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How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/04/2011 12:33 PM

The earth is losing millions of ton every minute.

Thank you for your attention.

I have to tell you about my research, the result is terrifying as you could easily count out for yourself. The last 12 years I have studied our earth and how we destroy it day by day.

The scientists, all over the world, have never thought about this my conclusion. Sometime I wonder if there are some people somewhere hiding this truth for the whole world.

I have registered this in several places around the globe, this if some scientists would like to copy this and say they have found this out earlier by them self.

If you have further interest and seriously like to discuss this with me I´m open minded for this.

I have even sent the documents for registration to President Barak Obama.

Here are my solutions for you as the first person after US President Obama.

If you hang up a model of our earth in some sort of a weighing thing so that you could see how much your model is waging, and then could open the model, take away some weight and then you could see that the earth have lost weight, ok.

This is easy to do and easy to count out. Let me tell you that every cubic meter coal have the weight of 2.2 thousand kilo.

EVERY day, we are using all over the world 100-million ton coal. Count out how much this will be in only ONE YEAR.

Every day we are using at least 1-hundred million liter of oil. We don't know exact because in many places in the world we are pumping up oil and no one knows how much.

And here is the result; our earth is losing weight every minute, every day and nobody have ever found out of this.

Ok, I am talking about our globe and it's BALLAST.

The earth is losing MILLIONS OF TONS of its ballast, every hour around the clock.

The coal as well as the oil will be gas after that we have burned it and the globe will lose weight every second, minute and hour.

Please, handle this seriously and you will even have some documents of mine as well.

I like to stand up for the world and for people who really are interested in how to save the globe from more damage, we live near the catastrophe.

We have to speed up, yes.

Sweden January 2011

Energy Architect

Leopold Makender

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Re: How to stop us from using Coal and Oil...

02/04/2011 12:39 PM

BFD. Maybe this balances out the added mass of incident meteoritic dust.

Write Oprah.

In vino veritas; in cervisia carmen; in aqua E. coli.
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Re: How to stop us from using Coal and Oil...

02/04/2011 12:44 PM

<...The earth is losing MILLIONS OF TONS of its ballast, every hour around the clock....The coal as well as the oil will be gas after that we have burned it and the globe will lose weight every second, minute and hour....>

Absolute codswallop.

If it did that, then Conservation of Angular Momentum would predict that it would speed up, and it's not doing that.

Wherever that concept came from one will find an originator that doesn't understand how to balance a chemical equation and doesn't understand Conservation of Mass either.

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Re: How to stop us from using Coal and Oil...

02/04/2011 1:03 PM

Hi Kastrupsky,

Your premise is wrong, and that may be why you are being ignored.

In a chemical reaction such as burning, the mass of the products equals the mass of the constituents. So, when we burn one kilogram of coal (if for simplicity we call coal all carbon) we create 3 2/3 kg of CO2. (In other words, we combine 1 kg of coal with 2.66 kg of oxygen.)

We do not lose anything, we just recombine it. The weight we subtract from the earth's ground is added to its atmosphere.

Unfortunately, the situation may be much worse than you think. We have not only lost the use of the coal, we have also created a potent greenhouse gas. If CO2 could be easily divided again to form carbon and O2, we'd have no problem. But it cannot. It takes more energy to restore the constituents to their original form than we get out of burning them in the first place.

The scientists, all over the world, have never thought about this my conclusion.

All scientists who are concerned about energy usage and resource depletion are 1. fully aware that we are using an unsustainable amount of limited resources, and 2. creating millions of tons of CO2 in the process. The rate at which we are consuming all fuels is well known, and is staggering. However, the earth is much larger than many people think, and we have 40 years or so of petroleum left, 500 years of coal, thousands of years of uranium left, and billions of years of solar power left.

You are right to be concerned. The situation is probably worse than you think, but that has nothing to do with the earth losing mass: the mass of the earth and its atmosphere is effectively constant -- we are not going to spin off into another orbit, if that is what you are worrying about.

Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinis alacribus et fructuosis potiri potes!
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In reply to #3

Re: How to stop us from using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 9:36 AM

Ignored, I am not ignored, not at all and I know for sure that my lines are right, yes. What most people are is to BELIVE, no one realy KNOW. If the Globe are loosing 1-trillion ton it has lost 1-trillion ton. How you, and some others could say NO, I do not understand, if you have lost something you have lost it, whatever it is. Luck arround the earth and you will se that "something" is going one. You will se it will be wors day by day. If you do not understand, not means that many others do not. Some scientists say "near" and "not so long time" and "many years" and further. How much is NEAR, NOT SO LONG TIME, MANY YEARS etc etc. How near is NEAR????? How much is NOT SO LONG TIME????? What is MANY YEARS????? If we luck back what the scientists was talking about 25-40 years back manny things is not correct at all, ok. I´m talking about how to inform about the earth and universe. I like to do something NOW and it is to inform the world about my solutions for how to save us, doesent matter what some "intelligent people" are arguing about. Talk is talk, doing is to do, simple words from me to help the globe. If someone like to BELEIVE read the Bible, there is many things usefull for even them. With power, LeMak...

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Re: How to stop us from using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 6:00 PM

Actually, probably thinks we'll pop up 90 degrees to our present track since we're losing ballast.

MB, I;m A fan.

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/04/2011 1:38 PM

<...How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...>

Easy. Embargo fuel exports for Sweden.

"Did you get my e-mail?" - "The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place" - George Bernard Shaw, 1856
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/04/2011 1:40 PM

<....I´m allways surching for the talented people...>

Get a spell checker first.

"Did you get my e-mail?" - "The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place" - George Bernard Shaw, 1856
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/04/2011 7:18 PM

We do, indeed, lose weight. As we warm up, Stefan radiation means more energy zooms off into space. Of course you have to subtract any greenhouse effect since that energy is trapped. So, then, figure out the exponent on the forcing functions if you can. Then we would add in the insolation from the sun. Using E = mc2, we could convert that net energy to mass. And, thus, we must lose weight, or possibly gain weight. For one or the other then, we slowly start our death spiral into the sun.

This is gloomy. I'm gonna go get ready for the Super Bowl. I have to spray paint my driveway black and my car gold.

"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd
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In reply to #6

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/04/2011 7:34 PM

The earth is losing millions of ton every minute.

Thank you for your attention.

I have to tell you about my research, the result is terrifying as you could easily count out for yourself. The last 12 years I have studied our earth and how we destroy it day by day.

The scientists, all over the world, have never thought about this conclusion. Sometime I wonder if there are some people somewhere hiding this truth for the whole world.

I have registered this in several places around the globe, this if some scientists would like to copy this and say they have found this out earlier by them self.

If you have further interest and seriously like to discuss this with me I´m open minded for this.

I have even sent the documents for registration to President Barak Obama.

If you hang up a model of our earth in some sort of a weighing thing so that you could see how much your model is waging, and then could open the model, take away some weight and then you could see that the earth have lost weight, ok.

This is easy to do and easy to count out.

Let me tell you that every cubic meter coal have the weight of 2.2 thousand kilo.

EVERY day, we are using all over the world 100-million ton coal. Count out how much this will be in only ONE YEAR.

Every day we are using at least 100-million liter of oil. We don't know exact because in many places in the world we are pumping up oil and no one knows how much.

And here is the result; our earth is losing weight every minute, every day and nobody have ever found out of this.

Ok, I am talking about our globe and it's BALLAST.

The earth is losing MILLIONS OF TONS of its ballast, every hour around the clock.

The coal as well as the oil will be gas after that we have burned it and the globe will lose weight every second, minute and hour.

Please, handle this seriously.

I like to stand up for the world and for people who really are interested in how to save the globe from more damage, we live near the catastrophe.

We have to speed up and save the globe, yes.

Sweden January 2011

Energy Architect

Le Mak

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/04/2011 8:38 PM

Wow, there seems to be an echo in the room. Repeat this 17 more times, and maybe it might sway a few more weak-minded individuals.

In vino veritas; in cervisia carmen; in aqua E. coli.
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/04/2011 10:08 PM

"The earth is losing millions of ton every minute."

Where has it gone? Please tell me, because I want to go bring it back. We need that mass back, now! I hope we never lose 1/2 of our mass. Cause then we would be half-massed.

Just like your half massed idea.

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/04/2011 7:56 PM

I suspect this is a waste of time, but...

Perhaps you were asleep during the part of Physics class when the instructor discussed conservation of mass. You don't seem to have any grasp of the concept. Try reading a Physics book about this. In the meantime try this:

Whiskey, women -- and astrophysics. Because sometimes a problem can't be solved with just whiskey and women.
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 10:23 PM

The earth are LOOOOOOSING ballast every minute, ok. Power.

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/04/2011 11:24 PM

I agree so much with what your are saying. My research goes back 25 years. I know the solution. Just can't find anyone to trust that isn't in love with money or destruction. I will be going public as soon as I know the oil companies are not going to threaten me or my family. Oh ya. GE shelved several products of mine in the late 80's early 90's. Please write back soon. Any suggestions are welcomed.

Thank You,

Dr. Brook

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/04/2011 11:33 PM

DR. Brook,

Since you used the title doctor, could you provide us with your CV? Maybe your verifiable employment records? Or, some research notes? Or, some indication that we should take you seriously? So far I see no reason to.

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/04/2011 11:50 PM

Replying to lynlnch, NO! And NO! Your sarcasm and un-professionalism is just to be like everyone else who has no clue. Kastrupsky made a point and you made fun of it. I know it makes you feel like a big person. In all reality you have no idea what is going on. You are just seeking to discredit good people for your own personal gratification. When you do get a clue, if ever and stop being a bully, I would be happy to prove my theories and any credential I may have.

P.S. Does anyone have something to say on this topic that isn't demeaning to someone else?

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 12:12 AM

DR. Brook,

My, "sarcasm and un-professionalism" are self evident.

Your credibility and competence are not. You provide nothing tangible to support your wild accusations. You present nothing here that would convince anyone that you "have a clue".

Happy Trails, to you.

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 6:08 PM

Does this mean I'm not a real doctor?*

I have solution.......lyposuction the fat from all of the obese children and use as fuel. Use collected fat fuel to power schools. Three birds with one stone.*

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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In reply to #29

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 7:22 PM

Let me tell you little man. To be a doctor, architect or anything, you need ONLY to copy the books and so have your degreed, ok. To be inventor you have to THINK and DO. You are talking about things nevermentioned here, ok.

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 7:44 PM
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 7:51 PM

I am not little man! I am big man with little brain. 6' 4" 280 lbs. Tiny brain!*

Now you know truth,ok.

Childhood obesety big problem in US. Suck fat out of them and burn as fuel. No problem, ok.*

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 7:55 AM


Frankly, it's a silly idea, so I gave a silly reply. As momma used to say. . .

We're engineers. We ain't got no stinking credentials.

"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 12:36 AM

My true belief is to offer to the public an affordable solution to burning oil. This can be done by someone coming forward with a proven idea that would easily allow for the same power and fast pace lifestyle of todays world. I also believe it would be a great idea to teach our children to work together instead of try to get ahead by messing up someone else's life or idea.

"There are two types of people, People who talk about doing things, and People who do things they talk about." Dr.Brook
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 12:48 AM

Welcome to CR4. Please,"offer to the public an affordable solution to burning oil".

Please come, " forward with a proven idea that would easily allow for the same power and fast pace lifestyle of todays world."

I will grovel at your feet when you do.

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 1:00 AM

My last reply, if you would have noticed was not directed toward you or your ________ comments. It was in reply to the original on topic discussion brought forth by kastrupsky on "How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...". What positive thing do you have to contribute? I don't want to hear your comments on me, I would like to discuss with people, "How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...". P.S. There are other sites for chatting and senseless arguing, other places.

"There are two types of people, People who talk about doing things, and People who do things they talk about." Dr.Brook
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 6:14 AM

I am very intersted to see what you think. I do not know if I realy understood what are your thoughts: use oil and coal better or not at all ?

There are some laws which if we want or not are as they are for instance the nergy conservation and the fact that heat goes from high to low temperatures.

As long as your ideas are not against those basic principles it can be of general interest to listen to you.

If you want to avoid those nergy sources then which are the alternatives ? For time being there are a lot of efforts to reduce coal and oil usage and go green towerd sollar, wind, waves, geothermics, aso.

Do you have NEW ideas then you are welcome are your ideas going direction energy from nothing then better avoid to continue you will not be accepted since we "enjoy" many times a year such proposals and we are quite fedup with it.

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In reply to #20

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 12:19 PM

What laws and where? The globe has no laws at all. The only law there is it, is to SAVE the globe, nothing else. Solutions we have, Floating Energy Barges in the rivers of the globe will save the world totally. 6.5 million kilometers of rivers will take care of all what the globe need. And people use more power in their house as they need. Why are people heating up schools when they are not in there? 200 days per year the school is empty. Office buildings are empty 150 days per year, why warming them up or cooling them down. Why are people heating up there house when they are not home? It´s interesting how little people of today think. Many yeast talk, talk and talk, they do not like to say that they do not understand at all. NO ONE, doesn't matter who, do not know the whole thing about our earth, no one have the correct answer, ok. Confess and be happy...

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 1:56 PM

Mr. Kastrupsky, My post was addressed to Dr.Brooks. Politeness which is something practised as well in Sweden as in England is not to answer at the place of somebody else. Now to your comment. Assuming that earth has no laws is at least incorrect. Physics has laws. Thermodynamics are valid on earth and according to what was demonstrated even on other parts of the universe. I agree that people are not aware still about how big economies can be done. We will live in a more "expensive" world so that people will become sensitive due to higher cost. What you mention are NOT news since houses are build with a better insulation, what you call "Floating Energy Barges" is already done where it is ECONOMICAL to do it, temperature in non occupied rooms is even automatically lowered and again raised a limited time before people start to work. During summer holidays schools are not heated. In winter building there where snow is falling hard have to be heated to avoid roof collapses. What you list are OLD ideas. What I expect are NEW ideas and I thought that pearhaps Dr.Brooks has some as he claims. We can be glad that you came as the first to notice how thin our knowledge is, or at least that you thin to be the only one to have this feeling. Unfortunately you are neither the first nor the second many have started many years ago to list what you mention. To give you an example, about 30 years ago I lived on shore of a big European river. Together with a NON technical person I met we discussed the possibility to install low head small turbines as generators. The investment, with available technologies , was impossible to consider so big it was. The other aspect was the circulation of goods and several other aspects as the fact that the flow being slowed down there was an impact on the environment. The risk of flood was higher, aso. It is not so easy to materialize an idea, as a proverb say :"paper is patient accepts all what is written on". Think about NEW solutions yours are already in used or not possible.

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 4:35 PM

Sorry for the wrong reply. Any how, I have heard som many people talking about Floating Barges or similar, but NEVER they could tell where this FB are lokated, NEVER. Talk is one thing, to be honest is another. To heat up a House cost 50% more than for 40 years ago. How do you know anything about our Floating Barges? You know nothing att all about them, NOTHING at all. Heated or AC, the cost will be there, ok. If the houses are not correct constructed, they will collaps. Where did you live in a shore 40 years ago, in a FLOATING HOME? Tell me so that we can checking your info up, ok. Big investments for a FB, how do you know? Circulations was slowing down! Eighter you are zero or stupid. The RISK of flood! This is FLOATING units boy. Trye to send lies to people who do not understand what you talkingabout "nick name". PROFE what you are talking about. Power...

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 7:38 PM

Hello all. Good day to you. I was happy to see some great comments today when I got home. I agree that we should stop, not just because of the effect on mass, but so we can breath more clean air and promote global heath. I understand that the oil conglomerate would love to keep their jobs. There is nothing wrong with that. Everyone wants to make a living. I am just saying the earth would be a better place in many ways if we use readily available resources that are not harmful or as harmful to humans and animals alike. I know that the earth will revert back to its original state. We have history books that tell us this has happened many times before.

"There are two types of people, People who talk about doing things, and People who do things they talk about." Dr.Brook
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 7:48 PM

Mass is conserved.


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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 8:35 AM

Thank you SO much for signing in. Right or wrong, good or bad, it is always better to set yourself away from the anonymous crowd. There is no safety in anonymity in THIS forum!!!

If it was easy anybody could do it.
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 1:41 AM

Oh, no! It's kaputsky again!

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 2:25 AM

Give me the complete details, with equations and formulae, of your calculations. In English. No secrets allowed here. We won't tell anyone.

Align culture with nature...
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 8:11 AM

Kastrupsky said:

"I am talking about our globe and it's BALLAST.

The earth is losing MILLIONS OF TONS of its ballast, every hour around the clock.

The coal as well as the oil will be gas after that we have burned it and the globe will lose weight every second, minute and hour.

Please, handle this seriously and you will even have some documents of mine as well."

NO, No, NO!!!

We MUST KEEP Burning coal and oil. We NEED to do this to make Earth lighter so that it will drift away from the Sun. In about 4 Billion years the Sun will begin to EXPAND. If the Earth does not drift away from the Sun it will get consumed by the Sun's fire.

We MUST KEEP burning coal and oil!!!

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 10:53 AM

GA as good as it is going to get on this thread.

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 8:23 PM

Duplicate post alert! Go ahead, sprinkle this same nonsense every 3rd or 4th post through the thread.

In vino veritas; in cervisia carmen; in aqua E. coli.
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In reply to #35

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 8:38 PM

Duplicate not intentional, Internet is a great thing. Yes I have these claims. It seams to me that some would like to discredit me right from start. I must be a threat to their existence because, human error has been to discredit instead of credit. I would love to show my proven new theories to all, however and consequently some ladies and gents would just love to keep hurting others. So I would like to very soon lay everything out for you. I would like also to keep my family safe.

"There are two types of people, People who talk about doing things, and People who do things they talk about." Dr.Brook
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 9:19 PM

Your story is not remotely believable, at least from how you have presented it so far.

In vino veritas; in cervisia carmen; in aqua E. coli.
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In reply to #37

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 10:18 PM

You, believable! Could you tell what BELIEVE is? To KNOW is to KNOW, believe = NOTHING at all. Believe is FANTASI. Have you ever heard about REALITY, if not, learn what it is? And when you teaching yourself, learn even what REALITY is, as well as what PROF is, ok. Any men could bring fantasy to the world, like in the courtroom, but few could bring reality to the world. Assumption is nothing at all, only fantasy. That man who thinks he is bright will sooner or later find out that he is not. To say something, and not really know, is NOTHING. Power…

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 10:05 PM

So heavy, so big talk, all this stories, so bad informed many people are, filled up with so much hate and knowing nothing, unknowing game. The Devil seems to have so many people in his hand, why and how could so many handling without knowledge, only hate and war in the mind, and refuse to examine and understand, fantastic. Almost people her think they are right, most of this people know so little of what´s going on in the world of today, and this have been going on for decades. Live and let live, help those who like to save the world, do not work against the globe if you do not understand. Environment solutions, have you ever heard about it? Tomorrow we do not exist anymore, but our children will, they do not know what's going on, but sure, they do not like to do anything but live in this splendid beautiful world we still have. Help the world to sustain, stop the hate and try to live for the best winches, by helping each other. It doesn't matter how bright you think you are, or how much money you have, there is always someone else who is brighter and richer than you, the earth will take you to the ground and to the worms anyhow. Power…

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In reply to #38

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 11:07 PM

Seeing none, Move to adjourn.


People say between two opposed opinions the truth lies in the middle. Not at all! Between them lies the problem, what is unseeable,eternally active life, contemplated in repose. Goethe
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In reply to #41

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/05/2011 11:41 PM

I second the motion to adjourn.

Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinis alacribus et fructuosis potiri potes!
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Anonymous Poster
In reply to #38

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 12:49 AM

I sense you are trying to communicate something.

You mention "energy barges". Are you trying to start a discussion about using energy barges to reduce the amount of coal and oil consumed? If so, perhaps starting a thread the defines what you mean by energy barge and then presents your case for their implementation would go better than this thread seems to be going.

Probably better not to bring up your idea about the earth losing its mass. Review "Conservation of Mass." Those who claim that science and the laws of physics do not apply do not get a very positive reception at CR4. This site, after all, focuses on engineering and science.

Do you know the Doctor? Seems strange that you both showed up at the same time.

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In reply to #38

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 8:46 AM

This sounds like a personal attack. Mr. Kastrupsky, nobody here is attacking you, just they feel that way you have explained your theory violates a couple of very well proven elements of physics.

You must agree that your statement at the very top states that the whole earth is getting lighter. You know that is not true because of the very well proven principle of physics known as "conservation of mass".

Perhaps if you re-phrase your statements, taking those principles into account, people on this forum will take you as seriously as you deserve.

If it was easy anybody could do it.
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In reply to #46

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 9:58 AM

Mr Yosef, or whoever you are, this is NOT theory, it´s fact, ok. No one, nowhere, know more than that some scientists have FINDE out. If you check the information's they have given to the world, you will find that none of them is able to PROOF anything at all; they have their THEORY and ASSUMPTION, nothing else, ok. As you know, BELEIVE is NOTHING. If 1 liter gasoline is burned to gas we have lost 1 kilo, nearly, naturally, yes. OK; If you could PROOF this, and I mean PROOF this, I will change my statements, yes, at once, but you have to PROOF it, nothing else, no theory or any reference to something you don't know anything about. Talk is talking nothing else; proof is proof, nothing else. Yosef, the bright one, if burning up coal and oil there will be gas, OK! Please PROOF to me, tell me the REAL facts, where the weight of 100-billion cubic meter of Coal and 1-thousand million liter of oil will go, or be, where will the weight be? No one else on this earth could do anything but ASSUMPT this, ok. The earth is NOT producing any new coal or oil, no way at all. Einstein was talking about this long time ago; if we send out to the space weights, and C2, the earth is losing its weight, yes. How to get it back? I will be happy if you could, or someone else, PROOF that we are not losing weights from the earth every day, and do not talk, PROOF it, thank you very much. If you could PROOF that the earth is not losing weight, the same weight as mentioned above, you could have the Nobel Prize at once. Proven, "conservation of mass", by whome? Can they PROOF this?

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In reply to #47

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 10:21 AM

Good Morning to you all, It is a snowy day here. I agree with the proof. Mass theories are just theories. If they are proven, they are fact! So my 13 year old and I agree if you take a liquid from one part of a spinning mass, such as an egg, and you put it on the other side as a gas, it will no longer spin in a uniform state. Yes the earth is large. It takes a long time to accomplish this effect (a fact). It will happen however. Just like my sons science experiment. If a good scientist has a proven, patented product, such as floating barges, then sham on you for not using them. Mr. Yusef1, welcome to this forum. I know the difficulties here. I understand the frustration of the worlds scientist. I also understand that the ladies and gents who are out just to disprove everything are only going to contribute to the problem. You sound open minded to the solutions. I have kept my mouth shut, and observed for 30 years, Now I have something to say.

"There are two types of people, People who talk about doing things, and People who do things they talk about." Dr.Brook
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Anonymous Poster
In reply to #48

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 10:57 AM

"If a scientist has a proven patented product, such as floating barges"

You failed to mention the fact that the two of you are working together. Kaputsky has not mentioned that this is a patented product.

The two(?) of you share a remarkably similar disdain for real science.

How do you propose to measure the degree of mass imbalance of the earth, and how will you redistribute mass from heavy spot to light spot? How have you monitored the masses of all ores removed from one place on earth and moved to another?

Where, in your imagination, is the "light spot?" where is the "heavy spot?" What is the current oscillation magnitude cause by this imbalance?

BTW mass "theories" are fact.

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In reply to #50

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 11:08 AM

Dear Guest, Yes! and the effects are devistating, I will be sharing my research soon.

Here is what is being said:

Simultaneous inversion of the Earth's mantle viscosity and ice mass imbalance in Antarctica and Greenland

Sabadini, R.; Tosi, N.; Marotta, A.; Vermeersen, B. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2004, abstract #G51A-07

A self-consistent inversion procedure, based on the Levenberg-Marquardt method, has been used to invert simultaneously for the lower and upper mantle viscosity and for present-day ice mass loss in Antarctica and Greenland, within the framework of forward viscoelastic, stratified Earth's models based on an analytical, normal mode theory and on Satellite Laser Ranging data. The observational data are the even and odd zonal time variations of the Earth's gravity field, which we attribute to both Pleistocene deglaciation and present-day ice mass instabilities in Antarctica and Greenland. If Antarctica is considered as the only source of present-day melting, the lower mantle viscosity is about one order of magnitude higher than the upper mantle one and ice loss in Antarctica is -228 Gt/yr. If Greenland is also considered as a contributor to present-day melting, ice loss is partitioned between Antarctica and Greenland, with ice loss of -190 Gt/yr and -90 Gt/yr, respectively. The chi-square analysis show that Pleistocene deglaciation cannot be the only contributor to the time variations of the long-wavelength gravity field up to the harmonicdegree 8 and mass redistribution between the polar andf equatorial regions of the Earth is ongoing.

Emission Main article: Emission (electromagnetic radiation)

Emission is the opposite of absorption, it is when an object emits radiation. Objects tend to emit amounts and wavelengths of radiation depending on their "black body" emission curves, therefore hotter objects tend to emit more radiation, with shorter wavelengths. Colder objects emit less radiation, with longer wavelengths. For example, the Sun is approximately 6,000 K (5,730 °C; 10,340 °F), its radiation peaks near 500 nm, and is visible to the human eye. The Earth is approximately 290 K (17 °C; 62 °F), so its radiation peaks near 10,000 nm, and is much too long to be visible to humans.

Because of its temperature, the atmosphere emits infrared radiation. For example, on clear nights the Earth's surface cools down faster than on cloudy nights. This is because clouds (H2O) are strong absorbers and emitters of infrared radiation. This is also why it becomes colder at night at higher elevations. The atmosphere acts as a "blanket" to limit the amount of radiation the Earth loses into space.

The greenhouse effect is directly related to this absorption and emission (or "blanket") effect. Some chemicals in the atmosphere absorb and emit infrared radiation, but do not interact with sunlight in the visible spectrum. Common examples of these chemicals are CO2 and H2O. If there are too much of these greenhouse gases, sunlight heats the Earth's surface, but the gases block the infrared radiation from exiting back to space. This imbalance causes the Earth to warm, and thus climate change.

"There are two types of people, People who talk about doing things, and People who do things they talk about." Dr.Brook
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Anonymous Poster
In reply to #51

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 1:28 PM

Sorry, you misinterpreted my comment about theories and fact. Conservation of Mass is fact. Kraputsky's hunch is neither fact nor "theory" in the scientific sense.

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In reply to #48

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/07/2011 1:11 AM

This cant be true, is it?

I just farted! did I loose mass?

(anyone seriously tries to discuss this here?)

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In reply to #47

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 7:36 PM

Mr. Kastrupsky, a theory (Swedish "teori") IS a collection of facts. Theories can change only if the facts change. A hypotheis on the other hand is an idea into which you think the facts might fit. That things fall when you drop them is physical manifestation of the Theory of Gravity. I would accept proof of the theory of gravity by dropping my precious bottle of Aquavit out the window. If it floated away instead of falling, I would search for more facts, and attempt to develop a hypothesis which might explain it.

I know English is not your first language, so I offer this as proof of my sincerity. But we must all use the words as they are intended....we cannot change their meanings to suit ourselves!

However, are you serious that if I provide proof, that you will change your statements? What would constitute proof? There are many labs which can be done even in a kitchen sink which will "prove" the reality of conservation of mass. In other words, what would I have to do to "prove" it?

How about this lab experiment? If this lab experiment is not to your satisfaction, perhaps you can explain WHY not? It is good enough for me! And for the science students in his class. Why would it not be good enough for you?

(Mr. Yosef1 whoever I am? Gracious me sir, merely click on my name and you will learn all about me! )

If it was easy anybody could do it.
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In reply to #73

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 8:26 PM

Mr Yusef1, you do not seem to understand at all. I am not talking about how to throw out something from a bottle from some windows, no. I am talking about how to BURN things, coal as well as oil, this so it will be GAS and nothing else but GAS. Anyhow, I am very, very glad that so many are against me and my goal how to save the world. It is so nice and fantastic to give me all this negative words; it will support me for working more and more for the earth. I will leave you with your lies and your grate fanaticize as you like, some of you with your hate have helped me to be more secure that I am right in what I say, The Globe ARE losing weight, its ballast, anyhow, it doesn't matter what you say. You will not be able to proof if it's wrong what I say. The only thing you could do is to find out utterly some fantasy, nothing else. If nothing is wrong here on the earth how could anybody explain where all fish have gone, where are many of this fish now? Where are several hundreds of animals? The tiger is nearly wiped out, the crabs, the salmon, the birds, the bees, the flower, and so on. DDT was killing humans and BILLIONS of animals. How could anyone know what the scientists could do with the world with their "medicine"? 250-million people do have shell illness in Africa, and many children is dying every day. If we ask some scientists if they could proof anything, they do not answer at all. Scientists have been lying before and could do it again, nobody know which scientist who is the next liar. Thank you very much, you don´t have to follow this up, take care and do not think about how to save the globe, people who will do that they will do it anyhow. Power…

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In reply to #76

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 8:28 PM

What part of the science lab in the link I presented to you is not acceptable?

If it was easy anybody could do it.
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In reply to #77

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 8:32 PM

Mr Yusef1, you do not seem to understand at all. I am not talking about how to throw out something from a bottle from some windows, no. I am talking about how to BURN things, coal as well as oil, this so it will be GAS and nothing else but GAS. Anyhow, I am very, very glad that so many are against me and my goal how to save the world. It is so nice and fantastic to give me all this negative words; it will support me for working more and more for the earth. I will leave you with your lies and your grate fanaticize as you like, some of you with your hate have helped me to be more secure that I am right in what I say, The Globe ARE losing weight, its ballast, anyhow, it doesn't matter what you say. You will not be able to proof if it's wrong what I say. The only thing you could do is to find out utterly some fantasy, nothing else. If nothing is wrong here on the earth how could anybody explain where all fish have gone, where are many of this fish now? Where are several hundreds of animals? The tiger is nearly wiped out, the crabs, the salmon, the birds, the bees, the flower, and so on. DDT was killing humans and BILLIONS of animals. How could anyone know what the scientists could do with the world with their "medicine"? 250-million people do have shell illness in Africa, and many children is dying every day. If we ask some scientists if they could proof anything, they do not answer at all. Scientists have been lying before and could do it again, nobody know which scientist who is the next liar. Thank you very much, you don´t have to follow this up, take care and do not think about how to save the globe, people who will do that they will do it anyhow. Power…

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In reply to #79

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/07/2011 7:06 AM

What part of the procedure in the link in the science lab did you find unacceptable?

The experiment mixed some chalk and vinegar in a flask. The resulting bubbles were captured in a balloon tied over the end of the flask. It caught the CO2 coming off. This CO2 is a gas, like you said.

Please read the lab, and tell us what part of the experiment you found unacceptable.

If it was easy anybody could do it.
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In reply to #76

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 8:33 PM

You just don't get it, do you? Just tell me where all the mass is going.

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In reply to #80

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 8:36 PM

Mr Lynlynch, The mass will be GAS GAS GAS, you do not seem to understand at all. I am not talking about how to throw out something from a bottle from some windows, no. I am talking about how to BURN things, coal as well as oil, this so it will be GAS and nothing else but GAS. Anyhow, I am very, very glad that so many are against me and my goal how to save the world. It is so nice and fantastic to give me all this negative words; it will support me for working more and more for the earth. I will leave you with your lies and your grate fanaticize as you like, some of you with your hate have helped me to be more secure that I am right in what I say, The Globe ARE losing weight, its ballast, anyhow, it doesn't matter what you say. You will not be able to proof if it's wrong what I say. The only thing you could do is to find out utterly some fantasy, nothing else. If nothing is wrong here on the earth how could anybody explain where all fish have gone, where are many of this fish now? Where are several hundreds of animals? The tiger is nearly wiped out, the crabs, the salmon, the birds, the bees, the flower, and so on. DDT was killing humans and BILLIONS of animals. How could anyone know what the scientists could do with the world with their "medicine"? 250-million people do have shell illness in Africa, and many children is dying every day. If we ask some scientists if they could proof anything, they do not answer at all. Scientists have been lying before and could do it again, nobody know which scientist who is the next liar. Thank you very much, you don´t have to follow this up, take care and do not think about how to save the globe, people who will do that they will do it anyhow. Power…

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In reply to #81

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 8:44 PM

I feel genuine pity for you. I am sincere.

I can no longer allow you to make a complete and total fool of yourself by responding to my simple requests for some shred of evidence to support your ludicrous claims.

I will observe, from now on.

Good luck to you both.

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In reply to #46

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 2:21 PM

Dearest Leo ~ to put it bluntly, permitting myself to use "language flowers" - I wouldn't give a damn, what Mr. Yosef, whoever he is, has to say about any of your work and findings. You and I know very well that today's crop of "experts" and "scientists" couldn't find their own ass to wipe, unless they had a "computer model" showing them where and how (somehow those kind of words and expletives don't sound so bad, when i is not in your own language). We have at a minimum one generation of completely computer dependent morons, who have absolutely no grasp on real life application of real, everyday practical sciences. I am sure; you have run into that over and over again. I certainly see it in my research. I could iterate a long list of proofs, but why care? I don't take them seriously and don't waste my time on them. Dr .Hanna.

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In reply to #61

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 4:26 PM

Who is Dr Hanna?

In this post, Leo (kastrupsky) appears to be writing to himself, but signs the post Dr Hanna.

Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinis alacribus et fructuosis potiri potes!
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In reply to #70

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 4:34 PM

I wonder if Drs Hanna and Brook are mere sockpuppets.

In vino veritas; in cervisia carmen; in aqua E. coli.
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In reply to #70

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/07/2011 3:27 AM

A person with several personalities which manifest one at a time and discuss with each other. As I mentioned in a previous post on this thread we analysed the possibility to use clusters of small turbines and generators in a river. The energy harvest was not so interesting to justify the investment. There is a problem which seems to be not understood by the inventor. The turbines taking energy from the flow present a resistance to it and slow it down so that the if the amount on energy is important the velocity being smaller the section has to be bigger thus a flood risk. The fact that the structure holding the turbines floats or not is secondary. The water needs to flow a higher transverse section that's all.

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In reply to #87

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/07/2011 3:53 AM

Whoa, another genius. Stay where you are; do not say anything utterly, as you seem to be one of those who have seen all of the solutions for Floating Barges, before anyone else have. How could so many people be that stupid, inform that they are the one who know everything around the globe, doesn't matter what, they argue about everything and know everything. And have seen all constructions and solutions, fantastic people. Continue you with your lies, don't stop, but I´ve had enough, goodbye. Power…

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In reply to #88

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/07/2011 6:08 AM

I read your different posts and what you present on your site. I sincerely think that you are a sick person and you should consult a specialist for mental diseases. I never claimed to be a genius as you do every two sentences. I even tried to understand you "energy" shades but the text is in Swedish and not being a genius I do not know all earth spoken or written languages. I looked in a polite way at your ideas and dared say what I think about. You are NOT able to accept a critical comment and this a sign of sickness. You do not bring arguments in your comments but only insults. I am ready to discuss, to argue even hard with people able to accept that they do not detain the truth as I also do not (and I am happy since I can already learn something more and this is a pleasure). With you it is not possible since from one side your knowledge is sooo small that you cannot even understand how far you are from reality and from the other side your only reaction is the insult. You criticize scientists who know nothing about the real world the same applies to you. You are in your world and do not see anything else. A French proverb says that "there is no blinder then the one who does not want to see". You claim to be an architect, a Professor, a Doctor and over all an INVENTOR and at same time despise other with academic titles since according to you they obtained by copying. If it is so why do you use academic titles ? Did you obtain them by copying ? In fact you are nothing else than a sick person trying to push unrealistic ideas. I hope for you own sake that there is a medicine for your mind status and you will be soon in good health.[b)

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In reply to #89

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/07/2011 7:07 AM

Thank you very much, you, the man from the City of Light. We did not know that you was a doctor as well. Power...

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In reply to #91

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/07/2011 10:09 AM

Dear Doctor, Professor and Architect, (did I forgot a title ? please forgive me! Oh yes I forgot the most important one "INVENTOR").

Let us play a game: How many patents have you applied for and how many were accepted by the patent office ? How many of your INVENTIONS are not only on paper but working devices sold and accepted by the market ?
I am a very modest inventor, I have applied for only 5 patents which were all granted (especially in measuring devices for quality insurance an process monitoring) 2 of the products were on the market in small series due especially to a not efficient marketing. After a time it was not any more economical to maintain and pay the fees so that I stopped.

For me title is NOTHING, only person's own VALUE counts.

I met in my life persons with VERY high titles and positions which were of no value and people without any title, autodidacts, which were EXTREMELY valuable persons.
You hope to insult by giving me the "Doctor" title, I do not feel insulted but honoured, your attempt misfired! In further posts with you I shall sign "Doctor Nick".
In one of your posts you asked for help concerning a power transmission which shows how superficial your knowledge is. With an other behaviour I would have given to you the support to make the right choice as I did help many but not under the actual circumstances.
To your information the way I think is :
"People make titles but titles do not make people!"

The way you react only confirms what I wrote, I sincerely hope you will be better after a time in an hospital.

I do not get the point for your "Power" at every end but I appreciated years ago the wish "The FORCE be with you!". I still use this wish since it is a need in actual world if one wants to have success.
For you I shall slightly modify the wish : "Health be with you ".
Doctor Nick

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In reply to #94

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/07/2011 10:30 AM

Very eloquently put. I agree with you completely.

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In reply to #94

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/07/2011 1:55 PM

I do hope you are satisfied, now when you have opened up your mind a little bit. Go on and you will someday find your goal, and don´t forget to tell other that you are the best all the time. Seldom have I met so many people, like her, who know everything around the globe, seldom. And do not do anything for how to save the globe, other people will continue to working on it, try to miss credit all in your way so that you could feel good, ok. Now when I´m 83, I really understand why so many wars have been in the world, when so few know so much and so many know nothing at all. Those who know everything must feel great in their world.


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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 8:25 AM

Mr Makender, here is someone who you should see and talk to, he lives in Stokholm and makes video reports, his email address

Let me know if you have any luck with this man, my email address is.......


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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 10:42 AM

Hi boys and girls. I've been away from this total waste of energy for some time.

I see that the two lunatics are still expounding their drivel. Someone has lost their BALLAST alright, and I'm not talking about earth, which still weighs the same as it did 200 years ago. That weight may be in a different form, but it didn't shoot off into space.

How can so few say so little with so many words?

I'm taking the Steelers.

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 2:17 PM

I've got Greenbay. Weekends sure do get interesting around here.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 11:39 AM

Hi, As you have read in post # 52 I quoted NASA, I did this with my half brain. So I guess you are saying NASA is wrong. Is this correct?

"There are two types of people, People who talk about doing things, and People who do things they talk about." Dr.Brook
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In reply to #52

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 12:12 PM

NASA? You quoted NASA? I don't think so.

Anyway, my first post was DELETED, but never mind, censorship is here.

The AGU symposium abstract you quote makes absolutely no reference to the earth loosing mass, so WHAT IS YOUR POINT?

Can't you find anything to quote that supports your unscientific, uninformed, unsupportable incorrect, just downright wrong opinion? You're welcome to your opinion, but don't take offense if I make fun of it.

Just a few facts. Any credible facts. Just a crumb of evidence to support your incorrect stance and I will go back to my knitting.

But act like an HHO advocate, you'll get treated like an HHO advocate.

Steelers by 3.

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 2:22 PM

I don't need your three points. Greenbay straight up. $10........I mean it. I'll send you a money order if I lose.......ditto for you. Whataya say?

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In reply to #62

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 2:35 PM

You're on!

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In reply to #65

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 3:03 PM

Deal! Don't make me come and find you. I'll be floating around on lake Powell for a week in June on a houseboat.

Ah, I know your good for too. I'll PM you tomorrow so you know where to send my money.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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In reply to #66

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 3:12 PM

Not so fast! I won't need your address. I think you already have mine. I'll expect prompt payment, of course.

I've always thought I'd like to do the Lake Powell thing. Problem is I don't know anybody who I can tolerate in close quarters for a week. And vise versa, for sure.

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In reply to #67

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 3:44 PM

I'll be trapped on a houseboat with my in laws and wife's family. Very religious people..........prayer and devotions about 3 times a day. Zero tolerance for any kind of alcohol, not even beer. I'll be bringing my fishing poles..............and maybe a gun.*

Against what I know is the wiser decision, I will also be stowing away at least two 5th's of'll make the stars brighter after everyone else is asleep. I don't know your address............hell, I won't be needing it. I'll PM you mine.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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In reply to #52

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 1:24 PM

Did the system screw up here? You say that you quoted NASA in post #52. But the post in which you make that claim (ludicrous though it may be) is post #52.

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In reply to #55

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 1:28 PM

My entire well reasoned, thoughtful, timely, relevant post was censored, as in deleted by Admin.

It's a conspiracy, I fear.

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In reply to #56

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 1:31 PM

You are correct. It is a conspricy. Kraputsy represents "Big Oil" and "Big Coal" I am sure.

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 12:34 PM

Oh no! If these great minds are right, we'd better quit pumping ground water, too.

I'm still trying to figure out what subduction has to do with mass loss.

I can't believe they deleted an entire post of mine. OK, I believe it. I feared it would be deleted.

Mark, it was a good 'un. Talked about melding two brains together to make almost a complete one. Had a reference to "two Utes" from "My Cousin Vinny".

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In reply to #54

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 2:23 PM

Sorry I missed it.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 1:49 PM

With all due respect to all here, To stay on topic without insult, The way we can Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil is to change the mindset of the current generation. This generation is addicted to Oil and Coal without any regauard to the future of our children who will be cleaning up our mess. We need to work together and teach our children we are ever learning in this world. It is hard to stand up and admit we all are at fault. This topic I think was brought forth to discuss how, not how not. Do you think you can let your gradification of luxury down for a moment and say something positive tword "How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil?

"There are two types of people, People who talk about doing things, and People who do things they talk about." Dr.Brook
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In reply to #59

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 2:34 PM

The ONLY reference to conservation of gas and oil is in the title of this thread.

The rest is mindless babbling about how the earth is losing mass.


"Simultaneous inversion of the Earth's mantle viscosity and ice mass imbalance in Antarctica and Greenland" is a discussion of mass imbalance and certainly has no bearing on loss of the earth's mass.

I'm all for conservation, so let the discussion begin, instead of claiming that you have some secret device that is going to save the world. You have no credibility, either of you.

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In reply to #59

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/07/2011 3:16 AM

I manifested interest but you did not answer my questions. Why?

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 4:12 PM

Dear Leo,

I checked out your idea on the web. On your own site, you do not, generally, come across as a raving crackpot. The open letter to Al Gore asking for investment money may seem a bit tacky and over the top, but your basic idea of floating barges in moving water (and using a propeller or paddle wheel to drive a generator) is not a bad one. It is being done already in many places.

I would recommend that, if you want to promote this idea of floating barges in moving water, you research hydro power, and that you read up on physics. The reason it is important to read up on physics is because if you maintain, as you have here, that the mass of the earth and its atmosphere is changing, then most people will assume that you have no knowledge of the principal of conservation of mass -- some of the very most basic science. Then, all the rest of any argument you might have for floating barges on water gets lost, because you come across as a crackpot, which I assume is not your intention. We'd like to think that the message is completely independent of the messenger. That's naive.

Somewhere in your rants, there may be a good, workable idea. It is just completely hidden.

Your friend Dr. Brook appears to think that the earth will start to wobble (or spin off into space, or crash into the sun?) or some such. Such claims do not help your cause. We have very real problems to deal with in the short term (the next 100 years). Raving about cataclysmic events that could happen in some millions of years if some particular convoluted and improbable sequence of events occurs does not help your cause. We already have real scientists who are concerned about climate change, and real scientists who are concerned about resource depletion. They can make your case for you: you do not need to make a case that something bad will happen if we do not start to conserve oil, coal, and many other things -- we already know that. Better to deal with the reality of what is happening (already scary enough) than to imagine that the earth will start to wobble horribly... or whatever point you are trying to make about the earth loosing mass.

Better to present your idea, concisely, than to rave about the things you imagine. Why alienate scientists with this sort of gibberish: The scientists, all over the world, have never thought about this my conclusion. Sometime I wonder if there are some people somewhere hiding this truth for the whole world.

Megalomania does not sell well on engineering sites.

Try a new thread with a title like this: "How can we implement hydro-power-generation barges?"

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In reply to #69

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 4:32 PM

Thanks for that.

If only Leo had substituted his website for the opening rate, then presented his ideas on conservation, not end-of-earth drivel, I would probably have been interested. He has some pretty pictures there, and as you say doesn't appear to be a raving lunatic.

Dr. Brooks in another matter.

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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 7:58 PM

If one of the geniuses could just explain where all the mass is going, I'd be quiet.

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In reply to #74

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 8:09 PM

Good luck. Those fools wouldn't know, along with all the other stuff they don't know. They make a nice matched set, though.

In vino veritas; in cervisia carmen; in aqua E. coli.
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In reply to #74

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 8:30 PM

Mr, you do not seem to understand at all. I am not talking about how to throw out something from a bottle from some windows, no. I am talking about how to BURN things, coal as well as oil, this so it will be GAS and nothing else but GAS. Anyhow, I am very, very glad that so many are against me and my goal how to save the world. It is so nice and fantastic to give me all this negative words; it will support me for working more and more for the earth. I will leave you with your lies and your grate fanaticize as you like, some of you with your hate have helped me to be more secure that I am right in what I say, The Globe ARE losing weight, its ballast, anyhow, it doesn't matter what you say. You will not be able to proof if it's wrong what I say. The only thing you could do is to find out utterly some fantasy, nothing else. If nothing is wrong here on the earth how could anybody explain where all fish have gone, where are many of this fish now? Where are several hundreds of animals? The tiger is nearly wiped out, the crabs, the salmon, the birds, the bees, the flower, and so on. DDT was killing humans and BILLIONS of animals. How could anyone know what the scientists could do with the world with their "medicine"? 250-million people do have shell illness in Africa, and many children is dying every day. If we ask some scientists if they could proof anything, they do not answer at all. Scientists have been lying before and could do it again, nobody know which scientist who is the next liar. Thank you very much, you don´t have to follow this up, take care and do not think about how to save the globe, people who will do that they will do it anyhow. Power…

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In reply to #78

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 8:39 PM

Oh, come on. You can't even form an individual response to each post? You are starting to remind me of HAL 9000.

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In reply to #78

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/07/2011 7:14 AM

Mr Kasrupsky, gas, all gasses have weight and mass. They do not disappear, when things burn, the gasses given off have weight and mass. What part of this do you have trouble with?

No negative words.

No lies.

Just wondering, what was wrong with the experiment I asked you to look at?

Where is the lie?

If it was easy anybody could do it.
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In reply to #92

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/07/2011 9:02 AM

GA for Yusef! Dude, you beat me to the punchline....

Since all these burnt hydrocarbons are converted into CO2 (not entirely, as there are other gases that are released into the atmosphere during the combustion process....but close enough for hand grenades, LawnJarts, and Thermonuclear weapons...LOL), they as a gas, do have and well defined mass and weight. THEY ARE NOT just have to look at the Periodic Table (if you even know how to read it?). Therefore, due to the Earth GRAVITY they remain in the atmosphere and don't spin off into space! All gases have these properties....the Conservation of Energy is a proven fact, as evidenced by carefully conducted science experiments since the time of NEWTON and others. To date, these experiments have not been repudiated and have in fact been replicated by scores of world class scientists. The various Laws of Thermodynamics have been well established too. The ENTIRE Earth's atmosphere has WEIGHT and this exerts PRESSURE upon the Earth's surface.

Simple PHYSICS... did you 2 crackpots sleep through elementary, middle school and high school science classes? Somehow, I doubt either one of you NUTz made it to college in any shape or form, let alone attend any Physics, Chemistry and Thermo courses. It appears to me (and others herein) that you do not grasp even the simplest of

Ummm, to the rest of the Forum membership: Who the heck left the door open to allow these nutjobs to enter?


CaptMoosie, PE/PhD

[Scientist first, Engineer second....a real Doc FYI....and I'm putting on the table some of my credentials for all to see, once and for all. My Alma Mater's are RIT, Rochester NY (double BS CE w/ a minor degree of study in Structural Eng.); dual MSE's (Civil/Structural Eng. & Environmental Eng.) from RPI, Troy NY; and, my Doctorate degree (Environmental Eng.) from CMU, Pittsburgh PA].

ps: I haven't seen any credentials posted by a certain "Doc" within this thread....time to PONY-up or shut-up.

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In reply to #93

Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/07/2011 2:00 PM

Moderators apparently left this one up to us.


People say between two opposed opinions the truth lies in the middle. Not at all! Between them lies the problem, what is unseeable,eternally active life, contemplated in repose. Goethe
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Re: How to Stop Us from Using Coal and Oil...

02/06/2011 11:58 PM



Sorry just had to add my bit.

Just finished drying my eyes. ROTFLOL (I think that's right). Thats the best bit of entertainment since the Picolax thread

We sould have a Diner de Cons (Google it for yourselves) and invite these guys along.

Coal into gas! Please keep it coming.

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