Started out in construction (from digging ditches to job superintendent) but economic recession in mid 70's forced me to re-think career path and continue higher education which started in 1970.
Spent 15 years ('70 - '85) getting an electrical engineering degree at age 37 in 1985 and offered a job as an engineer at the same university before graduation. Took longer that way, but I kept clothes on the wife and kids and food in their mouths.
Developed custom electronic circuits for engineering research for ~15
years while division director of several EE's ME's, and engineering
undergraduate and graduate students.
Now I'm ready to graduate again (RETIRE!) after 30 years of service, but took an option upon retirement to work for another 5 years (or less, my option). Now RETIRED!!!
Professional Engineering license since 1990.
Now, every day's Saturday!!!
As of early March '10, I'm tired of cold and wet weather . . . I hope Al Gore returns the Nobel Prize he got for sensationalizing "Global Warming."