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What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

Posted August 30, 2013 12:00 AM by CR4 Guest Author

If you've recently held an event or done some building work where you needed some traffic cones, you may be wondering what to do with them now their original purpose has been fulfilled. While it may be tempting to:

  • Wear them on your head in the style of a dunce's hat
  • Put two of them on your chest and pretend to be Madonna
  • Attempt to use them as giant vuvuzelas
  • Put them in random places around town to confuse people

…and other such hilarious things, there are actually plenty of uses for traffic cones that are actually, well, useful (or at least decorative). Here are some ideas:

Use Them for Family Sports Activities

There are lots of ways you can use your leftover traffic cones to set up markers to use in sports and games in your yard, or even in a public playing field, as it is easy to take the cones with you. They can become makeshift goalposts for a game of soccer, markers for the start and end of a race, or can be used to create an obstacle course. They can also be used to create serious training drills for soccer and basketball, where the player has to dribble the ball around turns and bends marked out by the cones. Professionals train using markers they have to get around, so if you have a budding David Beckham or LeBron James in your family they can really hone their skills using the cones to create new challenges.

Create Your Own Drivers' Ed Course

If one of your kids is learning to drive or you just want to play around in your own car, you can find some land where it is safe and set up your own driving course using your cones. You can practice reversing around bends, steering round windy corners, and all your least favorite driving maneuvers using the traffic cones to guide you. This can be a huge help for teens who are going through drivers' ed at the moment, giving them an extra chance to practice, but can be fun for anyone who likes driving their car. You can even turn it into a competition among friends to see who really is the best driver!

Turn Them Into Modern Art!

Whether you have a creative streak and want to do something really original with them, or simply want a fun painting and craft activity to do as a family, spraying those old cones and decorating them can be either a fun way to spend an afternoon, or the birth of some really unique pieces of art! While you may not associate traffic cones from a traffic safety and equipment company with avant garde art and design, with the right painting techniques and materials they can be turned into quirky yet attractive sculptures you can use in your garden. If this sounds a bit high brow, you could just spray or decorate them in bright colors for fun and use them as decorations for a garden party or other fun outdoor function - they are certain to get people talking!

Editor's Note: Today's feature author, Travis Finn, works with Bo Phillips, a company manufacturing a range of safety products in Georgia. He enjoys sharing his work and personal experiences online and he indulges in martial arts training during his free time.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

08/30/2013 1:06 AM

Make a toilet out of it!

or lamp

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

08/30/2013 7:53 AM



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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

08/30/2013 10:41 PM

Return them to the firm that you borrowed them from, they will be looking for them. Best to do at the same time you borrowed them, probably night. Hope they didn't miss them. If there were reports of accidents in the area that you borrowed them from, maybe leave them out with the neighbours garbage. You know the one I mean, first making sure that they are wiped clean first


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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

08/30/2013 11:28 PM

you can stand outside local bars and sell them!!

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

08/31/2013 8:03 AM

Put them on E-bay, they seem to sell for between $7 and $20. Or donate them to your local Emergency Management Agency, Police Dept., Fire Dept., etc.

I like the confuse drivers suggestion...remember some blocked off streets when I was a kid so we could do some racing!

Tom - "Hoping my ship will come in before the dock rots!"

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

08/31/2013 10:05 AM

Opps, wheels may have been set in motion......

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

08/31/2013 7:22 PM

I remember back in my high school days one of my idiot classmates like to drive over them at road construction places sending them scattering everywhere.

I always wanted to fill up a few of them with solid concrete and let the dumbass hit one or two of them going 40 - 50 MPH once.

That or take one of those pileon type ones with wide base and skinny body and fit of over a section of solid steel rod about 2 - 2 1/2" in diameter that was solidly anchored in the road bed and let him hit that!

I didn't like people messing with the road safety equipment back then and I don't like it now.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

08/31/2013 7:38 PM

agreed, road safety should not be messed with, but you want to fill a cone with concrete? IMHO.. double standards!

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

08/31/2013 9:39 PM

Well I didn't say I was perfect!

I did wipe out about half a mile of road markers and one sign some years ago when I was hauling a 16 foot wide swather home on my flatbed.

At one point the goons setting the markers had them so close together there was no way for my pickup and trailer to fit and stay on the remaining road. Same with their warning sign. that too was way to close to the traffic lane.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/02/2013 10:24 AM

We all grow up, and then before we even realize it............................ we turn into our fathers.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/02/2013 4:31 PM

Gawd no! I will fight it to my dying breath! (and hopefully for a moment longer than that.)

As far as general disregard for traffic laws he is worse than me.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/02/2013 4:36 PM

Yep, your turning into your father alright......... just a little more time.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/02/2013 10:12 PM

Actually since I moved up to my full class A CDL three years ago I tend to drive far more responsibly.

That and getting married two years ago means that most of my vehicles have a old hen alarm that goes off if I do anything that is even remotely questionable by her less than rational understanding of our real traffic rules.

Just coming back from town tonight I set it off four times. From her side of the car it looked like I was going over the speed limit, I accelerated too quickly, I took a turn too fast and I stopped too quickly as well. And all of that was before I even got out of my grandparents driveway.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/03/2013 7:13 AM

I have a (2) GPS units, One that works pretty good (This I can turn off), and one that works similar, (This one I can't find the off button).......

  • Oh, we're going this way!
  • I think you should have turned there!
  • Left! Left! Turn Left! As my GPS Navigational Unit is pointing Right.

I find that remaining calm and keep driving, and if it does turn out my GPS Navigational unit is right, I can always do a turn around.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/01/2013 3:16 PM

If you bought them through legal methods, the thought of donating them schools for events etc. is pretty good.

I also ran a highway dept in a small community we placed those irritating markers according to the Manual of Traffic Control Devices. They permitted my employees to safely move about a construction area and do whatever project they were there to do. Hopefully as effeciently and quickly as possible.

A 16' Swarther is an over width load and simply knocking them out of YOUR way may well put a human being in danger. The lack of respect so many folks using our Roads and Highways for their fellow man is amazing. Perhaps you would be pleased if someone of these guys drove wheelie circles in your productive fields. NOT Funny at all.

I had to resupply the Town with cones every year sometimes more often, due to stolen cones, that money spent to buy new ones, was your YOUR TAX Dollars, you are always whining about.


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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/01/2013 5:02 PM

Yes there are rules and regulations but when you have a half dozen high school kids placing them do you honestly think they care whether they put them down the middle of the right lane or the wrong one?

If someone complains what's the worst that can happen? They get paid again to walk along picking them up and moving them to where they were supposed to be which is far easier work that powering a shovel or broom all day.

As far as I know when doing roadside work on a divided 4 lane highway they do not need one and a half lanes of width to be taken up for an empty two mile stretch of a 5 mile work zone where the three miles they are working on only needs half a lane coned off.

Some half wit summer help goons started out putting the cones and related stuff in the wrong lane and that was all there was to it. Me and every semi driver just helped them see the ramifications of their error.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/03/2013 4:04 AM
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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/03/2013 6:48 AM

Del's night out:

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/04/2013 12:34 AM

I'd like to know how Vet's fit these things without being clawed to death;

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/04/2013 7:12 AM

The Cone of Shame.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/04/2013 8:29 AM

Stay curious...

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/03/2013 9:05 AM


I doubt you will ever become a responsible adult. Sorry just fact.

Contractors and state workers alike have to follow a marking scheme laid out by a Federal Publication on Interstates called The Manual of Traffic Control Devices, those early warnings they set out are set at a measured distance from to beginning of actual work. Mowing them over may be fun to your pre-adolecesent mind but they are not put there to amuse you.

I doubt you are any different than any other citizen, you pay taxes, gas and fuel taxes. Your stated behavior is a guarantee that they will just go up and up, to cover for your behavior. Good Job. But I for one am not impressed.


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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/05/2013 11:38 AM

"I doubt you will ever become a responsible adult. Sorry just fact."

Actually thats an opinion based on a very very limited knowledge and understanding of me.

Why all the negativity towards me anyway? What did I do to you?

Were they your traffic cones and sign I knocked over some 10 years ago? Was it your pinhead kids working a summer job who placed two miles of them in the wrong lane because they doesn't know left from right or north from south?

If you want to troll me go right ahead. I fight back and I do not pull punches or yield to disabled people having a pity party for themselves which I suspect that you are given your lengthy description of yourself under your avatar pic.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/05/2013 8:38 PM

Must have been the Lawn mower thread that pushed him over the edge

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/05/2013 11:39 PM

That could be. The experience damn near drove me over the edge.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/06/2013 12:17 AM

Those cones are placed there to save lives and forewarn drivers of an impending road disturbance. Have you ever seen the result of a road construction accident. I have. It is you lack of brains that make me respond such as I have. You would place someones life in jeopardy for some kind of juvenile fun.

A not too large municipality can spend thousands each year replacing those cones. Those are your dollars, and mine as well. Your arguement is just too foolish to continue on. I figured more adult answers on a site like this.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/06/2013 8:13 AM

Gee I was going to unsubscribe from this thread but now it's getting interesting...again. I know that's not being very adult, but heck I enjoy a good rant/azzkickin/argument/humor/childishness, as much as any other adult here.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/06/2013 9:07 AM


If I have to pull this car over and come back there I swear I will!


TCMTECH can't wait for step number 5

I just hope its not step Step number 2 TCMTECH would rather have

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/06/2013 1:13 PM

Step two! Bring it on!

This would not be the first time I had someone try and give me a spanking over a situation they did not know the full facts about. Also it wouldn't be the first time I had to knock the spanker on his butt and show him the error of his assumptions.

Wheelchair or not if I have to I will take his wiping stick away and put him over my knee. I don't discriminate.


Now really to be honest I have no clue what his big fuss is about. I have tried to be open and honest as to what happened and why. Some goon/s on a road crew put part of their safety gear out in the wrong lane one day and caused some temporary traffic problems for part of a day and I just happened to get caught in the middle of it. It was and is as simple as that.


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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/06/2013 12:47 PM

You are really not following what I am saying or the time lines involved are you?

To follow up I was on that same stretch of road two days later and that whole two mile run of cones and signs that were in the one lane were all over in the other like the rest of the 5 mile stretch of construction work was.

Plainly put I would suspect that some idiots apparently started at one end putting down the cones in the left lane and someone else did the same going from the other direction not thinking that being they were dropping them from the opposite direction they needed to be placing them in their perceived right lane.

If you think that every single road crew in the country has 100% highly skilled intelligent people capable of following directions or giving directions right the first time every time I think you need to see your doctor and have your head examined.

People of every profession including road construction make mistakes. Thats it.

BTW around here when they are going to be narrowing a road down to less than normal travel conditions they always post NARROW ROAD AHEAD. USE ALTERNATE ROUTE SIGNS.

This particular strip did not have those signs up and had the cones all been placed properly there would have been no need for anyone with a wide load to have to use a alternate route which I would have done without question if any signage saying so had been put up.

That's it. People make mistakes and someone on this particular road crew made a mistake in where they set things up.

If you were a real construction manager you would either know this unless you were one of those ego driven half wit ones who considered himself perfectly faultless (at absolutely everyone elses expense) and tossed your weight around making everyone who worked under you miserable. Of which if so I have strong suspicions that your caisson disease is charmas way of returning all those years of unjustified misery you dished out on the good people who worked under you for your own ego's sake back to its source.

Suffer in misery. In my highly limited experience of dealing with you I have been given strong suspicions that for my opinion of your illness you likely earned it!

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/05/2013 11:54 AM

"I doubt you will ever become a responsible adult. Sorry just fact."

I'm not defending tmctech, but I see doubt in your facts.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/06/2013 4:21 PM

You sir are the one jumping to false conclusions I only reacted to your words, knowing nothing of any other facts. Just your making fun of knocking traffic control cones out of your high and mighty way.

I have had plenty of fools stop and give the crew grief. They/we aren't there to simply get in your way. I detest sitting in a line of traffic on a hot summer day, god forbid the AC goes out. But I do not condemn the guys "trying" to make some sort of repair. We dealt with what we had. I remember a guy who drove over a flooded bridge when he was warned not to. He did make it, but the officer on the other side put him up for a few days at State expense.

I have seen a lot of fools, perhaps even you. We were just doing a job. If you have a bunch of traffic control cones, illegally gotten, just leave them at the gate of the maintenance yard, most will be marked with the owners name. They aren't there for the taking. AND for instance, it is stealing by any standard.

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/06/2013 4:43 PM

I don't believe the original article was written by someone that stole the cones!

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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/07/2013 11:42 PM

I didn't find much of anything he said to be related to the intended subject of the thread to be honest.

I could barely even relate it to my own comments related to what I did. Can't say I have ever stolen a traffic cone let alone any road safety device for that mater.

Out right and deliberate vandalism or theft is just not my thing.


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Re: What Should You Do With Left Over Traffic Cones

09/06/2013 6:21 PM

The whole topic may be moot. News has it that the things are becoming self-aware. We've all seen Terminator............

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