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How to Deal HR Managers Job Alert E-mail

05/21/2014 6:05 AM

I am a post graduate diploma holder in a specialised engineering field and I have around 8 years of experience (I am not interested to reveal my area of expertise due to some other reason). I am getting frequent job alert from various big company Human Resource Managers and HR team members. Unfortunately, due to some other reason, I am not in a position to send my resume or not in a position to attend the interview. So far, I worked with low profile companies and my recent post-graduation in a specialised field created all these mess…I hope many of the senior members in this forum already went through this kind of situation before. Could you share your experience which would be a tip for me to handle this situation with care.

I am looking for advice on following queries,

1. In this case, should I reply to HR manager's e-mails or no need to reply to their e-mails?

2. In case, a formal reply is required, then how can I manage this situation with out tarnishing the relationship as I need them in my future endeavours?

PS: I am a qualified person.But, due to some other problem, I would like to post as anonymous.

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Re: How to deal HR managers job alert e-mail

05/21/2014 6:46 AM

If these are unsolicited emails, you owe them no response.


It would be a good idea to make up your mind about whether you want to talk to the perspective future employers at this time, as well as deciding if it is safe/a good idea from a current employment perspective.


By the way, I'm usually openly opposed to anonymous posters, but this is one of the few times posting anonymously is understandable.

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Re: How to deal HR managers job alert e-mail

05/21/2014 6:56 AM

If the offered jobs are any good, you could forward them to others. You might even be able to wangle a finder's fee.

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Re: How to deal HR managers job alert e-mail

05/21/2014 7:20 AM

'Wangle'. Thanks Tornado, that one wasn't previously in my lexicon.

....I'll remember it as 'wrangle' without the 'aarrrrrhh' in 'winning without a dispute'.

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Re: How to deal HR managers job alert e-mail

05/21/2014 10:01 AM

"Wangle" is possibly more common this side of the pond.

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Re: How to deal HR managers job alert e-mail

05/21/2014 1:47 PM

Perhaps, but Tornado is a yank like me, so its use isn't completely unknown on this side. Anyway, I like the sound....kind of like haranguing someone in such a friendly way they might suspect that if you had a tail you'd be wagging it.

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Re: How to deal HR managers job alert e-mail

05/21/2014 7:21 AM

At one point when you were job searching, you put your resume out there, and it still there will be there for quite some time.

I recent direct calls (4) or contacted through LinkedIn from the companies HR. I always asked them where they acquired my information. And it was from Misc. job boards.

One of the jobs were interesting. Where I listened to what was offered. But decided not to pursue it, And I told them right after I made my decision. The others, I did gave a formal decline. only due to the fact that things change, and the contact may come in handy.

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Re: How to deal HR managers job alert e-mail

05/21/2014 8:22 AM

due to another reason................I pass

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Re: How to Deal HR Managers Job Alert E-mail

05/21/2014 4:11 PM

Might be worthwhile hearing the HR people out, contacting them outside work of course. If you cannot make the interview (distance an issue perhaps), and they really want to talk to you how about proposing a Skype (or similar) video conference, again NOT at your work place. Perhaps meeting at a neutral location?

Nothing annoys management more to find the meeting room they were planning on using is occupied by someone on a video interview with another company.


I worked with low profile companies and my recent post-graduation in a specialised field created all these mess

That's one of the main reasons for going into a specialised field!

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Re: How to Deal HR Managers Job Alert E-mail

05/21/2014 6:17 PM

Let's see. You post anonymously, you give NO information about what you do, or what you know, but seem to be quite taken with yourself, and say people are trying to hire you?

Then you want specific guidance on how to ignore job offers?

Just ignore the job offers.

If you reply, just sign the reply AP and that'll discourage more replies.

Good luck.


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Re: How to Deal HR Managers Job Alert E-mail

05/22/2014 7:11 AM

You question itself is confusing. How any one help you until he knows your problem in detail. God knows your problem only he can help you.

"Engineers should not look for jobs but should create jobs for others" by Dr.Radhakrishnan Ex President of India during my college graduation day
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Re: How to Deal HR Managers Job Alert E-mail

05/22/2014 1:27 PM

""Your question itself is confusing."

Could you explain, why do you feel the question itself is confusing? If you could point out the confusing part, then I can explain the confusing part for better understanding.

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Re: How to Deal HR Managers Job Alert E-mail

05/22/2014 7:35 AM

Stay and remain Anonymous..


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Re: How to Deal HR Managers Job Alert E-mail

05/22/2014 9:57 AM

Read: I'm in Prison and can't make the interviews....

" Unfortunately, due to some other reason, I am not in a position to send my resume or not in a position to attend the interview. I am looking for advice on following queries,

PS: I am a qualified person.But, due to some other problem, I would like to post as anonymous"

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Re: How to Deal HR Managers Job Alert E-mail

05/22/2014 8:21 PM

K. I read all the current answers, which at present number 13, and didn't find this take on the issue.

Years ago, while working as a contractor for a US telecomm company, I got several hits such as yours, and my concern at the time was that regardless of my response, my company, while routinely reading through company e-mail, would see my response, or lack of same, and come to unhappy (for me) conclusions. I took the issue to my boss. He escalated it to HR, and HR came back to me directly with the information that they appreciated the heads-up, and that the individual(s) sending the job offers were what we call here "head hunters" (that is, recruiters who work on commission for anyone who'll pay them a fee to find the necessary skill sets, and get them in touch with the requester/payer). Further, HR pointed out that regardless of what I said to the individual, in reply, as long as it was not "sure, I'll talk, with whom and when", I could expect next to see some form of blackmail attempt to force me into an interview. Sure enough, within the month I started getting e-mails saying that "so and so" (who I did not know, but whom I did know had left my company around a year earlier) said you were unhappy there and looking for work elsewhere, .... (fill in the blanks). Clearly this was NOT an event in my favor.

You may, or may not, be facing a blackmail attempt in the making (it might even be illegal to try this in your area, I don't know) but the entire event clearly points up the advantage to be had in notifying your bosses if you DON'T intend to follow up with the sender of the e-mail.

And how did it work out for me? I stayed successfully employed by that company for 18 1/2 years, till it disbanded when the owners sold it out. A pretty good run, by any standards.

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Re: How to Deal HR Managers Job Alert E-mail

05/22/2014 9:09 PM

The head hunters also have another term for this, poaching......

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Re: How to Deal HR Managers Job Alert E-mail

05/22/2014 9:27 PM

Yes, and to credit the "Head Hunters" (which, by the way, is somewhat of an unfair pejorative, even though many of them use the term, themselves) most of those with whom I've dealt abhor such behaviour. It is only a few, and unscrupulous ones at that, who behave in this manner.

But I suspect you knew that. And were attempting to suggest it in a gentler way.

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Re: How to Deal HR Managers Job Alert E-mail

05/24/2014 9:49 PM

If you are sincere in your attempt to find another job, you are going to be unsuccessful or it is going to take a long time unless you open up more about yourself. Yes, it can be at risk from the present employer but that is a risk you have to take. Who knows, when/if they find out you are looking they might increase your benefits and/or salary. You won't have any opportunity to get that new job or get a better situation where you are unless you open up more.

The most important thing to realize about HR people is that they are paid liars. It is the way they have to operate. They are paid by the company and represent the company in dealings with current employees and also potential future employees. They will tell you what you want to hear; be very aloof in their dealing with you: say they are honest although it is obvious they aren't; never tell you the bad parts of the company's operations; always say the position is open due to advancement of the guy who had it before (even if he stole from the company and is now in jail); tell you they will hold some things private for you and many other things you may not be aware of. I'm familiar with this because that is how one company trained me to be, although I didn't change, when I had to cover the responsibilities of a HR person who was very sick. Yes, I also had to do my regular job also! Also, several of my HR friends have admitted it and are open to telling me about it.

To get some attention directed towards you and your career change, is there anyone who can put a good word in for you with some potential employers? Most jobs, at least 80%, are found by referrals and not advertisements or e-mails. Again, open up about your job search. How can you be hired when they don't know you are in the market?

Good Luck, Old Salt

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