Can any one help me with information on the following AC electric motor? It comes off a metal lathe and can be run in either direction by a rotary switch.
Details are AC 240 V, 50 Hz, 1/2 HP, 4.2 Amps, Class E (which I presume is the class of the heat insulation on the wiring), capacitor start, built for continuous running and built in the peoples republic of China. There is one more thing on the manufactures plate and that is simply No 3.
I can get it to run in one direction by giving it a hand start. It hesitates but then starts to turn. In the other direction it does the same but then stops, starts again before coming to a complete halt and repeats this till the voltage is removed. Before giving it a hand start the motor growls and vibrates for both directions. There are four wires into the motor via a terminal block, plus an earth line. The capacitor is under a cover screwed to the side of the motor. This machine has cost me plenty over the last two years and I would like to get an idea of the size of the job before throwing more money at it. Any help would be appreciated. I am not very good with computers but a quick web search gave me no real help.
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