 difference in engineering productivity when using Engineering Workbench. What do you do with that 25% gain – products are delivered on-time, you invest more in R&D, cost and waste are reduced thus increasing profitability, and the pressures of knowledge transfer and enabling your younger engineers to problem solve more efficiently.

Read the full article on IHS Markit Engineering Trends, Insights and Innovations.


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Re: What If You Could Conduct Your Research in 25% Less Time?

05/29/2019 2:26 PM

The English language or more accurately STEM use of the English language needs a new word to allow for a bifurcation and differentiation of the two types of "research" performed. There is the research of combing through troves of established knowledge in order to enlighten the researcher how something should work. This is the type of research discussed in this article. The time to perform this type of research most certainly can be improved upon. However, the research of the "R" in R&D and the experimental research that created that trove of knowledge often cannot be improved upon. Often these explorations into the unknown will unavoidably result in no immediately viable, positive result. One cannot expedite this research into a positive result. However, as Leticia Gasca explains, mindfully failing can produce better rewards.

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Re: What If You Could Conduct Your Research in 25% Less Time?

05/30/2019 9:56 AM

I didn't fail a thousand times, I discovered 1000 ways not to build a light bulb.

Paraphrased, T. Edison.

Knowing is the end result of learning, not believing.
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Re: What If You Could Conduct Your Research in 25% Less Time?

05/31/2019 1:12 PM

Sounds like you are talking about the difference between archived develop-ED research of previously created knowledge, as opposed to recently created knowledge based on currently develop-ING knowledge under on-going research...?

(i.e.: reducing research-completion-time by doing less redundant research...)

''illigitimi non carborundum...''(i.e.: don't let the fatherless (self-deluding,sabotaging, long-term-memory-impaired, knee-jerking, cheap-shotting, mono-syllabic, self-annointed, shadow-lurking, back-biting, off-topic-inquisitors) grind you down...)
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Re: What If You Could Conduct Your Research in 25% Less Time?

05/31/2019 4:26 PM

I believe this deals with standards and references to them....basically you pay a fee for access to a searchable database that has all the standards....A handy tool if you have the need for it...

..."The industry's top standards management solution from IHS Markit connects your entire enterprise to the world's largest collection of continuously updated engineering and technical reference documents from nearly 500 standards developing organizations and publishers."...

This is basically an advertisement...

All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life
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Re: What If You Could Conduct Your Research in 25% Less Time?

05/31/2019 6:39 PM

There may be something to the subject software, depending on the particular application, especially as complexity seems to be more ''fashionable'' all the time...

My ''hip-pocket workbench'' needs are simple enough to usually be met by me generating an impromptu Excel(R) spreadheet developed, as the ( need / opportunity ) arises...

''illigitimi non carborundum...''(i.e.: don't let the fatherless (self-deluding,sabotaging, long-term-memory-impaired, knee-jerking, cheap-shotting, mono-syllabic, self-annointed, shadow-lurking, back-biting, off-topic-inquisitors) grind you down...)

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Re: What If You Could Conduct Your Research in 25% Less Time?

06/04/2019 9:36 AM

Thanks @SolarEagle for your comment and diligence. This is a prevalent problem that impacts companies large and small and we find in speaking with engineering leaders not everyone is aware of the primary causes nor that there is a solution that can deliver this degree of improvement. Hopefully these resources can be useful to anyone experiencing these challenges and naturally we'd love to be considered as a solution partner to anyone addressing this challenge.


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Re: What If You Could Conduct Your Research in 25% Less Time?

06/04/2019 9:23 AM

Interesting distinction in "research" @redfred. I disagree; however, the creation of knowledge can be improved upon and expedited, particularly in the context of eliminating redundant exploratory research because someone has already done that research. VTT Tiedotteita cites that "..over 70% of companies admit to investing in research that led to a previously patented solution." And the European Commission (DG Research) and the European Patent Office cites "up to 30% of all expenditure in R&D is wasted on redeveloping existing inventions."

But you are correct in that the intent of my post is about the consumption of vetted, authoritative knowledge that an engineering leader wants his team applying to new projects.

Thanks for your comment and evoking a great thread.

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