Hello folks, this may be simple for many of you folks but something dawned on me yesterday. I was watching that commercial for CSX stating that they can move a ton of freight 500 miles on one gallon of fuel. If that is the case then why can a car not be built to do the same, an average car is between one and two tons. It seems to me that instead of messing with batteries to run electric cars, Why not run a generator, which to me would seem to use less fuel and a wider variety of fuels could be used, to run electric motors. Seems to me the technology should allow us to run farther this way in the same general way that diesel electric trains run. I did not get much as far as electrical knowledge in college so this is a bit out of my general knowlege but seems like it would be more efficient to use fuel to generate electric than internal combustion (same basic principle with the valentin technology ingocar that uses an engine to run a hydraulic pump to operate hydraulic motors on the wheels and the car is said to get 170mpg.)
I am just curious regarding this and have no real need I just wantet to pick some brains as to why something like this is not being worked on.
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