In recent weeks we’ve talked about eliminating political discussions, reporting things to moderators and also rating threads and comments.
If executed, this will all lead to a more positive, collaborative community. The internet is a cesspool of snark, trolls, egos and cynicism. CR4 will not become a habitat for this general internet toxicity.
But that means users need to consider how they interact with each other. As corny as it sounds, invoke the golden rule. If you are not looking for an argument, do not be argumentative.
This means you may sometimes need to let a sideways comment go, or ignore someone who is trying to bait you into an argument. This also means not giving cynical answers or purposefully unhelpful replies to users, especially new ones who might not be up to speed on CR4 etiquette and quirks. If you feel a user is too antagonistic or offensive, please remember to report them.
To quote former queen Savvy, “Please remember to be courteous to one another on the forum. If the only response you can formulate is a nasty one, don't post a reply.”
It is a bit hard to define my message any further than “be nice to each other,” but that is the gist.
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