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Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/21/2014 1:08 PM

Many years ago, working in the draughting room in London, I was very surprised that POTUS is both ceremonial and political head of state. One of them, probably Nixon but possibly Kennedy, had to leave a state dinner for a little while. Following up just a little, and realizing that the Prez. the House and the Senate all had to be in agreement to get anything done. Living in a system where the Prime Minister's party is always in ascendance, this seemed very strange.

On studying the Constitution for my application for citizenship I confirmed my view that this was not a sensibly responsive system but it is, sometimes, a knee-jerk system.

I wondered why people put so much trust in this document. It was put together by a bunch of traitors. Politicians who had co-opted a ground roots movement. If they were treacherous with the King, why should they be expected to be faithful to the Republic? It still boggles my mind that there is a statue of George Washington in London.

Now, the American side of me looks askance at the British system, it is alarming, it is based on trust. The Constitution is the body of law. If a party in power was strong enough, they could eliminate elections and stay in power; but it has never happened, the trust element holds.

I miss an independent "Speaker of the House" an MP who gives up his or her political operation for objective judgments on procedures. I miss the PM's ability to call an early election when things are going nowhere

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell
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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/21/2014 2:26 PM

You miss it? How old are you?

They were trying to be faithful to their own land...where they actually live, just as the Scots and the Irish tried to do...

The statue of GW in London Town is all about the history...which we no longer teach.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/21/2014 3:38 PM

The truth has no author, only those that recognize it's existence...The maintenance of freedom is every persons duty....George Washington was a dedicated hero who was a champion for truth and justice and an inspiration to the American people.....

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/21/2014 5:17 PM

wheres the engineering?

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/21/2014 5:34 PM

{On the base of the statue:}
George Washington

{On the plinth:}
Presented to the people of Great Britain and Ireland by the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1921.

The marble original is in Richmond, Virginia, USA. This bronze copy was presented by the Commonwealth of Virginia. There is a story that, since Washington once said he would never stand on English ground, this statue was supplied with some good ol' American soil on which to stand.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/21/2014 8:04 PM

It's the breakroom. Anything goes.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/23/2014 10:33 AM

Really? Home | General | General Discussion

It should be in the Break Room since it has been derailed into another mindless debate about politics and religion.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/23/2014 11:26 AM

Oh. Wow!

I think he probably attempted to put it in the breakroom, since it's political from the get go. Maybe a redirect.

Hell, it's a thread that calls the US system of government BS, because we broke from the king. WTF?

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/23/2014 11:34 AM

The US system of government would be fine, if only we could find some honest people to run it, and get rid of all the Tinkerbells working in it.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/23/2014 12:32 PM

Truly honest people, regardless of party, and we wouldn't have all of these problems.

Totally agree. I hope Barry doesn't get wind of this thread, and start thinking we need a king and queen.

Maybe admin could move this to the breakroom. I'd love to see the evidence that the tea party wants to overthrow the government and install a theocracy.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/23/2014 12:43 PM

That would be Mormonism.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/23/2014 1:50 PM

I can't dispute it. I always thought those big secret windowless buildings were creepy. They've been doing data collection for a long time.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/23/2014 2:02 PM

You and I could never get into one of those buildings they call temples. Only MIGS can get in. (Mormon in good standing)

They know more about who your relatives were than you do.

They also make a practice of "baptising" dead people (Pagans to them) into their religion, to"save" them. Holocaust victims seem to be their latest prize.

Mormonism is a cult, not a religion.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/23/2014 3:58 PM

There's something wrong with anyone that wants more than one wife. I could understand having one wife and a girlfriend or two, but not multiple wives.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/23/2014 5:02 PM

All religions are cults.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/23/2014 7:53 PM


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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 5:33 AM

I was talking to a friend yesterday, and he's waiting for the rise of the Unitarians.

The "No Religion" religion. They even have churches.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/21/2014 5:44 PM

The US system is based on freedom, (from government), and individualism, while the Brits have always been imperial colonialist tyrants.

Freedom of religion, rather than being forced to follow the Church of England, was one of the primary reasons the early Pilgrims left.

In drafting our constitution and Bill of Rights, England had taught us how not to run a free country. Every bit of it was about containing the government to what was absolutely necessary.

But worry not, most of the principles of our founding have been thrown out the window.

Fun fact: The # 1 male baby name in the UK last year was various versions of Mohammed. It's gonna suck if the government still gets to dictate who God is, in a couple decades. The Brits may want to shop for some prayer rugs now.

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Into the Depths

08/21/2014 6:09 PM

The Constitution is now what the newest political arm of big business, The Supreme Court, wants it to be.

The shameful lack of ethics and professionalism in government is exemplified by our own member Tinkerbell. #15 Not to mention a Congress who only raises their heads from the public trough when it's time to take bribes from lobbyists and big business.

Even the news has become nothing more than political bias broadcast into our living rooms every day by the likes of Rupert Murdoch.

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Re: Into the Depths

08/21/2014 8:11 PM

Do you have Netflix?

I've quit cable and satellite and get over the air for local.

Anyway, there's a show on Netflix called Continuum. What a great show!

It really delves into the dangers of incestuous relationships between government and private corporations. It's not pretty.

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Re: Into the Depths

08/21/2014 8:23 PM

Netflix I have. It's time that I don't. Maybe I can watch it at football practice, maybe not.

I'll try, sounds interesting.

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Re: Into the Depths

08/21/2014 8:40 PM

Good show. I started off siding with the cops and government.

Just like real life, it takes awhile to know who the bad guys are.

For the most part, cops are just cops. Decent people that are willing to do the ugly work that nobody else wants to do. Of course there are bad ones, but it's a thankless shitty job. We should appreciate the good ones,

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Re: Into the Depths

08/24/2014 7:14 AM


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Re: Into the Depths

08/24/2014 7:56 AM
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Re: Politcal Diferences for a Dual National

08/21/2014 10:01 PM

Your misunderstanding of the founding of America is exactly why we kicked your asses in the revolutionary war.

We honestly don't give a crap if you understand us, anyone that enters a war dressed in bright red is a f*cking target.

How could you expect the US to want to be like Britain?

Edit: And why are you here? Leave moron.

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Re: Politcal Diferences for a Dual National

08/21/2014 10:18 PM

Here's a question for you boy.

Which statement would be more accurate:

A) America started slavery.

B) America ended slavery.

I grow tired of you people.

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Re: Politcal Diferences for a Dual National

08/25/2014 6:43 PM

A) The Dutch started slavery in Colonial America

B) The English Magna Carta brought about Habeas Corpus but...Spain passed the first law against colonial slavery. America didn't act for over three hundred years after that.

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Re: Politcal Diferences for a Dual National

08/22/2014 12:15 AM

Why did you move here?


Why did you stay?

You sound alot like the idiots that move here from New York to escape the taxes, and can't understand why the city doesn't provide bike trails and a doggy park.

Did I mention that I'm tired of you people? Consider me engaged.

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Re: Politcal Diferences for a Dual National

08/22/2014 12:41 AM

Despite the fact that people have been fooled into voting for a narcissistic Marxist, don't think for a moment that the USA is dead. Nor should you think we are bad.

Black or white, we are the most free people on the planet, and if we can get our government to stop trying to control us, we will lead the planet to free market peace.

How many governments have started wars?

How many individuals have started wars?

Where does the problem lie?

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/22/2014 2:23 PM

"Where does the problem lie?"...How about religion? I see most of the unrest today, including in the US, based on religion. A little common sense and logic would solve most problems but when you involve religion you go down that big rat hole fast!

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/22/2014 5:21 PM

Religion has caused a hell of a lot of problems, but today, at least in the US, our biggest problem is government.

I don't see any trace of common sense or logic.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/23/2014 8:52 AM

And our current problem with the USA government is fundamental christians that took over the tea party movement, and now want to inflict the government with a theocracy of their beliefs of anything they believe is their god's dictations, e.g. control of human reproduction, control of stem cell research, anti-GLB. All of this with a hate that I don't understand given what is supposed to be a religion of acceptance of all other ethnicity and culture. To me they are equivalent to the destructive intent of ISIS, "my way or your dead".

So the problem to me is religion.

As to the OP, I never was brain washed to accept blood lines as the ones that should have any power of any kind.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/23/2014 9:39 AM

Sounds like you've bought the lies about the tea party, hook, line and sinker. Do you get your information from

You're aware that the tea party is not an official political party, right?

I haven't seen anything from the tea party that suggests that it is a Christian organization that wants to install a theocracy. Put your links up that support your position and we can discuss them.

The tea party I'm familiar with, wants a government that follows the constitution, gets out of our business, and stops spending us into oblivion. I haven't heard any secret religious messages, although I would imagine that there are Christians in the tea party...along with minorities and even some democrats.

There are some that are associated with the tea party, that are also outspoken on their religious convictions. Should we find a way to shut her up? Maybe we should have slapped down her uncle too...oh that's right, we did.

How about those idiot Christian clowns Jackson and Sharpton? Should we forbid these fine upstanding Christian men from engaging in political speech?

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 9:25 AM

My opinions about the tea party are from my own observations.

Try and search -"tea party" fundamental christians- try to find a link where they are not entangled.

And from your reply, you appear to be a 'card carrying member'. They are the only conservatives that spew talk about "following the constitution".

It was Ronald Reagan that invited the fundamentals into the GOP. And they have destroyed the party. You can't win an election unless you totally aligned with their dictates. John McCain, Mitt Romney, for recent presidential elections were unable to win because they failed to bring out the fundamental vote. They were never aligned with anti abortion political positions from the start of their careers.

You may not want to believe the tea party is a front for fundamental christians, I do. If the GOP was smart they would throw any of their xtian theocracy views from the platform. Then independents may see some candidates to vote for.

I know you don't want to believe that there is any theocracy involvement, but read the declaration of independence, that based the argument that only god can flow down rights to individuals, not a king. That's a theocracy inflicting a belief in a monotheism deity. And as this country has representatives that came from this belief, their position of what xtian morality to dictate comes along with their law writing.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 10:59 AM


Google doesn't prove anything. I'm not stupid enough to try to use it as proof...but if I were.

I'm assuming that you're okay with the poverty pimps, Jackson and Sharpton?

I'm assuming that you're good with the raving lunatic, Pelosi, wanting "The Word" to dictate public policy?

I'm assuming that the raw hatred that comes from Obama's "Christian" preacher, is perfectly fine?

The tea party doesn't embrace anything unconstitutional. If there are Christians in the mix that don't like being forced to pay for abortions, they are just a part of the mix and don't represent the entire movement, anymore than Obama's hatred for America represents the feelings of the entire democrat party.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 12:16 PM

OK, so your an ultra right wing conservative.

Just because I'm anti tea party does not mean I'm pro the ultra left. Those 'idiots' you mention, I find exceptionally annoying.

I'm all for fiscal responsibility. And holding individuals responsible for their own well being (outside of mental impairment, and that's where the problem is, poverty has become a mental impairment, which I don't agree). In the end, we don't want starving children, but we won't take them away from their incompetent parents, whom procreated without the ability to pay for them.

So no, I'm not a liberal, but I see some issues using this to solve the problems. And you can't govern with just conservatism, or liberalism, you need socialism, communism, libertarianism and many other concepts of governing a large population of people that consume resources of all kinds.

And I don't want to keep this status quo of the current poverty solution.

But tell me how they should fix that. You pull the welfare teat from their mouth, and you will see rioting. So we buy them off. It's what has been done for 50 years now.

This is probably not 100% correct observation, but it's what I think is going on:

Most poverty in the US, is minority race's. And the African race has additional issues to overcome, like the horrible treatment (150 years of "freedom") that continues today. How do you boot strap them and get them into a culture where they practice living life for a great future. You are 100% of what your parents put into you. And Africans as a whole don't have that same culture that Caucasian northern European immigrants have. And if you've always been treated like a sub-human, where would you be today?

Everything you are, came from your parents, your language, your religion, your morality. And it's passed on from generation to generation. It's real tough to inject a correction, you raise your children the way you were raised. It is a program, it is brainwashed into your head, and it's multi-generations of good and bad teaching.

Your belief that you think Obama hates America that's a fundamental hate issue. He's not a good leader, but then his predecessor wasn't either. It's way too tough of a job to do, for one person to have the skills in all areas.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 2:22 PM

I'm not an ultra right winger. I'm just a person that thinks the government should remain within it's constitutional restraints.

I'm not doing the worn out slavery argument. From what I see, black Americans have a life that is far better than most blacks in Africa. This isn't a black and white issue, since there are far more whites living off the government teet than blacks.

The welfare state should never have been created. People needed help out of the depression and FDR saw a way to create legions of democrat voters...forever. We are still living it.

The middle class is supporting both the 1% and the 47% that suckle on the government teet. At $18 trillion in debt, I see this as unsustainable, the back of the middle class being broken, a government that refuses to reign itself in, and eventually a third world nation of criminals and debtors.

And you can't govern with just conservatism, or liberalism, you need socialism, communism, libertarianism and many other concepts of governing a large population of people that consume resources of all kinds.

Wrong. All governing must be held within it's constitutional restraints, along with not usurping the Bill of Rights. That nixes communism and socialism from the start. Both are proven failures anyway.

The poverty situation? This was created, and is maintained by democrats. Clinton's welfare to work program was shrinking the welfare roles; it was a successful program for anyone that was interested in eliminating poverty. Obama got rid of it almost immediately. Why?

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 4:22 PM

The constitution; 'provide for the common good' doctrine.

So you don't think we already have communism and socialism in our lives. Just what do you think social security is, and (and its death survivor bennefits), welfare, SNAP, Medicare/Medicaid, unemployment insurance, disability, FEMA (to name a few).

Some of these are needed, some should be deleted.

Clearly you are fixated that there is no problem with the African social issue that does not continue to be a many faceted issue, most of it caused by their past treatment. Keep your head buried.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 4:59 PM

I certainly didn't say America was perfect. We managed to end slavery in a world that had practiced for thousands of years.

The African social issue?!!!

I'm gonna have some fun with you, boy.

We can invent terms like "African American", and we can supplant Jesus with Kwanza, and we can convince black people to not bother trying to succeed, but I'm gonna tell you something my people are AMERICANS!

The African social issue? It's difficult for me to tell you to go screw yourself, without launching into a full blown, cuss filled rant. YOU F*CK!!!!

There is no African social issue, you GD idiot. Black people are just as capable as anyone else. Let them prove it.

I obviously don't share your belief that blacks are incapable. Once again, I feel obligated to share this site. Black people don't like being considered useful idiots by the democrat party.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 5:45 PM

Clearly you are fixated that there is no problem with the African social issue.

The soft loving face of true racism. Thank you.

I don't see color. I see people that are being manipulated.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 2:32 PM

I find that the right choice/solution is somewhere in the middle. But there seems to be extremist right/left

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 2:40 PM

The days of civility and compromise in politics is, sadly, over.

It's all about the money and the power it buys.

I remember the days when politicians of BOTH parties would meet in Tip O'Neill's office after debating on the House floor all day and drink scotch whiskey and TALK, like normal people.

Much good came out of those after hours get togethers and I fear we will never see that type of interaction again.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 3:14 PM

Most of us just want to be left alone. Civility doesn't begin, nor end, in Washington.

I can't stand any of them.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 3:40 PM

Well, civility in politics... I haven't seen a good dual as of late... Maybe that's the problem.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 3:59 PM

Possibly it is merely a reflection of those who elect them to office?

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 4:13 PM

Ya think?

People that are able to live pretty good lives at the expense of others, will never vote for that to end.

Give me a free place to live and free food, and I would be hard pressed not to become one of them...forever.

Edit: I would also require some beer or fortified wine. Maybe a little prescription weed for my nerves.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 2:46 PM

That's true, but we've got the answer to ending welfare right in front of our faces.

We've already determined that while in the womb, babies have no more constitutional rights than an ass pimple, and, according to our president, right up into the third trimester.

The answer is a simple one...

Since what's in the womb does not constitute life, people that can't afford it are mandated to abort. We can do it with the stroke of a pen, right under Obamacare.

The right wingers would call it murder, but so what? They already do. Screw them.

We've already handed moral authority for our healthcare over to the government, and now they've got a real opportunity to end welfare and hungry kids, for good.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 3:08 PM

At least one congresswoman gets it. We damned sure wouldn't allow people to walk around with Ebola. The government even forces school kids to get rid of head lice.

It's called "progress". Just look at right wingers complain!

Lets end this scourge of hungry little ones:

If you can't afford, you must abort! It almost rhymes.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/23/2014 9:44 AM

How about this crackpot Christian moron? The b*tch wants to institute "The Word" in public policy. Yikes!!!!

Is it just Christianity that scares you?

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/23/2014 10:17 AM

...and now a word from the 20 year long spiritual mentor and advisor to the most powerful man on the planet. You're scared of the tea party?

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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In reply to #17

Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 11:15 AM

You failed to mentioned that religion also held back science for over a millennium, for fear of losing control.

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In reply to #38

Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 12:23 PM

And, it is doing it again.

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In reply to #40

Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 2:30 PM

Agree, I myself am impartial to religion, just so they don't preach it to me.

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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/22/2014 5:03 PM

Okay while we're bashing our political beliefs, I will add my take. Basically what you have here is:

1. a country made up of misfits, rebels, and the mentally unstable - the USA - that's why we have had so many riots and the have the most prisoners of any civilized nation - our mass murderers are direct descendants of other country's rejects

2. a country made up of people who have no desire to change the order of things or imagination and are quite wiling to go on as they have - England (I have to avoid all of Great Britain as your Irish have proven to be as rowdy as us) - keep that stiff upper lip and do your duty. No problem taking guns from the populace - they don't have an itching desire to fire them.

Remember when reading my post: (-1)^½ m (2)^½
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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/22/2014 5:27 PM

I'm used to getting bashed.

Saying that government is out of control, and that I want them out of my life, my business, my email, my phone calls, and my wallet, is not very popular these days.

Hopefully my friends from the left will rejoin me when Mr Magic is out of office. We were on the same side, on a lot of things, when Bush was king.

At least Lyn is coming around.

I suspect that passingtongreen was bored. This thread screams, "Come beat me up".

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Re: Political Differences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 6:21 PM

Wow. I wonder when this was moved; I started it in the break-room because it was bound to become political.

Tinkerer. Read the thing, I do miss some things but am happy to see the back of others.

I don't know why you think this is significant, but I came to The States in 1966, the day after my 31st birthday, with a green card and a contract for nine months of work and the return half of my air fair.

SE. The colonists started out with a great deal of freedom that had been forced from the kings over centuries of struggle, political and sometimes violent.

Kramarat. Like the lady, you doth protest too much. If you keep saying, "The USA is the freest place." often enough, you may eventually convince yourself.

I think the childish insults in #11 thru #13 damage you more than me.

BTW. I do realize that in your part of the world, calling someone, "boy" is a deliberate insult.

Bits and pieces.

Slavery was abolished throughout the British Empire in 1833. In the USA it was the thirteenth amendment in 1865. Not much difference.

I am not a royalist, but I do believe that it is a good thing to have a ceremonial Head of State separate from the political head. I didn't push for the UK to become a republic because replacing the royals with something else looked messy. The main thing I disliked over there was the class system.

Freedom doesn't come free of cost. When you adopt a constitution you arbitrarily impose its law on other people who don't have a vote, including, those not yet born unless you allow interpretations to be modified in light of changing circumstances. Amendments are too difficult. If you don't allow interpretation, where is the freedom?

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell
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Re: Political Differences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 7:30 PM

You're a moron. If you want to worship kings and queens, move back to Britain. Maybe you and Piers Morgan can get the same flight.

I am willing to spend as much time as necessary to prove that you're an idiot. I expect the same from you.


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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Re: Political Differences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 8:28 PM

You are not worth the effort.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell
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Re: Political Differences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 8:33 PM

Your opinion doesn"t matter. You aren't an American. God save the queen.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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Re: Political Differences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 8:46 PM

That's what she said.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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Re: Political Differences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 9:49 PM

That's what we should have said before entering WWII.

I can assure you that you have not made a friend here, you cowardly piece of snot.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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In reply to #61

Re: Political Differences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 9:51 PM

Jeez......................................Go to bed.

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Re: Political Differences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 10:06 PM

My Kardashian cycle is off. I'm doing blood pressure medication, beer, beer, beer, and something else...I forgot the name.

Screw it. Passingtongreen has awakened a sleeping monster. I live to fight!

I wanna wake up as a lib tomorrow, but I'm afraid I'll lose.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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In reply to #63

Re: Political Differences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 10:13 PM

Oh God. Does that mean you have a fat ass and are spoiled and stooooooooopid?

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Re: Political Differences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 10:26 PM

No. It means that I have no ass, a huge head, and a bunch of clothes that don't fit.

It's disgusting.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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Re: Political Differences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 8:31 PM

Socialised medicine worked so well that I went to America.
Screw you pal.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/24/2014 9:24 PM

Move back and live under Sharia Law.

Have fun Billy!

Mr Obama has already told ISIS that they are a JV team. I made the mistake of looking at the chidren that have had their heads cut off. I'll provide links if you want.

There are really bad people out there.

I guess if we give up they will love us. Not.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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Re: Political Diferences for a Dual National

08/25/2014 11:11 AM

Hopefully you'll think twice before starting any more threads about Americans being a bunch of traitors to the king. I'll admit that it was enjoyable though.

Maybe keep these in the breakroom.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
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