I have
not thought too much about this idea but I would like your opinion of it. When the universe emerged from the big bang
(which I call Event zero), it is possible that this occurred because of quantum
fluctuations. E=mc2, so the
energy involved with the event created matter.
The creation of matter always involves the creation of particle pairs,
matter and anti matter. Anti matter can
be looked upon as matter travelling backwards in time (Feynman). As soon as these matter and anti matter
particles meet, they annihilate releasing energy. My proposition is that this is what happened
at the very start and that annihilation occurred but only for the first Plank
time. (That is 10-43Seconds). Annihilation stopped after this time, not
because there was an imbalance of the particle pairs (as is thought) but
because the anti matter and matter particles were separated not by distance but
by time. The energy released in the
first Plank time would supply the energy needed to drive the exponential
expansion of this universe and the antimatter universe. It is possible that in the other universe
time would have the same direction as in ours, that is both universes would
obey the same laws of entropy. I am not
a cosmologist and have not gone into this very deeply. I doubt that I could but I would like to know
if there is anything that we know of that could immediately prove this
impossible. Both universes could occupy
the same space but at different times.
Gravity might leak between the two and (by processes unknown) be the
source of dark energy and dark matter.
Anyway, it's a theory and one I would like to either disprove, for which
I do not have the training or to have examined, for which I have not had the
training. Your opinions would be greatly
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