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Working Through Challenges to Increase Supply Chain Efficiency

Posted September 06, 2020 12:00 AM by ahorner_22
Pathfinder Tags: radwell supply chain

There are many opportunities to increase supply chain efficiency. There are also many challenges. By working through some of the challenges with some practical methods, any organization can increase their supply chain efficiency.

Let’s start by exploring a few of the challenges.

Risk Management

Identifying risks within a system and rectifying those risks to minimize their effect promotes a healthy supply chain. Risk management should be happening at all levels of the supply chain.


Finding the right talent to product the right results is key. The right people will positively impact efficiency every day.

Cost Control

Costs related to the supply chain are always increasing. By managing around increases, the operation will be more efficient.

Where there are challenges there are potential solutions. Here are a few:

Become Cloud-based

Getting your operation cloud-based can go a long way towards increasing efficiency. Cloud-based means ease of access and sharing between employees and less storage space needed for paper record keeping.


Making communication simple and encouraging frequent communication is a big step in business efficiency. It may work best to work towards streamlining all communication systems.


Being able to utilize machine-based tools to automate tasks will increase efficiency. When you can remove the unpredictable aspects of the supply chain and replace them with solutions that happen automatically, it creates a more efficient system.

Hiring the Right Personnel

Meeting staffing goals based on a plan will result in people who are very connected to the system. When everyone is working towards the same goals, efficiency will increase. Hiring the right people impacts all the challenges listed above.

In any industry there are always going to be challenges to efficiency. By managing some of the basic aspects, any organization can increase the quality and consistency of the results within their operation.

Editor's note: This post is sponsored by Radwell International.


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Re: Working Through Challenges to Increase Supply Chain Efficiency

09/06/2020 2:22 PM

It seems from recent events that the supermarket supply chains have been fine-tuned for efficiency in normal times but are then more susceptible to disruptions. It's more efficient to only stock the normal amount of toilet paper and sanitary wipes that are sold on a weekly basis until panic buyers buy it soon after the shelves are stocked. Empty shelves then breed more panic.

Just-in-time stocking minimizes the shelf space required, but perhaps less fine tuning would be more robust. Just a thought...


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Re: Working Through Challenges to Increase Supply Chain Efficiency

09/07/2020 8:00 AM

You can't expect retailers to keep backup beyond a minimum, that's why you as a consumer must keep a backup tailored to your own needs...I call it practical prepping...A 2 - 3 month supply of everything your family needs and uses...

All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life

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Re: Working Through Challenges to Increase Supply Chain Efficiency

09/07/2020 10:57 AM

You're right. We pretty much do the same thing, although not quite 2-3 month's worth, and just necessities. Most emergencies (like storms) are short-lived and local, not like the recent mess.

It's best to prep for the necessities, stay flexible for the rest, and to avoid having to buy from "".

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