The energy crisis is far from over. We are as dependent on foreign oil today as we were yesterday. In what will hopefully pan out to be more than a political uprising, Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City has proposed investing in wind turbines. Does the loud picture of a turbine mounted to the Empire State Building seam surreal? Is this the beginning of a new era - and possible energy revolution - that could lead to our energy independence?
I would suggest that the promotion of wind energy by building turbines on the infrastructure in New York City is a lost effort. The skyline is beautiful and turbines would become mired in debate - as has been the case in the Adirondacks in Upstate New York - that they destroy the scenery. Also, is it safe to put large rotating turbines so close to a densely-populated metropolitan district?
If you read the recent article published by the New York Post, you may begin to feel hope and excitement about a public statement from a governing body that realizes the need for a multi-pronged approach to help fix our energy crisis. Maybe building a wind farm not within the city itself (but a few miles off shore) would be a huge step in the right direction. When all is said and done, and any action to implement new energy sources has been taken, I would be more than happy to re-live the slogan "I Love NY!"
Re: The New Windy City