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Clean Free Energy

09/05/2010 1:09 PM

I have this concept that if a gas is compressed under high pressure in a water tube boiler the heat energy that will be produced by the rise in temperature & pressure ( caused by the kinetic energy possessed by the particles of the gas ) can be used to generate steam to drive a turbine . The pressurised gas replaces the fuel in the water tube boiler .

Before the cycle can start the the valves will have to be closed so that the pressurised gas can heat up the water to turn it into steam

When sufficient super heated steam has been generated the valves can be open to let the steam out & let the water in

However there two problems that make this idea impractical …. There might be more

Problem #1 the constant flow of water in to the boiler will decrease the temperature of the compressed gas as the heat is transferred to the water

This problem can be fixed by installing an identical boiler (B) next to the first one (A) , so that when boiler (A) delivers steam to the turbine , boiler (B) will be generating steam.

When the temperature in boiler (A) has dropped , it can be closed so that it can generate steam while boiler (B) delivers steam to the turbine

NOTE : the pressure of the gas must not drop below a certain value so that the kinetic energy that remain in the particles of the gas can used to gain back the heat energy that was transferred to the water

An unstable gas (acetylene) will have to be used becaused when pressurised unstable gasess heat up very quickly

Problem #2 the heat that is produced by the pressurised gas will be absorbed by the surrounding atmosphere , so the boilers will have to be contained in a vacuum

Note :there might be a need to install more than two boilers if the two don't generate enough heat

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Re: clean free energy

09/05/2010 1:28 PM

You are not DaS energy's relative are you?

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Re: clean free energy

11/16/2010 8:11 AM

Hello tcmtech.

Do I note a hint of sarcasm.

Answer is no.

Mind you if he gets it going the world awaits.

I would like to know how the pressure of the gas is first raised.

Co2 turbines still have to source heating above minus ten degrees Celsius.



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Re: clean free energy

09/05/2010 1:44 PM

Dear Mqb, OMG your right!!!! btw have you applied for the patent yet? Wait hold the presses.... how does a boiler compress gases? those little molecules seem to want to expand, until we cool them. I think I'm on to something here... I will get back you, in the mean time try reading up on thermodynamics. I recall reading somewhere that Free is not unheard of.

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Re: Clean Free Energy

09/05/2010 2:52 PM

Of course you are right a gas will reach under adiabatic, polytropic or constant volume conditions a high temperature when compressed. To compress a gas some ENERGY is required. When the gas is cooled by heat transfer to the water it will loose its by compression gained energy so that for the next cycle a new amount of energy has to be "pumped" in to rise again its temperature. Gas being a compliant stuff the compression energy is important and the energy you obtain from the water vapour in the turbine will be LESS this energy invested in compression. So that without a continuous "energy pump" to supply the input energy your system will work once and stop after the first cycle. I do not mention all looses in heat to environment aso.

Please try to find a site where discussions over "free energy" are accepted.

CR4 is NOT the right place we have too much respect for the basics of physics and cannot agree with "solutions" contrary to basic thermodynamic laws.

Any way if you succeed to build a system working against those laws we will be or at least I shall be the first to congratulate.

The reason for the question in the 1st answer is related to a similar discussion during last weeks. I hope you will be more permeable to comments and not invest time effort and even money is such not viable projects.

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Re: Clean Free Energy

09/05/2010 3:13 PM

You can get clean, 'free' energy from a waterfall. (Well, free aside from that minuscule billion dollars you spend on the dam, turbines, the cost of the land in the flooded valley and so forth). Likewise you can get 'free' geothermal energy, 'free' wind energy, and 'free' solar energy. Depending on your point of view, any source could be considered 'free' -- or none of them.

So what's the natural source compressing the gas for you? Why not skip the middleman, so to speak, and send that compressive energy directly to the turbines?

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Re: Clean Free Energy

09/05/2010 3:22 PM

Speaking of thermodynamics, where can I get some of Gibb's free energy? Does anyone know his e-mail address?

The older I am, the better I used to be
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Re: Clean Free Energy

09/06/2010 12:08 AM

Note: it might be wise to run very quickly when using acetylene heated & pressurized.

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Re: Clean Free Energy

09/06/2010 1:23 AM

I was waiting for that one.

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Re: Clean Free Energy

09/06/2010 4:27 AM

OK, so cut out the steam part and use the pressurised gas to turn the turbine. After all, water/steam is only a heat transfer fluid.

Where does the energy come from to pressurise the gas?

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Re: Clean Free Energy

09/06/2010 7:05 AM

I think this guy needs some serious help or he needs to go back to school period.

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Re: Clean Free Energy

09/06/2010 7:14 AM

The idea does have a couple (dozen) serious shortcomings and lack of scientific basis.

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Re: Clean Free Energy

09/06/2010 8:23 AM

You are a brave soul to actually post this on CR4.

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Re: Clean Free Energy

09/06/2010 10:50 AM

And what pray tell will you heat the steam with? Won't that incur cost? And pollution?

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Re: Clean Free Energy

09/06/2010 12:04 PM


Judging from your drawing, you have been learning from answers to earlier questions on CR4. The device you have described is essentially a "perpetual motion machine", which is impossible to have for a number of good reasons you will learn when you study physics and engineering.

Are you familiar with "friction", which is one form of how mechanical energy is converted into heat? It is often described in classroom experiments as "The mechanical equivalent of heat." Any moving substance (whether gas, liquid, an automobile, or anything else), as it moves through or in contact with another substance, will transfer some of its energy to the adjoining substance. This is one of the many ways in which a process of moving gas or liquid through a pipe is less than 100% thermally efficient. Because of friction, you will have a pressure drop down the length of a pipe, as water or gas flows through it. Different surfaces have different contributions to friction--called the "coefficient of friction"--but there are none that are completely without friction.

Are you familiar with conduction, which is described as the transfer of thermal energy from a warmer to a colder object by direct physical contact. In the terms of the kinetic theory of gases, the atoms within a warmer gas vibrate with greater intensity than those of a cooler one. As they contact each other, this vibration is transferred from the warmer ones to the cooler ones. The result is a container in which the temperature of all the contents is the same. However, conduction also removes energy from the container through the walls. Insulation reduces the rate of such energy removal, but it is always present (except in a perfect vacuum). Therefore, there is a tendency for the process (without an external source of heat) to equilibrate at a uniform temperature, and for this temperature to change up or down according to the temperature of the environment surrounding it.

In Chemistry and Physics there is a term called "entropy", which is describable in terms of the amount of randomness or non-uniformity in the system being considered. In the two topics above, as the process equilibrates due to thermal conduction or slows down due to friction, the "entropy" of the system has increased towards its maximum. In order to re-create a non-uniform system, you must have a means of working against these effects of friction or conduction. This is an external input of energy; which is described as lowering the system's "entropy". You just can't get energy out of a closed system forever, because doing so drives that system towards equilibrium and maximum "entropy".

Hence, the impossibility of "perpetual motion" and the scorn, satire, and humor that such suggestions receive when they are presented to a 'blog site such as CR4.


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Re: Clean Free Energy

09/06/2010 11:30 PM

I might only be a machinist, not an engineer but even I know enough to run away from anyone who wants me to build them a perpetual motion machine, or any other device which miraculously produces something from nothing. Fools....Perhaps studying magic and the black arts might get them further in their quest....

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Re: Clean Free Energy

09/09/2010 3:16 PM

I am "only" a machinist, too, but if they pay me too make their pieces for them, I will gladly take their money. I have taken enough money from engineers for bits that I knew would not work. (Just try telling them that though!)

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